The Dragon’s Treasure: A Seven Kingdoms Tale 1

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The Dragon’s Treasure: A Seven Kingdoms Tale 1 Page 9

by S. E. Smith

  Drago rushed down the corridor. His hands opened wide and the door at the end opened. The bird disappeared through the opening and down the long spiral staircase. Drago followed as quickly as his human form would allow.

  On the lower level, the bird fluttered impatiently at the door at the end. It disappeared through the narrow iron bars across the rectangular opening. With another muttered spell, the door opened for Drago.

  He had descended almost a dozen flights of stairs before he saw the shimmer of a colorful light rising from the dark labyrinth toward him. His steps slowed as the bubble drifted closer to him. The paper bird fluttered around it, curious.

  “Come to me,” Drago ordered the bubble, holding out his hand to the floating apparition.

  The bubble twirled as a current of warm air brushed against it, gently pushing it closer. Drago’s fingers itched to grasp it, but he dared not. If the bubble broke before he could touch it, the message held inside would be lost. The staircases below the palace were a never ending maze, constructed and spelled to confuse any who tried to enter the treasure cavern far below. For those seeking it, only one staircase, taken in the correct sequence would lead them to the Dragon’s Treasure. All the other staircases would take the intruders on an unending search where they would be lost forever unless rescued by the King of the Dragons.

  Drago reached out both hands and cupped the bubble when it floated close enough. He opened his hands and stared down at the image locked inside. Carly was lying on one of the landings with her head resting on her arm. Ice crystals clung to her eyelashes and her lips held a tinge of blue. Fear gripped him. She could be anywhere in the maze.

  The paper bird must have felt the pull of Carly. It landed on his hand, hopped along his finger and peered at her slumbering form. Drago was about to issue a command when the bird pecked at the bubble. The translucent shape burst in a kaleidoscope of colorful sparkles.

  “Drago….” Carly’s faint voice, captured inside the sphere, called to him.

  “Where…?” Drago choked out.

  The paper bird, decorated by the remains of the magic from the bubble, shook and chirped before launching off of Drago’s finger. Time was of the essence. Shifting into his dragon, he plummeted off the edge of the steps after the tiny, now colorful bird.

  Chapter 12

  Drago weaved in and out between the maze of steps, cutting through tall, narrow doorways, following the paper bird as it sped through the deep cavern. Sweeping over a large boulder, Drago tucked his wings and rolled as they passed through another doorway. His stomach rubbed against the stone pillar, but he refused to let it deflect him from his mission.

  Nearly twenty minutes later, the bird passed through a large opening. Against the far wall, Drago could see the glowing light lying near Carly. Spinning upward, Drago swept past the bird that headed for Carly. He shifted, landing on the platform above her.

  He took the steps down two at a time. The paper bird chirped at him as it hopped onto Carly’s shoulder. Drago knelt next to Carly. He picked up her hand. Her slender fingers were almost blue. Leaning forward, he tenderly rolled her enough so that he could slide his arm under her and lift her up.

  Her head rolled and her cold nose touched his neck under his chin. He couldn’t feel her breathing. The tightness in his stomach grew along with the unfamiliar sensation of panic. He lifted her frozen fingers to his mouth and blew on them.

  “Drago…,” Carly moaned in a barely audible voice.

  “Ah, my little thief, what did you think you were doing?” Drago gently chided.

  “I left you a note,” she said in a voice that slurred. “You… need… an….”

  “What do I need, little thief?” Drago asked, holding her closer to his warm body.

  His breath caught when she didn’t answer. The paper bird landed on Carly’s knee and chirped at him. He drew in a deep breath and nodded.

  “Yes, I need to get her warm,” Drago agreed.

  His body shimmered. One second Drago was holding Carly; the next, a dragon was. They were one and the same, both determined to protect the fragile creature who was quickly capturing their hearts with her fierce personality.

  Drago grunted to the paper bird. It took off first, its tiny, delicate wings fluttering madly to lead the way back to the upper levels. Unwilling to chance dropping or harming Carly, Drago murmured the spell, causing the ground to open up as he flew upward until Carly, the paper bird and he burst through to the courtyard and out into the fading sunlight.

  He rose even higher until he reached the balcony of his living quarters. Shifting even as he landed, he tightly cradled Carly’s unconscious form against his body. He decided the best way to warm her was in the large bathing pool in the bathing chamber. The doors opened at his command and he walked through to the bedroom.

  Gently laying Carly down, he methodically removed her boots before removing her jacket and the tunic he had given her this morning. His fingers paused for a moment on the waist of her pants before he muttered a curse under his breath and removed those, along with her pink panties. Once she was undressed, Drago removed his own clothing. Worried that her breathing was too shallow, he shot a glance at the fireplace. His fist clenched for a moment before opening. With a flick of his wrist, he tossed the fireball in his hand at the fireplace. Flames flared in a brilliant display of colors, igniting the enchanted wood.

  The room would quickly warm with the fire. Returning his attention to Carly, he gently picked her up and cradled her in his arms once again. Her body was icy and her skin a pale, unnatural shade of blue.

  “I will not lose you, Carly,” Drago said in a quiet voice. “I cannot lose you.”

  Drago crossed the room and into the bathing chamber. He stepped over the side of the deep bath and down the steps. The sensors imbedded in the pool flashed and jets of warm water began to fill the large tub. Drago used the controls on the side to adjust the water until he was satisfied with the heat level.

  He sank down onto one of the built in seats and held Carly close to his body. A soft whimper escaped her when the water swirled around her feet and moved up her legs. Drago held her when she jerked and tried to escape the warm water. Her fingers moved against his skin, as if she were trying to clutch at him but couldn’t quite get her fingers to work properly. It wasn’t until the water swirled around their waists that she melted back against him and quit trying to fight him. A low groan escaped both of them, the sounds of their voices blending in harmony with the intense feelings coursing through them. For Carly, it was her body beginning to defrost. For Drago, it was the feel of Carly’s body pressed against his own.

  “What am I going to do with you, my little thief?” Drago asked in a quiet, remorseful tone. “I have been alone for far too long, Carly. The thought of losing you is more than I wish to bear.” Drago relaxed against the seat. “I will tell you a story, one that you will not remember and one that I have never shared with anyone else. Perhaps, this is the best time to tell you since I am not sure I would share it otherwise,” he reflected with a wry smile, rubbing his thumb along her arm. “It is the story of my people… and myself.”

  Chapter 13

  Pain radiated throughout every nerve ending in Carly’s body. She swore even the ends of her hair hurt, which was ridiculous since hair had no pain receptors. She couldn’t remember ever being so cold in her life.

  When Drago’s warm hand touched her, all Carly wanted to do was snuggle against him. The sound of his voice had washed through her numb body, slowly penetrating the fog that had wrapped around her mind. She had been unable to silence the moan of pain that escaped her. The heat from his body felt like it was searing her. At the same time, she was reluctant to move for fear she was just imagining that he had found her.

  Her memories of him picking her up, talking to someone, chiding her, and their journey back to his living quarters were interspersed with periods of darkness. She liked the darkness because then she couldn’t feel the agonizing fire licking at
her skin. Carly was vaguely aware when he laid her down on the bed. She had wanted to turn over and curl up, but Drago had started tugging at her clothing. Her lips parted to protest – she would surely freeze more quickly without them – but it had been too much of an effort and she had allowed the darkness to swallow her once again.

  That darkness had begun to fade the moment she felt the warm water strike her like the sparks from a welder’s torch. She had immediately noticed two things: she was alive; and Drago felt utterly wonderful with his warm, strong, and naked body against hers. There was no way she was going to burst this bubble in case she was still unconscious. She much preferred this fantasy to the reality of the endless staircase.

  Carly relaxed against Drago when the pain began to fade. The warm water bubbled around them, melting the ice that had sunk deep into her bones. She relished the feel of Drago’s thumb brushing against her skin.

  Remaining still, she listened to his heartbeat under her ear. Above the sound of the water, his deep voice rang clear in the large bathroom. Carly listened when he began talking.

  “The dragons are among the oldest peoples of the Seven Kingdoms – only those of the elements are older. Next came the people of the sea, followed by magic, then the monsters and giants… and then there are the pirates – the outcasts of the Seven Kingdoms. They, especially their king Ashure Waves, are a pain in everyone’s backside but brilliant opponents when it comes to bartering – and stealing. The old archives say that our world formed after a fight between the Goddess and her mate. In her rage, she split the world in half, leaving her mate to rule one world while the Goddess ruled over this one,” he explained, stroking his hand over her bare arm.

  Unable to pretend she was still unconscious, Carly tilted her head back and gazed up at Drago. She could visualize so clearly his description of this world’s riveting beginnings. He turned his head to look down at her. His hand rose and he drew a damp finger along her still pale cheek.

  “Why did you leave me?” Drago demanded in a voice thick with an emotion Carly wasn’t sure she understood.

  Carly frowned and shook her head. “I was planning on coming back. I needed to let Jenny know what happened to me. We’re like sisters. If she were to disappear, I’d never stop looking for her,” she said, running her hand up his chest and laying it over his heart. “I promise… I was coming back. I couldn’t leave you alone again.”

  Drago reached over, gripped her hand, and pulled it to his lips. Carly watched him press a kiss to the back of her fingers. A swell of emotions rushed through her – compassion, warmth, hope, determination, and something else – the beginning of love. Her eyes widened at the thought that this was a man she could fall in love with. For a brief second, she swore she saw tiny glittering red threads weaving around their entwined hands.

  “Drago….” Carly blinked and shook her head. “Tell me more about your world,” she requested, laying her head back against his chest.

  Drago regained her hand and began speaking again. “First came the elements: earth, wind, fire, water, and sky. The Goddess created elementals to control them and created the Isle of Elements for them. Next, the Goddess created dragons. We were born from the fire that burned in her heart for the creatures she loved so much. She created the Dragon’s Heart, a powerful red diamond that contains a part of her. The Dragon’s Heart captures the very essence of who we are and gifts us the ability to change forms,” he said, rubbing her hand against his heart.

  “What happens if you lose it?” Carly asked, tilting her head back to look up at him.

  Drago paused, deep in thought before he continued. “The Seven Kingdoms will cease to exist,” he replied with a shake of his head. “Each ruler was given a gift from the Goddess. Ours was a piece of her heart. It is the responsibility of each kingdom to protect the gift they were given – at all costs. The dragons received the Dragon’s Heart, the elementals were given the Gem of Power, the sea people the Eyes of the Serpent, and so forth. Each contains a part of the Goddess,” he explained.

  “So, what happens if one person has all the pieces?” Carly asked with a frown.

  Carly knew from the sudden stillness in Drago’s body that it wouldn’t be a good thing. His expression hardened with anger and his lips tightened. A shiver shook her frame, drawing him back from whatever dark thoughts he was having.

  “Whoever controls all the pieces, controls the Goddess and the fate of the Seven Kingdoms. If one piece is destroyed, it would be a mortal wound to the Goddess – and the death of our world,” he finally said.

  “What exactly happened to your people, Drago?” Carly asked, sitting up to gaze back at him.

  “If you are feeling well enough, I will show you,” he replied in a quiet voice.

  Carly nodded, then bit back a groan when she felt him move under her. She felt like an idiot for forgetting that they were both naked… in a bathtub together… and she was sitting on his lap.

  Only I could blow such a perfect opportunity, she silently berated herself. “That’s it, I’ve pissed off someone in a past life and I’m destined to end up having to live on erotic dreams and my battery operated boyfriend for the rest of eternity.”

  “I will make sure that your erotic dreams are fulfilled and when you come, it will be by my hand – and more. Though I do find the idea of watching you reach orgasm by your own hand very pleasing,” Drago replied, turning to gaze down at her with an expression of amusement in his eyes.

  “I said that last part out loud, didn’t I?” she groaned, her face flaming with embarrassment and her body suddenly overheated.

  “Yes,” Drago chuckled.

  Carly looked at him in resignation when he held out his hand to her. She couldn’t hide under the bubbling water forever. Self-conscious about her weight, she reluctantly slipped her hand into his and stood up. She started to run her hand down over her stomach, but the heat shimmering in his gaze stopped her.

  “You make my blood boil with desire, Carly. I want you, little thief,” he informed her in a tone touched with awe.

  “I….” Carly paused and licked her lips. “I’m not a thief,” she whispered.

  Drago bent down and brushed a kiss across her lips. Carly leaned up to meet him halfway. Her body exploded with desire and the hand that had moved down to her stomach reached out instead, wrapping around his pulsing cock.

  Drago pulled back with a hissing breath. The flames that had been dancing in his eyes now turned into a raging inferno. Carly swallowed. Her eyes widened even as her hand tightened around him.

  “Yes, you are. You have…,” his voice faded and he looked down.

  Carly followed his gaze. He was looking down at where she was holding him. Instead of being embarrassed or shy at her current faux pas, she felt empowered by his reaction to her. Stepping closer to him, she raised his hand to her breast.

  “I want you, Drago,” she said, refusing to look away.

  “What I claim, I do not give away nor let go, Carly,” Drago reminded her.

  Carly felt Drago’s hand splay over her breast. The water churned around her thighs, stroking her sensitive flesh. Her hand moved along his swollen shaft to the head. She might technically still be a virgin, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t read her share of erotica romances, watched a few late night videos, or had her own personal battery operated boyfriend. Even she realized when she was being offered a chance of a lifetime. She might be clumsy, she might occasionally behave like an idiot, but she wasn’t going to look a gift-dragon in the face and turn him away.

  “I claimed you, remember?” she replied in a slightly broken voice.

  Drago’s eyes widened in surprise before his lips curved into a smile. Carly felt his left hand sliding down her arm and around her back even as his right hand kneaded her breast. She took another step closer when he wrapped his arm around her and drew her closer to him.

  “Yes, I remember,” he said before he bent and captured her lips in a deep kiss that made her forget about everything

  Carly released him, and her hand slid up his arm until she could wrap it around his neck. She rose up when his left hand dropped to her buttock and he firmly massaged it. Deciding two could play the teasing game, she slid her right hand down and caressed his ass while rubbing against him. A startled gasp escaped her when he pulled away and lifted her up in his arms.

  “Drago, put me down! You’ll…,” Carly started to protest when he stepped out of the water.

  “If you want to dry off, you’d better grab a towel as we walk by; otherwise, expect to get the sheets very wet,” he interrupted.

  Carly giggled and reached for the towels on the shelf when he swept by it. She pulled the towel over his shoulder and against her chest. A moment later, she was standing next to the bed and the towel was now in his hands and he was….

  “Oh yes!” Carly breathed, her eyes lighting up when he caressed her aching breasts with the towel, then bent to suck on her nipples. “You are making me wet again.”

  “It will give me a reason to dry you off,” Drago teased, sinking down to one knee. “…here.”

  Carly’s hands shot out and she gripped Drago’s broad shoulders. Her breath hiccupped and her eyes glazed with pleasure when he leaned forward and she felt his warm breath against her. For a moment, she wished that she shaved between her legs, but that thought faded into a haze of pleasure when Drago tugged on her soft brown curls. Her legs immediately parted in anticipation.

  “Drago,” Carly begged.

  “I’ve decided I like you wet,” he replied in a rough voice.

  Carly melted when he suddenly stood and gently guided her back to the bed. She sat down, scooted up a little, and sank back. Her gaze never moved from his. When his hand slid up the inside of her right leg, she opened for him again.

  “A dragon is a very tactile creature,” he informed her in a silky tone.


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