A Royal Decision (Princes of Prynesse Book 2)

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A Royal Decision (Princes of Prynesse Book 2) Page 5

by Daphne James Huff

  “And with Yannick,” Helena waggled her eyebrows, and Stella’s blush deepened. Anton snapped his head towards his sister, brows furrowed.

  “Yes, well, call me about the yoga!” Stella said briskly. With a wave, she turned to walk back down the cobblestone street towards the city center and her office building.

  “Goodbye,” he called lightly, hand in the air in a silent wave she didn’t see. She’d rushed off without a proper goodbye, and he was surprised at how much he had been looking forward to it.

  He turned to look at his sister who once again had that smug look on her face.

  “How many dates has she been on?” he grumbled as he followed her into the car. Helena had the nerve to laugh.

  “Does it matter if it’s one or one hundred?” she teased, settling down across from him. “You’re not together. Officially, you never were. Did you think she’d go be a nun just because she didn’t want to put up with your faffing about anymore?”

  He crossed his arms over his chest. Why did he care so much?

  I don’t.

  “You are so goddamn annoying, you know that?” he spat at his sister. When he saw the tiny flinch behind her wide smile, he instantly regretted his tone. They weren’t teenagers anymore. He should stop being so mean to her. She’d come here to help him today, after all.

  “Only because you know I’m right,” she said softly as she crossed her arms and looked out the window, closing off any further conversation.

  He opened his mouth to try to apologize, but couldn’t think of what to say. A tired sigh escaped his lips for what felt like the hundredth time that day. He wished he could go back in time and un-invite Helena to today’s meeting. Though if he was being honest with himself, he wanted to go back in time a lot farther than that.

  Chapter 10

  Despite the nasty winter weather and the lingering feeling she was getting a cold, Stella was determined to make it to yoga class that night. There had been more work this week than the past two Januarys combined, and she’d barely been able to keep her head above water. At the last minute, she sent Helena a text asking if she could join her for the 6pm class. Seeing the princess arrive with her mat two minutes before it started released some of the pressure that had been building in her chest the past few days.

  “I really need this today,” Helena whispered as they took spots in the back of the crowded room. Neither the teacher nor the other students seemed to notice she was there. An alert young woman in a dark suit by the door was the only indication of her royal status. “It’s been so crazy this week.”

  “Me too.” Stella smiled, eager to chat to someone other than her colleagues for the first time in days, but the teacher was calling their attention to begin class.

  Over the course of an intense fifty minutes, Stella felt a lightness slowly take over her body. Her mood improved even more when Helena suggested they grab a quick cappuccino before they both headed back into work.

  “The clients, the charities, my parents.” Helena shook her head as she took a sip from her cup. The cafe was quiet for a mid-week evening, the first diners only just starting to arrive. “It’s like they all woke up Monday and decided they needed everything done three weeks ago.”

  “Exactly!” Stella sighed. “I don’t know what it is about the end of January. People think they need to finish all their plans for the year in the first month.”

  Helena nodded.

  “I feel terrible that you have to do so much for the engagement party,” she said, her brow furrowed. “I didn’t know January would be so crazy for you, too.”

  Stella shrugged.

  “It’s fine. The distraction is good.”

  Distraction was an understatement. Now that the invitations had been sent off Alix checked in almost daily, giving endless suggestions and ending everything with “But do whatever you think is best, I trust you.”

  “Has Anton been much help? You don’t have to see him. Just tell him to deal with Katarina, the palace staff, all of that.”

  Stella shook her head.

  “Honestly, I haven’t asked him for much. It seems faster and easier to just do it myself.”

  Helena pursed her lips but remained silent.

  “Could I ask you for help with something?” Stella gripped her cappuccino cup tightly with both hands. She stared into its amber depths looking for a bit of extra courage. She took a deep breath. “Do you think you could come tomorrow for the menu tasting? It’s the one thing Anton and I both need to be there for. I’m worried he’ll be distracted like he was the other day. He barely made a comment on the invitations. Thank goodness you were there.”

  Stella looked up to see Helena shaking her head softly. Her heart fell into her stomach.

  “I wish I could,” Helena said, a slight frown on her face. “But there’s a huge event at the children’s hospital. I really need to be there.”

  It had been too optimistic to think she could save her twice from being alone with Anton. Stella took another deep breath.

  “Has Anton already asked you the same thing?” Her eyes were back on her cup.

  Stella didn’t have to look up to hear the smile in Helena’s voice.

  “No, but he may have forgotten about it. Why don’t you send him a message?”

  Stella bit her lip. This was for Alix. She wasn’t asking to see him for anything other than help with the party. Things were still over. Helena had let slip the dates with Yannick and Xavier, so Anton should already know that she was moving on with her life.

  She let out her breath in a whoosh and looked up at Helena and nodded. The shadow of a smirk lingered on the princess’s lips, halfway hidden as she took a sip from her cup.

  Chapter 11

  As Stella waited at the empty table in the busy restaurant, her stomach was rumbling with more than just hunger.

  It the same restaurant that she’d been to on her date with Xavier, which hadn’t quite ended the way she’d hoped. He’d accompanied her home, walking her all the way to the front door. She was chatting in what she thought was a friendly way, thinking how nice it would be to finally give into the desire to sleep she’d been fighting throughout the boring evening. When they reached her door, he leaned in for what she’d thought was a kiss on the cheek, but he’d gone for her lips. She’d instantly regretted how nice and smiling she’d been all evening. His tight grip on her arms and the words he’d whispered made it clear he’d thought her attention promised more.

  She’d been on the verge of leaning into the kiss, the five glasses of wine making a night with someone new seem like a good idea, when the door opened.

  It was Jean-Michel, her parents’ longtime butler and cook, who had been leaving for the night. Xavier had left without another word, and hadn’t called in the weeks that followed. It had been a relief at the time.

  But now she cringed at the memory, realizing how obvious it should have been that he’d only wanted her for one thing. When he hadn’t gotten it, he forgot about her, just like every other guy on the planet. Even Anton.

  It seemed Anton had forgotten about the menu tasting as well, despite the two messages Stella had sent after saying goodbye to Helena the previous evening.

  Don’t forget, Chez Pierre tomorrow for the tasting at 8.

  She’d been in the office most of the evening and didn’t notice he hadn’t answered until she was on her way home. She was too tired to spend any energy thinking about it, but she’d been distracted all day at work thinking he might not show up.

  Tonight. 8. Tasting. Seriously, be there or I’ll tell Helena and Duncan.

  She knew better than to think that the threat of an angry Helena would really mean anything to him, but she knew he wouldn’t want to upset Duncan.

  After apologizing to the chef twice for the delay, he finally appeared at 8:30, a bit breathless but impeccably dressed and infuriatingly handsome.

  “I didn’t see the time,” he said, sliding into the chair across from her.

waited a brief second for an apology. When it didn’t come, she cleared her throat.

  “Well, you’re here now, let’s get started,” she said with a small smile. “Everything going well then for the show?”

  He nodded, unfolding his napkin carefully.

  “I should be able to finish soon,” he said, his eyes meeting her with an intense, lingering stare. “I just need a little inspiration.”

  She blinked and looked down at her empty plate, trying to still the sudden thumping of her heart.

  Well you’re not going to get it from me.

  They were approached by a waiter with several plates of food, saving her from needing to think of a response she could actually say out loud. The chef came out and stood next to the table as they tasted them all, taking notes on their reactions and comments. They thankfully seemed to agree on most of the dishes. Maybe this evening wouldn’t be so bad.

  The chef left to prepare the next course and let them digest a little. Stella took a palate-cleansing sip of wine, wishing there had been a larger table available. Their knees were almost touching under the table. Anton moved to cross his legs and one brushed against hers.

  “Sorry,” he said, the hint of a smile appearing. She blushed as she felt an unexpected rush of heat start to spread from the point of contact. Her body didn’t seem to have gotten the message that things were over.

  Her heart began to beat faster as he leaned over, mouth open to speak, when suddenly a man approached the table. They both turned to look, but while Stella’s brow furrowed at the handsome stranger, Anton’s mouth split into a wide smile.

  “Peter!” He stood to take the tall blond man in an embrace. “I didn’t know you were in town.”

  “Just for a few meetings,” he said. “All work. I didn’t think I’d have time for fun, or I’d have called you.”

  Anton introduced him as a friend from university, living in London. Stella’s eyebrows shot up when she heard he worked in finance.

  “Stella is a family friend,” he said, looking her way with a devilish sparkle in his eye. “She’s a brilliant financial analyst at VDN bank.”

  She flushed, not quite understanding where this sudden praise had come from. She was far from brilliant but wasn’t about to argue with him.

  “One of my people,” Peter said with a wink, taking the empty chair Anton had waved over from a passing waiter. “Hope it’s not too difficult these days, what with the situation in Geneva. How have you all been preparing for the new law?”

  Stella was thrilled to have someone eager to listen to her thoughts on the topic, but kept glancing over at Anton. He seemed to be genuinely interested as well. He asked appropriate questions, revealing knowledge of the field that she’d never suspected. Why had he spent two years giving her the impression he knew nothing about her work?

  When the waiter and chef arrived with the next course, Peter stood, briefly touching Stella on the arm as he moved aside to allow them to set the plates on the table. She noticed Anton’s eyes flash and narrow. She let a bubble of satisfaction run through her before quickly quashing it. You don’t care, she reminded herself.

  “Well, I’ll let you get back to your meal.” He touched her arm briefly again with a warm smile. “Stella, it was lovely meeting you. Perhaps we’ll cross paths again.”

  He reached out across the table to take Anton’s hand. A muscled twitched in Anton’s cheek, and his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes.

  Once Peter left, Anton slid into his empty chair to sit next to Stella. Her breath caught in her throat at the sudden closeness of him.

  “I haven’t told you yet how beautiful you look tonight.”

  Stella closed her eyes briefly and took a deep breath, trying to find the inner peace she worked so hard to achieve in every yoga class.

  “I’ve been meaning to ask you something.” His voice was silky and soft. Every nerve of her body was suddenly on edge. In the past, that question usually ended with a request to use a new toy.

  “Oh?” She kept her voice steady.

  “Exactly how many dates have you been on since we were last together?”


  He shrugged, but his eyes never left hers. His leg shifted slightly, pressing into hers. She kept her gaze on the room around them, wondering if anyone else could hear her struggle to breath normally.

  “Just wondering if they treated you well.”

  She turned her head to him, her eyes narrowed. Her breath caught in her throat at the intensity of his stare.

  It had been two years, but she’d never even come close to thinking the word. Suddenly, she was overcome with the feeling. Love. Her heartbeat sped up at the mere thought of the word. His questions, the way he was really listening to her, the sudden jealousy, the little gestures that showed his attention was completely on her… What did it mean? Had this been why she retreated in the first place? She didn’t want to admit how deep her feelings ran?

  As his hand closed over hers underneath the table, his dark eyes bore into hers from under hooded lids. She felt a flush rise to her face. The table was next to a wall; the cloth was long and dark, his actions totally hidden from the world. She licked her lips and shifted slightly in her seat, her thighs pressing together. She felt his fingers release her hand and slowly slide up her thigh and under the hem of her skirt. His eyes never left hers as he gently pulled down the edge of her stocking to caress the soft skin underneath.

  “I bet none of your dates tried that,” he whispered, his face inches from her ear. She bit her lip, wanting to lie to make him even more jealous than he already was. But all desire for subterfuge disappeared when she looked into his eyes. She could read it in his face: the pure desire he had for her. She was sure her own was just as obvious.

  “Nothing happened with any of them,” she said softly, not breaking away from his intense stare. “Not even a kiss.”

  A slow smile spread across his face. She closed her eyes again, steeling herself against the growing tangle of emotions within her. She didn’t want him to think she’d been missing him too much. She shifted her leg away from his hand and tossed her hair over her shoulder.

  “I think I’m ready for the next course. Could you let the waiter know?”

  He leaned in even closer, looking more enthralled than disappointed by her attempt to rebuff him.

  “I’m pretty sure the next course is dessert.”

  In an instant, the battle inside of her was lost. She needed him, wanted him, even if she’d just get hurt in the end. The pull was too strong, her growing emotions impossible to ignore.

  She’d thought the break would get him out of her system. She had gone out with other men and tried to find someone interesting. But had she really tried that hard? How could anyone compare to this new version of Anton she was seeing? One that actually seemed interested in more than just her body, yet also turned her on so hot she was about to melt into a puddle right there in the middle of one of Prynesse’s busiest and best restaurants.

  As the waiter approached with a variety of desserts, she felt his hand slide back onto her thigh under the table.

  “Let’s just pick the tiramisu and leave,” came his whispered suggestion.

  She could still say no. Remind him of all the reasons she’d said it just a few months ago. She didn’t have to let him know how hard he was making it on her.

  She opened her mouth not knowing what would come out until the single word passed her lips in a breathless rush.


  Chapter 12

  His hands were everywhere, feeling every single part of her as if for the first time. His lips hungrily met hers, crushing their mouths together. His breath came out in quick, ragged bursts in between frantic kisses.

  God, he’d missed her so much. The shape of her body fit perfectly into his own as he pressed her against the wall next to the door. He didn’t plan on making it to the bedroom. Hell, he was about to come right here in his pants if she bit his ear like that again.

  He had to make her stay. He couldn’t lose her again. He’d been so stupid, so careless. She was his muse. Nothing worked without her. He needed her to finish the show. But right now he needed her to finish him.

  He broke their embrace long enough to rip off his jacket and start working on removing his shirt. He let out a frustrated huff at the endless buttons. Her hands were suddenly on his and she pulled it open, buttons flying in every direction. Her hands were on his body in an instant. His mouth went to her neck as his hands wrapped around her back, searching for the zipper he knew must be there somewhere. When he found it, he stopped. He waited.

  She looked up at him, panting with desire. He began to pull the zipper down slowly, slowly, loving the sound of her breath catching in her throat. He could hear her heart thundering in her chest, matching the frenzied rhythm of his own.

  Finally, the zipper was down. She pulled off the dress and let it pool around her feet to reveal a simple combination of black bra and panties. No lace; nothing fancy. Not even a garter to meet the edge of her thigh high stockings. Compared to the outfits he’d seen her in over the past few years, this was so tame, so simple.

  It was sexy as hell.

  “I hadn’t expected anything to happen tonight.” Her words were barely above a whisper; she was still trying to catch her breath. “I’m sorry it’s nothing special.”

  “You’re perfect,” he said and meant it with every fiber of his being. He didn’t want any of the complicated getups. He just wanted – needed – her. He wrapped his hands around her and drew her in to a kiss that was deeper and slower than before. He reveled in the taste of her, the feel of her mouth against his.

  He had been planning on taking it slow now that the rush of the first kiss was over, working along the line of her panties with a finger, teasing, touching. He worked them down slowly, kissing her legs through the soft silk of her stockings as he went. He drew himself up to enjoy the feel of her trembling legs as he kissed and nipped his was towards her hot center.


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