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When You Dare

Page 6

by Lori Foster

  Shoving away from the window and the beat-up red Ford truck he’d been watching, he stalked to her chair, pulled it from the table so he could get behind her, and said, “Let me have it.”

  Twisting around to stare up at him, she asked, “What?”

  “The comb.” He took it from her hand. “You’re just yanking through the tangles.”

  Her eyes widened at him. “Because it’ll take all day otherwise.”

  “You need to learn some patience.” Lifting a hank of hair, he started at the bottom and used his fingers to separate the biggest tangles, then eased the comb through, working his way up until that hank of hair was smooth. When he finished, he went on to the next section.

  Frozen, too quiet, Molly never objected when the comb snagged and pulled. He needed to get her talking again. Before they left the room, he wanted to know as much about her as he could.

  “You mentioned a boyfriend.”


  That implied a conflict—possibly big enough to account for an abduction and deliberate mistreatment? “Tell me what happened.”

  She shrugged. “He wanted me to buy him rims for his car. I refused. We argued, and…things just fell apart.”

  Unable to imagine that, Dare frowned. “Why would he want you to buy him rims?”

  One shoulder lifted. “I’d gotten a big check from the movie deal, so I guess he figured I could afford it.” She tilted her head around to see him. “He wasn’t the only one who thought I should have been bestowing gifts. Actually, just about everyone thought I should share.”

  “I don’t know about everyone, but your boyfriend sounds like an ass.”

  “Ex.” Her laughter surprised him. “And I guess he is. But I didn’t know that until my career took off. Before that, he was generous and fun. It’s not like he’s a pauper himself. Adrian owns a bar, and it does pretty good.”

  With the back of her hair now smooth, Dare moved to her side. “So, just out of the blue, he asked you to buy him things?”

  “Sort of.”

  He watched her profile as he worked through the tangles and saw her chin tighten in memory.

  “We were heading home after lunch, and he pulled into this specialty shop, saying he wanted to look at some things. Car stuff bores me, but I went in and waited around while he and a salesman talked for what felt like forever. Then he came over to me and showed me the rims he wanted.” She shook her head. “I know nothing about rims, so I just oohed and aahed over them, you know?”

  Dare nodded. “Patronized him.”

  “Well… Yes, I guess.”

  Dare didn’t fault her for that. “And?”

  “He told me he couldn’t afford them. So I asked why we were there, then, and he got frustrated with me.”

  Molly Alexander was an upfront, tell-it-like-it-is kind of woman. Subterfuge would be wasted on her. Imagining it almost made Dare smile. “You weren’t picking up on his cues.”

  “Apparently not.” She moved suddenly, saying, “Really, Dare, I could finish this.”

  He held the comb out of her reach. “You had your chance.” He liked to finish what he started. And besides, he was sort of enjoying it.

  Resigned, Molly crossed her legs and arms and shrugged.

  Prompting her, Dare said, “You argued over the rims? There at the shop?”

  “More or less. When he flat out said that I could afford them, and he wanted them, I just laughed. I mean, what do I want with rims? It’s not so much that he asked me to buy him things, but how he did it. Just…demanding almost. And then he got furious, causing a big scene.”

  Dare shook his head.

  “It was ridiculous and embarrassing, and when I told him to knock it off, he stormed out.”

  “Must have been an uncomfortable ride home.” Although he figured that in most situations, Molly could hold her own.

  She snorted. “I wouldn’t know. I took a cab.”

  “He left without you?”

  “He was still railing when I left the store to follow him, so I refused to get in the car until he calmed down. Calming down wasn’t his priority, so, yeah, he left me standing there.” She let out a long breath. “And for me, that was that. Later, Adrian tried apologizing, but I’m not big on public humiliation.”

  “Few people are.”

  “There’d been little things before then, and it all added up. The scene in the car shop was enough for me to realize how his true colors had begun to show once I started making more money with my writing. I made a choice not to be used.”

  At least she hadn’t been in love with him, Dare thought. A woman in love didn’t let a few money disagreements, regardless of how unpleasant they might be, end things. “All done.”

  She ran a hand over her hair, then looked at the small pile of hair on the table, comprised of the knots they’d pulled free and had to remove from the comb.

  “Looks like we killed a rat.”

  He almost smiled—and his cell rang. While he answered the call from Chris, Molly tidied up again, then took the brush he’d bought and went into the bathroom. He heard the blow-dryer turn on with a loud whir. She closed the door to spare him the noise.

  “What do you have for me, Chris?”

  “Your ticket, plus one, leaving SDM in three hours on a private Beechjet with seating for seven. I know that’s quick, but you said ASAP, right? Can you make that okay?”

  Chris knew to always lead with the details. “You checked out the pilots?”

  “Yup. Squeaky-clean records for both of them.”

  “Then, yeah, we’ll be there.”

  “One of the pilots gave me his number, so take it down just in case. He said with what you’re paying him, he can be flexible.”

  Dare shook his head. Chris took far too much enjoyment in spending his money. After he’d written down the pilot’s name and cell number and stowed the paper in his pocket, Dare decided to clue Chris in. “Just so you know, I’m bringing plus one home with me.”

  Chris fell silent, but it didn’t last long. “No shit? A girl?”

  “Woman.” Dare again looked out at the parking lot. The truck was gone, but he didn’t trust it. He sensed they were being watched, and he fucking well didn’t like it.

  “And you’re bringing her here?”

  Yeah, unheard of. He’d kept his home sacrosanct from his business, but…“It’s complicated.” Molly was nowhere near ready to travel yet. The long trip back to Kentucky would be grueling for her. But right now, it was the only way he knew to keep her safe until he got things figured out. “She’s hiring me to protect her.”

  “From what?”

  Dare dropped the curtain and looked toward the bathroom door. He pictured her in there, worn out but determined to get her hair dried. She was an enigma with a huge problem.

  He shook his head, more at himself than for any other reason. “Honestly, Chris, I wish to hell I knew.”


  WHEN MOLLY EMERGED looking like a different woman, Dare did a double take. Her hair was…really nice; not the plain brown he’d assumed but a light brown with red and gold highlights that looked natural instead of salon-created.

  Seeing it semi-fixed, soft and curling around her face, altered her appearance drastically, giving her a very feminine edge that was only enhanced by the vulnerability still visible from her bruises and tiredness.

  Who knew a woman’s hair played such a major role in her looks?

  It was, Dare supposed, one of the many secrets to female routines. Not that he had a lot of experience with that, since he’d never been involved with any one woman long enough to dwell on her personal-grooming habits.

  With the limited means at hand, Molly’s hair was far from polished, hanging loose and shining to just below her shoulders. As Dare stared at her, she tucked one side behind her ear.

  To cover his surprise, Dare said, “We’re flying out in three hours.”

  Her eyes flared. “Okay. But…going where, exactly?”

>   As if he dragged home rescue victims on a regular basis, Dare shrugged. “My place, first. I have a few things I have to do at home. Then I’ll accompany you to your place.”

  Taking his words like a blow, she went to the bed and gingerly sat at the edge. “Oh. Okay.”

  “I’ll be with you.”

  She tried a smile that fell flat.

  “Molly. You have to go back to your place sooner or later, right?”

  “Of course I do.” She put her shoulders back in telling reaction. “I need to talk with my editor and agent. I have…plants to water.” She chewed her lip. “I need my flash drives and my own clothes and…” She shook her head. “Going back will be good.”

  Had she considered refusing? Dare frowned, then retrieved the first-aid kit from his bag. Given his line of work, he carried a more extensive supply of medicines and bandages than what was found in an average first-aid kit. He dragged a chair over and turned it to face her.

  When he sat, he looked at her and saw again that she avoided his gaze. “That’s it? Wholehearted acceptance, but no questions?”

  She inhaled, expanding that impressive chest so that she filled out the oversized shirt. Her gaze skittered up to meet his. “You don’t seem real forthcoming with information, and I don’t want to do anything to make you regret your decision to stick with me.”

  An upfront answer. He should have known where her thoughts had taken her. “You think you’ve been a big imposition?”

  She eyed the first-aid kit warily, but didn’t mention it. “If not for me, you’d already be home, right? Instead, you had to deal with me and my problems. I don’t like being dependent on anyone, and I really don’t like putting you out.”

  “Since we’re flying out today, I was only delayed one night. And if you mean the clothes and food—”

  “Well, that and…” Her tongue flicked over her bottom lip with nervousness. “Sleeping with you.”

  There was that. “You had a nightmare. Don’t worry about it.”

  She glanced up and away. “Logically I know I’m okay now, but at night, in the dark…”

  “Yeah.” He’d saved women before, but he hadn’t slept with them. Hell, he’d had sex with plenty of women without sleeping with them.

  “Usually,” he said, “once I have a woman out of harm’s way, she goes immediately to someone else—someone she trusts. Most often it’s the person who paid me to get her out in the first place.” And if the woman had nightmares, well, she had someone other than Dare to get her through it.

  Molly nodded. “And with me, you not only haven’t been paid, you’re sort of stuck with me.”

  “Not stuck, no.” He’d made the decision that she would remain with him. He never allowed others to coerce him, not in any way. “But understand, Molly—for now, I’m going to keep you safe. After I figure out the threat and decide how best to resolve it, then we’ll come to terms on our agreement.”

  “Financially, you mean.”

  What else? He nodded affirmation, but said, “That, and more.”

  “Such as…?”

  He opened the first-aid kit. “If I’m going to be in charge of your safety, you have to follow my directions to the letter. No balking, no arguments.”

  She licked her lips again—and nodded.

  “Good. We’ll start with me checking out some of these cuts and scrapes that you have. The last thing you need is an infection.” He looked at her. “Give me your arm.”

  As if only then realizing that she might have cuts, Molly looked at each arm. “I can take care of it.”

  “I can take care of it better.”

  “Who says?”

  “I say.” Hadn’t he already proven his capability with her hair?

  Dare caught her arm and pulled her forward to reach the injury. Ignoring her protestation, he said, “This’ll sting a little.” He swiped the cut with the antiseptic and heard her hiss in a breath, but she didn’t move and she didn’t complain. The cut wasn’t deep and didn’t need stitches, but he dabbed it with an antibiotic ointment and covered it with a bandage.

  The procedure was repeated on a small spot on her other arm, and when he looked down at her legs, her toes curled.

  “Dare, really…” He bent to a scrape on her inner thigh, and she said in a rush, “Shouldn’t I at least know your last name?”

  Her high, shrill voice amused him. It wasn’t from fear that she nearly screeched at him. No, it was…something else. But definitely not fear.


  “Well, surely, Dare Macintosh, you will admit I can reach my own legs!”

  She could—but he wanted to do it. Why, he couldn’t honestly say, but a small lie would work. “I need to know it’s done right, so just hush and sit still.”

  Molly had sleek, shapely legs and small feet. Her skin, where it wasn’t hurt, was smooth and soft. He cupped the back of her knee and lifted her leg to treat what looked like rug burns. Since there’d been no carpeting in the trailer, he assumed the injuries were caused during her abduction. He wanted to know more about that, and would, soon.

  He found two more deep scratches on her legs, and a cut on the side of her foot. As he treated her foot, he decided she’d need more than loose sandals to keep it protected.

  He sat back. “Anywhere else?”

  She rolled in her lips, released them, and gave in, putting a hand to the back of her neck. “I’m not sure, but there might be something here. It stung a little when I was showering.” Lifting her hair, she turned to show him.

  Dare flinched in rage. Clearly, someone had choked her, given the finger marks on her slender throat. Above the faded bruising, a deep scratch showed.

  Under his breath, but not softly enough, Dare whispered, “Fuckers.”

  She swallowed. “The bruises are left over from when I was first taken. I didn’t go along easily.”

  And so someone had choked her?

  “They’re almost gone now,” she said, as if trying to reassure him.

  “Not gone enough.” He touched her shoulder, and felt her shiver as he turned her a little more so he could better see.

  While holding up her hair, she dropped her head forward, and the pose was so innocently provocative, and yet so trusting, that he felt himself stir.

  Damn it, it wasn’t lust. What she made him feel was something more powerful than that—and more disturbing. He shook it off to concentrate on her injuries.

  “How’d you get this scratch?” It looked deep, healed over a little, but still painful.

  Her narrow shoulders lifted. “One of them wore an ornate ring.”

  And the bastard had been manhandling her enough to cut her with it? Yeah, Dare decided, he’d be protecting her—but he decided against sharing solid decisions with her yet. He needed a lot more info, and it’d be best if she thought his compliance hinged on her giving full truths.

  In his experience, too many people had secrets that could alter the outcome of an event.

  Dare treated the scratch, but didn’t bandage it. “Done.”

  “So…” She turned on the bed again, facing him as he replaced the chair. “You’ve made plans to leave.”

  “In a few hours. Soon as we can get packed up, we’re out of here.”

  She nodded, but hesitated. “I, um… Not that it matters in the long run, I guess, but… I feel conspicuous boarding a plane like this.” She held out the hem of the big shirt he’d given her. “Do we have time for me to just buy some jeans and maybe…a bra?”

  His mouth firmed. Looking at her, he could see the need for the bra, especially with her nipples puckered, pressing against the thin cotton of the shirt.

  Yeah, he could make time for that. If she knew they’d be on a chartered plane, away from any crowds, she might not think that shopping was necessary, but it wouldn’t hurt for her to get some shoes and socks, too. “We can spare about twenty minutes or so.”

  “I promise I can find what I need in that time.” Hustling now, moving f
aster than he’d seen her move before this, she gathered up the few things he’d gotten her.

  Dare nodded toward his bag on the bed. “Stow it in there.”

  “What will you do about your weapons?”

  “Don’t worry about it.” Chris had already cleared it with the pilots of the chartered plane.

  In no time, they were checked out and leaving the motel. Dare scanned the parking lot but didn’t see anyone watching them. Making yet another trip to Walmart, he drove across the street and parked away from other shoppers.

  Though she could no doubt afford to shop in a pricey boutique, Molly didn’t turn up her nose at the racks. She looked tired, but it didn’t slow her down as she located a pair of jeans, three pairs of socks, low boots, a bra, more underwear and a zip-up hooded sweatshirt in under the twenty minutes allotted.

  She was a power-shopper—like him.

  Impressed, Dare paid for the purchases and started back out to the lot with her.

  That’s when he spotted the red Ford truck. Handing the bag to Molly, he steered her to the side of the front doors and said, “Stay here until I come back for you. Don’t move. Period. Do you understand me?”

  “What? Wait.” She grabbed for his arm in a flash of panic. “Where are you going?”

  Dare scanned the area, deciding on the best advantage. Through his teeth, he said, “Tell me you understand.”

  She released her death grip on him. “I understand.” Fear put a quaver in her voice. “I won’t move from this spot.”

  “Good girl.” Keeping his gaze on the truck driver, who hadn’t yet noticed them, Dare darted out alongside a driver looking for a parking place. Staying low, uncaring of what others might surmise, he used the parking-lot traffic to conceal him until he could get to the other side of the truck.

  Using an SUV for cover, he checked to see that Molly remained near the front doors. The driver of the red truck stepped out. He’d spotted Molly, was looking right at her, and then he started searching for Dare.

  The driver, a dark guy with black hair and mirrored sunglasses, held a cell phone in his hand. For backup, or to report to someone?


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