Billionaire Chef Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Beast Bears Book 2)

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Billionaire Chef Bear: BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (Beast Bears Book 2) Page 4

by Natalie Kristen

  “Yes. I was worried about you. I wanted to make sure that you’re okay.”

  “Ah, did you see...everything?”

  Dean nodded once.

  Layla rubbed her face. “So now you know what an ineffectual witch I am,” she muttered into her hands. “I can’t even make tea.”

  “You made beer,” he said brightly. “And champagne.”

  Layla snorted. “Those were mistakes.”

  “When I first started cooking, I made lots of mistakes,” Dean said with a wry smile. “I wanted to throw out those awful looking dishes. But my younger brother stopped me. He would grab a spoon and take a big mouthful before I could stop him. And he would look at me in amazement and say, ‘Seriously, you’ve got to try this.’ It turned out that Zack was right! What I saw as mistakes and disasters turned out to be the most amazing dishes.”

  Dean squeezed her shoulder and said, “I guess what I’m saying is, we can be a little too hard on ourselves sometimes.”

  “Hey Layla, who’s your hunky friend?” Aunt Ursa called out. “Is he your boyfriend?”

  “My…? Oh no. No, no, no.” Layla blushed and turned to her aunts. “No, he’s not my boyfriend. He’s just...” She stopped stammering and took a breath to compose herself. “Aunt Ruth, Aunt Ursa, this is Dean. He works at Dean’s Kitchen. He lent me the pot...” She trailed off as she stared at the broken pot in dismay.

  “Hellooooo handsome!” Ursa blew Dean a kiss and winked.

  “A hunk in the kitchen is worth two in the bush,” Ruth sang.

  Layla ignored her aunts and turned to Dean. “I’m so sorry about your pot. I’ll replace it,” she promised. “I’ll come by and talk to your boss tomorrow. I need to let him know it’s not your fault...”

  Dean held up a hand. “Don’t worry about it.”


  “Really, it’s fine. It’s just a pot,” Dean said.

  Aunt Ruth tut-tutted. “It’s not ‘just a pot’.”

  “It’s not?” Dean and Layla said together.

  “Nope. It’s a sign!” Aunt Ursa declared, backing her sister up.

  “What sign?” Layla asked.

  “A sign that we should welcome your young man into our coven,” Aunt Ursa said, beaming.

  “He’s not my young man,” Layla began but her aunts didn’t appear to be listening.

  They were grinning at Dean and patting him fondly on his big, muscly arms. “Don’t think we didn’t notice. You used your big, hunky body to shield us,” Aunt Ursa was saying. “What a sweetheart you are!”

  Aunt Ruth nodded and chimed in. “And by lending us the pot, you have indirectly participated in our time-honored coven ritual of inducting and welcoming a new member.”

  “What?” Both Dean and Layla sputtered.

  “One good turn deserves another. So—we hereby confer upon you honorary membership to the Dumplings Coven!” Aunt Ruth and Aunt Ursa announced grandly.

  Dean’s face registered surprise before splitting into a delighted grin. “Thank you! This is a great honor. I am very happy and honored to be a member of your esteemed coven. But I’m not a witch though...”

  “That’s all right. You’re an honorary member. And you are our Layla’s...ow!” Aunt Ruth whipped round with a scowl. “Did you just kick me, Ursa?”

  Aunt Ursa blinked innocently and shot her sister a quick look to shut her up.

  “Welcome to the Dumplings Coven!” Aunt Ursa smiled broadly at Dean.

  “Thank you,” Dean answered politely. “If I may just ask a question. Why do you call yourselves the Dumplings Coven?”

  Aunt Ruth and Aunt Ursa chuckled. “We just love dumplings, is all. We can never get enough of those yummy little things!”


  Dean insisted on driving all of them home. Those witches had imbibed far too much beer.

  “You’ve all had too much to drink. You’re in no state to drive,” he said sternly as he bundled them into his car.

  He strapped a protesting Layla into the passenger seat beside him and started the engine. Ruth and Ursa leaned forward and tried to argue with him, but Dean simply said, “I’m making sure you all get home safely. Coven members take care of one another.”

  At which the two witches grinned and yelled, “Too right!”

  Layla sat stiffly in the passenger seat and spoke little. Like Dean, she was aware that Ruth and Ursa was listening to every word they said and scrutinizing their body language with their keen, knowing eyes. The two witches pretended to chat idly in the back seat, but Dean could feel their eyes on him.

  After a while, Ruth tapped him on the shoulder and said, “Ursa and I would like to pay an old friend a visit. She lives at the corner of Park Lane.”

  “No problem,” Dean said. “I drive you there.”

  “We’ll be staying the night at Lucy’s,” Ruth told Layla. “We’re going to have a pajama party.”

  Layla turned around in surprise. “Aren’t you coming over to my place?”

  “Not tonight,” Ursa said. “Tonight we party!”

  Dean glanced at the cackling witches in his rear-view mirror and said, “You guys drove all the way to Haywood Park for your coven meeting?”

  “Uh-huh,” Ruth said. “Ursa and I live in Springlake. Have you been there?”

  “No, but I’d love to visit,” Dean replied.

  “It’s a pretty town and it’s just three hours drive from here. Ruth and I like driving up here for our coven meetings, but sometimes Endora goes over to Springlake. And on a blue moon, we all meet at a nice seaside town and go skinny dipping in the ocean!” Ursa said, and winked at Dean. “You should join us.”


  The three women laughed at his obvious discomfort.

  “Your guy is adorable, Layla!” Ruth and Ursa chorused.

  Dean turned into Park Lane and drove slowly up to the well-lit house at the end of the street.

  “I can see Lucy in the window!” Ursa cried excitedly, opening the car door before the car had rolled to a complete stop.

  Ruth and Ursa jumped out of the car and yelled over their shoulders, “Thanks for the ride! We’ll come by your bakery tomorrow, Layla! Let’s party!”

  Giggling, the two witches weaved their way towards their friend’s house. Layla saw a petite, silver-haired woman throw open the front door and welcome her aunts into her house. The three women hugged and their uproarious laughter could be heard even after the door closed behind them.

  “It’s going to be one hell of a pajama party,” Dean remarked as he pulled away from the curb.

  Layla laughed. “Yeah. I hope the neighbors don’t complain.”

  She turned and met his warm gaze. With a shy smile, she said, “Thanks for all your help tonight, Dean. I won’t forget what you did. You lent me a large lovely pot, and you saved me and my aunts from said pot when it decided to self-destruct. What a night, eh?”

  “What a night,” Dean agreed. “I’ll remember this night for as long as I live.”

  Layla canted her head at him. “Really?”

  “Really.” He reached out and took her hand in his. “’Cause it’s the night I met you.”


  Dean forced himself to tear his gaze away from Layla’s lovely face and concentrate on the road. Her amazing, delicious scent filled the car, and it was driving him and his bear wild.

  From the very first instant he laid eyes on her, every protective instinct had flared to life. He had followed her into the woods just to make sure that she was okay. He had stood in the forest and kept watch over her and her aunts. There were dangerous animals lurking in the woods, and Dean wasn’t going to let any ravening predator get near this sweet, precious female.

  This curvy little witch hadn’t just borrowed his pot. She had stolen his heart.

  Layla was perfect just the way she was. Dean wanted to hold her face in both hands and smooth away all those creases on her forehead. He wanted to banish all her fears and
doubts, and show her just how amazing she was.

  She was smart, determined and brave. He had seen her fearlessly try to shield her aunts from the exploding pot.

  She would make a wonderful witch. A good heart produced good magic. Layla just had to believe in herself.

  Her two aunts had tried to show her that it didn’t matter if she messed up a spell now and then. In fact, a messed-up spell could turn out to be a great thing. The two sprightly witches had cheerfully finished all the beer in the pot and declared it the best beer they had ever tasted. It didn’t matter that the spell was supposed to conjure up tea, not beer. Beer was better than tea anyway.

  Dean liked Layla’s lively, witty aunts. When those two witches were singing and making bawdy jokes in the back seat of his car, he’d realized that Ruth and Ursa weren’t really that drunk. In fact, those two witches were perfectly sober, despite guzzling beer non-stop the whole evening. He’d caught them smirking and casting shrewd glances at him and Layla. Their retorts and reactions were sharp and quick, and they missed nothing.

  They knew.

  They had read his heart and mind, and they saw the depth and strength of his feelings. Those clever witches had seen right through him.

  But instead of thwarting and teasing him, they helped him.

  By welcoming him into their coven, Ruth and Ursa were giving him their stamp of approval.

  Dean hid a smile. He could see what they were doing.

  Ruth and Ursa thought they were being very subtle about it, but Dean could recognize a matchmaking effort when he saw one.

  His younger brother and sister-in-law had been trying to set him up with their single friends for the past year.

  “Stop working so hard. Are you going to expand your restaurant empire across the universe? Slow down, big brother. It’s time you found a good woman and settled down,” Zack had nagged.

  Family life had indeed mellowed his baby brother. Zack used to be an arrogant, rakish, flamboyant playboy. The gossip magazines and tabloids used to splash pictures of Zack with a different starlet or model on his arm every week. But once Zack met Renee, he had eyes only for his mate. Zack was now a devoted, doting husband and father—and a right nag.

  Dean used to nag at his younger brother, but now the tables had been turned.

  Despite what Zack thought, Dean wasn’t jaded or cynical. Neither was he an ambitious restaurant owner with plans to take over the world.

  He just hadn’t met the one woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

  Until now.

  Dean pulled up in front of Layla’s neat little house and killed the engine. He leaned in and cupped her lovely, blushing face.

  “Layla...” he said softly, caressing her cheek.

  He stared into her deep brown eyes, unable to hide his feelings for her. He had waited so long to meet this sweet, beautiful female.

  Layla’s breath hitched and her lips parted to whisper his name.

  Just a kiss.

  Dean pulled her towards him. He needed to taste her lips before letting her go.


  Layla gasped as Dean leaned in and kissed her.

  His lips seared hers, sending a bolt of molten heat down her body and straight to her core.

  She moaned when Dean slanted his mouth over hers and deepened the kiss. He was an incredible kisser. His kiss was both tender and passionate, and she wanted more.

  His huge hand moved to cup her face and slowly trailed down her neck. Layla shivered as lust coursed through her body. She wanted him to touch her everywhere, explore and taste every inch of her body.

  The need and hunger was so fierce it scared her a little. She had never wanted anyone like this before.

  “Dean...” she whispered.

  Layla met Dean’s burning gaze and saw the primal hunger and desire in his eyes. He wanted her, but more than that, he genuinely believed in her and cared for her.

  She had only just met the guy, yet she felt as though she had known him her whole life. She felt safe and comfortable with Dean, and she liked him a lot.

  Apparently, so did Aunt Ruth and Aunt Ursa. The fact that they had made him an honorary member of their coven told her how much her aunts trusted and liked Dean. They had never admitted outsiders into their coven before. Obviously her aunts didn’t see Dean as an outsider. They had called him her boyfriend.

  Layla lowered her eyes, feeling the heat creep up her face.

  Dean was sweet and sexy, and he was obviously attracted to her. The way he looked at her made her body tighten and ache. She was a single woman who worked too hard and didn’t have time to meet nice guys and go on dates.

  Well, it seemed that tonight was her lucky night. She’d finally met a sweet, sexy guy and he was right here, sitting beside her in the car.

  It would be nice not to sleep alone in a big, empty bed for just one night. She wanted to be held and to fall asleep in a pair of strong, loving arms.

  So what was she waiting for?

  “Spend the night with me, Dean,” she said. “I don’t want you to leave...”

  Layla held her breath and swallowed. She had never propositioned a guy before.

  She gasped when she looked up and saw that Dean’s blue eyes were glowing with raw, feral lust. A low, dangerous growl rumbled out of him and she glimpsed the tips of his claws.

  His animal was rising.

  Layla knew she was staring at the predator in him, and a strange, electrifying thrill coursed through her. The moisture pooled between her legs and she saw his nostrils flare as he scented her arousal.

  In a flash, Dean was out of the car and he almost tore the door off his Audi when he yanked the passenger door open.

  Dean swept her up in his arms and kicked the car door shut. He strode towards her house and carried her up her front steps.

  Layla fumbled through her pockets and pulled out the key. Still in Dean’s arms, she inserted the key shakily into the lock and unlocked the door.

  Once inside the house, Dean pressed her against the door and kissed her hungrily. Her hat and cloak fell to the floor, and Dean’s hands moved down the buttons of her blouse, undoing them one by one. He kept kissing her the whole time, not coming up for air.

  When he pushed the two halves of her blouse apart and saw her lacy white bra, Dean growled and grabbed her.

  Throwing her over his broad shoulder, he strode to her bedroom.


  Dean wasted no time tumbling Layla onto the bed. He removed her blouse and bra, and sucked in a hard breath when he saw her generous breasts.

  Layla was so incredibly, unbelievably beautiful. He couldn’t wait to get her naked.

  He tugged her jeans and panties down her legs, and his eyes hungrily took in every inch of her curvy body. Layla was spread out naked on the sheets for him.

  For his pleasure.

  Layla trembled as Dean covered one of her breasts with his huge hand. As he thumbed her nipple, she arched her back and moaned.

  So sensitive and responsive.

  He could scent her intoxicating, feminine juices. Growling, he latched onto her puckered nipple and began to suckle her hard.

  Layla cried out as he flicked her erect nipple with his tongue, tormenting her out of her mind. Panting, she reached up and tried to undress him. But she didn’t manage to undo any of the stiff buttons on his chef’s uniform.

  Dean smirked when Layla swore under her breath. His sexy, lusty little female was as hungry for him as he was for her.

  Layla pushed herself up on her elbows as Dean peeled off his clothes. Her eyes trailed down his ripped, muscular body and she let out a gasp when she saw how huge and hard he was.

  A drop of pre-cum was already beading on the crown of his thick, rock hard cock.

  He was so hungry for her.

  Spreading her legs, Dean stared at her quivering, pink folds. She was wet, ripe and juicy.

  His mouth watered when he saw her sticky nectar trickling down the in
side of her thigh. He needed to taste her and lick every drop of her honey off her pretty little pussy.

  Dean shoved her legs up and pressed his mouth to her hot, wet sex. Layla whimpered and her eyes rolled back in her head as he laved his tongue down her folds.

  Licking and tasting her thoroughly, Dean devoured her pussy like a starving man. His skillful tongue and lips reduced her to a quivering mess, and Layla writhed helplessly as he drove her out of her mind.

  She fisted the sheets as Dean pushed his tongue into her slit and fucked her deep and hard. Grabbing her fleshy buttocks, Dean held her in place while he thrust his tongue faster and harder into her.

  Layla was beginning to pant. When he pulled her swollen clit into his mouth, Layla bucked off the mattress.

  He continued licking and sucking her engorged nub relentlessly until her entire body started trembling.

  Without warning, Layla came with a scream.

  As the pleasure exploded through her body, Layla let out a small sob. She reached for Dean and he went to her immediately.

  Taking her into his arms, he held her until her shudders subsided.

  Holding her face, he bent down and kissed her, letting her taste herself on his lips.

  Layla wound her arms and legs around him as they kissed. The kiss was soft and sensual at first, but became fiery and intense as the heat grew between them.

  Layla raised her hips to him as Dean broke the kiss. “Take me, Dean,” she whispered. “I want you inside me.”

  Dean pressed her hands down on either side of her head and laced his fingers through hers.

  Looking into her eyes, he nudged his cock into her entrance and slowly pushed into her body.


  Layla’s breath caught as she felt a brief flicker of pain. Dean was huge and he was stretching her fully. She wanted him to go deeper, but Dean held himself still and gritted his teeth.

  “You’re so tight, Layla,” he rasped.

  Growling, Dean leaned down and pulled her aching nipple into his mouth. He thumbed her other nipple as he suckled her. Dean took his time touching and teasing her. He was making sure that her body was wet and ready for him.


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