Sassy Ever After: I'll Sass If I Want To (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Pride Commands Book 3)

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Sassy Ever After: I'll Sass If I Want To (Kindle Worlds Novella) (The Pride Commands Book 3) Page 5

by Michele Bardsley

  Except she didn’t. Okay, okay, she did, but he was way out of her league. Reese had gone to an Ivy League school so he had brains in that yummy package, too. Well, what did it matter? Every other female in the line seemed ready to swoon, and many of them were more his match. They were dressed to the nines: wearing high heels to lengthen the calves, short dresses to hint at their firm thighs, material cinching their trim waists, cleavage to showcase pert boobs, make-up to highlight sharp cheeks and full lips, and enough hairspray to peel away the earth’s ozone layer.

  When she dressed this morning, she stopped short of shoving herself into one of her brothers’ hockey shirts, a pair of jeans, and her favorite Converse sneakers. But, you know, the parent thing again. So, she’d brushed her hair until it shone and wore it long and straight. She’d been blessed with creamy, blemish-free skin—yay, Shafer genetics—so she only put on eyeliner and mascara and lip gloss with a hint of sparkle. She wore a simple green dress that swirled around her knees and a pair of nude flats. She didn’t own high heels.

  “And you are?”

  Abby looked up into the golden gaze of Reese Valiant. Shit. He’d already gone through half the line? Her heart nearly leapt out of her chest. Why are you talking to me? Maybe he’d mistaken her for a server. Say hi to the man and let him move on, you dolt.

  “Abby Shafer.” Unnerved by his stare, she thrust out her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

  The women on either side of her gasped, and she realized she’d just made a huge mistake. You have to at least act submissive to the alpha, said her mother. Keep your eyes down, try to smile, and say nothing unless he talks to you.

  Reese took her hand and grasped it. His fingers were strong and warm and that otherwise polite touch sent an electric shiver straight through her.

  “Reese Valiant.” He let go of her hand and smiled. “But you probably knew that.”

  “Didn’t have a clue,” she answered. “I thought I was in line to meet the alpha.” She leaned forward. What the hell, right? She was already in trouble. “I hear he’s going to pick a bride the same way I pick ripe fruit.”

  His smile turned into a laugh. He took her hand once more and pulled her forward. To her shock—not to mention the shock of everyone else—he proclaimed, “I have chosen.”

  Not: I have chosen her. And her. And her. And her, too.

  Not: I have chosen. Ha, ha! Just kidding!

  He’d said, with complete confidence, “I have chosen.”

  No contest. No other choices. No challenges to be met.

  Just… I have chosen.

  “Are you insane?” Abby whispered, staring up at him. “I’m the least qualified woman here to mate with you.” She frowned, leaning closer still and keeping her voice low. “I don’t wear high heels. Or make-up. And I’m terrible about being submissive. I don’t know the first thing about being an alpha’s mate. I am trouble. Just ask my mother. Are you sure you don’t want to look again?”

  “Why would I look at the other fruit?” he teased. “I’ve already found the perfect plum.”

  * * *

  The bright moon pierced the darkness of the Big Thicket. A beautiful mess of trees, moss, and marsh, the forest in Southeast Texas was the sovereign domain of the werecougars running and leaping through the muggy July night.

  Two by two, the werecougars split off, yowls echoing through the dense woods as shifters engaged in mating.

  Two of those cougars, one larger than the rest with golden fur and a smaller one with darker fur, more on the side of dirty sunshine.

  They reached a small clearing. To the left was the entrance to a cave. Abby followed Reese into the dark space. The male cat loped ahead and Abby paused, shifting into her human form. Her heart trilled. Holy crap. Mating with the alpha. This had to be a dream, because reality had always been a bleak bitch.


  She followed Reese’s voice, its gentle demand guiding her. The alpha lounged by the fire, reclining on thick blankets, waiting for her.

  “Is this part where you tell me this is all just a prank?”

  “Yes,” he said drily. “I picked you as my mate and led you to this romantic and private spot so that I could yell gotcha.”

  “Well, that makes more sense than mating with me.” There had to be some alternate explanation for why Reese had chosen her. “Are you off your meds?”

  He smiled. “Are you always so...difficult?” He ran a finger along his chest, and Abby’s pussy warmed with slick heat.

  “Yes.” She swallowed at the dry knot in her throat. “Trouble, remember?”

  “Come here,” he said, his voice low and husky. “Let me show you how much I want you, Abby Shafer. Trust me.”

  Deliciously naked, his long, thick cock nestled in the dark curls between his legs; Abby felt her knees and her resolve weaken. She wanted to trust him, more than anything.

  She took a tentative step forward. “This is happening. Really freaking happening,” she murmured.

  “Yes, it is,” agreed Reese. He held out his hand. “Come. Join me.”

  Abby nodded. She crawled onto the furs into the arms of her strong, handsome alpha.

  He smiled. “I’m going to kiss you, Abby. And after that, I’m going to taste you. Mark you. Make you mine.”

  She gulped—terrified to answer. Terrified she’d ruin the moment. His hot lips pressed against her mouth, and she parted for him, inviting the invasion of his tongue. Tingles of excitement raised gooseflesh on her skin as his hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs sliding against her rigid nipples.

  She groaned.

  Reese pulled back to gaze into her eyes. “I love how your body reacts to my touch. I can smell the musk of her desire, your need.” He slid a finger between the folds of her sex. “You’re so wet and warm.”

  He took his lust-slickened finger and rubbed her juices over her nipples, and then one by one, he licked the taut nubs. His raspy tongue swirled and teased her.

  “Please,” she begged, her fingers winding through his thick hair. “Yes. More.”

  He smelled like earth, like smoke, like rain.

  “Tell me what you want?”

  “You know,” she begged.

  “I want to hear you say it. I want to hear that I’m your choice as well. Do you choose me?”

  “Yes, Reese. I choose you.” In that moment, she would have said anything to have him take her, to have him inside her. Even so, she knew the truth of her words as she said them. “I want you in me. I want this. You.”

  “Then you will have me.” His smooth flesh slid along hers as he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her breathless. His tongue danced with hers, mimicking the movement of his cock as he parted her legs and slid his hard length into the soft wetness of her sex.

  She wound her legs around his waist, stretched by his thick shaft, the pain like background noise against the pleasure, and matched his thrusts, her hands clutching his hair, her mouth attacking his with fervor.

  “Oh yes,” she cried. “Yes!”

  She hadn’t known what to expect. She’d had boyfriends, but sex had never been super exciting. All right, two boyfriends. And neither one made her feel this way, the way she felt with Reese, not even once. And Reese was going to mark her.

  He slid his arms under her back then he rolled over. She sat on top of him; his cock embedded inside her, and inhaled a steadying breath. She was so greedy for him. She trembled with need.

  The emotions lighting his gaze reflected what was in her heart.

  With eager anticipation, she planted her hands on his chest and moved, stroking his cock with her inner muscles.

  “My sweet Abigail. My beautiful mate.” He grabbed her hips and shoved his cock deeply inside her, pushing her closer to the brink of ecstasy. “More, my love, give me more.”

  Flesh slapped against flesh.

  Moans echoed in the cave.

  The shadows of flames danced on their sweaty, nude bodies.

  Pleasure spiked in her be
lly, filling her core with the first tendrils of bliss. He filled his hands with her breasts, kneading the flesh. She pushed her clit against him, rubbing harder and faster, slamming herself onto his cock. His nimble fingers flicked her sensitive nipples then lightly twisted the nubs.

  The orgasm bloomed into sparks of heat and joy that took her hostage, and hinted at the pleasure that waited. She panted, fucking him with frantic movements, wanting the same glorious end for them both. His hoarse cry of completion sent her flying over the edge. They came together, with a splendid violence, and Reese pulled her down and sank his teeth into her neck.

  She was bitten. And she now belonged only to the alpha.

  Want more?

  About the Author

  New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Michele Bardsley writes about Oklahoma vampires, alpha werewolves, small-town romance, Las Vegas ghosts, curvy heroines, and super hot heroes. Obsessed with dark chocolate, "Supernatural," and all things yarn, she creates fictional worlds because, hey, it's a lot more fun than housework. She lives happily-ever-after in Texas with her husband and their fur babies.

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