Up All Night Long: From Lust to Love (Romance Anthology)

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Up All Night Long: From Lust to Love (Romance Anthology) Page 33

by Ali Parker

  "Come on. Let's get you something pretty to wear for our date this weekend."

  "Where are you taking me?" Her mood lifted quickly and I was grateful.

  "Up to Santa Maria. We'll take Pacific Coast Highway in your beamer seeing that it's a convertible."

  "Oh, I love it up there. Fresh fish markets and flowers." She squeezed my hand and I took her in from head to toe.

  Damn boy... you scored big this time. Don't fuck it up.

  We shopped for several hours, the hordes of women around us and the gaggles of girls almost driving me mad, but I kept myself in check. An hour before we needed to go, I warned her that we would have to wrap things up soon.

  She poked her head out of the dressing room and smiled. "Come in here and zip this?"

  "Yeah. Sure, baby." I moved into the dressing room and stopped short. She didn't have anything but a sheer slip on. Her nipples were hard and screamed for attention, but the smile on her mouth is what threw me over the edge. "Naughty."

  She laughed. "Sit down and shut up."

  "Ahh... trying to take control again, I see." I moved to the bench and sat down, reaching for her and brushing my hand over the soft curve of her ass. She had to be the most beautiful woman I'd ever laid eyes on. Why she wanted me was another story altogether.

  She turned her back to me and arched her back, leaning down and hovering above me. "Fuck me. I want to feel you inside of me."

  I pulled her to sit in my lap and pressed my lips to the side of her neck while forcing her legs open for me with my free hand. "Here's the rule. No making any noises or I'll stop. Got it?"

  She nodded, but didn't make a sound.

  I reached up and latched onto her breast, squeezing hard as I sucked the soft flesh of her neck into my mouth and sunk two fingers into her wetness. I groaned softly as she stiffened, not at all expecting my stealth attack.

  I pushed at her back a little and forced her to lean up against my palm as my fingers laid waste to her tight little pussy. She was trembling by the time she came and when she moaned, I didn't have the ability to force myself to stop from taking her over the edge. She came hard and I had to use every bit of willpower I had not to join her as her tight ass rolled over my erection.

  I petted her sloppy wet sex a few times and whispered my thoughts, my voice hoarse and filled with untapped need. "Good girl."

  Getting up, I pointed to the seat behind her. "Sit down and let me clean up this mess you've made."

  I licked my lips and moved to my knees before her as she let out a whimper.

  So fucking hot.

  Chapter 21

  My blood still hadn't stopping pumping violently through my veins by the time we reached the campus. Ian kept licking at his fingers or running them by his nose, which just sent me into another frenzy. The night beneath him had been like nothing I had ever experienced, the dressing room so incredibly hot. The few encounters with sex I had before him were incredibly lame if I was comparing.

  He parked just outside of my sorority house and I got out of the car, fixing my dress and waiting on him near the back of the car.

  "I live up there with a huge group of girls."

  He glanced toward the house and I took his hand, squeezing it, and moving in closer to him. His jeans and dark t-shirt made him look like a sexy thug that belonged on a Rolling Stones magazine cover. I wanted more of him, but I felt like I had already pushed a little too much. He didn't seem to mind, but taking it slow would be the key to not looking like the stalker I was feeling like.

  "Hey." He glanced down at me, his brown eyes impossibly beautiful. "You know we can't let your father or Pauly know that we're together. I don't want them pulling me off this job or hiring some other idiot to watch over you."

  "I know." I released his hand and slipped mine into the pockets of my dress. "I'll behave at the event and you just promise to make it up to me tonight?"

  "Anything you want." He leaned down and slid his fingers into my hair, pulling me close for a long probing kiss.

  I broke it and licked at my lips. "I just want you."

  "You got me, baby girl." He turned and looked over his shoulder. "Let's get over to the event and I'll check out your pad when we're done. I don't want to be late and have your father searching for us."

  "Sounds good." I moved away from the car and glanced back at him. "Can you tell I don't have panties on?"

  He shook his head. "No, but thank you for the reminder. You're going to be required to wear panties and sweats when we go out. It kills my concentration to know you're bare beneath that flaunty little dress."

  "Panties and sweats would help?" I laughed as he rolled his eyes.

  "Point taken."

  Pauly walked out from a large group of people and waved, his smile warm.

  "I like this guy," Ian muttered and smiled at me as I nodded.

  "He's like a second dad to me."

  "I think he could be a first one to me."

  I started to take his hand, but remembered our situation and pulled back. "I want to know more about that tonight."

  "Of course." Ian winked at me before extending his hand toward Pauly. "Hey boss."

  "Hey guys." Pauly reached out and pulled me into a side hug. "This guy treating you right?"

  "Yeah. He's a great guy." I glanced up at Ian, my smile sincere as my heart throbbed painfully in my chest. I was completely lost to him. He had the power to destroy me, which left me on the edge of being nauseous with worry.

  "I'm starting to think the same thing." Pauly smiled and glanced at Ian. "I'll stay with Chloe for a minute if you want to go scope the place. You know much better what to look for in large crowds than I do."

  "You bet. Keep her safe." Ian glanced down at Pauly and then me. "I'll be right back."

  "I'm good. I'll go see my father for a minute." I smiled and forced myself to turn toward Pauly and not watch my sexy bodyguard walk off.

  "So, you guys aren't sleeping together, right?" Pauly tilted his head and lifted his eyebrow.

  "Um... no?" I chuckled as my cheeks burned.

  Pauly laughed. "Do you love him?"

  "Yeah. So fucking much."

  "And does he love you?" Pauly turned and seemed to be watching Ian. I followed suit, letting out a sigh at how good he looked from behind.

  "I don't know, but I hope so."

  "I would say for sure he does. Men have an unspoken language and he just laid it down on me. It was a non-verbal threat. Watch my girl and don't let anything happen to her or I'll fuck you up." Pauly smiled and nodded toward a small tent behind us. "Your dad's back there. Let's go see him."

  I turned and walked with my oldest friend toward the small white structure. "Is that really what he said?"

  "That's what I heard." Pauly shrugged. "Guy code. You wouldn't get it."

  "I guess not." I rolled my eyes playfully and walked into the tent, stopping in front of my father and reaching up to fix his tie.

  "Oh, Chloe. There you are, pumpkin." He leaned down and kissed the side of my face.

  "Are you excited?" I smiled up at him, not really feeling anything around him but nervousness. I knew he didn't know about me and Ian, but some part of me wanted him to. I needed him to accept us if there was a hope of the relationship blossoming past an infatuation on my part.

  "No. It's just a song and dance. I'll be glad to have two weeks off after this. I need to just stare at a wall." He brushed my hair back from my shoulders. "How are you? Everything with Ian going well?"

  "Yes. I actually wanted to talk to you about him."

  Pauly cleared his throat and I glanced at him as he gave me the 'cut it out' symbol. I ignored him against my better judgment.

  "Sure. What about him?" My father moved from me and picked up a small mirror. He worked to suck something out of his teeth, his attention not at all on me.

  "Well, it's quite confidential and Ian doesn't know it, but I think I have feelings for him."

  My father laughed. "What? That's silly. H
e's a man, Chloe. You're a girl. Besides, he's street trash with a hard body and a good eye. Don't be ridiculous and don't push anything with him. He knows his place. Don't confuse the poor boy."

  I stood in shock, not quite sure how to respond. My father had always been for the underdog rising up, or was it just a strong platform to fool people from.

  "Wow," I mumbled and turned, shaking my head as tears dotted my vision.

  "Chloe. Come back, pumpkin. I didn't mean anything harsh by it," he called after me, but I didn't hear anything from the deafening sound of blood rushing by my ears.

  My father wasn't at all who he seemed to be. Did any of the poor people who supported him know that he laughed at their poverty and attempts to rise up out of it behind their backs?

  Pauly jogged up beside me. "Stay with me, sweetheart. We're not totally safe in these large events."

  "Okay," I mumbled, half numb.

  "Butterfly, don't let him upset you. He's not been himself lately and you know as well as I do that no one will ever be good enough for you." Pauly reached over and rubbed my shoulders.

  "I guess. I just never expected him to be so... so desensitized."

  "He's under a lot of pressure. Cut him some slack and he'll be back to the guy you know and love after a little bit of rest." Pauly winked at me and I nodded, dropping the conversation. There was no way my father's closest companion was going to be objective. I couldn't expect him to be either.

  "I need to run to the restroom. I'll be back in a minute?" I smiled and pulled from his hold.

  "I'll be right over there at the entrance gate. Just come find me."

  "I can do that." I turned and walked to the bathroom, letting the fake smile on my lips fade. My father might be tired, but his nasty demeanor toward Ian hit me square in the chest. The guy had almost taken a bullet for my dad, changed his whole life to protect me, and was here again today, watching over both of us.

  What else could someone do to prove their worth? Why did he have to prove anything? I walked into the bathroom and moved to the mirror to reapply my lipstick as my phone buzzed.

  I pulled it out hoping it was Ian.

  Jeremy. Always Jeremy.

  "Hey you," I picked up and leaned in to apply a little more gloss to my lips. I wanted Ian to see me and hone in on them.

  "Hey! I was going to come down to the beach this afternoon and wanted to see if you would be around."

  "Yeah. I should. Just hit me up when you get there and we'll hang out."

  "I would like that. I miss you, C."

  "Awww... that's sweet." I closed my eyes, trying not to sound as fake as I felt.

  "I'm surprised you're not going to your father's event on campus."

  "Nope. Can't make it. Are you?" I cringed at the thought of running into him.

  "No. I've already left town. I'll have to make it up to him. Does he like milk or dark chocolates?"

  What? I shook my head and let out a shallow breath before moving from the restroom. "Both I guess."

  A strong hand grabbed my arm as something pressed into my side. "I like both, too. Don't scream or I'll pull the trigger."

  I yelped and looked over at Jeremy, the look on his face disturbing. “Jeremy. What are you doing here?"

  "Looking for you. You know the one thing I hate more than anything else?"

  "What?" I walked with him toward the back of the bathroom and out to the parking lot. Terror washed over me and I knew my phone was my only hope.

  He stopped by a black Honda and opened the passenger side door. "Liars. Get in you stupid cunt. You must think I'm an idiot."

  "Of course not." I moved toward the opening and tried to think through a way to get out of the situation I was in. I couldn't get in the car. I wouldn't live to tell about it.

  He plucked the phone from my hand and popped me in the side of the head with the butt of the gun as I cried out. "Get. In. The. Fucking. Car."

  He didn't have to ask again.

  Chapter 22

  I moved through the crowds of college kids as the smell of marijuana burned my senses. It was legal in California now, but that didn't mean I toked up anymore. Anything that took me out of a controlled frame of mind was out. I wasn't interested in living that life anymore. I rolled my eyes at a huge group of guys who were sharing a joint and grabbing their crotches every time one of them spoke.

  Chloe was safe with Pauly and now I just needed to make sure that Mitch would be safe in the large-ass crowd gathered around us. I moved to the platform and stood on the stage, glancing around and trying to pick up on anyone who looked suspicious or was packing heat.


  Jumping off the edge of the platform, something caught my attention. Chloe with some guy, and it wasn't Pauly. I picked up my phone and called him as I moved toward the back of the event circle that the gates had created.

  "What's up?" Pauly's voice was low and scratchy, as if he had smoked a pack a day for all of his younger years.

  "Where is Chloe?"

  "She's in the bathroom, but you need to keep your distance. If Mitch gets a whiff of what's going on between the two of you, you won't have a job, boy."

  "I don't give a shit about the job. I just saw her walking from the event with a tall blond guy. Lanky and looked like a swimmer. Who is he?"

  "Can't be her, Ian. She just went into the bathroom."

  "I'm hanging up now to jump the fence at the back gate. Go check the bathroom and text me back. I need to know if the goose chase I'm about to head on is just that, or if someone has my girl."

  "Fine, but you're wrong."

  I dropped the call and put the phone in my pocket as I scaled the fence. The crowd behind me erupted with cheers like scaling a fence was a big fucking deal. To a pothead it probably was.

  Scanning the parking lot, I didn't see anything out of place until I jogged to the exit gate and slipped in by the motorcycles. I tugged on each of them while watching the movement around me. The last one wasn't locked down, some idiot thinking the best of people.

  I knelt beside it and made quick work to get it running as a black Honda pulled past me. I glanced up in time to get a perfect profile on my girl. She was crying and it didn't take me more than a second to get on the bike and trail behind the fucker who had her.

  My phone buzzed and I pulled it to my ear, a big ass no-no when driving a bike.

  "Fuck, Ian. She's not here. Find her, man."

  "I'm on it. She's been taken by some prick in a black Honda. I'm going to give you his plate number. Have it traced and call the cops. Got it?"

  "Yes. Thank God you were here. I'd die if anything happened to that girl. She's like a daughter to me."

  "Yeah, that's lovely. It's HK4VE9. Run it and I'll be in touch. Don't tell the Senator anything, but be on the lookout. I can't be here, going after her, and there, making sure no one puts a bullet in the old man's head."

  "I got this shit. You take care of her. Let me know the minute you have her back."

  "Will do." I hung up and let my anger fuel my desire to remain calm and not ride up beside the car, jerking into it and ripping the fucker out of the window when he stopped. I could chill out and let them get to their destination before going ape shit on the guy.

  If I had to lay bets on who had her, I would have to guess it was Jeremy. I never got a full description on the creep, but he seemed the only likely candidate. If it were someone after Mitch, they would have simply shown their effectiveness by pulling a gun on him at the event, or having kidnapped him afterward.

  Had to be the ex-boyfriend.

  I let out a long sigh and pulled onto the freeway, allowing a white pick-up truck to pull in between us. No need to give myself away just yet.

  The fucker drove for a good ten minutes before pulling off in one of the rougher residential areas. My heart began to race inside my chest at the thought of Chloe being scared over the bastard taking her. She had no clue I was behind her and I doubted if she had her phone.

  He was a
damn idiot if she did.

  They made a sharp left and I slowed the bike, turning down the small street a few seconds later. I could see the car slowing a little and the guy craning his neck to look out her side of the car.

  "If you fucking touch my girl, I will split your ass in a million pieces and sell the parts to the highest bidder." I pulled down the street and tucked in behind a long line of cars, quite confident that they would be stopping soon. I turned the bike over and flipped the kickstand before hoofing it on foot toward the two of them.

  I wasn't sure of his connection with the neighborhood or the quality of the people, but jumping out and kicking his ass was likely to get me shot if he had friends in the house or hanging out around it. I waited until he pulled her inside to move toward the open window on the side of the house.

  She wasn't crying anymore, which was good, but her tone was soft and filled with fear. Damn this guy was going to pay for making her feel anything at all. His turn was up and her emotional state only belonged to her, and me on occasion, now.

  There was no doubt in my mind that I loved her as I stood there, trying to figure out the best time to bust in the house and fuck the creeper up.

  My phone buzzed and I pulled it out.

  Pauly: The cops said to back off. They're tracking the car and will be there shortly.

  Me: I'm standing outside the house. The cops can suck a nut.

  Pauly: Unless she's in immediate danger you need to listen, boy. You have a huge-ass rap sheet. They aren't going to show up and pat you on the back.

  Me: Newsflash old man, I love her. I don't give a fuck who's involved. If she's involved... it's my fight.

  Pauly: Good answer. Text me when she's with you.

  I dropped the phone into my pocket and walked to the back door as I heard something crash. That was my cue to bust down the door. I moved to the back door and caught her attention as she turned to look at me. He was talking fast and excitedly, but I couldn't make out the words.


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