Written on my Heart (The Oracles Book 1)

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Written on my Heart (The Oracles Book 1) Page 14

by Piper Davenport

  Samantha took Liam away and I glanced up at Dalton. “Who’s Max?”

  “Heard of Fallen Crown?”

  “Um, yeah. You’d kind of have to be living under a rock if you haven’t heard of them.”

  “Well, it’s Max MacMillan.”

  I sat up with a gasp. “You know Maximilian MacMillan from Fallen Crown?”

  “He’s Cauld Ane.”

  “Shut the front door. Seriously?”

  Dalton chuckled. “Yeah.”

  “Will I get to meet him?” I whispered.

  Dalton frowned. “No.”

  “What? Why not?”

  “Why do you sound like that, sugar?”

  “Like what?”

  “All breathy and fan-girl.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “I do not.”

  He cocked his head. “You sure do.”

  I took a deep breath and straightened my shoulders. “I think you’re mistaken.”

  “Still not introducing you two.”

  “Is he married… or bonded or whatever?”

  “Yep. Grace is his mate. She’s awesome.”

  “Then what are you worried about?”

  “I’m not worried, per se…”

  I raised an eyebrow. “You just want to make sure you’re the only man I’m fan-girling over.”

  “Something like that,” he admitted.

  I settled back on his lap and cupped his face in my hands. “I fan-girl inside every time you walk in the room… or kiss me… or touch my hand or my face. When you smile—”

  He cut me off with a kiss and I sighed against his lips. “See?”

  Dalton chuckled. “Okay, maybe you can meet Max.”

  “You’re ridiculous.”

  “I’ll feel better when we’re bound.”

  “Why?” I asked.

  “Because then you won’t leave me.”

  I leaned back slightly. “Are you seriously worried about that?”

  “You did it once.”

  “I’m sorry, honey. Had I known it would hurt you, I wouldn’t have done it.”

  “I know, sugar.” He patted my bottom and sighed. “I want you to bind me tonight.”

  “I still don’t know how to speak the words, Dalton.”

  “Talk to Haddi. Find out how exact they have to be.”

  “Are you sure about this?”

  He frowned. “Gettin’ a little irritated you keep askin’ me that.”

  “Getting a little irritated you keep bugging me about it.”

  “At some point you have to trust my words, Andi. You can’t keep second guessing my intentions.”

  “Well, excuse me for being careful for once in my life.” I pushed off his lap. “You keep saying we’re meant to be together, but we’ve only just reconnected! I trusted Jeremy—”

  “You never trusted Jeremy.”

  “Maybe not, but I didn’t listen to those voices in my heart, and I definitely ignored the red flags, so I’m sorry, Dalton, I won’t rush into this again.” I walked away, heading for the back doors, and stalking through them, my heart racing with righteous indignation.

  * * *


  I let her go. She was right. I was pushing too hard, too fast. I didn’t know why I was reacting this way. I’d never been insecure about my feelings before, but with Andi the thought of losing her again shattered me.

  “Hey, big brother,” Samantha said as she walked into the room. “Where’s Andi?”

  I sighed. “I pissed her off. She went for a walk.”

  Samantha rolled her eyes and handed me a leather box. “Maybe this’ll help.”

  I opened the container and an ornate, antique ring sat protected in dark blue satin. “What’s this?”

  “Grandma’s ring,” she said, sitting beside me. “Mom thought you’d like it.”


  “It’s beautiful, huh?”

  “Yeah,” I said. “Not what I would have picked for her, but it’s pretty.”

  “You don’t have to propose to her with it,” Samantha pointed out. “You could give it to her as a wedding gift.”


  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, sis, I’m fine.” I dragged a hand over my stubble. “I just screwed up.”

  Samantha squeezed my hand. “Then go fix it.”

  I sighed. “If I can.”

  “You can. You love each other and if she’s fighting with you, it’s a good sign.”

  “How so?” I asked.

  “It means she’s not afraid of you, or too far gone she doesn’t see your flaws.”

  “There aren’t that many to see, sis.”

  Samantha dropped her head back and laughed. “You’re so cute.”

  I grinned and rose to my feet. “I’m gonna go fix this.”

  “Proud of you, Dalt.”

  I leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Sam.”

  I slid the ring into my pocket and followed Andi.

  * * *


  Stupidly, I’d walked out without a jacket, but there was no way in hell I was going back inside until I’d calmed down a bit. I didn’t really even know why I was so mad. Dalton was right. At some point, I did need to trust him, but I’d never been particularly good at trusting people and he was now feeling the brunt of that.


  I turned to see Dalton jogging toward me… removing his jacket as he drew closer.

  “Baby, why aren’t you wearing a coat?” he demanded, wrapping the warmth around my shoulders.

  “Righteous indignation,” I admitted.

  He smiled and pulled me close. “I’m sorry, sugar. I shouldn’t have pushed so hard.”

  “No, I’m sorry. I do trust you. I guess I just need to get better at showing you that.”

  “We’re gonna figure this out and I’m right here for whatever you need.”

  I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his neck. “Thanks, honey.”

  “How big of a gesture do you want?”

  I leaned back. “For a proposal?”


  “I don’t want a gesture of any kind,” I admitted. “Swear to me you won’t propose to me in public.”

  Dalton smiled. “Just you and me, sugar, I promise.”

  I relaxed against him again.

  “What do you want for a ring?”

  “Something simple. I love antiques, so maybe we can find something online?”

  “This is on me, sugar.”

  “I trust you.”

  He chuckled, lifting my chin to kiss me gently. “Love those words, baby.”

  “I like saying them.”

  “Come on, let’s get ready for dinner. We’ll talk to Haddi about everything together.”

  “I like that plan.”

  Dalton took my hand and we headed back to the house.


  HADDI HAD BEEN seated on my right at dinner, with Andi on my left. It worked out perfectly because I wanted to get to know the man who’d been advising Andi a little better.

  “Andrea mentioned you both wanted to speak with me after dinner,” Haddi said.

  I nodded. “If you don’t mind.”

  “Not at all. I’m here to make sure she succeeds, so all questions are welcome.”

  Andi’s hand slid to my thigh and I linked my fingers with hers, glancing to make sure she was okay. She was deep in conversation with Samantha, so I turned back to Haddi.

  “Do you understand your role?” Haddi asked.

  “As a man or as the mate to an Oracle?”

  “Both,” Haddi said. “It’s all about her, really. You are essentially in service to the queen. You may find that difficult at times, but you’ll need to find a way to support her even when you want her to follow your lead.”

  I chuckled. “Are you saying my alpha-male side may bristle if she’s in charge?”

  “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.” Haddi smiled. “Because you won’t win and
that can be difficult for us men. We want our women to need us, but when the woman has more power, we can find that challenging.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind,” I promised. “How exact do the words need to be?”

  “Exact. But if Andi’s concerned about the language, if she focuses on the English while speaking the Icelandic, she will be fine.”

  “That’s what she’s concerned about.”

  “She’s ready,” Haddi said. “I’d recommend you bonding sooner than later.”

  “It would help if that came directly from you.”

  Haddi smiled. “Consider it done.”

  The rest of dinner was relaxed and happy, and I hoped Haddi could convince Andi to perform the bonding that night. Luckily, I wouldn’t have long to find out.

  * * *


  I paced my bedroom, my heart racing and my palms sweaty. Tonight was the night. Haddi had put my fears to rest (kind of) regarding the ritual words, but I still wasn’t looking forward to Dalton being in pain. All of this was entirely too surreal.

  A knock at my door brought Samantha and Jesska, and I forced back tears. “Hi.”

  “Oh, honey, it’s going to be okay,” Samantha promised, pulling her in for a hug. “Dalton’s strong. He can handle this.”

  “I don’t know if I can watch him go through this.”

  “It sucks,” Jesska said. “Kaz nearly lost his mind, and Kade probably did too, but they survived and they’re the kind of men who’ve had people do everything for them.”

  “Entitled,” Samantha agreed.

  “Exactly.” Jesska smiled. “They made it through. You will too.”

  “Just focus on the love part, okay?” Samantha suggested. “Don’t forget that first time together as mates. Worry just robs the joy.”

  I nodded. “I’ll try.”

  “Good. I bought you something sexy before we left,” Samantha said, setting a gift bag on the bed. “You get ready and we’ll prepare to make Dalton comfortable when the change happens.”

  Both women hugged me again and then left me alone to my thoughts. I dumped the contents of the bag onto the bed and stepped into the bathroom. Samantha wasn’t kidding when she said she’d bought something sexy. I’d never worn anything like this before. Of course, I’d never had a reason to wear anything like this before, there was no way in hell I wanted Jeremy more sexed up than he already was. But tonight, trusting Dalton the way I did, I was looking forward to it.

  “Andi?” Dalton called.

  “In here. Don’t come in.”

  “Are you gonna come out?”

  I smiled. “Maybe.”

  I checked myself out in the mirror. The all white lace baby doll teddy didn’t leave much to the imagination, and the matching crotchless panties gave all access, but all-in-all, it worked. I felt beautiful, so I peeked out of the bathroom door and made sure all was clear. “I’m coming out. Close your eyes.”

  “They’re closed.”

  I walked back into the bedroom and had to hold back a squeak. Dalton stood in the middle of the room, one hand over his eyes, the other crossed over his chest. I took a minute to admire his muscular chest and the black PJ bottoms that slung low on his hips.

  “You can look,” I whispered.

  He lowered his hand and let out a quiet whistle. “Stunning, sugar.”

  I didn’t have a chance to respond, as he pulled me into his arms and kissed me to the point of speechlessness.

  “I love you,” he said.

  “I love you, too.”

  “I have something for you before we start.”

  “But I haven’t had a chance to get you anything,” I complained.

  He grinned and pulled a black leather box out of his pocket. “We’ll rectify that after we’re bonded. For now, tell me what you think of this.”

  I took the box and pried it open, tears flooding my eyes and leaking down my cheeks. “Ohmigod, Dalton. It’s beautiful.”


  I nodded and swiped at my tears. “It’s like you reached into my mind and pulled the exact ring out of my wishes.”

  “It was my grandmother’s,” he said. “Mom sent it back with Samantha.”

  “She did?” This news only made me cry harder.

  “Why are you crying, sugar?”

  “Because if your mom gave it to you, then she must approve of me and I’m so glad because I love your parents and if they didn’t like me, I’d be ruined.”

  Dalton chuckled gently and pulled me against him. “Oh, honey, they do love you. Dad’s more excited about me marrying you than he was about Samantha and Kade. He said as much.”

  “I’m sure it’s harder for a dad to let go of his little girl,” I sniffed.

  “Maybe so.” Dalton kissed me gently, then knelt on one knee. “Andrea Lanie Rivers, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

  I nodded, and he slipped the ring on my finger before rising to his feet again and kissing me. “Ready?”

  “As I’ll ever be.”

  “That’s the spirit.”

  I grabbed the piece of paper Haddi had given me with the words spelled phonetically, and I leaned against Dalton and started, “Ég gef þér allt sem ég er, allt sem ég vil vera og allt sem ég get verið.”

  “Ég gef þér allt sem ég er, allt sem ég vil vera og allt sem ég get verið,” Dalton repeated. My knees shook, and Dalton held me tighter. “I’ve got you.”

  I nodded and continued, “Ég er þinn að eilífu. Ég er þinn að eilífu. Eining okkar mun aldrei bresta.”

  Dalton smiled. “Ég er þinn að eilífu. Ég er þinn að eilífu. Eining okkar mun aldrei bresta.”

  “Ást mín er alger.”

  “Ást mín er alger,” he whispered.


  “Together, sugar.”

  In unison, we spoke, “Ég gef þér allt sem ég er, allt sem ég vil vera og allt sem ég get verið. Ég er þinn að eilífu. Ég er þinn að eilífu. Eining okkar mun aldrei bresta. Ást mín er alger”

  I sighed as we spoke the last words and dropped my head to Dalton’s chest. I give you everything I am, all I want to be and all I can be. I’m yours forever. Our bond will never be broken. My love is absolute.

  Dalton lifted me into his arms and carried me to the bed, leaning down to kiss me, and then moving his way down my body, his face disappearing between my legs. I whimpered when his mouth connected with my clit, sucking it gently. I fisted my hands in the sheets and arched against him.

  “Dalt,” I breathed out. “I can’t wait.”

  He didn’t respond verbally... just put more pressure on my clit with his tongue. I anchored my heels to his shoulders and bit my lip, trying to keep my climax at bay. I couldn’t. I cried out, my body shaking as I came. Dalton kissed the inside of my thighs before hovering over me and sliding inside. I moaned with want, the feel of him almost too much. Linking his fingers with mine, he dragged them over my head and buried himself deeper in my body as he licked my bottom lip and then kissed me deeply. I slid a leg over his hip and arched into him.

  “You feel amazing, sugar,” Dalton whispered.

  “So do you.”

  He grinned, kissing me again. “How hard, baby?”

  “Hard, please.”

  Dalton released my hands and slid out of me. “On your knees, sugar.”

  I didn’t hesitate to roll over and push up on all fours. He squeezed my bottom as he slid back inside me, reaching one hand to a breast and the other to my clit. He worked my body again until I could barely breathe, and then he grabbed my hips and slammed into me over and over again until I cried out and collapsed onto the mattress. Dalton fell with me, then pushed up above me and continued to slam into me.

  “Baby, I’m going to come again,” I warned.


  I whimpered, unsure I’d be able to do what he demanded.

  “Now, sugar,” he rasped, and his body locked.

  I let myself go and stayed conn
ected to him as he rolled us onto our sides. “Never has it ever been this good.” He kissed the nape of my neck. “I love you, Andi. Don’t ever forget that.”

  “I won’t, honey. I love you, too.”

  Breaking our connection briefly, I faced him, running a hand down his chest. His pecs were dusted with dark, soft hair and I couldn’t seem to stop touching him.

  He slid his hand to my neck and tugged me forward gently. “Do you know how beautiful you are?”

  “You certainly make me feel that way.”

  “It’s a fact, sugar.”

  I giggled. “You might be a little biased.”

  “I can’t be—” His words were cut off by a hiss.


  “I’m okay,” he rasped. “Fuck! No, maybe I’m not.”

  “It’s too soon,” I squeaked, and shot off the bed, grabbing a robe from the closet. As I walked back into the room, a sharp pain in my abdomen doubled me over and I cried out. It was gone almost as quickly as it came, but I could see Dalton still writhing in agony. I’d been warned I’d feel some of his pain, but if this was even a smidgeon of what he was experiencing, I didn’t know how he hadn’t passed out already.

  “Okay, honey,” I crooned, covering his lower half with a blanket. “I’m going to fill the tub.”

  Samantha had instructed that I fill the bath with cold water as soon as Dalton felt pain. Jesska’s staff had half-filled it with ice earlier, so I turned the cold tap on and left it to fill. Luckily, it was an infinity tub, so water wouldn’t spill, which meant I could check on Dalton immediately. “Honey, can you walk?”

  He shook his head.

  “Okay, as soon as you can, we’re going to get you in the tub and then I’ll get Kade.”

  Kade was a medical doctor, specializing in Cauld Ane general medicine, so he would be monitoring Dalton as he went through the change. Dalton refused to let Samantha do it, and I didn’t blame him. It was creepy on several levels.

  I settled my hand on Dalton’s forehead and forced myself not to panic. He was burning hot. Hot enough to kill someone. “Honey, I’ll feel a lot better if you’re in the water.”

  He pushed himself up with a groan and hobbled toward the bathroom. I tried to wrap my arm around him, but he hissed in pain. “I got it, Andi. Just give me a minute.”


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