Believing in the Traitor

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Believing in the Traitor Page 7

by Charlie Richards

  Grinning, Treatise met Walter’s gaze. He winked as he slid his tail out a little bit, then wriggled it back in even deeper. Once again, he rubbed over his prostate.

  “That, my handsome mate,” Treatise growled. “That is my tail in your ass, stretching you open, playing with your gland, giving you pleasure.”

  “Holy creator,” Walter muttered. He grabbed at Treatise’s shoulders and pushed. “Suck me, damn it. I wanna come. I just came in the tub and still I’m so fucking hard for you.”

  Treatise felt his own cock jerk at the sight of his lover’s enjoyment, his head thrashing back and forth. His foreskin pulled from his head, sliding over his glans, sending sparks through the sensitive tissue. Teasing his lover had the effect of teasing himself, too.

  Knowing he needed to move things along, Treatise obeyed Walter’s urgings. He moved down his human’s body, taking a moment to nip at his beaded nipple, just to hear Walter grunt. After dipping his tongue into his mate’s belly button, Treatise opened his mouth wider and sucked his mate’s prick down.

  As Treatise listened to Walter’s cries, he eased his tail from his mate’s channel. He quickly replaced it with two of his lubed fingers, pushing them into his lover. Walter stilled for an instant, the muscles of his chute clamping down on his digits.

  Treatise’s strong pull on Walter’s dick caused a growl to escape him and he spread his legs wider. His chute’s grip on him relaxed. Pulling his fingers back a little, then reversing direction, he again found his prostate.

  Working as quickly as he dared, Treatise eased his mate open, stretching his channel. He distracted Walter from the burn he knew he must be causing by working his dick with his mouth, cataloguing his reactions.

  He licked along the prominent vein running the length, then massaged the wrinkled flesh beneath his cap, causing Walter to shudder. When Treatise probed his slit with his tongue, his mate gasped and jolted. Releasing Walter’s dick and lowering his mouth to lap and suck at his balls caused the human to let out a string of half-garbled curses and compliments.

  Finally, Treatise had three fingers buried in Walter’s body. His lover’s chute clenched and released rhythmically around him, and the balls he lapped at pulled close to his body. One more rub to Walter’s prostate sent his mate over the edge.

  Treatise quickly swallowed Walter’s prick, catching his first burst of cum. Backing off a little, he enjoyed his mate’s lightly salted flavor, rolling the tasty treat over his tongue. When he couldn’t hold any more in his mouth, he swallowed it down.


  Once Walter stopped coming, Treatise released his softening dick. He eased his fingers from his channel, then knee-walked forward a couple of steps. Leaning over his mate, he used the last of the lube on his fingers to grease up his dick, then he guided his prick to his mate’s stretched hole.

  Treatise held his sated mate’s gaze. “Push out, Walter,” he urged. “It sounds odd, but it will be easier.”

  Walter nodded. “I’ve heard.”

  Then, Treatise felt his lover’s guardian muscle give way. He pushed a little harder and slid his prick partway into his lover’s channel. Muscles clamped down on him, encasing him in a vise-like grip.

  Treatise grunted, his noise almost drowning out Walter’s hiss. Holding still took almost every last bit of self-restraint that he possessed, but he did it. Lowering his head, he nuzzled Walter’s neck, licking and nipping the tendons.

  “Just relax,” Treatise urged. “Breathe deeply, handsome Indian. Let me in.”

  Walter panted, tilting his head to give him more access. “They make it look so damn easy in porn,” he muttered. “Damn, that hurts.”

  “It’ll get better soon,” Treatise promised, hoping he spoke the truth. “Your channel will stretch.”

  “Just push into me,” Walter told him. “I can take it.”

  As tempting as that was, Treatise shook his head. “I want you to enjoy our lovemaking, Walter.”

  Knowing he needed to distract his mate from the pain, Treatise scraped his canines along the tendon of his neck. He kissed over his jawline. Making his way up to his ear, first he sucked the lobe lightly. Then, he licked and sucked on the sensitive bit of flesh just behind it.

  Walter groaned and turned his head further. His hold on Treatise’s shoulders slid up and cupped his neck. His fingernails dug into the tendons there, urging him close.

  Finally, the muscles encasing Treatise’s dick relaxed.

  Treatise took that as the sign it was. He eased his cock partway out, then reversed direction. Not wanting his mate to tense back up, he continued to work his human’s neck. After a few more pulls and pushes, he stilled, his dick fully encased in his lover’s channel. His hot, tight muscle rippled along the full length of his erection.

  This time, it was Treatise’s turn to groan. Feeling his mate around him, being inside him, connected to him, was the best kind of torture. Still, he couldn’t hold the position for long, his need to move was too great.

  “Wow,” Walter murmured. “Y-You fit. Can’t believe it. And it actually feels... good.”

  Treatise lifted his head and peered into Walter’s surprised eyes. His human’s deep brown irises had darkened, turning them almost black with his passion. He smiled, loving that look on his mate’s face.

  “Let’s see if I can do better than good.”

  Pulling his prick partway out, Treatise adjusted his angle and thrust back into him. It took two tries, but he knew he’d hit Walter’s prostate when his lover’s eyes widened and he gasped. Continuing to peg that internal hot spot, Treatise fucked his mate.

  Treatise knew it wouldn’t take long, but how quickly his balls pulled tight still shocked him.

  Tingles trickled up his spine to the base of his neck. The sparks traveled back down his chest, causing his nipples to ache, then the skin of his groin to tingle. His balls pulled flush to his body, forcing cum up his dick.

  Treatise’s orgasm rolled through his body, clouding his mind with bliss. As pleasure took him, his teeth ached. Wanting Walter with him, he lowered his head and sank his teeth deep, biting his mate.

  Walter froze beneath him as blood flowed over Treatise’s tongue. As Treatise swallowed the heady, iron-flavored fluid, his mate moaned and his body jolted. On the next mouthful of blood, Walter’s prick jerked between their bodies and his seed spilled, coating both their abs.

  Sliding his teeth free of Walter’s flesh, Treatise licked over his mark. His saliva healed the wound even as he licked up the last of the blood. Admiring the scar, he felt a deep sense of possessive pride fill him.

  “How are you feeling now?” Treatise asked, lifting his head so he could meet Walter’s gaze. Pleasure filled him upon seeing the human’s heavily-dilated eyes. “Or are you still just good?”

  Walter snorted, an almost drunken smile curving his lips. “I’m fantastic,” he replied, his words slightly slurred. “But you know that.” He smirked as he scraped his fingernails up Treatise’s neck, sending chills down his back. “Still, if you’re fishing for compliments, give me a few minutes to let my brain reboot.”

  Treatise chuckled. He leaned down and pecked a kiss to Walter’s lips. “I don’t want your brain to reboot, my Indian,” he purred. “I like your mind and body pleasured beyond words.”

  Walter hummed. His eyes slid closed. His hands smoothing down Treatise’s arms before flopping to the bed. Walter let out a long, deep sigh.

  Immensely pleased by that response, Treatise eased his softening dick from Walter’s channel. He pushed onto his knees, then leaned over the side of the bed and grabbed one of the damp towels. Carefully, he wiped his lover clean, then did the same to himself.

  Treatise dropped the soiled towel over the side of the bed, then stared down at Walter. He met his lover’s gaze. Cocking his head, he saw the question in them.

  Easing to the left, Treatise stretched out on the bed next to him. He pulled a pillow close and, when Wal
ter lifted his head, slid it under him. Pushing his left arm under the pillow, he threw his right leg over Walter’s own and curled close to him.

  “I suppose I could have asked if you cuddle,” Treatise mused upon seeing Walter’s surprised expression. “But then I would have run the risk of not getting to hold you.”

  “Uh, I guess I don’t know if I’m prone to cuddling or not,” Walter admitted. “I’ve never had a regular lover.”

  “Ah, yes,” Treatise rumbled. He dipped his head and pecked a kiss to Walter’s temple. “In that case, I wish to convert you to my way of thinking. I very much want to hold you after sex,” he stated bluntly. “I believe it is part of the intimacy.”

  Walter turned into his hold, throwing his left arm over Treatise’s waist. “That works.” He rubbed his fingers over the skin under his digit’s pads. “I think I like it.”

  His words were nearly cut off by a bone-cracking yawn.

  “I’m still not used to this upside down schedule,” Walter admitted. “I think I’m going to conch out on you.”

  Treatise chuckled softly. “Well, after three orgasms in an hour, if you didn’t feel tired, I’d almost be offended.”

  Walter barked a laugh, his cheeks flushing. “I’ve never gotten off so much in my life as I have with you these last few days.” Then, he paused, his brows furrowing. “Except, you said I have to fuck you and drink your blood to complete the bond between us.”

  Nodding, Treatise liked that his human remembered. “True, but that can wait until the next round.” Seeing Walter’s concerned expression, he added, “Unless you’re not ready. I don’t want to push you into something you’re not ready for.”

  Shaking his head, Walter sighed. “It’s not that. I’ve enjoyed your company these last few days and can definitely see us building a life together,” he admitted. “I just wondered if you wanted to finish that now. It might take me a few minutes, but—”

  “Any time you’re ready,” Treatise said, interrupting him. “How about this,” he added, hoping to put his mate’s mind at ease. “You rest for a few hours. The nights are long this time of year. How about a moonlight breakfast by the pond at around seven tomorrow morning. I’ll set it up and meet you on the back deck to escort you.”

  Walter appeared relieved. He nodded. “Just give me directions to the deck.”

  Chapter Nine

  Walter grunted, trying to ignore the odd twinge to his rectum with every step he took. He felt... well, stretched. That was exactly what he was, too.

  Having never had a cock up his ass before, Walter hadn’t really thought about the afterward. Being held until he fell asleep had been nice. Setting up what was essentially another date was even better.

  He certainly hadn’t been prepared to feel as if he were empty without his lover filling him. He didn’t know if he liked it or hated it. Thinking there had to be a way to minimize the effects, he wondered if he had balls enough to ask his lover.

  First, though, he had to find the back deck. That was where Treatise said he’d meet him. Walter had thought he had the directions down, but he’d been half asleep at the time.

  I’ll have to remember not to make plans after so many fantastic orgasms.

  Making his way down the hall that Walter thought Treatise had told him was a shortcut, he found himself tiring. He guessed he wasn’t as recovered as he thought. Seeing a decorative chair situated near a hall table, he heaved a sigh as he settled on it, then had to fight back another hiss.

  Walter nearly fell off his chair when he heard a male voice shout through the door to his right, “Hurry up, you useless faggoty, monster! I’m hungry.”

  For a second, Walter froze. Was whoever that was talking to him? Then, he realized the guy couldn’t have been. Still, he realized that he recognized the voice.

  “Bud?” He’d whispered the man’s name before he could think better of it.

  There was a moment of silence, where Walter crossed his fingers and prayed Bud hadn’t heard him or hadn’t recognized his voice. Sadly, he wasn’t that lucky.

  “Is that you, Walter?”

  Walter thought about just getting up and hobbling away. Unfortunately, he’d been the employee of the man for so long, responding was almost an involuntary response.

  “Yes. This is Walter.”

  “Holy shit! Walter? Are you free? How’d you get in here? Can you open the door? Quick, let me out of here.”

  Fighting back a growl of irritation, Walter shook his head. “Yeah, I’m here, no thanks to you,” he snapped. “You shot me, you bastard. Why the hell should I help you?”

  “That wasn’t my fault,” Bud whined. “You got in the way of my shot. You shouldn’t have done that.”

  Walter growled. Not even a bloody apology. Levering to his feet, he decided his first instinct had been the right one. Leave as quickly as possible.

  “I’m not letting you out,” Walter declared. “For all I care, you can sit in there and rot.”

  “Just break open the door and let me out,” Bud ordered again. “No one will know it was you!”

  Rolling his eyes, Walter took a step in the direction he thought he needed to go... which, incidentally, was also past the door that he now knew housed Bud.

  “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

  Walter paused and looked over his shoulder. He saw the lean, brown-haired male he’d noticed carrying a meal through the corridor earlier that day... or was it the evening before? Walter’s days and nights were all messed up. He figured the man had to be either Tristan, Vane, or Caladon, but he wasn’t certain which one. Before he could answer, Bud did for him.

  “You idiot, Walter! Now it’s too late. You always were a dumb Indian.”

  “Were you going to let Bud out, Walter?” the man asked.

  Walter quickly shook his head. “No,” he responded truthfully. “I wasn’t going to let Bud out. He deserves whatever you all have in store for him after what he put his, uh—” He paused, trying to decide how to explain.

  The other man cocked his head and openly scented him. “Acquisitions, I believe would be a valid term,” he said with a smirk. “Now, what are you doing in this area?”

  “I’m a bit turned around,” Walter admitted, remembering that Treatise had told him that paranormals could smell a lie. That explained the reason the guy had blatantly smelled him. “Treatise gave me directions to get to the deck. I’m supposed to meet him there, but I think I went the wrong way.”

  “You’re not too far off course, actually,” the man told him. “You were supposed to take a left at the last turn.” He pointed back the way Walter had come. “Thirty feet that way is a hall, now on the right. Take that and in one hundred feet, there will be a door that opens onto the deck.” He swept his gaze over Walter’s crutches, then added, “Be careful of the gaps in the slats. You shouldn’t have too much trouble, but we wouldn’t want you to get stuck and topple.”

  Walter nodded as he turned around. He couldn’t help glancing once more at the door where a now-cussing Bud was. Shaking his head one more time, he headed back the way he’d come.

  Finding the hallway, Walter turned down it. He glanced over his shoulder, somehow not at all surprised to see the other man still standing there watching him. Once he was out of sight of the guy, he couldn’t help letting out a sigh.

  That guy is intense.

  Walter hustled as fast as he could on tired legs and crutches. Fortunately, before he even reached the door, it opened. He smiled when he saw Treatise.

  “Walter!” Treatise called, rushing toward him. “Is everything okay?” He rested his hands on Walter’s shoulders and massaged his neck with his thumbs. “You’re shaking. What’s wrong?”

  Shaking his head, Walter tried to calm down. “Nothing. I just, I just missed my turn and went the wrong way,” he admitted. “I found Bud’s door, uh, by accident,” he added. “He thought I was there to free him. Then another guy came upon me just
as I was leaving. One of the guys who was taking those meals last night. I don’t think he believed me when I told him I was only there because I was lost.”

  “That was probably Tristan,” Treatise stated. “He’s the one who takes Bud his meals most of the time.”

  “How does he tolerate him?” Walter asked, remembering what Bud had yelled—useless, faggoty monster.

  Bud is such an asshole.

  “No idea,” Treatise told him. He lowered his head and pecked a kiss to Walter’s lips. Lifting his head just enough to put space between their mouths, he whispered, “But let’s not dwell on him. I have a picnic all set up and waiting.”

  Walter nodded, more than eager to agree to that.

  Treatise turned and led the way out of the manor, opening the door so Walter didn’t have to mess with it on crutches.

  For the first time in what had to be months, Walter stepped outside into the moonlight. He took a deep breath of the fresh air and smiled. While the air was chilly, his borrowed jacket kept him warm.

  Walter took in the wide deck, noticing the narrow, even space of the slats. He started forward, glancing down occasionally between looking around the area. Reaching the edge of the deck, he admired the high garden hedges to the right. He could only guess at the size and beauty of it. Hopefully, he’d have a chance to see for himself soon.

  Taking the single step down to the grass, Treatise beckoned. “I look forward to the day you don’t need those,” the gargoyle admitted. “If only so that I may be able to hold your hand.”

  Feeling his face heat upon hearing the intimate admission, Walter followed. “I look forward to not needing the crutches, too,” he responded, following Treatise’s lead and heading toward the woods on the other side of the clearing. “And I’d like the opportunity to walk and hold your hand.”

  Saying the words, Walter realized just how true they were. He wanted to hold his gargoyle’s hand. He wanted to try everything with his big, winged lover.

  They strolled down a path between trees lit by lanterns hanging from limbs. Before too long, several narrower paths broke off from the main one. Treatise pointed toward one, then paused to hang a yellow flag under the lantern.


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