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Forbidden Professors Boxed Set: A Forbidden Professor Student Romance Collection

Page 4

by Penelope Wylde

  Samuel doesn’t seem to have the same problem. “We would and you will love the feel of my palm on your ass while he sucks those pretty nipples into his mouth.” He speaks as if his mind is already made up for the three of us and the filthy picture he paints has my imagination filled with all the toe-curling fantasies I’ve created.

  My mouth falls open.

  They want me. Their hard lengths give that away in spades.

  Elliot wants to devour me with his mouth and body as he is doing with his eyes this second—he just can’t decide if he should. Understandable. I’m a career killer and they could cost me my scholarship.

  It’s tempting to push him and see how far I can test his limits, but I don’t want to be someone he regrets. If I don’t hold myself to a certain level of standards, I’ll only have myself to blame when he turns me away in the end. “Never mind, as I said. Forget this ever happened and I won’t mention it again.”

  “Get in the fucking truck, Emberly, and don’t make me tell you again.” Tension sparks in the air around us, but I know the threat of him slinging me over his shoulder if I refuse might come about. Samuel hauls open the back door to the large SUV and cocks his head toward the open door, and Elliot closes the slight distance between us, cutting off my only exit. I don’t bother telling them I’m not going anywhere, so I do what I’ve done all night. I obey their commands.

  Now what?

  Chapter Five


  I’m utterly mesmerized by the curious hunger in her eyes.

  She screams innocence and I know we walked into trouble the second Elliot spotted that Thomas dickwad dude getting more than just fresh with Emberly.

  He didn’t ask if we should step in, didn’t give the consequences a second thought. Elliot just plowed out of the pub and drove his fist into the jock’s face.

  I would have done the same had he not been the one closest to the door as we settled our tab.

  Elliot climbs into the driver’s seat and I slide in beside Emberly. She’s clutching the ends of her dress like it has all the answers to all the puzzling feelings she has running through that tight little body of hers.

  She might have all the bravado her age affords, but her inexperience shines through and it calls to a side of me I have no place listening to. It’s what attracted us to her since day one in the first place.

  We are not the only ones. Other professors and even the dean of the university has eyed her tight, pert little ass and cute dimples.

  Beside me I peer down at the barely legal woman biting at her lip, and I can’t remember the last time a woman tasted so good and I want more. Hell, I’m surprised Elliot and I withheld this long. Three years is a long fucking time to want a woman, but we both agreed to keep our hands off.

  Pouty lips, perfect fuckable body, a sweet heart and a brilliant mind. She is our wish-list girl and tastes like the sweetest forbidden fruit.

  She might be wrong to want, but she’s right for us. How the hell are we supposed to walk away from that? Her soft, tender sounding voice has my blood roaring and my naturally protective nature rearing up.

  And her touch. Slight, unsure yet hot to my skin has my dick standing at attention. I can hear her across the hall, scent her delicate perfume as she makes her way to one class or another and I have the same reaction. I have no idea how either of us actually formulates sentences that make a lick of sense with her sitting in the front row five days a week.

  We always knew we’d end up wanting the same woman and we were all right with that then and still are today. But I know Elliot and know he’ll fight this every step of the way. More so if he’s feeling the same level of rightness I am in having her so close.

  Seeing her full of fear tonight and no one there to stand up and defend her brought about a savage need I’ve never felt before I touched her for the first time tonight.

  She did a damn good job of defending herself, but part of me seethes with anger that we couldn’t do it for her. A possessive streak ignites in me and roars for me to wrap her in my arms and never let another bad thing near her again. I imagine waking to her kind smile and her sweet body between us every morning and a wild, raw need awakens. My balls draw up tight, and I can feel hot cum slip from the head of my dick, wetting my boxers.

  I peer out the window and watch the town slip by as we pass her apartment complex. From the corner of my eye, I see her look of confusion but lack of desire to question where we are taking her.

  I scrub a palm down my face. So damn fucking trusting. Her innocence is adorable and dangerous. She basically screams to be taken advantage of. Shit. Maybe Elliot is right. I’m letting my dick do all the thinking.

  She reaches out and slips her soft, delicate hand into my much larger one and raises her gaze to mine like she wants to ask me something. Right now I’d pour out my soul, my darkest desires and biggest fears just to have her eyes on me and see her smile again. I’d tell her how our first kiss was the hottest, most explosive I’ve ever had just as I imagined it would be. Then I’d whisper in her ear that I couldn’t wait to do it again. She’d blush a pretty pink shade when I tell her the taste of her juices left me craving more. But what would really blow her mind is a truth I didn’t know until her tongue wrapped around mine and her body fit so perfectly between Elliot and me. That nothing in this world felt as right or so totally good than when she had her legs wrapped around Elliot, his cock pressed against her core and her lips on mine. My cock throbs from the look of hunger in her eyes.

  All she would have to do is ask. I’d be unable to refuse her now no more than I could back in the parking lot.

  Instead she pulls her lip between her teeth, turns away, and the moment is lost beneath a look of uncertainty.

  For the better, I guess.

  But seeing that troubled look in her eyes has my blood boiling all because of that fucking dickwad, Thomas. The only thing keeping me from dropping her off at her place and hunting down the little shit is the fact that she needs us. Not that she’s said it in so many words, but her body is doing all the talking. Tonight we can erase the bad memory of the asshole jock and replace it with something good.

  Locking eyes with my friend in the rearview, I know he can read my thoughts with a simple chin nod. Between us that’s all it takes. We met in college and formed a quick friendship over late night cramming sessions and our passion for football. Elliot could have made it to the top with his football scholarship and landed in the NFL. We both could have but life had different plans for us. Elliot decided a low-key life was more his speed when his father passed and left his younger sister in his care and I went for the military. The uniforms are better and I what can I say? I love my country. Four years felt like a long time and snap of the fingers all at once. When I completed my service, it felt natural to take up the family business and became a professor in history and foreign affairs like my parents. Elliot helped me land my first job at Blackthorne University, and we picked our friendship up right where it left off before I went to war.

  Then like now, finding a woman who likes our special brand of kink isn’t hard if we wanted to go looking. I’ll be the first to admit the urge has been long gone for a while now and if I were to line up the dates I know for a fact it would coincide with the day Emberly Kennedy entered our lives. I know my buddy well enough to know it is the same for him.

  This town is big enough where we can have our selection of woman when we want a night out. Plus, every classroom is filled with women willing to drop their panties for a good grade and favor with their professors. Neither option attracts us. Especially the student route.

  Until her.

  Neither Elliot nor I are deaf to the rumors that we sleep with our students, but the fact is they aren’t true. After we turned down a particularly beautiful but pushy brunette a year back, the rumor train started. Yeah, not hard to connect the dots there. It didn’t take long before the dean’s ears pricked up and he started asking questions. I’m not entirely certain he believ
es our innocence but up until tonight, our hands have never touched a student.

  Now I don’t think I can stop.

  Elliot finds a quiet place in the small park situated a short distance between both our houses. When we have a late night, we meet up and us the track to blow off some steam.

  Small pools of light dot the otherwise deserted park, revealing we are alone.

  Elliot throws the car into park and presses the emergency brake.

  “What were you thinking, Emberly?” Elliot bursts the silence from the ten-minute drive over here. He’s turned in the driver’s seat and pissed off.

  Emberly’s face seems to drop and her shoulders slump. Still clutching my hand, Emberly squeezes my fingers. “Tone it the fuck down, man. You’re scaring her.”

  Elliot’s eyes dart to mine and I can physically see him reeling his anger and fear back into check.

  Frowning, he turns back to Emberly and tries again. “I don’t care how small and comfortable this small town feels, a woman like you should not be out in the street walking alone. Especially at this hour. You wouldn’t do it New York City, so don’t do it here.”

  I smirk at the stony gaze she hits Elliot with and sit back to watch the show. There’s one thing Elliot tends to forget about our girl. She might be shy, but she’s not afraid to give a piece of her mind.

  She shakes her head, her eyes glued to Elliot’s. “Woman like me?”

  “Yes. You’re so fucking beautiful you don’t even know it. You don’t even try and it glows around you like a God damn beacon every guy within a twenty-mile radius can detect. Trust me. You draw everyone to you. I half believe it’s why ninety percent of the male student body in my class has seen a drop in grades. They can’t concentrate with you there. God, you’re hell on a man’s cock and senses, woman. Men of less caliber than Sam and I wouldn’t hesitate to take —”

  Elliot cuts off abruptly, his gaze flickering over Emberly’s tight expression like he couldn’t believe she didn’t see what they both saw. “I’m glad you know how to defend yourself, sweetheart, but tonight could have turned out far worse had that dickwad’s friends wanted to join him.”

  That made the color leach from her face.

  “Jesus, how about adding a layer or two of some lube on your dose of reality before you shove it down her throat, man,” I snarl at him.

  Our years of friendship have survived harsher so I don’t hold back. He never could handle fear for his loved ones getting hurt which tells me a lot about what he is feeling right now.

  “Shit, Emberly, I’m sorry. It’s just—”

  “What Elliot is saying is true, sweetheart. He’s just having a hard time expressing himself with his foot in his mouth.” The fuck you look he pings me with makes Emberly smile.

  “I’m sorry, honey, Don’t think I’m a dick I just… I said it the only way you can when it comes to her safety It’s not a joke to me.”

  “You’re right, Professor,” Emberly cuts in, reaching out for Elliot’s hand while holding mine.

  She turns those tender green eyes on me and I take a deep breath to steady the roar of blood in my ears. Fuck, she is insanely tempting. And so damn innocent. Seeing signs of tears in her eyes fucking cuts me down at the knees.

  “You both are. It’s just, well, I’m used to taking care of myself and walking home shouldn’t be such a big deal. But tonight…” She cocked her head and stared at the moon through the sunroof for a moment and we sat there for a couple of seconds while she gathers her words. “Tonight is the first time I didn’t feel safe. Until you both stepped in, I ugh—” She takes her bottom lips between her teeth. “I’ve never had someone so concerned over me. I usually walk home with my friend but she’s headed back to her family in Cali and well it was only three blocks. I didn’t give it a second thought.”

  “You didn’t give your safety a second thought? Maybe that spanking is in order after all, Sam.”

  I don’t think my dick can get any harder and then he goes and says shit like that while she chews on her lip. I reach for my hard length and adjust the zipper from biting into flesh.

  Her eyes take in every movement and I see the sharp breath she takes lodge in her throat, and the soft groan she emits has my eyes jerking to hers.

  “From here on out you don’t walk home.”

  My voice is gravelly, strained. Elliot’s is no better.

  “Not when you have us.”

  Her eyes widen with surprise. “Yeah, I can’t do that. How would that look? Me showing up in your car in the morning and then both of you taking me home in the evening. The rumors that come with that will slap a label on my ass for sure. I’m not a teacher’s pet. But thank you anyways. I’m sure you don’t need to add any more fuel to the pretty detailed rumors flying around about you two anyways. But that’s none of my business. I should be saying thank you for tonight. I’m not sure how I can repay you for stepping in when you did.”

  Oh shit. Horror stories of this kind of unorthodox behavior should be enough to have us straightening out her dress, sitting her in the back seat—alone—and dropping her off at her apartment. End of story.

  Had we not talked about this exact moment and what we would not do?

  Hell yes.

  We had both been clear. We would not touch her, lick her sweet nectar off her body like the little innocent goddess that she is, kiss her and fucking lose our shit, and we sure the hell would not claim any virgin part of her in the back seat of a car.

  Yet here we are lined up to do all that and more. Come to think about it, it didn’t matter if we fuck our student in the back of his car. Simply touching her is enough to end our careers. I doubt the dean and board members will care how innocent and fucking sinful the student appears.

  It seems I can’t heed a warning sign to save my life. Whatever piece of soul I have left after going to war just turned pitch black with the sinful thoughts on the tip of my tongue.

  Elliot pops the door and joins us in the back. I watch Emberly for the slightest hint of discomfort but all I see is the hunger return and fill her heart-shaped face with a warm flush I’ve come to love about her.

  Between us she’s still holding my hand. She scoots her perfect little ass across the leather and leans into me, making room for Elliot beside her. With my arm resting over the back of the seat her soft, curvy form fits snugly against my harder body.

  I lean forward and just before my lips touch the shell of her ear, I whisper, “You want to thank us? Spread your legs over our thighs, baby. Show us how much you want us. Show us your pretty wet pussy.”

  Inch by inch Emberly gathers the hem of her dress in her hands and drags the white cloth over her supple, silky skin. I groan inside. I can’t look away as she slides her finger under the slicked-up silk of her panties and peels it to the side. The scent of her arousal hits me and I growl when sticky, white-hot liquid slips from her tiny slit to wet her delicate pussy lips.

  “Ah fuck, angel. Emberly. Damn, baby girl, you slay the fuck out of me.” I growl when her pretty red-tipped fingers peel her lips back to reveal her the tiny slit of her cunt.

  I haul her to sit on my lap. Using my legs, I part her tender thighs for my friend and me to share the beautiful view. “Elliot and I are going to show you what pretty virgins get in the back of their professors’ car.”

  Chapter Six


  When you have us.

  I know what I heard, but I don’t think they mean them how my brain wants to interpret the words.

  I feel my heart pound out an unsteady rhythm. In fact it hasn’t stabilized since I stole a kiss from Elliot. And then he dominated the kiss.

  I turn and stare into a set of gorgeous blue eyes. When Samuel looks at me like he is now, it feels like the man can see my deepest desires and wants to make them come true.

  I can feel the heat climb up my cheeks as Professor Elliot slips off my shoe, takes my foot in his strong hand and places warm kisses up my calf, across my knee and over my
thigh, stopping just shy of where I really want him.

  “No, please, don’t stop,” I cry out and bury my hand in his hair. I can feel his iron hard gaze soften the second he sits up between my legs like when he asked me if I was okay back in the parking lot.

  From the second I saw murder cross his face before his expression turned gentle with the same look he’s giving me now. Like he wants to eat me starting with my wet pussy and go from there.

  Sounds like the perfect plan to me.

  I get a soft chuckle in response to my begging, and all the hot anger in his eyes morphs into wonder. His eyes promise me hot pleasure, but I know he’s not a man to be rushed. He’s proven that time and time again in the classroom. He likes to take his time delivering lectures that always hit a chord and I don’t think having him between my thighs will be any different.

  “No one has tasted this sweet piece of virgin pussy have they? Don’t lie. Tell me.” Elliot’s soft command makes me impossibly wetter and a need I can’t control acts as a vice on my knees clamping around Elliot’s shoulders.

  “N…no,” I stutter and it’s the truth in a way.

  Behind me, Samuel holds my hair to the side in one hand while he devours my neck with his mouth. I feel his lips on my collarbone and work down over the soft slope of my shoulder.

  “Raise up, baby, let me take these from you.” Elliot caresses his way under the hem of my dress and hooks his thumb into the thin band of my panties and slides the tiny scrap of white lace over my hips. The strip between my thighs peels away from my body and I blush when they see all the girl cum wetting my lips because of them. For them.

  He raises one leg then the other and pockets my panties.

  With him half kneeling in the floor between my legs, I shudder and moan when he presses my legs wider and looks at all of me. My head falls back against Samuel’s shoulder and Elliot scoops my ass into his large hands, holding me up like a luscious dish of forbidden fruit he can’t wait to consume.


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