Kyle (Riding Hard Book 6)

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Kyle (Riding Hard Book 6) Page 11

by Jennifer Ashley

  Anna reached for him and welcomed him in.

  Kyle was a warm, firm weight, filling her like he belonged inside her and always had. Anna touched him, couldn’t stop, loving the tightness of his body. He braced himself on his fists as he thrust into her, his eyes darkening.

  “Sweet,” he groaned. “Sweet Anna.”

  He wasn’t going to be a quiet lover. That was fine. Anna didn’t think she’d be able to hold back on the noise herself as a wave of pleasure lifted her.

  “You’re tight.” Kyle’s voice licked her senses. “So beautiful and tight. Damn.”

  He stilled a moment, closing his eyes as though absorbing the feeling. When he opened his eyes again, the green in them sparkled. His lazy smile spread across his face, Kyle the rodeo hero back in action.

  He slid partway out and inside again. “Oh, yeah.”

  She rose to meet him. He filled her satisfyingly, pressing her open. A big man, but gentle. His thrusts were about pleasure for both of them, not simply taking what he wanted.

  Kyle groaned again, face softening as he relaxed into his rhythm.

  “You are amazing,” he said, eyes on her. “Amazing, sweet Anna. Fuck, you are good.”

  Anna wanted to say he was wonderful, hard, hot, and to keep doing that, but all that came out was a wordless sound, then breathy gasps, then his name. Her thoughts scattered on a wash of crazed sensation.

  Kyle sped his thrusts, his breathing fast. The bright light let her see his gorgeous face, eyes, smile, the trickle of perspiration that ran from his temple to be lost on his cheek.

  “Anna.” His voice was more urgent. “Shit.”

  His words tangled and slid away. Anna met him as he came down on her, their groans and cries mingling as she sailed on a wave of joy.

  Hard, harder. Anna might have shouted the words—she wasn’t sure. Kyle complied. Then they were laughing, moaning, shouting, caught in a whirlwind of dark release.

  Anna wasn’t certain when it ended, or if it did. They fell together to the mattress, wrapped in each other. Touching, kissing, murmuring. More kissing, hot afterglow.

  “Kyle,” Anna whispered a final time and touched his face.

  “Anna. You are the most beautiful—”

  Kyle’s words were lost as a flood of sleep washed over Anna, and she dropped into its warm depths without a struggle.

  A load of bricks landed on Kyle’s ankles and yanked him out of sound sleep. The load squirmed, stabbed him with ten small knives, and then collapsed onto his feet and started to purr.

  Kyle groaned softly, moved a leg, and was rewarded by being stabbed again. The purrs grew louder.

  He pried open his eyes to see the green ones of a black and white cat staring at him. Not glaring, not gazing … staring. Assessing. Sizing him up.

  Kyle took stock of his situation. He lay face down on Anna’s bed, not wearing a stitch. Anna, sleeping peacefully next to him, had managed to slide under a sheet, her head resting on a soft pillow. Her breasts moved the sheet as she breathed, face relaxed in slumber.

  Kyle returned the cat’s stare and touched his finger to his lips. “Let her sleep,” he whispered.

  The cat watched him serenely. Kyle moved the slightest bit, trying to find a more comfortable position, and the cat pounced on his ankles again. Kyle flinched and stifled a shriek.

  Anna opened her eyes. She took in Kyle, his face tight with pain, his naked body on her bed, and her cat on his ankles.

  Her smile made being wakened by miniature torture worth it. Anna’s eyes lit, and her body shook agreeably with laughter.

  “Patches likes you,” Anna said. “He doesn’t attack just anyone’s ankles.”

  “Great.” Kyle tried to slide his leg out from under the cat, but Patches decided he didn’t want it to go. He pounced again, and Kyle yelped.

  Anna, laughing her ass off at him, rolled out of bed. Kyle ceased moving to look at her standing in the sunshine.

  Silken hair straggled across her shoulders and down to her breasts, which were petite but gorgeous, like the rest of her. Her body, honed by work and exercise, curved in the best places, her arms and neck tanned from the Texas sun. The rest of her was pale, meaning she didn’t have time to sit out and bake herself in a bathing suit.

  She looked great as she was. Kyle fixed the sight of her in his mind, wanting to remember her like this, uninhibited, laughing in true enjoyment.

  “I’m hitting the shower,” she said. Kyle loved that she didn’t cower, try to cover herself, deny that anything had happened, or shout at him to get out. “I don’t have much to offer for breakfast, but I’m seriously good at working the toaster.”

  “I’m not bad at it myself,” Kyle said. “If you have eggs, I can make you a mean omelet. Unless you don’t eat eggs, Dr. Vegetarian.”

  “I will. As long as they’re free-range—true free range—and the chickens are happy. That’s what kind of eggs you’ll find in my fridge, so cook away.”

  “Sounds good. I’ve taken over breakfast at home. Unless it’s meat outside on a grill, Ray’s cooking sucks.”

  Anna grinned at him and disappeared into the bathroom.

  Kyle had a serious talk with the cat. He made Patches a bargain—he’d find the kibbles and fill his bowl if Patches would let Kyle get off the bed without grabbing his feet.

  Patches didn’t keep his part of the bargain, but by the time Kyle finally got his legs off the bed, the cat had fled, probably waiting for Kyle to uphold his end of the deal.

  The shower was running. Kyle toyed with the idea of joining Anna, spreading soap over her, lifting her against the wall, sliding deep inside her …

  He shook off the vision and willed his cock to calm down. He had no idea what kind of reception Anna would give him if he cornered her in the shower. Anna so far didn’t seem to regret their night together—if an hour of hard banging followed by comatose slumber could be called a night together.

  Kyle turned off the vision, gathered up his clothes, and pulled them on. He hoped the suit coat would hide the fact that most of the buttons had been ripped from his shirt.

  He went out to the kitchen in his bare feet, found the bag of cat food, and satisfied Patches by pouring some into his bowl.

  Patches wrapped his tail around the ankles he’d abused and fell to eating with gusto. Kyle moved back through the house to the front room, cautiously opening the curtains to let in the sunlight and the neighbors’ curiosity.

  He stared outside. “Aw, shit.”

  The cat came running, but the shower continued to patter, Anna oblivious to his anguished cry.

  The car, the rented luxury Lexus, had vanished. Kyle yanked open Anna’s front door and dashed onto the porch, but the spot where the car had been parked was empty, the hideously expensive car gone.

  Chapter Twelve

  Kyle did make a mean omelet, Anna discovered when she emerged to the smell of frying eggs. She dressed quickly in shirt and jeans and then went out and worked the toaster like a boss to supplement the meal.

  She ate with Kyle across the table from her, looking delectable in his rumpled suit and ruined shirt. In spite of the fact that someone had stolen his car, he lingered over breakfast instead of rushing off in panic.

  He’d go anytime. And this would be over.

  Whatever this was.

  Anna thought back to the bright day she’d been shoeing Ray’s horse and realized Kyle was checking out her ass. She’d yelled at him for it, unable to admit to herself that being the focus of his attention melted her. Her snarling and growling had been at herself for being entranced by Kyle.

  He wasn’t the same as the guys who’d followed her in college with only one thing on their minds. Kyle looked into her eyes, had conversations with her, didn’t expect her to have sex with him in gratitude simply because he’d spoken to her.

  When he’d fallen from the bull, Anna had experienced a moment of deep panic, worried he’d broken his neck, killed himself right there in the mud. Helping him wa
lk from the ring had made her light on her feet, rejoicing he was all right.

  It could have been so much worse.

  Anna shoved her worries aside. “Can I drive you somewhere?” she asked, keeping her voice light. “Home? Sheriff’s department? Rental car place?”

  Kyle shook his head. “Don’t go out of your way. I already called Deputy Harrison and reported the car stolen. I’ll walk to the feed store, and Ray can get off his ass and pick me up there.”

  “You sure? Your ranch is on the way to my office.”

  My, they were polite this morning.

  “Nah, less gossip if I slip out the back.”

  “Because you walking through the alley and into the feed store in your messed-up suit will cause less gossip.”

  “Good point.” Kyle shoveled in the last of his eggs. “But better than walking out your front door with a street full of neighbors waiting for me. At least with the car gone, they might think I left last night and didn’t stay over. If I go out the back, it will help reinforce that idea.”

  Anna finished the last bite of the terrific omelet and laid down her fork. “Kyle, I don’t care if they know. But if you want to slip out through the alley I won’t stop you.”

  Maybe he didn’t want anyone to know he’d slept with her? Anna wasn’t his usual type.

  Kyle looked puzzled. “Just trying to save you some embarrassment. The town will find out sooner or later, but I’m not going to advertise by walking out and waving at everyone. None of their damned business.”

  Anna shrugged, as though she didn’t care. “All right.”

  Kyle frowned while Anna picked up her toast and munched it. When she said nothing more, he rose and took his dishes to the sink. He even rinsed them off and put them into her dishwasher, along with the frying pan he’d used for the eggs.

  Anna was still chewing when he turned back to the table and caught up his cell phone. He didn’t leave, didn’t call anyone, only stood there as though waiting for her to say something.

  Anna laid down the crust and cleared her throat. “So, see you around?” she said.

  Kyle waited another heartbeat then smoothed out his face. “Yeah, I guess you will.”

  He stared down at her for a few more seconds before he stooped and pressed a brief kiss to her lips. “Congratulations, Anna. You paid off our bet.”

  Another kiss to the top of her head then Kyle breezed out the back door in his usual saunter.

  Wind caught the door and banged it closed. The sound was hollow.

  Patches leapt to the table and bent an eye on the crumbs on Anna’s plate. Instead of shooing him off, Anna stroked him absently.

  “I’m really bad at people, aren’t I?” she said tiredly. “Especially male people. I suck at it.” Anna slid her fingers through the cat’s warm fur. “Any advice? Or should I just hunker down and go back to work?”

  Patches half closed his eyes, purrs swaying his body.

  Anna let out a heavy sigh. “Yeah. Thought so.”

  Halfway to the feed store, Kyle’s phone rang.

  He found it hilarious how fast he grabbed it. Was it Anna, calling him to come back? Begging him to stay another night? Move in? Lie around all day with her in a naked sex-fest?

  It was the guy at the car rental place in White Fork. Kyle let out his breath and answered.

  “Hey, look, I’m sorry …”

  “Kyle?” the man talked right through him. “I don’t understand. The sheriff’s office called me about the car I rented you being stolen, but it’s right here. Was at the gate when I opened up. Thanks for dropping it off so early. I think the deputies got their wires crossed.”

  “What? Oh, yeah. Right. Uh … Sorry for the confusion.”

  “No problem. Did you like the car? Have any trouble with it?”

  Kyle assured him that the car was wonderful, and no, he didn’t know it was for sale, and no he didn’t want to buy it. He finally managed to hang up, and then called Ray.

  No answer.


  Kyle went to the feed store anyway. Chances were good he’d find someone there to catch a ride with.

  The feed store was in truth the hardware store on the corner of the town square with a big tack and feed shop behind it. Everything a rancher needed was in that store, which had been run by the Fuller family for generations.

  Today Mr. Fuller stood behind the counter while his sons and sons-in-law restocked shelves, helped customers, and drove forklifts laden with bags of feed and garden soil.

  “Morning, Kyle,” Fuller said, looking him up and down with amusement. “Going to a wedding? Might want to change your shirt.”

  Several of the younger generation Fullers glanced over and grinned. The whole town must know Kyle and Anna had gone out last night, and here was Kyle still in his date-night suit, which was the worse for being half torn off him.

  Damn it, Ray.

  “She threw me out,” Kyle said in a joking tone. “I’ve been wandering the streets. Any of you making a delivery out my way? Or seen my obnoxious brother?”

  Craig Fuller, a friend from way back, shoved a crate onto a shelf and strolled over. “Ray’s been spending a lot of time at the B&B old man Paresky left. And a lot of time with its new owner. Can’t blame him. She’s something good looking.”

  “A lot of time,” Kyle agreed, though his irritation grew. “He won’t talk about it. Highly suspicious.”

  “I know, right?” Craig chuckled.

  “Can I catch a ride with any of you?” Kyle steered the conversation back to what he needed.

  Craig adjusted his cap that said “Fuller’s Feed” on it. “Not anytime soon. Let me check with my brothers …”

  “We’re going your way.” A new voice rumbled behind Kyle, and he grimaced. “Want a ride?”

  Kyle turned with reluctance. Craig, the shit, took one look and suddenly remembered he had boxes to move somewhere in the back. Craig was a nice guy, but he was no match for the Haynes brothers and he knew it.

  Two of the three Hayneses, Jarrod and Blake, had entered the feed store. Wonderful. At least Virgil wasn’t with them—he was probably off torturing innocent souls with his pitchfork.

  Blake had been the one who’d spoken. Jarrod gave Kyle a silent once-over, a sullen look on his face.

  Kyle rubbed his hair as though considering. “Thanks, but think I’ll take my chances hitching.”

  “Nah,” Blake said with a wolfish smile. “We’ll throw you in the back and shove you out at your gate.”

  He would, literally.

  “That’s okay.” Kyle kept his voice neutral. “I’d rather keep my suit clean. I’ve seen the state of your truck.”

  “It’s new,” Jarrod snapped. “Too good for you, Kyle.”

  Blake rolled his eyes. “Shut up, Jarrod. So, Dr. Anna, huh?” he continued. “Jarrod told me you were in her. Wait, I mean, into her.”

  Kyle went cool. “And now we’re touching on stuff that’s none of your business.”

  “Better watch her, Malory. She knows her way around a castration knife.”

  “I’m aware of that,” Kyle answered. If Blake shut up and didn’t continue down this road, everything would be fine. “Good seeing you, Haynes.”

  “You hate seeing me, but that’s fine. Fuller—I need horse pellets. Alfalfa. Couple of bags. Dr. Anna was out at our place yesterday,” he went on as Fuller departed to fill Blake’s order. “Sweet woman. Real sweet, to all three of us.”

  Kyle fought for patience. “Now, this is where you and I go wrong, Blake. You can’t let it go. You disrespect a woman and needle me until I want to rip off your face and feed it to you. Best you buy what you came here for and take off.”

  Blake grinned. “Am I getting under your skin? Why’s that? Same reason you’re walking around in your fancy clothes at eight in the morning? You and Anna did the dirty all night, didn’t you? So, tell us—does she do it doggy style? You know, like horses? And dogs?”

  “Can you be any more disgus
ting?” Kyle demanded, tamping down his fury. He’d learned it was best not to let on that Blake was getting to him. “Oh, wait, you can. I’ve known you a while.” He took a step toward Blake. “Tell you what—you leave off talking about Anna—forever—and I’ll let you keep your blood inside your body.”

  Blake, for all his idiocy, hadn’t come to fight today. His grin widened and he lifted his hands. “Man, you’re in love with her, ain’t you? Better you than me, dude. When she cuts off your dick, I’m gonna laugh.”

  “Seriously, Blake. Don’t talk about her again.” Kyle kept his stare even. Blake blinked in surprise but registered the threat in Kyle’s eyes.

  “Whatever,” he said. “Come on, Fuller, what the hell is taking you so long?”

  Kyle relaxed a fraction, though he wouldn’t entirely until these shits drove away. Blake for now lost interest and started after Fuller.

  Kyle felt hot breath on his neck and turned to see Jarrod next to him.

  Jarrod was a year younger than Kyle and had always let his older brothers fight the Malorys when they clashed. Jarrod, after he’d instigated a fight, would watch from a safe distance. He was fiercely loyal to his brothers, though Kyle wasn’t sure why—they gave him all kinds of hell.

  “Don’t mess with me, Jarrod,” Kyle said, tight-lipped. “I’m not in the mood.”

  Jarrod’s eyes narrowed. “You tell Dr. Anna that when you dump her, she can come to me, but I won’t be as nice as before. And you can tell her she’s a stupid cun—”

  Kyle didn’t let him finish the word. He had his hand on the back of Jarrod’s neck and was marching him out of the store, the final T sound ending in a gurgle.

  “What the fuck?” Blake roared from the depths of the shelves, but Kyle didn’t stop.

  He kept Jarrod in a fierce grip until he threw him against the side of a sleek pickup, the one that had passed him and Anna like a bat out of hell two nights ago.

  Jarrod landed hard but sprang upright again, his face flinty. Kyle stepped close to him.


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