Christmas of Love

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Christmas of Love Page 12

by Erin Wright

  “I know. It’s funny – seeing those paintings at that store made me understand why you did, though.”

  “They did?” She stared at him, trying to understand.

  “Yeah. Seeing how much talent you have – it’s a part of your soul. To be surrounded by blithering idiots who couldn’t see that talent and appreciate it must’ve slowly been driving you crazy.”

  “Well, I was also painting different stuff back then,” she said. “Maybe I wasn’t as good at—”

  “You could flip paint at a canvas and it’d be beautiful,” he staunchly informed her.

  She cocked an eyebrow at him, mimicking one of his favorite gestures. “Have you ever considered that you might be biased?” she teased him.

  “Biased? I’m not biased,” he protested.

  “Maybe the other people looking at my paintings weren’t in love with me,” she whispered, biting her lower lip and staring straight at him.

  She was done hiding. She was done being scared. She would say what she thought, what she meant, what she felt. If the world couldn’t handle the truth, then that was their fault, not hers.

  And she was starting with Austin.

  He was staring at her, hardly breathing, his heart in his eyes. “You think I’m in love with you?” he whispered softly. He began to lean towards her. Just a little. But she saw it, and she knew what it meant.

  “Yes, I do,” she whispered back. “I think you’ve loved me since I spilled that damn apple cider all over you.”

  He grinned, his eyes crinkling up in the corners. “I really should make you pay to dry clean that jacket,” he whispered.

  She felt ridiculous, whispering to him when there wasn’t anyone else in the room, but she leaned forward anyway, and whispered back, “I know how to pay you back.”

  “You do?” he asked breathlessly.

  “I do,” she murmured.

  Finally, finally, their lips touched, and the heat and electricity and sparks arced between them so bright and strong, she was sure they were lighting up the nighttime sky above Sawyer. Tears were rolling down her cheeks – happy tears, this time – as they murmured and kissed, wiping her tears away with the pads of his thumb, whispering that he did love her. He loved her so damn much.

  “Will you move in with me?” Austin asked as they finally came up for air. “I have a lot more space at my house – you could have your own art room even. I just don’t want to go home without you. Please.”

  She shook her head slowly, smiling slightly. “No,” she whispered, her tone at odds with her answer.

  “No?” he repeated, confused.

  “If I do that, I’ll never know if I could make it as an artist. On my own two feet. Without waitressing or my parents or you supporting me. I need to know this for me. I need to do this for me. I love you, I’ll date you, and if someday you ask me, I might even marry you.”

  “Might?” he asked, repeating her again.

  “A girl’s gotta keep a guy on his toes,” she said and winked. “But never again am I going to allow someone else’s beliefs about me and what I should do or who I should be control me. And I’m not saying that you’d do that on purpose, but I need to know that I, Ivy Green—” she winked again, “—McLain can stand on my own two feet. And if I end up having to take a waitressing job, well, it’ll be in Franklin—” he let out a shout of laughter, “—but you’ll know it and the world will know it. I will never lie to you again.”

  He sobered up and stared at her for a long moment. “Thank you,” and then so softly, like words floating on a summer breeze, “I believe you.”

  And in that moment, those words were the sweetest she’d ever heard. She had a long ways to go to earning everyone’s trust back, but she’d started the process, and that meant more to her than anything in the world.

  Well, except for a handsome cowboy named Austin Bishop.

  The world of Long Valley continues. Read on to see the other stories available in the Long Valley world, including a free novella only available to my newsletter subscribers…

  The next book in the Long Valley saga, this is the love story of a man who’d been led to believe he was less than because of his parentage, and the woman he hurt because of that belief.

  Second chances, a child who needs his father…everything is here, along with the chance to spend more time with Adam, the county’s vet. If you love the Long Valley world, come along for a love story you’ll never forget…

  Overdue for Love Excerpt


  Dawson Blackhorse watched through narrowed eyes as Chloe Bartell sashayed toward the doors of the stable. He pretended not to notice the way she paused in the open doorway, giving him a deliberate look, and wiggled, a display that was emphasized by the short, tight denim shorts that barely encased her rear end. Dawson was schooled at keeping his expression blank, which came in handy around Chloe. He allowed himself a faint twitch of his lips at her annoyed expression as she flounced off.

  As she stormed away, he allowed himself to drink his fill of her lush frame. The sun sparkled off the long fall of blonde hair nearly touching her waist, along with the light copper hue of her skin, burnished to a warm sheen by the Arizona sun in which Chloe had languished all summer. Being the only child of a very rich father meant a whole lot of spare time to spend out in the sun in tiny bikinis and oversized sunglasses. Dawson had been able to spend a…considerable amount of time admiring that particular clothing combination.

  With a curse, he turned back to the stall and began mucking it out again. If he dared to touch her, that’d be the end of his job and his chance to own the Bartell Ranch. Dawson paused for a moment and used a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from his brow, not sure if it was mucking the stalls or staring at Chloe that had caused him to sweat more.

  He had to do something about Chloe before he gave into temptation. That would cost him everything. She was only twenty – a baby, really – and had always been sheltered by her doting and stupidly rich father. She was naïve and just had no idea what the world was really like.

  Could she understand how much it meant to him to own the ranch? Could she understand that he might want her but that sure didn’t mean he could act on it? Hank had hired Dawson to work the ranch, and had even allowed him to work toward buying it someday, but he was under no illusion the other man would welcome a part-Navajo ranch hand into the Bartell family tree, anymore than he’d welcome in a one-eyed, snaggletoothed possum.

  Nope, Dawson had to keep his hands to himself, no matter how much she flirted with him.

  With a curse that’d burn the hair off a hog, he turned back to the stall and began heaving the straw and manure into the wheelbarrow with a little more force than was necessary. If he couldn’t touch the boss’ daughter, well, he could work himself into a stupor. For now, that’d have to do.

  The day passed in a blur of heat and manual labor, and it was a relief to finish around dinnertime. The heat of the Sonoran sun beat down on his shoulders as he made his way to the bunkhouse to grab a shower. It felt good to wash the sweat off and put on clean clothes before making his way to the main house, where Martha would have enough food to feed an army, or at least six hungry ranch hands.

  He found three of the other men seated when he entered, and the remaining ranch hands trickled in soon after. Hank and Chloe were last.

  That was no surprise. Thank heavens Hank didn’t make them wait for Chloe to show up before he allowed the ranch hands to eat. Either she wanted to make an entrance every night, or she had no idea how to read a watch.

  Her hair – curled and hair sprayed within an inch of its life – and makeup so thick astronauts were checking it out, made it real obvious she was no stranger to primping. Dawson was sure she’d look a sight better without all that junk smeared on her face and products plastered in her hair, but he wasn’t about to tell her that. She was too gorgeous by half, and he didn’t want to give her the idea that he was paying attention to her appearance. He wasn’t sure how m
any more seduction attempts he could survive.

  Not that she needed encouragement to keep them going. When she took the seat across from him, she made sure she bent forward enough to guarantee he knew she wasn’t wearing a bra under that skimpy tank top. His eyes cut sharply to the right and he made a point of looking at Martha as she bustled in from the kitchen with a big basket of biscuits. He could not stare at her.

  Or her magnificent chest.

  As Dawson ate, he pretended to be totally ignorant about Chloe’s stares, or the fact that she was constantly shifting positions to better display her cleavage.

  He was mostly successful, even when she slid her bare foot across his leg. His boots barred her from slipping her foot inside his jeans, but she was undeterred. His hand jerked and he focused on not spilling his coffee as her foot crept higher.

  He cleared his throat, loudly, and shot her a warning look. Apparently, it was her turn to ignore him, because she looked away, but her foot kept moving upward.

  He put a hand under the table to intercept her foot, reaching for it a scant second after her foot reached its goal. He jumped, sloshing coffee everywhere. With a muttered curse, Dawson slid back his chair, using a napkin to mop up the spill.

  “Sorry, Martha,” he said as the housekeeper came to his rescue, dishtowel in hand.

  She shrugged. “Just step back, son. Let me do my job.” She was gruff but had a soft spot for all her “boys,” as she called the workers. Though Martha looked nothing like his Navajo grandmother, who’d died three years ago, she reminded him of her in personality.

  Dawson backed away, his gaze settling on Chloe. She appeared the very picture of innocence. He barely restrained himself from rolling his eyes.

  Somehow, he finished dinner, aware of Chloe and Hank both watching him. The homemade strawberry cake stuck in his throat, and he gave up after three bites. “Thanks, Martha. Great dinner.”

  She waved off the compliments as the other men echoed Dawson. A scrape of the chairs and then he was falling into step with the others as they headed for the bunkhouse.


  His stomach curled with dread when Hank spoke his name. He had no reason to be concerned, but he had a feeling Hank wanted to discuss more than tomorrow’s chores. Pausing, he turned on his heel. “Yeah, Hank?”

  “Come into my den, will you?” The invitation was an order, and they both knew it.


  Overdue for Love, the 6th book in the Long Valley series, can be found on a wide variety of storefronts - find your favorite storefront here!

  A FREE Story For You…

  Enjoyed Christmas of Love? Not ready to quit reading yet? If you sign up for my newsletter at, you will receive Stampede of Love, the love story of Rex and Kimber, right away as my thank-you gift for choosing to hang out with me.

  Stampede of Love

  Eight seconds…

  That’s all Rex Kingsley wants. Eight seconds on the back of Bodacious, the most feared bull in the PBR. Two years ago, the massive bull threw him and stomped him into the sands of the Tulsa Rodeo in front of ten thousand spectators. Rex survived. Barely. Now his single goal is to conquer the bull touted as “unbeatable.” No bull rider has lasted eight seconds on Bodacious’ back for over five years. Rex aims to break that streak, and his lofty ambition leaves no room in his life for a woman.

  Until Kimber…

  Kimber Adams just wants to celebrate her birthday with friends. A few drinks. Maybe a spin on the dance floor. But when she falls into Rex’s arms, literally, her plans change. She and Rex share a night of passion but the handsome cowboy wants more. Kimber’s no stranger to the perils of bull riding, though. She makes it clear that Rex needs to choose between eight seconds on Bodacious…or a lifetime with her.

  Their love is young and fragile. Can it survive the dangers of a rodeo cowboy’s life?

  Read on for a taste of Stampede…

  Stampede of Love Preview

  (Rex and Kimber have just met in a bar, and sparks are flying…)

  “I never caught your name,” he said, realizing that he couldn’t use her name if she hadn’t been the one to tell him. That was just stalkerish and weird.

  “Kimber, not Kimberly.”

  “Well, Kimber Not Kimberly, I’m Rex.”

  “Rex?” She eyeballed him. “Like T-Rex? Who names their child after a dinosaur? I thought I had a weird name…”

  “I will say, I’ve never heard of Kimber Not Kimberly.” She stuck her tongue out at him and he winked and grinned. “Rex is…it’s a nickname.”

  “And you’re not going to tell me your real name, are you.” It was a statement, not a question.

  “Not a chance,” he said with a grin.

  “If I guess it, will you tell me if I’m right or not?”

  “Not a chance,” he repeated, and grinned wider. She rolled her eyes and plowed ahead.





  “You did hear that I wouldn’t tell you even if you were right, right?” he asked, laughing, after she guessed Lesley.

  “But I thought I’d bat my baby blues at you and change your mind.” She batted her eyelashes in a mockery of a southern belle, and he laughed.

  “Turns out, I’m immune to baby blues.”

  “Well I’m just screwed…”

  Stampede of Love is ONLY available by signing up for my newsletter – sign up for it here:

  The story doesn’t end…

  You’ve met a few people and have fallen in love…

  You’re probably wondering when and where you can meet everyone else. Here’s the list of books, current and to-be-released, in the Long Valley world:

  Accounting for Love – The bank’s threatening to foreclose on Stetson’s farm…and the auditor on the case is damn hot. Jennifer doesn’t mind a tough job, but handsome Stetson is trouble. And then came the night she had to spend on the farm. Can she find a way for him to save his farm? And if she can’t, will he ever forgive her?

  Blizzard of Love – Luke never expects to end up spending Christmas at the Miller farm. Everyone knows he hates Christmas. But Bonnie adores Christmas, so when her best friend invites her to the Miller farm, she jumps at the chance. When a blizzard hits, sparks fly. Can the magic of mistletoe tear down the barriers between them?

  Arrested by Love – Deputy Abby Connelly, friends with Chloe, is about to meet her match – Stetson’s brother, Wyatt. Sparks and handcuffs fly in this story about mistakes…and redemption.

  Returning for Love – Declan’s high school sweetheart left Long Valley years ago and has never looked back. He tries to move on, but can’t let her go. Then one day, she’s back in town, but everything has changed. Can Declan let his heart guide him?

  Christmas of Love – Austin, Declan’s best friend, has sworn off women forever. That is, until he meets Ivy…

  Overdue for Love – When Dawson left Arizona nine years ago, he never expected to see Chloe again. Until he runs into her at a diner in Sawyer, Idaho, and finds that she has a memento of their last meeting in tow…

  Bundle of Love – Dr. Adam Whitaker, vet extraordinaire, has spent the last nine years helplessly in love with Chloe, and deserves his own happily ever after. Except, what if the love of his life comes with one condition…a baby? [COMING MARCH 2018]

  Stampede of Love – Rex the Bull Rider only wants one thing in life: To beat Bodacious, the most feared bull in the PBR. But when he meets Kimber, he has to make choice: Eight seconds…or a love of a lifetime.

  Bonus: Stampede of Love is available only to my mailing list. Sign up to receive it today:

  New series coming in 2018…the Firefighters of Long Valley

  Flames of Love – Jaxson is the new fire chief of the Long Valley Fire Dept, but he quickly realizes that the idyllic life he’d imagined in Sawyer wasn’t so idyllic after all… [COMI

  Also by Erin Wright

  ~ Long Valley ~

  Accounting for Love

  Blizzard of Love

  Arrested by Love

  Returning for Love

  Christmas of Love

  Overdue for Love

  Bundle of Love (Coming March 2018)

  Stampede of Love (Exclusive for Newsletter Subscribers)

  ~ Firefighters of Long Valley ~

  Flames of Love (Coming January 2018)

  About Erin Wright

  USA Today Bestselling author Erin Wright has worked every job under the sun, including library director, barista, teacher, website designer, and ranch hand helping brand cattle, before settling into the career she’s always dreamed about: Author.

  She still loves coffee, doesn’t love the smell of cow flesh burning, and is quite happily ensconced with her handsome hubby in a small, charming town in rural Idaho. Find her updates on, where you can sign up for her newsletter, along with the requisite pictures of Jasmine, her kitty cat muse and snuggle buddy extraordinaire.

  Wanna get in touch?

  [email protected]




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