
Home > Paranormal > Uncaged > Page 13
Uncaged Page 13

by Candace Blevins

  I let my cock go a little thicker as I sank into her, growing slow enough she had time to adjust, but by the time I was all the way in, I was my normal size.

  “Fuck, Keesh. Love your ass.”

  “Love your cock. Fuck me, Darnell. Need it.”

  “I know, baby. I know.”

  Keisha can usually have an unlimited number of orgasms and keep going when I’m drilling her pussy, but one big orgasm in her ass and she was done. The trick of the day would be keeping her riding the edge without letting her go over.

  I pulled out and went back in quicker than I normally would, but I didn’t exactly slam in. She groaned, and then whined and ground her hips when I didn’t keep going.

  My cock pulsed every time she moved, and I grasped her hips a little tighter to hold them still. If she kept twisting and moving, our fun might not last as long as I wanted it to.

  And I wanted to draw this out.

  “Arms stay above your head. No playing with yourself.”

  She gripped the edge of the mattress tighter, and the spicy cardamom and clove scent of her arousal grew stronger. I set up a slow rhythm this time, in and out, in and out. The lube was perfect for a beginning, but I couldn’t wait for it to absorb a little so I could feel the heat from our friction.

  Her ass alternated relaxing and letting me glide in and out, and then grabbing at me so I had to push and pull — and both were exactly right. It was as if she knew just what I needed. Or, perhaps her needs meshed with mine so perfectly, it worked for both of us.

  Fuck, I needed to see her face.

  I had my bed built to be the perfect height to fuck someone leaned over the side, and it looked like her bed was going to need some alterations. For today, though, I’d just have to work around the limitations of her bedroom versus mine.

  I pulled out and flipped her around, pressed her knees to the bed near her ears, and drove my cock back into her ass with no warning or fanfare. Her eyes locked wide open at the unexpected entry, and I leaned in to kiss her. “Love you. Want to see you while I pound your ass… but first…” I pulled my head back a few inches and let my cock grow wider.

  “Fuck… yes. Yeeessss, Darnell. Only you can do this. Fuck. Please.”

  I went wider and scented a layer of pain with her arousal, but it was sweet pain, not bitter, so I let myself go even wider. Her mouth made a silent O and she stopped breathing, but I didn’t remind her. I’ve learned her body will figure it out and do whatever is necessary to keep the bliss going.

  Before she could get used to the new size, I slowly pulled out, millimeter by millimeter. She was on the edge of an orgasm and I didn’t want to send her over, but I loved keeping her like this, where it was almost too much and yet she didn’t want me to back off.

  Two times out and back in slow, and then I let her have it…. I yanked out, slammed in, and kept going. God, she was so warm, so inviting, and crazy under me, writhing, twisting, and pulsing as I went in and out, in and out. I slowed every once in a while, when I thought she might need a second for her senses to catch up, but otherwise, I let her have more of me than I’ve ever been able to give another human. It’s like Keisha was built for me, and I’d missed her so fucking much.

  We didn’t last as long as I wanted, but my own willpower went down the drain when I knew I needed to stop completely if I didn’t want to send myself over the edge. I wasn’t ready for this to end, but I couldn’t bring myself to stop long enough to gain control, either. I put my palm over her clit and pressed as I told her, “Come for me, baby. Need you to give me everything. No hiding, Keesh.”

  She came unglued, and if I weren’t a werewolf I doubt I could’ve handled the intensity of her orgasm. But I am, so I came with her, holding her together as she came apart, and I let her see inside me when I came apart, too.

  No one else has ever seen into me, past all of my defenses. Our relationship bond lets us feel more during sex, but it’s more than just the shared emotions we can pass back and forth. It’s like our souls join when we orgasm together — as if, for those few moments, we’re of one body and one mind. United. Love becomes a tangible thing, as if we can breathe it in and feel it coursing through our veins until it spills all around us.

  When our orgasms faded, the love was still around us, both blanket and pillow, supporting and surrounding us in warmth, caring, affection. Love.

  Chapter 20


  I’d managed to clean myself up and baby wipe her into some semblance of clean before we’d both fallen asleep. Since I’d arrived home fairly early in the day, we were up within hours, our nap having rejuvenated us both.

  She made us grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup, and we sat out on her porch to eat.

  “Of all the things I’d prepared for when I came home,” I told her, “that didn’t make the list.”

  “I overreacted when I saw you waiting for me and realized it meant you’d tracked the bike. I know we have to talk about it, but I wanted a better homecoming for both of us.”

  “I got a hit through our relationship bond, so I know your thoughts were heading toward something with the potential to destroy us.”

  She nodded, but looked at her plate as she said, “Yeah. It felt like I’d changed out a cage for an electronic leash, and all I could think of was how to escape the leash.”

  “Everyone in my line of work has multiple ways they can find their loved ones, should they turn up missing.”

  Now, she met my gaze. “My phone and the bike. What else?”

  “Nothing as of now, but I’d like to put them in the shoes you most frequently wear, your purse, and your keyring.”

  Her scent turned bitter as she said, “I was prepared to put all of my other plans on hold so I could buy a car, get my own cellphone on my own plan, and rent an apartment.”

  “So you aren’t on board with me wanting to keep you safe?” My heart was in my throat, trying to figure out what went wrong. She’d been okay — uneasy, but okay.

  “I found another tracker in my purse. I thought we were going to be honest with each other?”

  My wolf came to the surface and I had to work to keep his eyes from showing as I assured her, “I didn’t put anything in your purse. Can I see it?”

  Her brows pulled together. “You didn’t put it there?”

  “I won’t lie to you, Keesh. I need to see what you found.” No one got to track her but me.


  As soon as he saw it, he dragged me to his car and took off. I’m never afraid of Darnell — I know he won’t physically hurt me — but he was so intense. It was a little frightening.

  “When did you find it?” he asked, the muscles in his arm flexing on the steering wheel.

  “The first day I was home. The day you left for wherever you went.”

  He shook his head. “My fault, for not giving you a way to contact me. We’ll fix that in the future. I’ll set things up so you can call Drake Security if you need me when I’m on an op.”

  “Who else would be monitoring me?”

  “I don’t know, but they’re doing it with top of the line equipment. You can’t buy that shit on the internet. It’s troubling.”

  “How do we find out? Where are we going?”

  “Drake Security. Chance should be able to tell us something.”

  He made a call and spoke into the phone, “You in the office? I need you to carve out ten minutes for me. I’m on my way in.” He paused before saying, “Okay. Thanks.” He disconnected, put his phone in the empty cup holder, and told me, “I’m glad you made a good impression on Nathan. Aaron isn’t available but Nathan is.”

  My stomach dropped and I shuddered. “Nathan took care of me and was nice, but he’s a little scary.” And intense.

  “That’s because you’re a good judge of character.”

  I changed the subject. “Why did you put the tracker in the little sleeve thingie?”

  “Signal blocker. No one needs to know we’re headed into

Drake Security.”

  The receptionist had a nametag already printed for me, and as Darnell put it around my neck she told him, “Nathan’s expecting you. He’s in his office.”

  I’m not sure what I expected from Nathan’s office, but it hadn’t been a leather sofa and chairs fit for a men’s lounge, and a large, uncluttered glass desk with a phone, laptop, and nothing else. The seating area was ultra-comfortable, while the business part was ultra-business. Somehow, it perfectly fit the man.

  Darnell walked me to one of the leather chairs facing the desk, sat me in it, and stood behind me with his hand on my shoulder.

  “I need permission to take Keisha in deep enough to see Chance. I found a tracker on her, and I didn’t put it there.”

  “Let me see what we have.”

  “Sorry,” Darnell answered Nathan. “It’s in a signal blocker and isn’t coming out until it’s in a signal blocking room. No one needs to know she’s here with me.”

  “Non-employees don’t get to see Chance’s office.”

  “Can we make an exception?”

  “Who found the tracker?”

  “I did,” I told him.

  Nathan leaned back in his chair and shook his head as his gaze met mine. “I trust you, but we can’t let you into sensitive areas until we figure this out.” He looked to Darnell. “She might have a listening device on her you haven’t found. Leave her in my office with me while you get the bug checked out.”

  “You’ll keep her safe?’


  Darnell squeezed my shoulder and leaned in to kiss my cheek. “I’ll be back as quick as I can.”


  Chance’s inner office has all kinds of toys that civilian contractors aren’t supposed to have. I understood Nathan’s hesitancy, but I didn’t think Keisha would understand what she was seeing, so it should’ve been okay.

  I was let through the three security stations without fanfare, so I was a little surprised when Chance wasn’t expecting me. I wasn’t surprised at his outlandish outfit, though. Today he wore lime green pants with pink polka-dots, and a hot pink shirt to match the dots. His athletic shoes were black and lime green. The bitch of it was, the style of the clothes was normal, but the colors made me want to reach for my sunglasses. I’ve never commented on his clothing choices though. He’s damned good at what he does. With the fancy toys he supplies us with, and the information he can get by hacking into places we shouldn’t have access to — he can wear whatever the fuck he wants.

  I let him know why I was there, and he walked me into another section of his office, closed the door on the little amber-glass cubicle, and held his hand out for the bag.

  Without batting an eye, I put the device in his hand and stood silently while he got a good look at it. We were in a signal blocking room, it was safe to take it out of the bag.

  “This unit’s designed to last six months or more on a single charge,” he finally told me. “It’ll transmit a short signal at intervals to phone home. The safest route is to wait for it to try to transmit so I can see where it’s sending the data.” He looked at it a few more seconds before pulling a drawer out of a machine, placing the tracker into the drawer, closing it, and typing for a few moments.

  “Have you checked with your son?” he asked.

  “No. Why?”

  “If the RTMC knew the kind of surveillance we keep on them, Aaron and Duke might not be such good friends. Brain found out about some of it a while back and it caused a rift which hasn’t been completely healed. Still, you know how Aaron is about knowing what other powerful groups are up to — even if they’re friendly.”

  I read between the lines. “You know the RTMC uses something like this, but I can’t let on we know.”

  “Not something like this. Exactly like this.”

  “Why would they track her?”

  “They track everyone at risk of being kidnapped. If a brother loves her, she’s a liability.”

  “Guess I didn’t realize their level of…” I shook my head. “This is advanced tech. My fault, for seeing a group of bikers and thinking that’s all they are. I know they’re considered a powerhouse. Should’ve realized there’s more to them.”

  “Did you bring her?”

  “Yes. With her purse and the sneakers she wears the most. She’s hanging out in Nathan’s office.”

  “I’ll take a wand and check her, but the genius of these devices is that a wand doesn’t pick them up unless you happen to catch the short burst, which isn’t likely. I’m surprised she found it.”

  “It was sewn into the lining of her purse. She felt it, dug it out. She’d recently found out I’d tracked the motorcycle I’m letting her use. She was motivated.”

  Chance chuckled. “I bet. Okay, let’s walk up and see if she has anything active on her. I’ll let you know when I get something from the bug.”

  On an op a while back, Nathan dug into a random houseplant to find a bug, and when I asked him how he knew it was there, he avoided the question. I’ve heard of some shapeshifters being able to hear or sense them, and I wondered if that was why he’d wanted me to leave Keisha in his office — so he could listen in silence.

  When Chance and I walked in the door, Nathan rotated his head to the right and back, the universal sign for ‘no’. It was a tiny movement and almost imperceptible, but there was no doubt he was letting Chance know something. Logic told me if he could hear bugs and Chance knew this, he’d want to know if Nathan had heard anything. These two had worked together a while, so the nonverbal communication made sense. Assuming that was what they were communicating.

  “I’m Chance,” he told Keisha. “I’m the resident geek. I’d like to wand you and your belongings to see if I pick anything else up. You can stay seated, no need to move.”

  Keisha nodded, and Chance took several long minutes checking every square inch of her.

  “Because Aaron Drake is friends with the RTMC, and since you’re the mother of a member, I’d like to ask your son to come in, if it’s okay with you.” Chance told her as he finished.

  “Why would Darius need to come?” she asked.

  “Because he loves you, and he’ll want to know something’s up.”

  Keisha looked to me and I explained, “It’s how we keep the peace. We’re all conscious of including the other groups when we run into their interests.”

  “If you need to call him then I guess it’s okay.”

  Nathan lifted his phone. “I’ll make the call.”

  Five minutes later we were in a conference room with Brain on the screen since Darius was apparently not reachable at the moment. “Yeah, that was us,” Brain said without hesitation. “I assumed Ghost let his dad know. She has three purses and we put one in each. Looked like ya’ll have her cellphone tagged, so we didn’t bother with it.”

  “Thanks Brain,” Nathan replied. “I’m inclined to let Ghost and Darnell work it out from here.”

  “Don’t I get a say?” Keisha asked, her voice sharp.

  Everyone looked at Keisha, then me. I took a breath and tried to keep my voice calm as I told her, “I explained why we need to be able to find you if you go missing. The question now is whether our son will be okay with my being responsible for your safety, or if he’ll want some of his gadgets on you as well.”

  She looked back to the large monitor on the wall. “You’ll tell my son to call me when he returns?”

  “Yes, Ma’am.”

  “Thank you.”

  Nathan spent a few minutes smoothing things over some more before they disconnected, and I looked to Darnell. “Why wouldn’t they let us talk to Darius?”

  “He probably doesn’t have his phone on him, Keesh.” I looked to Nathan. “We’ll let you get back to work. Thanks for the assist.”

  “Don’t mention it. Glad Chance figured it out.”

  “Do you want me to verify the device is indeed phoning home to the RTMC, or would you like to take it with you?” Chance asked.

“We’ll take it. Thanks for the help.”

  I considered Darius’s actions as I drove Keisha and I home. He hadn’t bugged the bike, her phone, or her keys. Brain said he’d checked her phone and saw we’d tagged it. Odds are, he’d checked the bike as well. The underlying message here was Darius didn’t think I’d gone far enough, and he’d filled in where he thought I’d come up short.

  The bitch of it was… I couldn’t blame him. He was right.

  However, while I could convince myself I was in the right for tracking the bike and phone — since I’d paid for them — I hadn’t felt right about putting something in items I hadn’t paid for. Yeah, it was a cop-out, but I hadn’t wanted her to know I was tracking her.

  Keisha hadn’t said anything since we left Drake Security, and I finally asked, “Are you pissed?”

  She sighed. “I want to slap the shit out of both of you for doing it behind my back, but I also appreciate the fact you both cared enough to make sure I stay safe.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “Nathan told me my phone isn’t watched by a person, but a computer program keeps track of my usual schedule and notifies you if I deviate from it.”

  I was surprised Nathan shared that much with her, and I nodded. “That’s right. It’s truly about keeping you safe, Keesh. Not about spying on you.”

  “He also thinks I need to be practicing martial arts. I explained why it’s a bad idea, and how it doesn’t look good for people on parole to practice fighting. He said you should bring me in on Saturday morning so I can work out with some of the Drake Security women. He says even Sophia Drake comes in and spars with them sometimes.”

  I nodded. “Okay, that works. No one has to know about it. It isn’t like you’re paying for classes, so it won’t be publicly available information.”

  After a lengthy uncomfortable silence, I admitted, “I told myself I had a right to track the things I paid for, but it was a cop-out. I should’ve told you once we became an item. I’m sorry. I’ll do better.”


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