
Home > Paranormal > Uncaged > Page 16
Uncaged Page 16

by Candace Blevins

  I put all of that out of my head as I pulled onto my street and saw Keisha in leggings and a workout shirt, running down the side of the road. I pulled up beside her and slowed to her speed as I rolled the passenger window down.

  “Nice ass.”

  “The better to fuck you with.”

  Laughter and joy spilled out of me. “Want a ride home?”

  “Nope. I set a goal. I’ll meet you there.”

  I was still a mile and a half from home, and I wondered what her goal had been. I decided to ask later, and I sped up and made my way home. I was standing in my front yard with a huge glass of ice water when she arrived, and she drank a third of it before handing it back and stretching out as she caught her breath.

  “Thanks. How was your trip?”

  “Uneventful, thank goodness. How was the charity thing?”

  “Fun. I mean, it was a lot of work, but I enjoyed doing it.”

  “How far did you run?”

  “Five miles. I have about fifteen minutes of stretches I need to do while my muscles are hot. Why don’t you unload your car and we can meet up in about thirty minutes? Give me a chance to do my cool down work and shower?”

  I nodded, gave her a peck on the lips, and watched her jog to her little house. My wolf didn’t like the fact she’d basically brushed us off, but I understood the timing necessary to stretch after a run — especially for humans.

  I decided a shower would do me good as well, and was at her house almost exactly thirty minutes later.


  I had questions for him, but I was fairly certain I wouldn’t get answers. Would it be better to not ask and figure he wouldn’t answer, or bring it up and get shut down?

  I didn’t know, but it wasn’t in me to leave it alone.

  I’d made it into jeans and a t-shirt when he showed up, but hadn’t put any makeup on or fiddled with my hair yet. I pulled it into a ponytail and met him in my living room.

  “I misjudged my time. I need another five minutes. You want something to drink?”

  “I’m good. How long have you been running five miles at a time?”

  “Today’s the third day. I run two or three miles in the mornings before work, and I push harder on my days off.”

  I tilted my head as I realized something was off. “Why are you upset?”

  “I’m not upset with you, just disconcerted there’s this big part of your life I wasn’t aware of. You must run on the mornings I go into work before you.”

  “It isn’t a big part of my life, just some goals I’ve set for myself. I love being able to just take off and run. It’s freeing.”

  “Do you have plans for the day?”

  I shook my head. “I knew you were coming home, so I’m open. You want to do something?”

  The edge of his mouth curled up. “Spend the day in bed? You won’t need makeup for that.”

  Heat traveled to my clit and warmth infused every cell of my body. Darnell gave a throaty chuckle as he closed the distance between us. “Oh, you like that idea.”

  His mouth slanted over mine and all thoughts fled my brain as our bodies molded together. I moaned in protest when he pulled back, but soon understood when his strong, deft hands pulled my shirt over my head. I ran my hands under his shirt, over his rippled abs, and up his chest. He yanked his shirt off with one hand and divested me of my bra.

  Moments later my back was to the wall near my front door, my naked legs wrapped around his waist, and my eyes were rolled back in my head as he pressed his cock into me. God, I loved that moment he opened me, took me… owned me.

  I didn’t want slow at the moment, and he must not have wanted it either, because as soon as he was in and saw I was good, he started moving and gave me everything I needed, his hips thrusting as he pressed me against the wall.

  I held on tight, my arms around his neck. I knew he wouldn’t let me fall but I needed to hold him.

  He thrust harder, paused, growled, and readjusted so his arms were under my knees. The new angle of my hips turned my moans to screams as he pounded me into and up the wall, and I held on for dear life.

  When I’d had so many orgasms I was too melty to fuck against the wall, he turned around with me still wrapped around him, and tossed my sofa cushion on the floor. It took him a few seconds to get me on all fours on it, and he entered me from behind.

  Darnell gave a long, contented moan as he seated inside me this time, as if this was the perfect everything for him. “I have a bigger plug for you. Gonna start making you wear it more. Want you filled and thinking of me more hours of the day.” He slid in and out slow now, taking his time to work me back up, and I pushed my hands out in front of me until my chest rested on the cushion.

  “Yeah, that’s it. Stretch out for me. Show me you want this. Keep your hands up there. Fuck, need lube before I can take your sweet ass.”

  He stood and walked to the kitchen, and I found the presence of mind to tell him, “Wash your hands first, or use a spoon to get some out. Don’t contaminate the coconut oil I use for cooking.”

  “I’ll buy you another tub for the damned kitchen. This one goes in the bedroom now.”

  He stalked back with the whole container, opened it, put it on the floor beside me, scooped some out, and smoothed it on his cock.

  I couldn’t find it in me to argue.

  Chapter 25


  I tried not to squirm in the Olive Garden booth, but damn. He’d put a bigger plug in me and ridden me here on his motorcycle. I had three orgasms on the bike, and I wasn’t far from having another one while we ate our salad. Or rather, while I picked at my salad and he ate his.

  “Eat, Keesh. Sit still, take a breath, and focus on your food.”

  “I can’t.” I whispered, and realized my whisper had probably been louder than talking.

  “I let you wear jeans. Once you’ve worn it enough to have confidence you can hold it in, you’ll be in a dress with no undies.”

  I glared at him and he chuckled. “I’m rock hard Keesh. Love knowing you’re filled.”

  The waiter brought the smoky cheese dip and I decided I could put things to the back of my mind enough to eat some of it. A few bites in, I finally started on my salad, and the plug in my bottom went to the background — still there, still making me horny, but I could function.

  “When you get used to it,” he said between bites, “you’ll even be able to run with it in. Another manufacturer makes one with little ball bearings inside it. It’s called a rattler, and when you run, you get the vibrations of the bearings banging around inside you.”

  Speechless, all I could do was shake my head. As soon as the thought of never flashed through my mind, I wondered how it’d feel.

  Fuck, but I was in so much trouble with this man. I was head over heels for him, and it was becoming apparent that I couldn’t say no to anything he asked me to do.

  “So many things to work up to.” His deep, sexy voice sent another thrill through me, but I caught a hesitant look in his eyes as he leaned back and fiddled with his plate. “You know there are secrets I have to keep. Things I can’t tell you?”

  I hadn’t expected the change of subject, but I nodded, wondering where he was going.

  “I don’t like having to lie to you, but there are some secrets that’d get us both killed if I told you. I’m pretty sure you have questions, and I’m going to ask you not to bring it up.”

  “I’m pretty sure you just answered one of my questions.”

  If Taylor’s death had been accidental, then Darnell wouldn’t have to worry about lying to me if I asked about it.

  Darnell shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. Are we good?”

  “Were you really in Washington?”


  I nodded. “Okay. We’re good.”

  He lifted his brows as if waiting for me to say something else, and I shook my head. “That’s it. We’re good.”

  Darnell doesn’t give a lot away emotionally, but I
could see the relief he felt as he said, “Thank you.”

  Chapter 26

  One Year Later


  Getting her record expunged was surprisingly easy. Of course, Abbott had greased everything for us, but once things were in motion the lawyers just had to take care of the paperwork.

  Theoretically, showing up to court was a formality, but Keisha hadn’t relaxed until the judge’s final ruling. I think she was afraid to give it too much hope.

  We had to do it in North Carolina instead of Tennessee, but Abbott had come through with flying colors.

  Ranger walked out of the courthouse ahead of us and brought the rental car around, so he was waiting for Keisha and me when we walked outside. The three of us joked and talked on the ride to the airport. Keisha and Ranger’s girlfriend have become friends, and my love feels comfortable around him — and the other men in their household.

  “So, are you going to let me fly the plane some more on the way home?” Keisha asked Ranger as we boarded Drake Security’s small plane. Aaron had let us use it as long as I paid for the gas and hired one of his pilots, but Ranger had offered to fly us for free.

  “Don’t see why not. Aaron wants us to fly over a few coordinates and take some aerial shots on the way back, since we have a clear day.”

  Our trip home was full of laughter and camaraderie — good friends flying through blue skies after accomplishing a mission.

  Technically, there was more paperwork to be done before she’d be able to buy a gun or obtain a carry license, but she could legally live with me now because she could be around guns without breaking the law. I had attorneys working on the rest of the formalities, and Darius was going to help me move all of Keisha’s things to my house tomorrow.

  Tonight, though… I had plans for tonight.

  I’d teased about making her wear a glass plug for the court hearing since there’s no way it would register on the courthouse metal detector, but I’d relented and hadn’t insisted. In the past months, she’d worn a plug pretty much every hour — day and night — except the time she’d been working. She took her job seriously, and I hoped she’d realize the respect I had for what she was doing with her life by not trying to encroach into her workspace.

  Now, during the flight, I wished we’d stopped somewhere so I could’ve plugged her for the ride home. I loved knowing she was filled, knowing she thought of me when she sat, or stood, or moved.

  Ranger landed the plane as smoothly as always, talking Keisha through what he was doing as he went. She seemed genuinely interested, so he took the time to explain it.

  I smiled as Keisha hugged Ranger to thank him for flying us once we’d deplaned, and for letting her fly a little.

  Ranger and I work well together, and I’d risk my life for Bethany because she’s special to him. He sees Keisha the same way.

  I may be a lone wolf, but my job with Drake Security keeps me from feeling like one.

  “Where are we going?” Keisha asked five miles from the airport as I headed towards town when I should’ve turned to go home.

  “Celebration, Keesh. Tonight’s gonna be special.”

  She lifted an eyebrow. “You talked to Miri, didn’t you? Is that why she moved my hours around this week so I was off today and tomorrow?”


  She sighed, but her smile told me she didn’t mind. “Okay then, where are we going?”

  “It’s a surprise.”

  Patrick had checked me in earlier, set everything up, and left the key for me at the airport. I’d managed to snag the envelope while Keisha and Ranger talked.

  She thought we were just out for a stroll before our dinner reservations as we walked through the grounds of the Chattanooga Choo Choo, and her mouth fell open when I produced a key and opened the door to one of the train cars.

  She walked in with me, saw her suitcase and mine on a luggage stand, and her arms flew around my neck. “We’re sleeping in a train car! Oh, how awesome! I’ve never had sex on a train before!”

  I held her to me and breathed her in. This was my Keisha of twenty years ago, the little girl who could get so excited she’d fly into my arms with a hug. “Maybe we’ll need to take a train trip in the future, so I can rock your world on a moving train.” I kissed her forehead. “It’s time for you to get out of this stuffy business suit. You’ll find a dress and shoes in the little wardrobe area. You can keep your bra on, but no panties.”

  I sat and watched as she undressed and redressed. All I needed to do was take my tie and jacket off, and I looked fine for our evening. I’d packed one of her tightest, slinkiest dresses, and I waited until she was in it before I produced her stainless steel butt plug. She rolled her eyes at me but didn’t argue.

  If anything, she put on a little show of sliding her dress up and positioning herself on the mattress the way she knew I liked — chest on the bed, ass in the air. And her scent told me she was happy. I mean, sure, she was teasing, mischievous, and horny… but pure joy was in there too.

  I played with her until the train car was filled with the scent of her arousal, and finally lubed her ass and the plug and put it in. I cleaned the outside with a baby wipe so it wouldn’t get on her dress, and told her to straighten herself up while I washed my hands.


  The plug hadn’t come as a surprise. I wore it more often than not these days, and while it was bothersome at times, I also kind of liked that he hadn’t lost interest in keeping me on edge. If he just told me to put it in, I might not have liked it — but he almost always put it in and took it out. When he filled me, and then gave me a knowing look when I stood and felt it… sometimes it was like he was inside me.

  I’d come home from work — tired but happy to see him — and have to bend over his lap for the plug. But then he’d hold me, and play with me, and love me. The plug had become a symbol of… not just his love for me, but how far into my life he’d pressed. When we were married before, he was gone so much. I loved it when he was home, but I was basically a single mom for more of the year than I wasn’t.

  Even when he had to be out of town now, he’d make a point to call me and talk me through putting it in before I went to bed. Sleeping with it in was the next best thing to sleeping with Darnell.

  If it was always the same plug, I might’ve gotten used to it, but he’d bought a dozen of them — some comfortable, some not — and I had no say-so in which I wore. He put it in, or he handed it to me, or he left it on my bedside table if he couldn’t be home.

  Tonight’s was a comfortable one, for which I was grateful. Heavy so I wouldn’t forget about it, but sized so I could move however I wanted without worry of discomfort.

  He took me to a restaurant inside the beautiful old train depot, and then to a show with a stand-up comedian. The plug moved around every time I laughed, and by the time the show was over I wasn’t sure whether I was coming or going.

  The grounds of the Chattanooga Choo Choo are beautiful, with dramatic lighting at night. It was a lovely way to end a magical evening, with a gorgeous walk back to our train car.

  He walked us to a beautiful fountain, and at first I had no idea what was happening when he stopped me and started talking about how much he loved me, and all the ways he loved me.

  It wasn’t until he went to one knee and held his hand out, palm up, with a ring on it as he asked if I’d be his wife again that I understood what was happening.

  My first thoughts were of my independence, and of all of the things I wanted to do on my own, as my own woman.

  But my second thoughts were to remember how supportive he’s been of my job and my goals. I’d basically married him again the night we’d renewed our relationship bond, this was just another way of declaring he was mine and I was his.

  My pulse raced and moisture filled my eyes as I held my left hand out with my fingers spread. My heart was in my throat and my voice didn’t work right, but as he slid the ring on, I managed to croak, “Yes.”

/>   He stood and took me into his arms, and I said it again, stronger. “Yes.”


  I awakened before her the next morning, knowing I needed to have my talk with her soon, and admonishing myself for asking her to marry me before I opened up with the truth.

  I hadn’t been able to tell her until last week, and I was a coward for wanting her to be my fiancée before I did.

  She awakened as I placed our room service order for breakfast, and gave me an odd look as I hung up the phone. It’s another thing that changed about her — she used to take forever to rouse, and now she’s completely alert the moment she’s awake. Kind of like a soldier, so we have that in common now.

  “Are you okay?” she asked. “There’s usually sex before food when we’re celebrating.”

  This was true, and it was a good way to start the conversation.

  “You know there are things I can’t tell you. There’s one thing that’s kind of big, and circumstances have changed so I can tell you now. I’d kind of like to get it out into the open.”

  “Because we’re engaged? Is there a loophole you can tell something to your fiancée?”

  “No. Let me start from the beginning.”

  I pulled her into me, but she pulled away so she could see my face. She reached for my hand to give us more contact, but I got the message — I wasn’t going to be able to hide as I told her.

  “You know the man who arranged for the judge to come to a pre-ordained judgement is a different kind of supernatural than me.”


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