50 Forbidden Explicit Erotica Sex Stories

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50 Forbidden Explicit Erotica Sex Stories Page 27

by Lexi Sinner

  “But you and I are not…” She narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Yes, indeed… and a pity.” He gave her a broad smile. “I am merely going to educate you in the ways so that you and my best friend Morris may live a life of bliss and happiness.”

  “Oh, I… I see.” She stammered. “But will I be required…”

  “Yes, you will be.” He stood up, offering her his hand. “I am a doctor, a professional in the arts… and what you are required to do will remain in the purview of my professional conduct. You have nothing to fear.”

  “Are we to begin now?” She took his hand and stood up.

  “Now I will show you to your room, you may refresh yourself,” The doctor smiled, leading her up a flight of stairs. “And then you will join me for luncheon and take rest for the afternoon. In the evening we shall begin your journey into a life of blessed matrimony.”

  “Thank you, Doc… er… Gaspar.” She nodded, gazing at the framed paintings on the wall as she walked up the stairs.

  “This is your room for the week.” Dixon showed her in, waving around at the cozy little guestroom. “We shall be undertaking your lessons here. Please refresh and be downstairs for lunch within the hour… we are having lamb stew today.”

  “Oh, marvelous.” She smiled. “Lamb is my favorite.”

  “How fortunate.” Dixon grinned, pleased that he had done his homework. All the information he would require had been supplied to him over the last few hours. It was imperative to have the young Nicolette Kilburn feel as much home as possible for him to get to work and keep his promise to his friend of twenty years.


  “Twenty.” She replied, smiling shyly.

  “Yes, I believe you will be.” Dixon watched her closely. “In a few months.”

  A lot more relaxed than when she had first arrived, Nicolette looked even more breathtaking after her afternoon rest. She looked temptingly divine in the dark blue gown and white gloves as she sat opposite him at the tea table. Her rich hair, held up in place by a diamond studded pin, gave her a feel of regal importance, and yet her lovely face looked as innocent as ever.

  “Oh, I thought I was twenty already.” She widened her soft blue eyes.

  “Oh no, no, no.” He laughed. “When you add up the years, you must not count the year of your birth… you were not born a year old, the year count starts from the second year.”

  “Oh, yes… how silly of me.” She laughed with him. “Yes, I understand now… I think I knew that but I get confused sometimes.”

  “Ah, never fear, dear Nicolette.” Dixon grinned. “I can teach you many more things than what old Morris requires.”

  “Oh, that would be wonderful.” She gushed, gazing at him closely. “I have not had anyone teach me things before, I mostly learned on my own.”

  “There is so much to learn, my dear; one lifetime is not enough for it.” He said sagely. “Learning is a continuous process.”

  “Uh, even for you?” Nicolette stared at him wonderingly, warming up to the man.

  “For everyone… every day of life.” He nodded, noting her level of comfort with satisfaction. “But now, let us focus on you and the primary reason you are here.”

  “I… yes, of course… Gaspar.” She looked away shyly.

  “Excellent.” He rubbed his hands together. “To begin our lessons, I will have to ask you many things… some might be embarrassing for you to answer at first, but it is part of this exercise.”

  “I understand, and I will do my best.” She answered softly.

  “Very good.” Dixon grinned widely. “Willingness gets half the job done.”

  “I am willing.” Her voice wavered a little.

  “Then tell me, Nicolette.” He leaned closer and stared into her watery eyes. “Have you ever been close to a man, intimately?”

  “I… uh… no, never.” She shivered slightly.

  “Ever in your life?” He pressed.

  “As far as I know, I have dreaded any kind of proximity… I can never quite explain why.” She looked slightly exasperated.

  “And do you desire to be close to man… not because you have to, but you want to?” He stared at her hard.

  “I… it’s confusing to me… I like the company of men, as we are now, Gaspar, talking and sharing views… but I have never… felt comfortable being physically close.”

  “Do you wish to be?” He almost demanded.

  “I… yes, and no.” She sighed and looked up at the chandelier.

  “You have to choose one, my dear.” He said softly, noting her facial expression. “Your marriage depends on it.”

  “I am afraid, Doctor… I cannot bring myself to… to…” She whispered, almost on the verge of tears.

  “Quite alright, my dear.” He encouraged. “No need to stress yourself. Think upon it slowly over time. That’s why you are here… with me, to learn.”

  “Yes, Doc… Gaspar.” She said, shaking like a leaf.

  “Would you like a drink to calm yourself?” He reached for an unopened bottle of wine. “…though I would prefer you learn to calm your fears without the need for external stimulus.”

  “No, I am quite alright, Gaspar.” She looked into his eyes. “I have faith in you, even more than in myself… I am ready for your guidance, and will not need wine or any other such substance.”

  “Bravo.” Dixon clapped.

  “I have never been close to a man, nor had such thoughts.” She offered, sitting up straight.

  “And with other women?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Doctor!” She gasped. “That’s preposterous.”

  “Though not unheard of.” He smiled tightly.

  “I have never heard of such…” She almost cried. “But never mind. I prefer the company of men, but am yet to grow comfortable to allow intimacy.”

  “I can help you change that.” He leaned close, fighting the temptation to touch her knee.

  “And I am ready for your help.” The young woman nodded.

  “Have you ever seen a man in a state of undress… from afar, or from hiding… or maybe in pictures or paintings?”

  “I have… in paintings and sculptures.” She blushed a bright red.

  “And in the flesh… so to speak?” He grinned slyly.

  “Never.” She hid her face in her small hand.

  “And have you ever wanted to?” His tone was alluring.

  “I… no, but I have sometimes wondered.” She admitted shyly.

  “That’s a good start.” He nodded. “We can arrange your first journey of exploration into the male physiology right here.”

  “What?” She jerked upward, alarmed by his near brazen statement.

  “Have no fear.” He laughed. “I have several texts and drawings that explain the human body in detail, part of my job as a medical practitioner. I will make them available to you after dinner, so you may discover for yourself and we will discuss those after the morning meal.”

  “I have… yes, that does sound appropriate.” She nodded, wiping her face with a small kerchief.

  Dixon watched her admiringly. The slender young girl had the willingness, and yet something deeply ingrained inhibited her. An inherent fear, he could deduce, was keeping her from expressing herself; a fear that he would take much pleasure in relieving her of.


  “Yes, that is the natural form of the human male… in all it’s glory.” Gaspar Dixon said pleasantly as they sat at his study the next morning after breakfast. “It is normal for a woman to desire such.”

  “I… have never felt the need.” Nicolette whispered, her slender finger tracing the detailed lines on the illustration of an aroused male organ on the desk before her.

  “You have lived a far too sheltered life.” Dixon nodded slowly, admiring the way her chest heaved with each excited breath. “Your guardians should have taken more interest in helping you know the ways of life, before packing you off for a fee.”

  “I… well, we didn’t have the… o
h, never mind.” She looked away, her eyes misting over. “Forget the past, Doctor. I am now ready to know what was denied to me. I am of age and my mind is open to instruction.”

  “Excellent.” Dixon smiled at her appreciatively. “The prize of every tutor is a willing and ready pupil. I have here now a set of illustrated instruction on the mating rituals of man and woman. I wish you to peruse them carefully and ask me everything that you need to.”

  “Oh, my goodness.” She gasped, her eyes widening at the illustrated book of sexual acts he placed before her. “These images… they are so… so…”

  “Explicit.” He completed for her. “Yes, they are. Nothing can he learned through veils and mirrors. There is no better way to acquire knowledge other than being open and detailed.”

  “I know, Gaspar…” She gasped, peering intently at the well drawn pictures. “But these images… and the corresponding text… they… they…”

  “Are making you feel uncomfortable, and yet you are getting excited.” He stated encouragingly.

  “I… yes, yes…” She shook with trepidation. “I cannot explain it… why do I find such forbidden things so… so appealing.”

  “It is nature, my dear.” He leaned back and brought his pipe to his lips. “Nature’s way of procreation… there are no inhibitions in nature… only we humans seek to stem and stagger the ways of nature.”

  “Oh, Gaspar… I do feel so strange,” The flustered young thing muttered. “…it is pleasant and yet I feel guilt…”

  “Shake off the feelings of guilt, and explore further.” He insisted, helping her to the next page. “Read the instructions there… understand the images, acquire the knowledge.”

  “Oh, my goodness.” She gasped again as she turned the page. “It’s… it is…”

  “Yes, my dear,” He smiled, pointing at an illustration of a woman performing on a man. “…stimulation is important, and as you see here, oral stimulus of the erogenous zones heightens the natural pleasures, hence allowing the couple a far more satisfying conjugation.”

  “Oh, Doctor… I feel ashamed to look at…” Nicolette said chokingly.

  “Nothing to be ashamed of, my dear.” Dixon encouraged, almost touching her hand. “…shake it off, and embrace the other feelings of arousal and desire that you get from this natural knowledge.”

  “Oh, is this not a sin?” She looked at him with large pleading eyes.

  “Only if you believe it is.” He smiled pleasantly. “But you have the power over your own mind, and your body.”

  “Oh, Doctor… I do so need your guidance.” She bit her full lower lip, making his head go suddenly dizzy at the sight of her pearly white teeth embedded into the moist, lush flesh. “…I feel the need to know this, but my conscience forbids me.”

  “Your conscience is a part of you… your own mind, when you are in doubt… it is a good thing to have.”

  “So what am I to do then?” Her large blue eyes searched his face.

  “Open your mind, bend your conscience,” Dixon exhaled deeply. “…free your mind from everything that has been forced to make you believe in what is not natural.”

  “Oh, Gaspar… I am so… so terrified of what I may come to know… and even do.”

  “Take you time, my dear… divest your unjustified inhibitions.” He took a few puffs from his pipe and sat upright. “As a man of science and natural studies, you have my solemn word that this is the way life should be lived. Free yourself of the one where you need to hide behind shadows of an imagined afterlife.”

  “I… I do understand everything you say, Gaspar… but it is painfully difficult to do so.”

  “It is a mere moment of realization… a spark waiting to be lit.” He waved his smoking pipe around for emphasis. “Once lit, the flame of knowing will make the shadows of ignorance flee away from you and never return.”

  “Oh, Doctor… what is this?” She peered at a very detailed image of a man orally pleasuring a woman.

  “Yes, a woman may enjoy similar ministrations upon her as she would on a man.”

  “Is it... is it possible… is it not unclean?” The young woman whispered breathlessly.

  “Nothing is unclean, my dear.” He stood up and paced around the desk. “We are all biological life forms on an evolving cycle of life. It is our basic need to procreate and our evolved sensibilities make the process more pleasurable and entertaining.”

  “But how can a man… how does it feel?” She looked up at him inquiringly.

  “I assure you, my dear, any man will be more than willing to perform such acts on a woman…” He hovered over her, peering into her eyes. “And the feelings are indescribable. One has to experience such for oneself.”

  “Oh, I do find this exciting… these images and the instructional texts,” She gushed, her fingers tracing along the detailed illustrations. “…and best of all, your elucidation.”

  “Are you feeling different than you have ever before… does a sense of heightened pleasure grip your young body, Nicolette.”

  “Oh, Gaspar… I do believe I feel so, but I am so ashamed to even accept it and then to admit to it… oh, good heavens.”

  “Nicolette, you are making very good progress. I am really proud of you. Read on further, there are more lessons and we have time.”

  “Yes, I feel the urge to know more… to know everything.” Her eyes sparkled and she smiled.

  “Indeed, you will, my dear… you will.” Dixon rubbed his hands together, his eyes fixated on her lovely face as she poured over the detailed texts on the art of lovemaking.


  “Lovemaking is an art form and best when experienced without inhibition.” Nicolette read out aloud. “Full consent between the partners makes the experience of sexual intercourse a memorable one.”

  “Precisely, my dear.” Dixon nodded, leaning back on the bed. “You have learnt well these last three days… and we have three more before you return to your husband and fulfill your obligations as a wife.”

  “Oh, I am preparing my mind for that, Gaspar.” She said, blushing slightly. “But I do wish it was Morris who had your learning and could guide me.”

  “Ah, but Morris is as much knowledgeable as I, my dear, in such matters.” Dixon smiled. “He’s just not as good a teacher.”

  “Oh, I am rather terrified… the anticipation of this makes my blood run cold, especially after my behavior the first few days with him.” She sighed, gazing at the window. “I so feared that he would send me away and demand his payment back.”

  “That is why you are here, my dear.” The doctor leaned toward her. “Your training is halfway done. Now what you have learned in theory must be put in practice.”

  “Oh, but how would I do that?” She looked back at him in mild alarm.

  “You have been exploring your own body as I instructed, am I right?” His smile was honest.

  “Yes, I… I have.” She looked away, blushing again.

  “Excellent. Next, you must accustom yourself to the body of your lover…” Dixon said in a matter-of-fact manner. “The next three days we will put into practice what you have learned from the texts.”

  “How would I…” Her blue eyes opened wide.

  ‘With a male partner, of course.” He smiled accommodatingly.


  “Yes. Unless you are comfortable in the intimate company of a man, your chances of making Morris and yourself happy are rather slim.”

  “Uh… but what must I... who will I? Her lovely face looked even more endearing when confused.

  “With me, of course.” He announced proudly.

  “You?” Her tone was an amalgamation of fear and hope.

  “Or would you prefer another… man?” He raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Oh, no… good heavens, no.” The young woman jerked up and rising off the bed, began pacing around the room. “If it has to be anyone, I would much rather you, Gaspar… you have been so good and courteous to me. I cannot think of another… and I d
id not think being intimate with you either… but I know I have to succeed in this… so I prefer someone I trust, and I trust you completely, Gaspar.”

  Dixon watched her in amusement. He had been patiently waiting for this since Kilburn had come up with the proposal of helping his wife lose her inhibitions. Three days of effort and dedication would now bear fruit, for him.


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