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50 Forbidden Explicit Erotica Sex Stories

Page 45

by Lexi Sinner

  “Hi,” I said, “I’m looking for--”


  Rose’s voice interrupted me as she raced out of the back hallway and wrapped her arms around me. My smile exploded and I almost cried as I hugged my best friend for the first time in a year. She felt so good in my arms, so warm and familiar.

  “Janice?” She said to the receptionist. “I’ll be right back okay?”

  “I’ll pass that along,” the secretary said in a slightly sour voice. Rose took my arm and ushered me back outside. The waiting room was full of people, and there was no place for us to have any privacy in there, even for a quick conversation.

  “Sorry for making you come here,” Rose said as we leaned against a sun-warmed brick wall. “I got asked to cover the first half of the next shift at the last minute. It’ll only be a couple hours. I was going to say you could hang out in the waiting room, but it’s pretty busy so out here might be your best bet. At least it’s nice. I’m really sorry.”

  “It’s fine,” I said with a smile, touching her brunette ponytail and giving it a soft tug. “I’m just glad to see you. We can catch up when you’re done work.”

  “Screw that, we can catch up a bit now.” She grinned. “How’s first year going? And how are things with your boyfriend? It’s been like two weeks since we last chatted, I feel like I barely know you!”

  “School is… good.” I said. “I mean, it’s stressful, but I love studying fashion so I shouldn’t complain. My boyfriend… isn’t my boyfriend, anymore. Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.”

  “What? Why, what happened?”

  “He kept pressuring me to have sex with him,” I said quietly, “I mean, I went down on him whenever he wanted, but that wasn’t enough. He wanted to punch my V-card… and it just didn’t feel right, you know?”

  “Nina, if he wasn’t the right guy then he wasn’t the right guy,” Rose shrugged, “but to be honest… I think your standards are a little high. I mean, of course he wanted sex, he’s a guy. And you’re nineteen… how much longer are you going to wait?”

  “I don't know!” I said, feeling my face flush. “I just want it to be… something special, I guess. I want to feel swept away by it. Maybe I just wasn’t attracted enough to my ex… I’ve always been into bigger guys, you know?”

  “Are you talking about his body, or his dick?”

  “Rose!” I gasped, covering my mouth, my cheeks heating up. She shrugged again and raised an eyebrow, staring me down until I gulped and answered the question. “Both, honestly.” She laughed at that, and I stomped a foot. “What? Is it too much to ask that a guy be tall, and handsome, and… I don’t know, successful?”

  “You mean… like that?” Rose said quietly, nudging me with her hip.

  I turned to see an absolute hunk of a guy walking across the parking lot toward us. I gulped again, feeling my pulse pound in my chest and my clit. My pussy got even wetter as he approached and smiled at us.

  “Hey Rose,” the tall, broad-shouldered man with thick dark hair stopped and grinned. “Who’s your friend?”

  “Michael, this is Nina,” Rose said, nudging me again to snap me out of my reverie. I shook his hand, trying not to tremble at the way he held mine. “She’s my best friend from high school. She’s just going to be hanging out here until I finish my extra half-shift.”

  “Pleased to meet you,” he said, his hand engulfing mine. “Any friend of Rose’s is a friend of mine. What are you two--”

  The glass door opened and a man who could have been Michael’s twin aside from his blond hair stepped out.

  “Rose, we need you for a-- oh, hey Michael. Sorry, I need to grab Rose.”

  “No worries James,” Michael said, “Rose probably shouldn’t be out here while she’s on shift, anyway.” He added in an admonishing tone.

  Rose raised an eyebrow at that, but she squeezed my hand and followed James inside. I was feeling a bit dizzy from the sudden encounter with the two handsome doctors, and put my hand against the wall for a moment of balance.

  “Are you alright, Nina?” Michael asked, sounding concerned. “Why don’t you come inside out of the heat?”

  “The waiting room is so busy,” I said, waving a carefree hand that may have betrayed how tired I was. “I don’t want to be any trouble.”

  “Nonsense,” Michael said, taking my hand gently in his again. His grip felt so good… secure and firm, like I could lean on it if necessary. But a moment later it was gone as he released my hand. “Come with me,” he said.

  “Are you sure?” I hesitated. “I don’t want to be any trouble.”

  “You won’t be. We have several unused exam rooms, I’ll just stick you in one of them.”

  His smile was so charming and disarming that I followed him without question. No one questioned us as we walked past the reception desk and down the long back hall, to the very last room at the end. Michael twisted the knob and pushed the door open, flicking the lights on and then gesturing for me to follow.

  It was a basic doctor’s exam room; it had a long padded bench covered by paper in the middle, a wheeled office chair at a metal desk, a sink and cupboards, and two visitor chairs. The walls were lined with anatomical charts and an eye test diagram. I stepped toward the visitor chairs.

  “Why don’t you lay down?” Michael suggested. “You’ll be more comfortable, and you seem rather exhausted. No offense, just a medical observation.”

  I nodded and slid up onto the bench, wary of the crinkling sound of the beige paper and the way my skirt rode up my legs. And the way my pussy was beginning to drip. Something about the way Michael looked at me made me excited… there was a quiet hunger in his eyes.

  “Do you feel faint often?” He asked, sitting down in the office chair and scooting up beside me.

  “What? Oh, no…” I said in surprise. I didn’t realize he’d meant to examine or diagnose me.

  “Well, that’s a good thing.” He said, placing a reassuring hand on my shin. He seemed to notice something and stared for a moment, but then took his hand away and scooted back to the desk. “Are you properly hydrated? Have you eaten anything today?”

  “Yes!” I said, a little more indignantly than I meant. “I know how to take care of myself.”

  “Of course,” he said with that damned smile. “If you don’t mind though, I’d like to grab a colleague for a quick consultation… it would be in your best interest. Not that there’s anything to worry about. Just… it’s better to be certain, you know?”

  “What?” I gasped. “You mean you think there’s something wrong with me?” I sat up and shifted sideways on the bench.

  “It’s nothing to worry about,” he repeated. “I just think it would be best if I bring James in on this. You met him outside.”

  I gulped at the idea of being alone with the two handsome doctors. I was already dripping wet from the power of Michael’s dark eyes. What would the two of them together do to me?

  “I guess…” I said, and he stood up.

  “I’ll be right back,” he said, and ducked out of the room. He was quite literally right back, just a few seconds later, with the blond James in tow. They both wore serious, concerned expressions on their faces. James took the office chair and Michael perched on the side of the desk and crossed his arms. “There’s no easy way to ask this Nina, and if you’d prefer to have your friend Rose present that’s completely understandable.”

  I shook my head. “Just tell me!”

  “Well…” Michael said, and then a small smile stole onto his face. “Is your pussy always quite so wet?”

  “What?” I exclaimed. “What are you talking about?”

  Instead of answering, Michael pointed at the paper on the bench beside me. It had a clear moisture stain on it where my crotch had been when I laid down.

  “It’s unusual, to be honest, for a woman to be so wet without a reason.” James said.

  “But…” my cheeks reddened. “What if there is a reason?”

l it would depend on the reason.” Michael said.

  “I mean… it’s the normal reason.” I said.

  “You’ll have to be more specific.” James prompted.

  “It… it just happens when I’m horny!” I said at last.

  The two handsome doctors exchanged a knowing glance.

  “Are you saying you’re horny right now?” Michael asked. “Because if you are… then I guess we were worried about nothing. It’s normal for a woman your age to be so wet when aroused enough. But… what’s arousing you?”

  “Is this still medical curiosity?” I asked.

  “It’s partially personal,” he admitted in a low voice.

  “I’m curious as well,” James added.

  “Oh my god,” I said, “isn’t it obvious? You two are so fucking hot… I’m surprised I haven’t floated away yet.”

  The doctors exchanged another, longer look.

  “Well that’s… very flattering Nina.” Michael allowed a hand to drift down and rub against the growing bulge in the front of his pants. He was doing nothing to hide it, and I couldn’t take my eyes off it. I managed to steal a glance at James and saw that the other physician was leaning forward eagerly in his chair, watching me.

  “Wh-what are you doing?” I asked as he caressed his cock through the tightened fabric of his pants.

  “What? This?” Michael grinned. “I’m just letting my arousal show. Like you. Fair is fair, don’t you think?”

  “I guess,” I said, my stomach doing flip-flops. I got to my feet shakily and stumbled between them toward the door. “Maybe I should go?”

  “No, you should stay.” James said from where he was sitting. He raked a hand through his thick blond hair. “Your young body is displaying a clear need, Nina… and we can make the correct prescription. If you want it.”

  I paused, swaying. James raised an eyebrow and looked past me at Michael, who was still rubbing himself.

  “What do you mean?” I asked.

  “Your pussy made it pretty clear you require some kind of satisfaction,” James explained, “and Michael is quite clearly willing and able to provide it. Medically speaking, it only makes sense that the two of you would fuck.”

  I took a deep breath. “But I’m a virgin.”

  James shrugged. “I don’t know what to tell you. Your body is crying out for cock, Nina.”

  I felt a jolt in my pussy as he said that. My pulse had been pounding in my clit, but as soon as he said the word cock it was like my body became suddenly ravenous, suddenly starving, suddenly needing to be filled. My nipples were so hard I was afraid they would slice through my shirt. I whimpered.

  “Could I…” I looked shyly back at James. “Could I maybe just have it in my mouth? I’ve done that before.”

  “I suppose you could.” James steepled his fingers, his tone serious. “But I’m afraid that won’t get you what you need. And besides, Michael clearly wants to fuck you. But I suppose…”

  My breath caught in my throat as the two doctors shared a third, long look. I couldn’t bring myself to look at Michael, though. If I did I was afraid I’d tear his pants off and ride him until I came a thousand times.

  “What?” I practically panted, my eyes wide, imploring James to tell me.

  “I suppose if you got down on your knees and begged, Michael might let you suck his cock.”

  “Beg?” I said the word quietly. My ex-boyfriend had liked me to be on my knees when I pleasured him sometimes, but mostly he preferred laying on his back while I sucked him off. I liked being on my knees though. It felt… right. Submissive. But could I bring myself to beg for a man’s attention?

  I got the answer to my question as soon as my eyes wandered back to Michael. He had untucked and unbuttoned his dark shirt, revealing chiseled abdominals and pectorals and long, muscular arms. As I watched him delicately hang his shirt on one of the visitor’s chairs I sucked a sharp breath and collapsed onto my knees. I sat there a moment, feeling like I was melting, until the dark haired doctor turned back toward me.

  “Please…” I said, looking up at him.

  “Pardon?” He asked.

  “Please…” I said a little louder. My hand reached out and tugged at the leg of his pants.

  “Please what?” Michael wanted to know. His tone was still friendly and patient, but there was a darkness to it. An expectation. I let my fingertips creep up his legs.

  “Please let me see your cock.” I said as my hands reached his warm bulge. I drew a shaky breath as I caressed it. “I can tell how big it is. It will be the biggest I’ve ever seen. Please Michael… please.”

  “Do you just want to see it?” He asked.


  “No what?”

  “No… I want to taste it. I want it in my mouth.”

  He nodded. “That’s a good girl.”

  The sound of his zipper opening seemed to echo in the room, and then his thick, rigid dick protruded from his pants. Even with only about half his length sticking out, he was the biggest I’d ever seen. Looking up at it, I suddenly wondered if I’d gotten in over my head. How could I possibly hope to please such a massive cock?

  “Well?” James’ voice broke through my reverie. “You said you wanted to do more than see it.”

  “Go on,” Michael urged me as I looked up at him for permission. I grasped his shaft with one hand and then stretched up and licked the salty head of his cock.

  “Mmmmm,” he groaned. I licked it again and then sucked it greedily into my mouth, swirling my tongue all around it and and bobbing my head back and forth. “Oh fuck,” Michael muttered. “She’s good at this. For a virgin.” As I devoted myself to pleasing him my free hand wandered between my legs, up the hem of my skirt to rub at my clit.

  “Did anyone tell you that you could touch yourself?” James’ voice interrupted me. I gasped as I stopped sucking Michael’s cock and looked over at the other doctor.

  “May I please?” I asked.

  “You’re supposed to be focused on pleasuring my colleague,” James admonished. He sighed heavily. “I suppose I’d better teach you a lesson. Bend over the table and lift up your skirt.”

  “What?” I said. I looked up at Michael. I just wanted him in my mouth.

  “Be a good girl,” he said, tucking his delicious dick back out of sight. “Do as James says.”

  My face fell, but I stood on shaky legs and tottered to the padded bench and leaned over it.

  “Lift the skirt,” James commanded, his voice rough. I pulled my short skirt up, conscious of the fabric caressing my bare ass, and arranged it across the small of my back. I felt the breeze of James’ approach on my shaved, wet pussy. I had never felt so exposed in my life… and I loved it.

  “Mmm…” James groaned, his hand landing on my ass cheek and squeezing. “How old did you say your are?”

  “I-I-I don’t think I did… I’m nineteen.”

  “Fuck. Mike, when was the last time you had a nineteen year old’s pussy?”

  “Can’t recall. But I had one’s mouth just a moment ago.”

  “But you can’t,” I gasped, “I’m saving myself.”

  “I know,” James growled, his grip on my ass becoming painful. “You’re such a fucking tease, aren’t you? But I know what you need.” As his fingernails dug into my ass his other hand tangled in my loose hair, and I felt his breath on my ear. “Beg me to punish you.” He whispered.

  “To… punish me?” I asked. “Why would I do that?”

  “Because if you don’t,” Michael said pleasantly, “you’ll never see my cock again. I told you to be a good girl, Nina. Now do as James says.”

  I gulped, staring at the anatomical chart on the wall before me. I was so wet, my body hot, my pussy throbbing. I needed Michael… I wanted them both. I couldn’t let this end, not before it had even started.

  “Please… please punish me James.” I gasped.

  His pressure on my hair increased, making me bend further over the table, until my nose
was an inch from the wet mark left by my pussy on the paper.

  “Clean up your mess,” he said.

  “What?” I gasped.

  “Lick up your mess. Right now.”

  “But I don’t-”


  His palm stung my ass so sharply that I whimpered and obediently licked the paper. It tasted bland, but with a distinct aftertaste of my sweet pussy. I had licked my fingers clean after masturbating once or twice, and always enjoyed the flavor. But being forced to do it was different… humiliating, in an enthralling way.

  “Good girl,” Michael said from somewhere behind me.

  “Is she though?” James asked. “I don’t know if she’s learned her lesson…” I felt him tense up, lifting his hand.

  “No!” I cried. “I have! I’ll be a good girl--”

  Smack! Smack! Smack!

  After the third successive spank I couldn’t contain myself any longer. The hands that had been covering my mouth gripped the padded bench and I cried out in pain.

  “Keep her quiet.” James growled. “She needs this.”

  Michael came around the medical table, unzipping his fly again. Something about his calm, reassuring smile quieted my racing heart. I opened my mouth and he slipped his cock inside, thrusting it to the back of my throat until I gagged. I swallowed it willingly, focusing on nothing but pleasing it as James spanked me again, and again, getting harder. I could feel my ass reddening and heating up, and I flinched with each blow, but I knew James was right. I needed this. I could feel it softening me, moulding me into a woman who could get what she wanted.

  “I think she’s had enough,” I heard Michael say. I was slobbering all over his cock, a pile of drool growing on the floor at his feet, and my ass was on fire. My knees quaked -- the only thing holding me up was the padded table.

  “I’m just getting started,” James said. He pulled my ass cheeks apart and spat on me. “I want to fuck her.”

  “She doesn’t want to pop her cherry yet,” Michael reminded him.


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