The Twins' Family Christmas (Redemption Ranch Book 2)

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The Twins' Family Christmas (Redemption Ranch Book 2) Page 1

by Lee Tobin McClain

  A mommy’s all his twins want for Christmas...

  in this Redemption Ranch novel

  Pastor Carson Blair plans a quiet Christmas vacation for his twin girls—until veteran Lily Watkins gets snowed in with them. Lily is drawn to the warmth of this family, but she’s hiding a secret about Carson’s late wife that threatens more than their holiday. And the twins have their own plan—one that includes a gift-wrapped mommy to complete their family.

  The snowman didn’t stand a chance against the twins.

  Now, wrapped in a scarf and mittens, Lily stepped into the snow to help.

  “So they talked you into it?” Carson’s deep voice danced along her nerve endings.

  She held up her camera. “I thought I’d take some family photos.”

  “If you’re sure...” He looked at her just a little longer than was necessary and she felt a strange sensation. It must be the Christmas season that was giving her these odd feelings about Carson. She never got fluttery around a man.

  As Carson lifted the girls to place the snowman’s hat, Lily snapped photos.

  “Miss Lily, let Daddy take your picture with us!”

  She glanced at Carson to see him looking at her with his head cocked. Before she could measure that look, she was kneeling beside the snowman, the twins at her sides. They were irresistible, these two sweethearts.

  And so was their dad.

  Too bad one little secret stood between them. An insurmountable barrier.

  Or was it?

  Lee Tobin McClain read Gone with the Wind in the third grade and has been a hopeless romantic ever since. When she’s not writing angst-filled love stories with happy endings, she’s getting inspiration from her church singles group, her gymnastics-obsessed teenage daughter and her rescue dog and cat. In her day job, Lee gets to encourage aspiring romance writers in Seton Hill University’s low-residency MFA program. Visit her at

  Books by Lee Tobin McClain

  Love Inspired

  Redemption Ranch

  The Soldier’s Redemption

  The Twins’ Family Christmas

  Rescue River

  Engaged to the Single Mom

  His Secret Child

  Small-Town Nanny

  The Soldier and the Single Mom

  The Soldier’s Secret Child

  A Family for Easter

  Christmas Twins

  Secret Christmas Twins

  Lone Star Cowboy League: Boys Ranch

  The Nanny’s Texas Christmas

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  Lee Tobin McClain

  For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

  —1 Corinthians 13:12

  To Kathy, Colleen and Sally, who helped me brainstorm this story, and to Bill, for research assistance and emotional support. You guys are the best.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen


  Dear Reader

  Excerpt from Montana Mistletoe by Roxanne Rustand

  Chapter One

  You can do this.

  Lily Watkins forced a smile as she carried the last of her photography gear into Redemption Ranch’s Cabin Four and then came back out onto the small front porch. “Honestly, I’m fine being alone on Christmas,” she said to her aunt. Which was true; at twenty-six, she’d already spent a fair number of holidays alone. “It’ll be peaceful. Just what I need to finish my project.”

  The harder task would be to find out whether her fallen comrade’s kids were being mistreated by their manipulative, cruel father. Doing that, according to her army therapist, might bring her some measure of peace.

  She just had to figure out how to investigate the status of Pam’s kids without losing her cool.

  “I know several people in town who’d love to have you join them for Christmas dinner.” Aunt Penny pulled out her phone. “Want me to make some calls?”

  She did need to go down into the town of Esperanza Springs, talk to people, in order to find out the truth about Pam’s husband and kids. But Christmas dinner wasn’t the time to do that. And although she needed to make new friends and get on with her life, she wasn’t likely to settle here in Colorado.

  “No, thanks,” she said. “I appreciate the offer, and I appreciate your letting me stay. The place is lovely, and I’ve been so busy. I’ll enjoy a little solitude, to be honest.”

  To her relief, her aunt, who owned the ranch for struggling veterans and senior dogs, didn’t put up a fight. “You’re doing me a favor, too, taking on that other little photography project I mentioned. Anyway, the cabin’s nothing fancy, but the scenery is nice.”

  “It’s gorgeous,” Lily agreed, looking out toward the snow-covered Sangre de Cristo Mountains towering over the wide, flat valley where the ranch was situated. “I can’t wait to explore.”

  “One of our older veterans will be here over the holidays, and a couple of volunteers will stop by to take care of the dogs. They can help you with anything you need.”

  “I’ll be fine.” Lily smiled at the older woman. She was glad to have reconnected with Penny; they didn’t know each other well, since Lily had grown up across the country, but in their few interactions, the older woman had always been down-to-earth and kind.

  “I admire you, going back to school as a veteran and working so hard at it. And I’m thrilled you’re using our ranch for your capstone project. Who knows, it might get us some great PR.” She hesitated and then spoke again. “I’ve always regretted not doing more for you when you were a kid. Your mom wasn’t the easiest to live with, and holidays stressed her out. No wonder you’d just as soon spend Christmas alone.”

  Lily waved a hand. “I wasn’t any too easy to live with, either. I was wild.”

  “I know, I heard the stories.” Her aunt chuckled, and then her face got serious again. “Just one more concern, and then I’ll stop mother-henning you. Your car isn’t really made for Colorado roads. The weather’s nice now, but I saw where we might get some freezing rain tonight, in front of some snow.”

  Lily bit her lip, glancing over at her old car. Having spent the past year in Phoenix—and the years before that in the Middle East—she’d lost the knack for driving on icy roads. But she had to be able to get into town to investigate Pam’s husband. That was the key reason she was here.

  Penny patted her shoulder. “Long John—that’s the vet I mentioned—can arrange a ride for you if you want to go down to town for Christmas Eve services.”

  “Thank you.” It would be tough to miss church on Christmas Eve. “I might just have him do that.”

  “Good.” Penny turned toward her car, and Lily walked with her into the frosty cold.
“While you’re enjoying some mountain solitude, I’ll be with my daughter and grandson out east.” She gave a wry smile. “I wish I could invite you to join us, but my daughter and I have a shaky relationship. Say a prayer that we’ll all get along, will you?”

  “Of course.” Lily understood family problems all too well. She hugged the older woman. “I hope you have a wonderful time.”

  “I’ll try.” Penny got in her car, started it up and waved. Halfway down the short driveway, she stopped and lowered the window. “I forgot to tell you the name of that family you’re to photograph. It’s Carson Blair, one of our local pastors, and his twin six-year-olds. They’ll be staying up here for the week.” She raised the window and was off.

  Lily stared after her aunt’s car as the name she’d thrown out so casually whirled tornado-like through her head.

  Carson Blair? She was doing family photographs of Carson Blair?

  Pam’s husband and kids were staying up here at Redemption Ranch?

  The thought practically made her hyperventilate, but maybe it was a good thing. If they were staying here, it should be easy to do some quiet investigating.

  She owed it to Pam. Paying that debt might help Lily move on.

  She just had to make sure Carson didn’t discover the awful truth about Pam’s death.

  * * *

  Carson Blair whistled as he turned his truck into Redemption Ranch, a mere ten miles from his home in Esperanza Springs, but worlds away from his too-busy life. His last-minute plan to spend Christmas week up here was an opportunity to fill his daughters’ hearts while they were off from school, let them have plenty of Daddy time. He would preach the Christmas Eve service tomorrow night, but that was all. Canceling the few other events and closing down the building meant that everyone—the secretary, the janitor, the committee members and volunteers—could do as he was doing: focus on their families.

  Coming early to the ranch also let him escape the numerous invitations a single pastor got for Christmas parties and dinners. He loved his congregation, but spending time with their big, happy extended families was a painful reminder of the life he’d hoped his girls would have, but that he hadn’t been able to provide.

  He had to admit that he probably wouldn’t have made this Christmas getaway happen without his friend Penny’s urging. She knew he needed a break. But she’d also given him a small side job: watch out for another cabin resident here for the holidays, Penny’s niece, who’d been struggling with her readjustment to civilian life. Apparently she’d had formal counseling through the military, but Penny thought that Carson, as a pastor, could offer a different type of support.

  “It’s worth a try,” the older woman had said. “And she’s a beautiful woman. You might enjoy her company.”

  Carson had bitten back the uncharacteristically sharp retort that had formed in his mind: Yeah, but will she enjoy mine? Pam didn’t.

  He really needed a vacation from failed efforts at matchmaking.

  “Just don’t mention I asked you to talk to her,” Penny had gone on, oblivious to Carson’s inner dialogue. “She’s independent.”

  He didn’t like deception, but if it was the only way this woman, Lily, would open up, he supposed he could comply with Penny’s request.

  He pulled up to Cabin Two and turned to wake up the twins, both asleep in the back seat after a sugar-laden holiday party in their kindergarten class. Their identical faces were flushed, their long eyelashes resting on chubby cheeks. His chest tightened. Despite the sad ending of his wife’s life, the weaknesses of his marriage—the weaknesses he’d had as a husband—his daughters were the wonderful, God-given outcome.

  “Wake up, sleeping beauties,” he said quietly, giving a light pat to Skye’s arm, then to Sunny’s.

  “Is it Christmas?” Sunny jerked upright.

  “Presents?” Skye asked, yawning.

  Carson chuckled. His girls did know the true meaning of Christmas, but preachers’ kids were like anyone else’s when it came to gifts.

  “Christmas is in two days,” he reminded them. “We’re at the ranch now, though. We’re going to do some sledding, and play with the dogs, and do puzzles by the fire. Let’s get our stuff into the cabin.”

  “Yay!” Sunny cried, and both girls scrambled out of their booster seats.

  But as Carson opened the truck door, Long John McCabe, one of the gray-haired veterans who lived at the ranch, came toward him, his walker bumping over the dirt path at an alarming pace. “Change of plans,” he said. “Willie’s cabin had a plumbing leak, so you can’t stay there. We’re putting you up in Cabin Five.”

  Carson shrugged. “Sure, that’s fine. We’ll be a little farther away from you, but we can bundle up and come visit.”

  “Long John!” Both girls spilled out of the truck and ran to hug the older gentleman, carefully, as they’d been taught. “We have a present for you,” Skye added.

  “It’s a—” Just in time, Sunny slapped a hand over her own mouth.

  “I might have a little something for you two girls as well.” Long John reached a shaky hand down to pat Skye’s head, then Sunny’s.

  “I’m going to pull the truck down to Cabin Five so we can unload,” Carson said. “Girls, hop back in.”

  “But we want to go pet Rockette,” Skye complained.

  “And see Mr. Long John’s Christmas tree,” Sunny added, then looked up at the older man, her forehead wrinkling. “Do you have a Christmas tree?”

  “If you don’t,” Skye said, “you can come see ours, when we get it set up.”

  “Maybe you can come help!” Sunny suggested. “Daddy, can he?”

  “I’m fine. I’ve got a little Norfolk Island pine in a pot.” Long John chuckled at the girls’ enthusiasm and waved Carson toward the row of cabins. “Go ahead, get unpacked and settled. I’ll entertain these two for half an hour, maybe fix ’em some hot chocolate.”

  “Can we, Daddy?” Skye pleaded.

  Carson drew in a breath to say no, not wanting to put Long John to the trouble, but just in time, he caught the eagerness in the older man’s eyes. Long John didn’t have any kids or grandkids of his own, and his worsening Parkinson’s disease made it difficult for him to get out.

  He glanced over at Long John’s cabin and noticed an accessibility ramp in front, its raw, light-colored wood a contrast to the old cabin’s dark hue. That was new.

  “You girls can visit,” he said. “But behave and do what Mr. Long John says.”

  “Yay!” Sunny ran toward Long John’s cabin.

  “Wait!” Skye called sharply after her twin. She walked beside Long John at a sedate pace, glancing over her shoulder to make sure that Carson had noticed her considerate behavior.

  He had, of course, and he gave her a thumbs-up. It was such a blessing, these older veterans becoming a part of his girls’ lives. The twins had no local grandparents, but these men filled the gap, just as the girls filled a gap in Long John’s life.

  He let the truck glide down the road to Cabin Five. Got out and opened the back hatch...and stopped.

  At the cabin next door, kneeling to catch a photo of the sun sinking over the Sangre de Cristos, was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

  Well, the second-most beautiful. He could never forget his wife’s glossy golden hair, her sparkling eyes. He’d never stopped loving her, even through the arguments and the emotional distance and the absences.

  He’d never thought he would notice another woman. But he was sure noticing this one.

  Was this Penny’s niece? If

  Clad in worn, snug-fitting jeans and a blue parka, the blonde was focusing so closely on what she was doing that she paid him no attention.

  Not that a woman who looked like that would pay someone like him any attention. Pam—popular, fun-loving Pam—had been the amazing exception, the girl a former ner
dy weakling would never have expected to attract.

  “Daddy!” Sunny’s voice sounded behind him, out of breath and upset.

  He turned to see her running toward him, covering the rocky dirt road at breakneck speed. “Slow down, sweetie! What’s wrong?”

  “Daddy!” She hurtled into him and bounced back, grabbing his hand. “Mr. Long John is hurt!”

  He dropped the bags he was carrying and turned toward Long John’s cabin. “Where’s Skye?”

  “She’s sitting with him. Come on!”

  Carson ran beside her, their breath making fog clouds in the cold air. He should never have left the girls alone with a man in Long John’s condition, even if he had seemed fine just a few minutes ago.

  Running footsteps sounded behind him, then beside. “Which cabin?” the blonde woman asked. She was carrying a large first aid kit, and she lifted it to show him. “I overheard. Might be able to help.”

  “First one in the row.” He gestured toward it.

  “Daddy... I can’ any...more.” Sunny slowed beside him, panting, so he stopped to pick her up as the woman jogged ahead.

  Now he could see Long John sitting on the bottom porch step, Skye beside him. The older man was conscious and upright, which was reassuring. When the blonde woman reached him, she knelt, spoke and then started pawing through her first aid kit.

  Carson reached the trio a moment later and swung Sunny to the ground. “What’s going on? Everyone okay?”

  “I’m taking care of him,” Skye said, patting Long John’s arm.

  “That you are, sweetie.” Long John reached as if to put an arm around her and winced.

  “I wouldn’t move that arm just now, sir,” the blonde woman said. Something about the cadence of her words spelled military. So this most likely was Penny’s niece.

  “Good point.” Long John looked ruefully up at Carson. “I’m okay, it’s just the Parkinson’s getting worse. Affects my balance sometimes. I hit the edge of the porch wrong and went down. Bumped myself up and got a nasty splinter.”


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