Noble Revelations

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Noble Revelations Page 17

by Adeleke Kayode

  “Prometheus has more firepower than we do...”

  “Finally…oh I was just glad you stopped walking. Yeah, Prometheus has more firepower than we do. They always have. What cued you in on this exactly?”

  Alastor stared at me with a blank expression before responding. “My men are all in, Tessa, Mathew and AJ aren’t gonna be helping anyone anytime soon. That leaves me, you, Carter and William. We need more people, there is no way in hell we stand a chance otherwise.”

  It wasn’t like I had a team stashed somewhere but the fact Alastor was asking meant he wanted me to think of a way to get more people. That or he doesn’t really have that many friends so his list of people to ask wasn’t that long it wasn’t like mine in particular was any longer, the best person to ask was Mr. Bright. The only problem was it wasn’t exactly a guarantee that he would help. For one, there wasn’t anything in particular that he would gain from this then again he did have a bone to pick with Adam considering he was the one who had killed Conner Creed. And that brings up another problem Alastor was one of the people who had helped Adam do it. There was no way he would be pleased to see us if he knew Alastor was coming along.

  “Hey! Alex you still coherent? God, I swear it’s like talking to a wall.”

  “Walls don’t talk back. I was thinking anyway there’s one person I cou…”

  “Aaaaargh mid-sentence really? What the hell is your problem. Seriously what is it? Maybe one of my medics could treat it.”

  “I didn’t blank, I was just wondering what the hell is that?” I pointed down at the glass.

  Alastor turned to look, even though it was getting dark he spotted what I was looking at instantly. It was a rather large armored vehicle. Alastor grumbled to himself saying Now what. Then rushed into the bridge, I followed after him, while he began instructing the crew on the bridge to prepare for battle that’s when an image appeared on screen. It was the armored vehicle, someone was getting out of it. It was Carter followed by William and then Juliette. My stomach turned for a second just maybe we would have been better off with Alastor attacking.

  “Well, what are you waiting for? Get them up here?” Alastor didn’t hide the fact he was annoyed.

  “Including the vehicle or just the people.”

  Alastor laughed for a moment, it was clearly a fake one but I don’t think the bridge crew member knew that so he started laughing along with Alastor who stopped suddenly.

  “Why are you laughing?”

  “Oh…well because you were…I”

  “Bring the people aboard.”

  It took a few seconds but in a flash of light Carter, William and ah…Juliette disappeared then reappeared on the bridge.

  “So we got the location of Prometheus’ headquarters it’s on this flash drive.” Carter stated.

  Juliette shrugged like she had no idea what he was talking about. Her arms were folded across her chest and she was tapping her left foot while looking around the ship. Carter had his arm outstretch while he walked toward Alastor who responded by tilting his head toward one of the bridge crew members. Carter picked up the signal and headed toward the crew member handing the flash drive to them. Once he handed it to them he stepped back and allowed the crew member to work. In a matter of moments we would have the location of Prometheus headquarters it seemed like the moment felt sort of unreal until…

  “Uhhh, the file is encrypted I can’t crack it.”

  William moved forward and headed to the console where the crew member was working from, he pushed him aside then started typing away at the keyboard.

  “You don’t have the software to get in.”

  It occurred to me to ask how William knew that but I figured that could wait a moment, so instead I turned to Juliette who tapped her ear then just stared at me.

  “What, I’m on vacation so that means no more help from me.”

  “Vacation? When’d you clear that with your superiors you didn’t say anything when we were in the pup?”

  “The what?” I managed to ask just before Juliette answered Carter.

  “Oh I just told my superiors. Anyway I’ve got to go don’t really want to start my va kay on this stuffy ship. Maybe I’ll go somewhere east.”

  I was about to say something when Juliette suddenly disappeared. Both I and Alastor turned toward the crew member who had transported her aboard in the first place. He looked tense and attempted to slink back in his seat as if that would hide him from our gaze.

  “Why did you…”

  “Don’t sweat that Alastor, I know someone who has the equipment we need. Mr. Bright.” William stated.

  Alastor’s body twitched for a moment but it didn’t look like anyone else caught it. I only managed to because I happened to be facing the same direction he was.

  “Yeah but we don’t know where Mr. Bright is exactly I know he’s on business. AJ knows we need to ask…”

  “Don’t bother. Mr. Bright is in Japan, Tokyo to be specific.”

  I turned to look at Alastor with my right brow raised. “Why do you know that?”

  “Why don’t you? You actually work for Mr. Bright. Anyway it’s going to take us about nine hours to get there.”

  That seemed odd to me so I blinked twice then gave Alastor a perplexed look. “That’s pretty much the same time it would take a plane I thought this was a high tech aircraft.”

  Alastor looked at me casually while raising both of his eyebrows. “It is Alex..ander.” But to keep us from being detected we have to travel at moderate speeds otherwise us going in cloaked will be completely pointless.”

  “This thing can cloak?” Carter asked.

  Alastor facepalmed before glaring at me. “God it’s like you two share the same brain.”

  “So why didn’t Juliette just give us the unencrypted files?” William asked.

  “Because William. That would mean she was actually being helpful.” Carter replied.

  “Well she did say it wasn’t like she was helping us.”

  I rolled my eyes at William’s comment it was so like Juliette. All that aside it seemed like we were headed for Japan to get Mr. Bright’s help. Based on how Alastor reacted I don’t think he’s too eager to see Mr. Bright. Don’t know what’s going on there, just that us going to see him in Japan gives us a chance to get his help in more than just unencrypting the file. We were going to need an army after all. And who better to supply us with one then Mr. Bright.

  Chapter 29

  In the single most secure room in the Prometheus headquarters the head honcho himself paced back and forth in front of a curtain screen. Other than his footsteps the large room was quiet save for the random muttering that escaped his lips. It was a taxing job keeping his composure in front of all his other subordinate. In front of Adam, it wasn’t necessary though which was something he rather liked. It was almost time now. Just three more months and all his waiting would finally pay off.

  “Soon it will be complete father. And your sacrifice won’t be for nothing.” The head of Prometheus spoke as if he was talking to someone in a way he was. A little something most people wouldn’t understand and that was exactly why he had to keep his composure just a little longer then…then there would be no need for any half measure he could truly revel in his utter and total victory the world itself would be his oyster nothing would be beyond his reach. The head of Prometheus smiled to himself which stretched his face showcasing all his wrinkles. Like an eager kid wanting to peek at a present before they were allowed to open it, he snuck toward the curtain screen. Once he reached it he went underneath standing only inches away from a large cylindrical tube that stood in the middle of the room. Inside the tube was a luminescent green fluid. The tube itself was only 10 ft. in height and 5 ft. in diameter. The head of Prometheus placed his right hand on it causing the rings on his fingers to clang against the glass. He could see his reflection on the glass which put an odd smile onto his face.

  Almost all of Prometheus would assume the smile had to do with some s
ort of pride he had for his Project within the container. No…that wasn’t it at all, Adam was one of the few who understand the smile and the symbolism here at work, but soon everyone would understand, so for now he just stared. Looking at his face which hadn’t aged well, he noticed a couple of things. The wrinkles that were everywhere across his face, his eyes which were very frequently vacant like he wasn’t always there.

  The head of Prometheus smiled while raking his left hand through his faded grey hair, there were still small spots of black but not many. Once he was done he looked at the rings on his right hand, there were three of them then he looked at his face once again this time paying attention to the necklace which he always kept hidden. He grabbed at it without taking it out and traced his fingers across the rosary.

  “I truly do miss you father.” Tears filled his eyes just before he spoke.

  First they were tears of sadness but they quickly became tears of happiness when he fixed his sight upon what was inside the cylinder. It was a human being floating in the fetal position. The person inside had long black hair that sort of wrapped around the body like a swaddled new born. The Prometheus head smiled through his tears moving his right hand across the glass.

  “Prometheus’ future. The world’s future it will all be here soon. Just a little longer.”

  Chapter 30

  Japan was still a ways away approximately three hours in fact. That gave all of us enough time to rest up and prepare for our meeting with Mr. Bright. Well actually I had already slept earlier even if we were going to reach Tokyo at night. I wouldn’t be too tired neither would the others since they all slept as well. So the three hours was really just waiting time. Carter had checked on Mathew who he informed me was stable but had lost a little color looking a bit more pale in the face. It was possible he had lost a lot more blood than we first thought but at least he was fine now.

  “Um Alex…so my sisters are doing fine glad you ask.”

  I blinked suddenly at William’s commented. “Wah…sorry, sorry just got…”

  “Lost in thought.” Carter filled in.

  I gave Carter a cheesy grin that showed I didn’t appreciate him finishing my sentences. His only response was to tap the table we were sitting at with two fingers. He looked over at William who was sitting next to him then casually tapped the table at least three more times.

  “Cafeterias bug me ever since…”

  “The Lockdown Facility. Yeah I know you’ve mentioned it like twenty times.”

  Carter’s only reply was giving me the same big sarcastic grin I gave him. I rolled my eyes noticing that Alastor had just entered the Cafeteria. Hopefully he was just passing through. I would hate if he…

  “Gentlemen.” Alastor stated in a sophisticated tone just before sitting down right next to me.

  A low grumble escaped my mouth which didn’t deter Alastor in the least. Why in the world would he sit by us? We were working together true but that didn’t mean we had to be…


  Alastor’s response to me randomly blurting out the word friends was to cock his head in my direction while staring at me with an almost inquisitive look on his face.

  “Can I help you with something?” I asked.

  “Yeah. What’s with the outbursts is it like a social disorder or something? I’m honestly curious.”

  “Ha...ha…HA. Funny, Hilarious even. I may have fractured a rib but you just made me bust a gut.” I finished by narrowing my eyes, staring Alastor down.

  “That’s another thing what is with you two and your sense of humor?” Alastor pointed at Carter as he spoke almost like he was indicating that the floor was open for either of us to answer the question.

  “I can’t speak for everyone but you’re not really funny. So is it like a defense mechanism. I mean did you grow up in a place where nobody laughed then both of you made a vow to at least attempt to bring humor wherever you went.”

  My first respond was to just smirk. “Is this cause I charbroiled your better half cause if an apology is what you’re looking for, you should go looking somewhere else.”

  Alastor just stared at me so I didn’t break eye contact…BAM.


  Both Alastor and I turned our attention toward William who had smacked the table in an obvious attempt to get our attention, it worked though so there’s that.

  “Alex killed my dad you don’t see me putting a gun to his throat.” William spoke in a nonchalant manner which seemed to catch both Alastor and Carter off guard they sort of just stared at William then eventually there gaze fell on me. I guess they expected me to chime in and say something in my defense.

  “I didn’t know it was his dad when it happened.”

  “Cause that makes it ok?” Carter asked.

  “Really whose side are you on?” I replied.

  William’s eyes opened wide then he looked at Carter and Alastor. “Oh, no. No. No, no I’m not mad that wasn’t why I brought it up.”

  “Yeah, and why aren’t you mad. Are you secretly a serial killer?” Alastor asked.

  Everyone sort of paused for a moment, blinked about three times then the four of us burst out into laughter. It was dark humor yeah I know but considering who I was, or maybe considering who we all were it seemed like such an odd comment.

  “Hahaha, why am I….laughing it’s not….even funny.” Alastor managed to make out the words between spurts of laughter.

  We all laughed a little more then took in a deep breath. “Alex ever tell you guys how we met.”

  My ears perked up at that and my eyes widened while I shook my head side to side. “Hey, no. No one needs to relive that.”

  “So William how did you and Alex meet?” Carter asked.



  William began telling the tale of how we met which I honestly didn’t want to hear so I tuned him out. I knew the story already I was in it. First Shield, Hummingbird and I were looking for William’s father Scott Dawson who at the time we didn’t know was already dead. Had I had my memory at the time I could have saved us a lot of trouble, maybe even Hummingbird would still be alive. As my thoughts started to get heavier I notice the smile widening on William’s face as he was reaching what I assumed was the part of the story I dreaded.

  “So Hummingbird asks me to perform a special dance for her friend Carter.”

  “Wait, you were there too Carter?” Alastor asked.

  “No Alex used his name when he had amnesia it was because of his dog tags anyway. So I ended up doing my set then while Carter/Alex isn’t paying attention I make my way from the stage to him and ask about giving him a personal dance.”

  Carter and Alastor giggled for a moment while William finished the story once he told them he actually did dance for me. They lost it and started howling like monkeys in the zoo. Alastor even grabbed onto my shoulder and shook me a bit like we were old buddies. At first I just watch them then eventually I put my head down while shaking it side to side.

  “I guess now’s a good a time as any to finish that dance.”

  I looked up immediately to see William dancing next to me. That’s twice now. How does this keep happening?

  “William…William. I love you man. But if you don’t stop dancing hahaha I gonna have to kill you.” I couldn’t keep a straight face as I spoke I just couldn’t.

  Then for some reason or another Carter got up from the table and started to dance as well. I shook my head so much that it could have come flying off. I couldn’t help smiling and laughing, Alastor was laughing like crazy so was William and Carter. It was strange we were all laughing like we didn’t have a care in the world, I actually almost forget the reason we were heading to Tokyo. Almost.

  Chapter 31

  We were finally here, and I must say that Tokyo’s skyline was amazing it was sort of like the stars had fallen from the heavens and had embedded themselves in the buildings closest to the sky. It was currently night so the combination of
stars and building lights was quite the sight to behold. As beautiful as the city was I wasn’t here to sightsee from the course we were taking and the way that Alastor spoke I inferred that Mr. Bright wasn’t far off now.

  “Over there we’ll use the veranda.” Alastor stated.

  “Ok sir. It will just take a second to get in place.” One of his men replied.

  Alastor looked back at the others and me. We were ready to go it was just Carter, William and me going as far as I knew. Alastor walked toward us at a brisk pace while the loud typing from a nearby keyboard filled the air.

  “Transport in three, two, one.”

  One white flash of light later and the four of us were on the veranda. From the corner of my eye, I could still see Alastor’s airship well sort of it was cloaked. I could only really pick up on the slight flutter it made, in that instance you could tell something was there just not what exactly. Not that it mattered, unencrypting the file was what was important and getting Mr. Bright’s aid for our assault on the Prometheus headquarters.

  “Hey you coming with us or you just gonna stare off into space.” Alastor’s tone sounded annoyed why I wasn’t exactly sure but it didn’t matter.

  “Yeah I’m coming.” I replied while taking in the sights around me.

  Mr. Bright’s veranda was large with two ferns positioned right at the corner, one for the left and one for the right. Symmetry at work. Alastor stood to the side of the glass screen that would lead into the room where I presumed Mr. Bright was in. We’re going in to talk right? Because with the way Alastor was acting I wouldn’t be surprised if he pulled a gun on Mr. Bright. Shrugging that thought off, I moved forward and tapped on the glass. Aside from the sound my hand tapping the glass made the only other sound was of traffic from below.

  “I could just pop in there. You could too Alex.”

  I stared at William for a moment because of his comment. Yeah I wasn’t doing that. Before tapping on the glass a second time for some reason or another I made eye contact with everyone including Alastor as if I was making sure of something.


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