Royal Bastard: A Bad Boy Royal Romance

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Royal Bastard: A Bad Boy Royal Romance Page 10

by Emilia Beaumont

  “So,” she started, crossing her arms over her chest. It made her magnificent breasts shift upward and I felt the stirring of my cock in response. I didn’t understand this effect she had on me, especially at a time like this, but I couldn’t say I didn’t like it. In fact, it felt pretty fucking fantastic. “Twelve weeks? That’s pretty interesting considering Edward was gone for a whole month around that time.”

  “Well, you know they aren’t always entirely accurate,” Amber shot back, her hand tightening around my waist. “Besides, Edward and I were just taking a break anyway. We are destined to be together.”

  I covered my laughter with a cough, taking the opportunity to step out of her grip. God, Amber was deluded. If she was pregnant with my kid, I was going to take care of it. I wasn’t, however, going to be with her… my father would truly disown me then.

  “Regardless of what your intentions are,” Rose continued, looking amused now, “there is no immaculate conception that I know of since Mary. You were gone on holiday during that time, weren’t you, Edward? I seem to remember something about St. Tropez and you getting in trouble for exposing yourself on a certain beach?”

  I cleared my throat, giving her a grin. I was going to owe her dinner and an extra grand or two for this. “I believe I was. Remember, Amber? You didn’t want to go to the seaside because of that fashion show.”

  “That wasn’t the same time,” she said tightly, her anger barely simmering under the surface. I had seen that look many times. “Remember, Edward?”

  Rose smiled then, clasping her hands in front of her. “Well, if you insist that the dates aren’t completely accurate, we will have to ensure that every precaution is taken to prove that this is the prince’s baby after all.”

  “What are you talking about?” Amber asked, some of the earlier bravado no longer in her voice.

  “DNA testing,” Rose said. God she was awesome. “You know there are ways to test while the child is still inside the womb. I’m sure the royal family would want to know if you are carrying a potential heir.”

  “I-I don’t know why that needs to happen,” Amber stammered, looking at me with pleading eyes. “We were in love, me and Edward. This baby was a product of that love.”

  “Honey, even my sperm isn’t that good,” I remarked, seeing the fury reflect in her eyes. “Go pawn your child off on someone else.”

  The resounding slap that followed didn’t even sting as much as I thought it would as she brushed angrily past me and out the door.

  “Ouch,” Rose responded as she watched her go. “That’s going to leave a mark.”

  I started toward her, a grin on my face. She took two steps back until her back hit the wall as I raised both my hands and blocked her in between my arms. “God, you are bloody brilliant.”

  “I try,” she said with a shrug. “I did my due diligence when I decided to accept this job. I had to know what I was letting myself in for. You were all over the front pages about your exploits at the beach.”

  “Shit, I thought I’d fucked up big-time,” I said softly, leaning down until our noses were mere inches apart. “I was ready to start buying bloody diapers. I owe you Rose, really.”

  “I-it was nothing,” she replied. I looked down at her lips, the lower one beckoning me to capture it between my teeth. I could smell the vanilla scent of her hair, see the unusual colour of her eyes as they watched me with some concern. I didn’t know what she was thinking about; maybe she had the same idea running through her mind, but there was only way to tell for damn sure. I wanted to kiss her, I had to.

  I dropped my head and brushed my lips against hers, feeling her shock. Internally I was struggling to keep my control as I brushed them again, tasting her cherry lip gloss.

  She made a little sound in the back of her throat, and I took full advantage, capturing her lips with a moan. It took her all of two seconds to respond to my kiss, her lips moving sweetly and hesitantly under mine. Her hands gripped my shirt and held me there as I lazily kissed her, keeping my hands on the wall though I wanted to grip her, as well.

  One touch and I would not be able to let go. No, I was going to stay in control. I was going to kiss her and nothing more. I nipped at her lower lip and she gasped, giving me full access to her mouth. My tongue swept in and I was lost in the warmth of her mouth, the way her tongue cautiously stroked mine as if she was just as lost as I was. I reluctantly forced myself to pull back, a streak of need shooting through my body as I took in her dazed expression, the reddening of her lips from my kiss.

  For a long second we just stared at each other, as I wondered what was going through her mind now. Was she feeling the same rush of need, of heat through her body as I was, or was she going to bolt, and run for the hills because I had shown my true colours once again? Finally she cleared her throat and directed her attention away from my intense gaze.

  “I said I wouldn’t sleep with you,” she breathed.

  “Yes… I said nothing about kissing you.” I dropped my hands, stepping back with an unsteady need to pull her against me. “I’m sorry,” I said softly, not sure what to do or even what to say. Shit, I’d gone and ruined it, hadn’t I? Like I always did.

  “No, it’s okay,” she said automatically, pushing away from the wall. She looked rattled, as she’d just been in a car crash, and I felt like I had molten lava burning through my veins. I was ready to do it all over again.

  There was a subtle cough behind me. “Maybe the privacy of your residence would be more suited to this conversation, sir?”

  I turned around to find Jim staring at us with an amused expression on his face. “I, yes. Of course.”

  “Oh god,” Rose breathed, but instead of going towards the lift she headed for the exit. I swore and grabbed her arm, turning her around to face me. Panic was in her eyes, and I felt like the asshole all over again. “I’m sorry,” I said again, my hand flexing on her arm. “I didn’t plan on that to happen. Let’s go upstairs and talk about it. Or we can forget it even happened?”

  “Just let me go,” she said, pleading with me. “Please.”


  “Edward, let me go,” she said firmly.

  I released her arm and she escaped through the door, leaving me standing there watching her.

  “Bravo, sir. You truly blew that one.”

  I turned to look at Jim and scowled. “Fine timing you have there.”

  Jim shrugged and pressed the button on the lift, motioning with his hand. “Just looking out for you, sir. There are cameras everywhere these days.”

  Didn’t I fucking know it.



  I picked up the box labelled ‘bedroom’ and moved it aside, stopping for a moment to look around my new flat. Thanks to Edward’s generous bonus for what I had done about Amber, I had been able to find an affordable flat in a decent part of town and had wasted no time moving into it. My mum had put up little fight, knowing well enough that once I had my mind set on something, I was going to do it. Instead, she and my dad had helped me move all of my meagre belongings out of storage, and now, as the sun was setting in the distance, I was about to spend my first night in my new place… alone. Eugh.

  Pushing the heavy box in front of me towards the kitchen, I set it near the counter and stretched my back, sore from all of the stooping and bending. My time with Edward had been pretty much non-existent the last week or so while I had dealt with moving, though he’d insisted that we carve out some time to snap a few pictures of him attending a planning session for the orphans’ fundraiser. I’d managed to keep the meeting, and any time we were alone, businesslike and cordial.

  The puff piece that followed about his involvement with the orphanage actually made the front page, and since he had stayed largely out of trouble, all had been quiet on the home front. Once we did the fundraiser, I felt his father wasn’t going to have any reason to keep his threat, and Edward would be welcome back into the bosom of the family. I didn’t know how long it would
actually last, but I would be gone, moved on by that time.

  The kiss crept into my thoughts, and I pushed it aside, just as I had done over and over again, every time it reared its ugly head. But it was permanently seared into my brain, and unfortunately so were the feelings that had accompanied it. He had caught me completely off guard, but I knew it hadn’t meant anything to him; he’d just been relieved after Amber’s little bombshell. Surely that was it. Of course, he hadn’t brought it up during our last meeting, so it was perfectly clear it had all been a big mistake. Yet it didn’t matter—the damage was done; now I wanted to kiss him again and again, and I knew that would never be.

  Spying my camera, I picked it up and thumbed through the pictures from the other day, smiling as his strong profile filled the tiny screen. Edward was a photographer’s dream. He had a commanding presence, and those eyes held a mysterious—and of course, mischievous—glint. Every picture I took of him was a winner. The funny thing was, while I enjoyed taking pictures of other people doing their thing, I hated pictures of myself. I could never smile quite right, my smile coming out like a half grimace, half smirk. With my rounded face and body, the camera always seemed to add ten, if not more, pounds to me. There were plenty of pictures of me in my childhood days, but very few in my adulthood… and I liked it that way. From all the photos from my trip abroad I could count on one hand the number of times I had actually stepped in front of the camera.

  A knock sounded on the door, and I set the camera down, glad that my pizza had finally arrived. Grabbing the money, I opened the door with a smile.


  “What are you doing here?” I hissed, noting that Edward was carrying a ton of bags in his strong arms. “How did you even find this place?” I said as the urge to change itched at my skin; I had on baggy sweats, and my hair was an absolute mess… he couldn’t see me like this.

  “I’m part of the royal family, remember?” he grinned, holding out a pizza box. “I can find you anywhere.”

  I snatched the box from him and walked back into the flat, leaving the door open. “Did you push the delivery guy down the stairs to get this?”

  He chuckled as he pushed the door close with his foot. “I intercepted him on the stairs. I like the place, love the grown-up look you went with—not a parent in sight.”

  I laughed as I set the pizza on the table, though partially still mad at him. I turned my back to him. “What are you doing here, Edward? You’re lucky I even let you in the door, but I’m hungry…”

  He lifted the bag he was holding up. “What’s in there?” I asked, unable to stave off my curiosity.

  His grin was infectious—I wanted to kiss and slap him at the same time—and he pulled out a six pack of bottled beer with a flourish, followed by a packet of chocolate chip cookies.

  “The rest of your dinner. I knew you’d be the type to order in on your first night in a new flat. And,” he said before I could ask what type of person that was, “I also have here an awesome coffee machine that the girl at the store said was the latest appliance for busy people and a bunch of those little cups to go with it.”

  “You bought me a coffee machine?” I asked, my mouth dropping in surprise. He had brought me a present, again? “You have to stop buying me things!”

  “House-warming gift. It’s not for you, it’s for the flat,” he corrected, holding out the bags. “I hope you’ll find a use for it, though.”

  I took the bag with a sniff; he could be so thoughtful. “Thank you. It’s a wonderful, thoughtful gift.”

  He cleared his throat and nodded to the pizza. “Well, I won’t intrude, unless you’d care to have some company tonight?”

  How could I turn him away after he’d so generously brought me all this? I thought. “Dig in,” I said with an easy sigh. “I’ll go get the bottle opener. It’s in one of these boxes.”

  “These are really good, Rose. I mean, it’s a whole other world over in the States.”

  I polished off my beer and nodded, watching as Edward looked through my photo album from my years abroad. “It was. I couldn’t believe all the photo opportunities. I want to do the same over here now, see all the places, maybe go up to Scotland. I hear the landscapes are beautiful.”

  Edward pushed the album back across the table and sat back, his blue eyes focused on me. “You really have talent, Rose. Why do you waste it on club photography?”

  “It makes money,” I said with a shrug, fiddling with the label. “And I’m helping out my sister.”

  Edward nodded and pointed toward the album. “Where are you in these pictures?”

  I laughed, thinking about my earlier war with myself. “I-I don’t like to take pictures of myself. Hate it in fact.”

  “Why?” he asked, his eyes narrowing. “Don’t tell me your asshole of an ex told you weren’t camera material?”

  I shook my head, a smile on my face. “No, that wasn’t it. I just, I’m not comfortable. They always turn out wrong. I look goofy.”

  “Not comfortable?” Edward repeated. “That’s ridiculous.”

  “Easy for you to say,” I muttered, taking in his handsome profile as I pushed away from the table and stood, ready to clear away the half-empty pizza box. “Mr. Perfect himself.”

  Edward followed behind, grabbed my arm and spun me around to look at him. “What did you say?”

  “I said perfect,” I sighed, pointing to his face. “You are damn godlike, Edward, with your jaw and your eyes. I know you own a mirror, so don’t deny it.” Maybe it was the alcohol talking, but it was true. He could be a model if he were that way inclined.

  “You think I’m perfect?” he asked softly, his eyes searching mine. “Hell, Rose, I don’t think anyone has ever called me that before.”

  “I was talking about your features,” I muttered, thinking about everything I knew about Edward. In a sense he was the perfect guy if anyone decided to look past the surface and was given half a chance. He was thoughtful, given the camera on the table and the new coffee machine in my kitchen, he was loyal, and he had deep, buried feelings. I had seen those first-hand at the orphanage. So what if he had hiccups along the way and made mistakes? Didn’t we all?

  Edward’s hand reached up and cupped my cheek. My insides froze with all of those feelings I didn’t want to admit to. “You’re pretty damn near perfect yourself, Rose.”

  I gave a short laugh and stepped away from his touch, feeling very out of sorts. I couldn’t let him touch me again. “You’re drunk. And you need to get your eyesight checked.”

  Edward’s jaw worked as he picked up my camera, eyeing it. “It takes more than a couple of beers to get me wasted, Rose. Let me prove it.”

  “What?” I asked, wondering what he was talking about now.

  “Let me take pictures of you,” he said, messing with the buttons on the top of the camera. “Let me show you what I see.”

  “Absolutely not,” I said, the thought of him taking pictures of me churning my stomach. I didn’t want to see myself through that lens. I didn’t want him to see me in any other way, because this, whatever this was that was going on between us, could not happen. I didn’t want to end up like another Amber, cast to the wayside.

  “Come on,” Edward challenged, a glint in his eye. “What are you afraid of? Just a few pictures and then you can delete them. No one will know.”

  I swallowed hard, eyeing the camera like it was my own worst enemy now. How did Edward see me? In the entire time Brent and I were together, he never once begged to take pictures of me. He never once said the things that Edward was saying to me right now in this moment. He never once made me feel what I felt whenever I was with this man. That singular thought worried the hell out of me. Was I falling for a man who was way out of my league and untouchable?

  “What’s it going to be, Rose?” Edward asked, practically daring me. “Are you going to take a walk on the wild side once in your life?”

  I looked at him, trying to decipher if he had an ulterior motive.

  “All right, a couple of pictures and that’s it,” I finally said. For once in my life, I wanted to bend the rules. I wanted to feel beautiful, and I wanted to feel it under his gaze, even for just a little while. Whether he was lying or not, I wanted to spend time with him.

  Edward grinned and reached for my hand, his warm touch igniting the fire in my stomach that I was desperately trying to hide. “Show me your bedroom.”



  What the hell was I doing?

  I led Rose to her bedroom, the camera heavy in my hand as I tried to sort out the need to take her hard against the wall and to restrain myself so I wouldn’t scare her. I wanted her to see how damn beautiful she was, and the whole idea had literally been snatched out of thin air. I hadn’t planned it, and I certainly hadn’t expected her to go through with it, but here we were, entering her stark white bedroom.

  There wasn’t much going on in here except a bed with a peach and cream duvet on top, but I could see some of her framed pictures leaning against the wall, waiting to be hung. Her pictures of nature and landscapes were fucking unbelievable, to the point where I felt like she could sell them by the truckloads given the right venue. Maybe I could help her with that, but first I was going to make her comfortable in her own skin.

  “I-I don’t know what to do,” she said softly as I let go of her hand. “What do you want me to do?”

  “I want you to be comfortable,” I said, my voice rough to my ears. “Will it help if I am in the pictures first?”

  She nodded tightly and I swallowed hard, knowing that meant I was going to touch her. If I survived this night, I was a fucking saint and deserved a medal.


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