Undercover Desire (Taboo Romance Erotica)
Page 2
“I know, sis,” said Kevin, cutting her off. “Just go hang out in the park for a while. Everything is going to be fine.”
He waved her off, and with uncertainty and worry clouding her mind, Kelly forced herself to shut the door behind her and walk out of the apartment.
Kelly walked outside the apartment building. She had no set destination in particular, and just meandered down the street, her mind still loud with thoughts and concerns. She found the park that her brother had been talking about and sat down on a bench.
Evening was approaching, and though there were a few runners and bikers out, the city seemed to have calmed down a great deal. It still felt foreign to her, and that feeling only seemed to be amplified by her reunion with her brother. He was so much like he had remembered her, and yet at the same time, so different.
It was only about ten minutes later when she discovered that she had left her phone behind in Kevin’s apartment. For a moment, she considered just leaving it there and grabbing it when she came back later. But she didn’t know when later was, and without her phone, she wouldn’t get the call from Kevin telling her that it was safe for her to come back.
Worse still, was the idea of someone else calling her phone in the meantime. She had a very specific, very girlish ring tone. Would that be enough on its own to blow Kevin’s cover? How could she expect her brother to explain away such a thing when he was already occupied with keeping up his criminal persona?
She figured that it had only been a couple of minutes, and if she was quick, it would be fine for her to go back and get it. She stood up and started back towards the apartment, which was a five minute walk at the longest.
When Kelly made her way up to her brother’s apartment and knocked on the door, her brother opened it, with a look of confusion and anger on his face. He paused, long enough for Kelly to instantly realize what was going on, and just how badly she had miscalculated.
“Hey Vinnie, who’s that?” called a voice. “I didn’t know we were expecting one more.”
“Don’t worry about it, Jack,” he said, letting Kelly inside. “It’s just the girl from the other night I was telling you about.”
Kelly walked into her brother’s apartment. There were several bulky, rough cut looking men sitting on his couch, and a medium sized bag of white powder on top of the table. She hesitated for a moment, and then took another step inside.
“Hello,” she said, feeling herself getting suddenly anxious. “My name is Kelly. I, I’m just stopping by to-“
“Come over here, sugar,” said the man sitting closest to her on the end. “I like the look of you.”
One of the other men stood up and walked behind Kelly, grabbing her arm and pulling her over roughly. She was dropped on the lap of the one that seemed to be in charge, and he began pawing at her breasts and laughing.
“You don’t mind, do you Vinnie?” asked the man. His voice had a scary undertone to it, almost as though what he asking was not actually a question.
“Fuck you Jack,” said Kevin. “You better think about what you’re doing.”
“I have,” said Jack. Kelly was too scared to resist as the man cupped his hand on her cheek and pushed his lips up against her. It was weird, but she found herself being strangely subdued by his brazenness. There was nothing she could do to resist, but part of her didn’t even want to. Part of her was just waiting, watching, and seeing what was going to happen.
There was a noise from over by the door, and Kelly realized that her brother had pulled out his gun and cocked it. The look on his face was the look of a man willing to do something terrible, if need be. It frightened Kelly, but also pulled her in.
“Get the fuck out,” said Kevin. “Now.”
“You don’t want to do this, Vinnie,” said Jack. “You know if I wanted to I could have you killed where you stand. You and your little cunt girlfriend.”
“Why don’t you try it and see what happens?” asked Kevin. He lifted the gun up and pointed it at Jack, undeterred.
Kevin motioned for Kelly to step towards him, and she did. Jack seemed to look around the room for a moment, shaken and unable to meet Kevin’s gaze. Finally, he reached for the bag on the table.
“No, leave that,” said Kevin. “Consider it a business fine for being disrespectful.”
Jack glared at him, but didn’t argue. He stood up and nodded to his friends, and all of them walked towards the door.
“This isn’t over, punk,” he said. “Wait until Sulla hears about this!”
“Let him know that I said hi,” replied Kevin.
The three men left the apartment, and Kevin slowly returned his pistol to its holster. He walked over to the door and locked it, and then turned towards Kelly.
She felt tears welling in her eyes, and threw her arms around her brother. He held her tight, comforting her, and she felt a wave of heat flow into her body.
“It’ okay, sis,” he said. “It’s okay,”
“I’m sorry!” said Kelly. She was unable to keep herself from crying any longer, and felt hot tears begin to trickle down her cheeks. Kevin pulled back slightly, wiped a couple of them off her face, and then leaned in and kissed her.
The world seemed to stop for Kelly as she felt her brother’s lips softly caress her own. Her legs almost quivered and buckled beneath her, and she felt her womanhood begin to heat up in anticipation.
Kevin pulled away for a moment. He looked at her with conflict on his face, and almost as though it was infectious, Kelly felt it spread into her own mind. He was her brother. And he had just kissed her. This was wrong in more ways than she could count.
“I didn’t mean for it to be like this,” said Kevin. “Why couldn’t you have just stayed in the park?”
“I’m sorry!” cried Kelly. “I, I forgot my phone. I thought…I thought it might give you away.”
“How the hell would your phone being here give me a way?” demanded Kevin.
Kelly said nothing, feeling hot shame begin to pulse in her cheeks. She walked over to her brother slowly, unable to meet his gaze, but feeling at the same time like she had to be near him. She just wanted him to hold her, to touch her, to see her as a woman who cared for him.
Kevin grabbed her shoulders roughly, and for a second, she thought that he might throw her across the room. But he didn’t. Kevin pulled his sister in and kissed her again, more passionately this time. Their tongues flicked into each other’s mouths, and Kelly felt her brother’s hands beginning to wander along her back.
He broke the embrace again and walked over to the couch and sat down. Kelly felt conflict welling inside her, and the only way she knew how to defuse it was to follow her brother and sit down next to him. She found herself wanting him to take it further, and hating herself at the same time for having such terrible urges.
“Kelly,” said Kevin. He turned towards her and kissed her again, and it was almost as though the dam had been broken.
Kevin pushed Kelly back onto the couch and climbed on top of her, the two of them making out like two lovers left alone on a first date. Kelly could feel her brother’s weight on top of her, and his hands as he confidently began to grab and feel her breasts for the first time. It sent a chill down her spine, and she felt herself getting wet. She was getting wet for her own brother, and she didn’t want it to stop.
He pulled her shirt up and over her head, followed by his own. With one hand, he deftly unhooked her bra, and Kelly felt herself feeling a little shy as her brother began to drink in the sight of her naked breasts. He moved in slowly, and began kissing her again as he slid her pants down with his fingers.
Kelly wanted him more than she had ever wanted anybody in her life. Kevin had always had a way with women, this much she could clearly remember from when they lived together. It almost seemed cruelly ironic that just when Kelly had been making the transition into womanhood, Kevin had been bringing so many girls home and giving their bodies the attention that she had s
o badly desired.
And now here he was, on top of her. Pulling down her pants and panties, and taking out his rock hard cock. Kelly was ready for him. She was ready, and as Kevin began to press the tip of his member against her entrance, Kelly felt herself aching for him.
He slowly began to slide into her. Kelly could feel her brother stretching her out as he went. It hurt, but the pain was outweighed by an almost overwhelming pleasure and lust that was fogging up her mind like a cloud. She pulled him into her, and he went deeper, pushing into her depths and making small moans begin to escape from her lips involuntarily.
“Oh Kelly, I’ve wanted you for so long,” he whispered. “I’ve wanted to fuck you, ever since you became a woman.”
“Oh god, Kevin!” she cried. He began to pick up his pace, pushing into her. Kelly felt as though she was being filled up by him completely. She had been with guys before, but none of them had ever had this effect on her before. She needed him to keep going, to fuck her harder, and to sate the hot desire that had completely overwhelmed her.
Kevin began to fuck her more roughly. Kelly noticed that he had pinned her wrists back on the couch. It was different than any sex she’d experienced before. It was almost like her brother was succumbing to something primal. It was like he was taking her like a dog takes a bitch, and she felt herself guiltily enjoying every second of it.
Kelly realized that she was screaming, the ecstasy her body was feeling needing every outlet it had available to express itself. Her hips were bucking up to meet Kevin’s rhythm with a mind of their own. The pleasure she was feeling began to build to a crescendo, and then, almost as if a grenade of pleasure had gone off inside her, she began to explode.
Her orgasm took over her body and her mind, melting her into the couch and rendering her almost incapable of thinking or doing anything. She was just lucid enough to realize that Kevin had reached his limit as well. He began to blow his load deep inside her. Kelly was on the pill, but she knew that she wouldn’t have stopped him even if she hadn’t been. This was what she wanted, this and his love.
The two of them cuddled together for a while on the couch. Eventually, Kevin turned on the TV, saying nothing about what had just happened, but starting to get dressed. Kelly sat up and straightened out her hair as much as she could, not sure what was going to happen next.
“I think you should stay here,” said Kevin. “At least for tonight. We’ll figure out what to do after that.”
“Okay,” said Kelly. “I love you, Kevin.”
Her brother smiled at her, and she smiled back.
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Thanks for reading!
Anya Merchant
For other stories by the same author, check out
Curse Of Desire (Taboo Erotica)
Arousal Drug Research (Taboo Erotica)
Home Temptation Volume 1 (Taboo Erotica Collection)
Home Temptation Volume 2 (Taboo Erotica Collection)
Home Temptation Volume 3 (Taboo Erotica Collection)
Home Temptation Volume 4 (Taboo Erotica Collection)
“Jessica, are you home?”
It was a hot, summer day, and Jessica Morgan was trapped inside by herself. Her mom was gone on a weekend camping trip with her new husband, which Jessica had declined to join them on. Their strict views on parenting meant that even though she was 18 years old and a high school graduate, she was still restricted to the house and the local neighborhood, which contained almost nothing of interest.
“Yeah Ben, I’m upstairs,” she called back. “I didn’t expect you to be stopping by today.”
Ben was Jessica’s new step brother, technically. He had moved in with his father when her mom had tied the knot, but was rarely if ever around. At 21 years old, he was almost the exact opposite of Jessica in every way. He was tall, with dark eyes and hair, strong arms and chest muscles, and a smile that seemed to make him the instant crush of every one of her friends. Jessica was a rather plain girl in comparison, and sometimes wondered if her brother being such a sexy heart throb was just another one of the universe’s cruel practical jokes.
On top of that, Ben was talented, the type of talented that landed him college scholarships for both his academics and soccer playing abilities. He had essentially led the team to victory in the last season of high school, and still had people around their home town that would go out of their way to shake his hand and tell him how they still remembered his game winning goals. He also played guitar, and taught lessons on the side. Some of Jessica’s friends had actually paid his expensive fees just to get the opportunity for some one on one time with him, a fact that made Jessica feel strangely possessive of him.
“I’m just stopping by for a couple of days,” he said. “Picking up some stuff, saying hi to some people.”
Jessica had made her way out of her room and down the stairs. Her brother was standing in front of the kitchen table, munching on an apple in a laid back fashion. He was wearing a tight tank top that showed off his physique, along with baggy work out shorts.
“Saying hi to some, people, huh,” she said to him. “Lucky you…”
Now that Ben was off to college and mostly on his own, their parents had pretty much abandoned any right to control where he went. He had been working an internship at a recording company that paid very well, and the new sports car that he had managed to afford let him get around with style. Jessica was incredibly envious, and often found herself wondering about his life and activities.
“Hey, don’t be that way, Jess,” he said. “It’s not as interesting as it sounds,”
“Well I wouldn’t really know,” she said. “I’m essentially their prisoner, the way they keep me locked down.”
“You just need to find some more creative ways to have fun,” Ben said to her with a coy and mischievous smile. “How about I hang out here with you today, and we make the best of your jail sentence?”
Jessica smiled, and then walked over to her brother and gave him a hug. Somehow, he always managed to lift her spirits. She could feel his hard chest underneath her check as he returned her embrace.
“Besides, you’re too much of a dork to be trusted out on your own, anyway,”
“You jerk!” she said to him, playfully batting his chest with her fists.
A vibration jolted them out of the moment. It was Ben’s phone, and after looking at it for a second, he smiled, and then began tapping out a message.
“I’ll be right back…” he said to her, walking out onto the porch.
“Who is it?” Jessica asked him as he went. He didn’t answer or break his stride. She hated when he ignored him, and decided to make herself breakfast in order to get her mind off it.
Their parents had left the larder fully stocked before leaving on their trip. Jessica pulled out some wheat bread, cantaloupe, and yogurt, and fixed herself a nice plate. She sat down on the dining room table and began to eat. Ben came inside a couple of minutes later. Jessica could tell from the look on his face that he had something on his mind.
“It’s fine,” she said to him preemptively. “I wasn’t expecting you to spend the entire day with me, anyway,”
Her emotions seemed to rage inside against the words, even as she spoke them out loud. Her brother was so amazing, so awesome, and it seemed so comically unjust that she would have him pulled away from her just like so many other things in her life.
“Actually, that was my one of my math professor’s aids. She was texting me to reprimand me for skipping class,” he said with a smile.
“What? The semester’s been over for weeks…”
“I’m one class short of meeting the attendance requirement, in this case,” he said. “The past fe
w months were a little on the wild side, but fuck it,”
Jessica had heard from her mom about Ben in high school. He had apparently rolled with a bad crowd, and it eventually had gotten to the point where he was getting into trouble with the law. It didn’t come as a shock to her that his bad boy behavior had continued on into college, albeit more discretely, but she felt herself becoming concerned for him.
“Ben, you should take it more seriously,” she said. “You have a lot to lose if you spend your time fooling around,”
“Oh yeah?” he said. He walked over to the table and sat down across from Jessica, and then leaned his face in close to hers. His movements were slow, smooth, and calculated. Jessica felt herself suddenly feeling as though a light voltage of electricity was flowing through her body. She stared into his eyes and couldn’t help but think about how amazingly and strikingly handsome they were.
“What’s wrong sis, are you worried about me getting into trouble?” he asked her. His voice was quiet and deep, but seemed to carry with it a strangely intense tonality.
“I, I, just mean…I worry about you, that’s all.”
“You don’t have to worry about me, Jess,” he said to her. He put his hand on top of hers, and hot fire seemed to flow through Jessica’s arm, all the way up to her chest. “I’m just fine…”
An interesting tension seemed to settle over the kitchen. Jessica felt like her body needed something badly, but couldn’t bring herself to fully realize what. She stared into her brother’s eyes, and he stared back into hers, until finally she breathed and looked away involuntarily.
“Let’s go for a swim!” announced Ben. He jumped out his chair began walking down the hallway. “I’ll meet you out there.”
“Okay!” Jessica called after him. She moved her plate onto the counter next to the sink, figuring that it was easier and more convenient to just take care of it later.
The Morgan family had purchased the pool several years back. The construction had taken a while, but the result in the end was something worthy of the envy of the rest of the block and many of Jessica’s friends. She had spent countless days lounging about by it, and had earned her share of sunburns to prove it.