Rock On: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 1)

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Rock On: A Heavy Metal Romance (Slava Pasha Series Book 1) Page 7

by A. D. Herrick

  She grabbed my hand and rushed me through the crowd; we rounded several corners, going through room after room full of people before coming to a screeching halt. The abrupt change caused me to run into her back. I stepped back glaring at the back of her head as I pulled her hair out of my mouth and off my lips. Stupid lipstick… “What the fuck?” I yelled at her. Rolling her eyes, she pointed to a group of guys standing in a circle talking. I looked at them hoping to spot anyone I knew to off load this nut job on. Finally my eyes picked out Tosha standing in the middle of the group. She wasn’t kidding about knowing where he was. Can someone say creep-y.

  Straightening my spine and adjusting my hair, I grabbed Sasha by the hand and strode toward Tosha with purpose, brushing boorishly by people. I stepped right into the circle of guys with Sasha a step behind me. The group of guys turned all of their attention to us. I’m sure they were curious as to why I just barged into their group dragging the blonde. Maybe they were hoping for a cat fight, who really knew with men. Walking up to Tosha I pulled Sasha by her hand to my side. Tosha looked at me quizzically his forehead wrinkling as his brows drew together, trying to grasp the situation. “Tosha, this is Sasha. Sasha, this is Tosha. Vasha Problema seychas, Your problem now.” Wrenching Tosha’s hand from his side, ignoring his indignant glare, I placed Sasha’s hand in his and made a perfunctory escape. I refrained from looking back and headed toward what I hoped was the back of the house. My heart couldn’t take seeing his face, for fear he would be enjoying her company.

  This night was crap. I couldn’t wait to get out of here. I finally found my way to what looked to be the back door. Exiting the building I took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air. It was so much cooler outside than it was in the house. People littered the yard. I made my way toward the dark corner in the back. Finding a small bench in front of a hedge row I sank down in exhaustion. I buried my face in my hands and rested my elbows on my knees. I wondered if I could escape. This whole night and this party just dragged me down. I know I had never traveled with the guys before but this didn’t seem like their scene. I knew it definitely wasn’t mine. I fished into my dress and pulled out my cell phone from my bra. I texted the taxi service and arranged to be picked up.

  I sat on the bench enjoying the cool night air, grateful that I would be out of here soon. The hard bench made my butt sore so I got up and I meandered my way along the hedges toward the front of the house careful to avoid psycho Sasha and Tosha. I heard a hushed argument coming from an open window along the side of the house. I tried to hurry by unnoticed until I heard Nik’s voice. “No, I told you, you can’t go on tour with me.” I heard sniffling and then a whiny voice, “I thought we were together, that you loved me!” Said the whiny voice, it must have been the Sophie girl. “We are not together! I have known you for less than 24 hours, we had some fun. I told you before that that’s all this is.” Nik explained in exasperation. “But we had sex!” Sophie shrieked. “Yes, I know I was there.” Nik shouted. “Why did you even come to my party if you weren’t interested in me?” Sophia wined. “Why? Why? You threatened to scream rape if I didn’t come! That’s why!” Nik’s voice grew louder. Sophia shrieked in exasperation. “I can still scream rape if you don’t take me with you.” Sophia screamed indignantly. “Ugh look, my sister doesn’t know about you. Let me break it to her and then I will let you know.” Nik said cautiously trying to placate her. Looks like Nik and I both hit the loony lotto.

  I felt bad for Nik, I needed to help him get out of this situation that he got us in but I couldn’t imagine how. What would work to get us the fuck out of Kansas and away from these psychos? We still had a few days before we needed to leave but I honestly couldn’t take another day here. Tilting my head to the sky, I clutched my eyes closed and tried to think of a scheme that would work. My phone tinged with an alert, the driver was five minutes away. I couldn’t come up with anything. Then a thought struck me. It was like grasping at straws, but it was better than nothing.

  “Eti lyudia yavlyayutsya orekhi, These people are nuts!” I screamed at the top of my lungs. Outside the window “ Pritvorit’say voznikayet chrezvychaynaya situatsiya, so mnoy, Pretend there is an emergency with me. We have to go now!” I continued to scream as I ran to the back door. I flung it open and ran room to room screaming at the guys in Russian as I made my way to the front door. I knew the guys of Dark Tide didn’t know Russian but hopefully they would see my guys running and take the hint. Running out to the drive way I saw the car service pull up in a van. I reached for the door to open it; before I could reach it I was picked up and tossed over a shoulder. “Thank fuck!” Nik growled as he flung the van door open and tossed me inside like I was a rag doll. Shoving me over, Nik and the other guys all piled in. All eleven of us were squeezed into the van on one another’s lap; I ended up in Nik’s, as we tore off down the driveway.

  The van was loud as the guys were talking over one another sharing their horror stories. The driver laid on his horn and hollered for us to all shut up and give directions. Yelling over the guys I shouted “Take us to a bar as far from here as possible!” The driver waved his hand in acknowledgement. Sighing I leaned my head back against Nik’s chest and closed my eyes. Nik’s arms came around me protectively as he cradled me, my legs lying across Kiev and Tosha’s laps. “Naikhudshiy vkus u zhenshchin, The worst taste in women!” I muttered under my breath.” I’m so sorry” Nik whispered against my ear. I shook my head in acceptance. “The fuck!” Kiev sputtered angrily, “You left me with a crazy clingy chick, and you just turned tail and ran!” I grimaced. “Dude, it wasn’t my fault she decided to attach herself to you like a growth.” I gritted between my teeth cholericly. “You fucking hand delivered one to me!” Tosha growled indignantly.

  Rocking my head side to side with my eyes closed against Nik’s chest I groaned. Nik kissed the top of my head and whispered in my ear, “Did you really ditch them both with crazy chicks?” I giggled and shrugged. “Did you really just invite us all to a party full of crazy women?” I asked sardonically. I felt him chuckle against my back as he buried his face in my hair to hide his mirth. “Hey I didn’t know they were crazy, I thought we would all just have a good time.” I snuggled into the comfort of my brothers arms, avoiding the harsh glares from Kiev and Tosha. “We will figure all this out, don’t worry.” I whispered to Nik. “You heard what she did?” He asked. I nodded. “Like I said, we will work it out. What did you tell her to escape?” I felt Nik’s chest rumble as he laughed, “I told her you were in labor and having a baby.” I gasped in horror. “Seriously?” I yelled. The entire van broke out in ruckus of laughter. I glared daggers at him. Nik tightened his hold on me, in fear of my wrath. I couldn’t be too mad, it had worked. I closed my eyes and started singing Buck Cherry’s Crazy Bitch. A Jovial chorus of laughter shook the car. Now with a little liquor I believe this night can be salvaged.

  Chapter Nine

  As my mind fought to gain consciousness my body rebelled. I let out a deep yawn and attempted to stretch out my limbs, rousing them from the deepest sleep I had ever experienced, my mind and body fighting to sync up with one another. Realization hit, I felt a warm body against my back, a thick arm draped over my waist. Panic seized my body. What had I done? I remember going out last night, the party, leaving said party, the bar… I remember getting a drink at the bar, dancing with Kiev… NO! Please tell me that Kiev is not beside me! Sucking in a ragged breath I braved looking down at the arm around me. I lifted the blanket and took a peek.

  Glancing down at the arm I couldn’t tell who it was, it was too dark under the blanket. His arm tightened around me, pulling me in closer. Glancing back down I noticed I was naked. A groan escaped my lips. My heart seized, worried that I had woken my ‘friend’. I felt lips on the back of my neck, a light feather kiss. I had definitely woken the beast. His lips trailed down my neck and across my shoulders. I felt his cock stiffen against my ass. He was naked as well. My body betrayed me by arching into him. A moan escaped my lip
s, his fingers dug into my hips as he ground his cock against me. My arousal slick between my thighs, his cock slipped between my thighs, my wetness wrapped around his hard cock. He growled against my back. His teeth barred against my sensitive skin. He nipped my shoulder as he slid his cock back and forth across my now dripping folds.

  I arched back, tilted my hip back as he withdrew, when he lurched forward again his cock slipped between my wet folds into my core, a loud moan escaped his lips. His thickness stretched me, filling me to capacity. I had never felt so full. I rocked my hips back to meet him. His teeth sank into my shoulder as he bit me, stifling a groan. His hand slipped from my waist down between my legs. He rubbed my bean in a tight circular pattern, heightening my pleasure as he thrust in me repeatedly. He entered me with strong deep thrust; his fingers played me to the rhythm. I felt my orgasm grow; my stomach began to tighten… and tighten…and tighten... My pussy began to quiver. I felt his cock grow, pulsating deep inside of me. Arching my back as far as it would go, the head of his cock brushed along my G-spot with every penetration. My breath caught in my throat as my pussy began to spasm, the powerfulness of my orgasm rocking my entire body; I could feel it in my toes.

  He picked up speed and began to thrust into me harder. Rolling me over with him so that I was face first on the bed, his cock sank deeper inside of me. The change in position set me off again. My cum seeping down my thighs, the sucking sound my pussy made every time he withdrew brought me to new heights. I pushed back to meet him, stroke for stroke. His hand wadded up in my hair and he pulled the pressure and pain giving me greater pleasure. His cock swelled even more as he groaned and moaned his pleasure. His body tensed up and he let out a vicious roar, a final thrust as he exploded inside of me, his cum painting my insides. His orgasm milked one more out of me. Spent, my body melted into the bed, his body collapsed over mine. He kissed the back of my head and along my neck before pulling out and rolling off of me. Rolling onto his side, he pulled me with him and wrapped my body into a cocoon of muscle. My eyes grew heavy, cuddled in against him, my body relaxed and I drifted off to sleep.

  Waking up with a jolt I felt beside me. The bed was empty. I sat up and looked around the room. I was alone in my own room. Sliding to the edge of the bed I gathered the blanket around me and stood up. I began to search the room frantically, looking for any evidence pointing to who my bed mate had been.

  Looking all around the room and bathroom, I found nothing that would point me in any direction. I could at least narrow it down. There were 10 guys in our group, which is assuming it was one of them. Though I can’t really see them letting me take off with some random guy from the club, let alone bring a random guy back to my hotel room. I could count three of them out; Nik, Kevin and Shep. I know I would have recognized Kevin or Shep and there is no way in hell it was my brother.

  I walked back into the bathroom and started the shower. Reaching inside I tested the water temperature, it was hotter than I would have normally liked, but it would do. I let the blanket fall to the floor and stepped in. Letting the scalding water wash over my body, I tilted my head back and allowed myself a moment of peace. I closed my eyes and willed all of my worries and concerns to swirl down the drain. Once my body was completely relaxed I began to wash up. Feeling as thought I had thoroughly washed, I stepped out of the shower and toweled off.

  I walked back into the room and dug through my luggage in search of something comforting to wear, I quickly changed my mind. There was no way I could stay here and I needed to feel pretty. I desperately needed a distraction and looking good always provided one. After deciding what to wear I needed to decide where to go. Kansas City had definitely not been a good place for me.

  Deciding on a pair of faded boyfriend jeans, pairing it with a white tank top, a turquoise three-quarter length sleeved cardigan, and a pair of white ballet flats. I blow dried my hair and added some texturizing paste to it, giving the longer locks an edgy feel. I donned dangling peacock feather ear rings and a matching pendant that rested between my breasts. I took the time to do my make-up, a golden yellow on my lids, smoking it out with a deep blue with highlights of royal purple, I applied my eyeliner, giving myself perfect wings and applied several layers of mascara, ensuring my lashes really popped. Lightly dusting my cheeks with blush and applying a dusty pink gloss to my lips I declared myself ready for the day.

  I walked through the room and bathroom gathering my belongings. Once I had everything packed away I texted my brother.

  Tink: Hey, I’m blowing this Popsicle stand. Don’t want to run into any more crazy chicks.

  Nik: Where are you going?

  Tink: I am going to go ahead and head to the next stop. Michigan, right?

  Nik: Yeah, I was planning on texting you and telling you to pack anyways. Doing the same. Want to do a mini vaca?

  Tink: What are you thinking?

  Nik: Mackinac Island???

  Tink: Perfect!!!

  Nik: Just me and you?

  Tink: Meet you downstairs!

  Tucking my phone in my back pocket, I grabbed my bags and headed down to the lobby to wait for Nik. When I exited the elevator I ran into the guys from Dark Tide. They were standing by the seating area in the lobby. Wanting to say good bye I wheeled my bags over to them. “Hey, you headed out?” Kevin asked, he looked good; his hair had that just rolled out of bed ruffled thing going. He was wearing a fitted white t-shirt and dark wash jeans and a navy blue over shirt that hung open, upon closer inspection, the rest of the guys were dressed similarly, Basic t shirt, dark jeans and over shirts that hung open. It must be their travel wear. Smiling brightly at him I nodded, “Yeah, too much crazy here. I am going to take a mini vaca. What are you guys up to?” Kevin stuck his hands in his front pockets and rocked back on his heels. “We have a show in Miami we are about to head out to.” Shep answered. “Oh that’s awesome! Miami is always gorgeous, year around.” I replied animatedly, a genuine smile brightening my face. “You look really nice, Tink.” G complimented. I felt my cheeks heat up; G was never a man of many words so his compliment meant a lot to me. I could feel the heat on my face. I looked over to G and saw that his cheeks took on a rosy hue as well. “Thanks G, that means a lot to me.” I said with earnest. Silently praying he wasn’t my bed mate last night. I looked him over for any sign that would give him away but didn’t see any tales.

  We chatted idly as I waited for Nik and the guys waited for their car. I would miss these guys, but I knew we would be meeting up again in a few weeks in New York for the final leg of the US tour. Thankfully neither Kevin nor Shep brought up our tryst. I was glad of that. I didn’t think we would be able to continue our sorted affair.

  A few minutes later Nik came down with his luggage in tow and joined us. Letting me know that our taxi was waiting, Nik and I took turns making our rounds telling the guys good bye. I hugged each of them as if I would never see them again and they hugged me back with equal force. Both Kevin and Shep kissed my crown. Shep whispering that he would miss me. It touched me. I would miss him as well, though only as a friend.

  With a final wave over our shoulders, Nik and I walked side by side, dragging our luggage out to the waiting cab. Once our things were secure in the trunk, Nik held the door open for me and ushered me in the back seat. Climbing in beside me, he shut the door and the cab took off. Curiously I asked Nik about the other guys. “I told them all to take a few days off. I let them know that we would meet them in Grand Rapids in four days.” Diplomatically I asked “So how did they take the news of us up and leaving?” He turned toward me, giving me a suspicious look, “What do you mean?” feigning a light hearted tone, schooling my face I said, “I was just curious, I didn’t want them to think we were ditching them.” Seeming to accept my response Nik turned back around to face the front. “Nah, they like having breaks. They will probably go out and hang somewhere. This type of thing happens from time to time. How do you think we found time to come visit you while we were on tour?” I nodded my head in
acceptance, though my mind was reeling. I both wanted to see them in hopes of figuring out if I had taken either Kiev or Tosha to bed and at the same time feared the answer. I prayed that it was Tosha and feared that it was Kiev. Though thinking back to what Ivan had told me, I was almost sure that it was Tosha I had in my bed. If the guys had talked about me and Tosha then surely Kiev wouldn’t try and put the moves on me or come to bed with me. Would he?

  Chapter Ten

  Nik and I stood on the bow of the boat headed toward the island. Nik stood behind me with his hands resting on my shoulders, the wind whipped around us, sending a chill through my body. It was worth it to catch this view, the sun had begun to set and there is nothing like it in the world. I badly wished for a camera. Remembering my phone, I pulling out my cell and snapped off a few pictures of me and Nik and a few of our view. Nik pulled me against him, wrapping his arms around my shoulders and resting his head on my crown.

  “This right here is heaven. I have the most important person in my life beside me and this gorgeous view. It makes me want to write a sappy pop song.” I laughed at him, he was right though, this view was inspiring. “Bro, I knew you couldn’t hide your inner boy band dreams for long. Though, I’m sure you could pull off a pretty good ballad, if you set on staying in the metal closet.” Chuckling, Nik squeezed me tightly in an iron vice and roughly rubbed my crown with his chin in a semblance of a noogie, before loosening his grip. Laughing I wiggled out of his embrace. “You’re such a meanie head.” Nik laughed and nudged me with his shoulder. “You know I love you, kid.” “I love you, too.” I turned and beamed up at him. My heart had never felt so full.


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