Second Chance Romance

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Second Chance Romance Page 9

by Asrai Devin

  Her mind struggled for details as she looked at him. No sun came through the curtains yet. The details of the evening filtered back to her as she rolled onto her side. She wished she could savour the moment.

  She all but fell asleep on poor Kip while they sat in the living room. Conversation had flowed for a while, but eventually she snuggled into him and let his even breathing and his heartbeat lull her.

  At some point he carried her to the bed. He set her on the floor. And said something like, "I wish I could be that guy who undresses you, but I don't have the ambition." To which she replied, "Stay with me."

  "I won't fall asleep here," he said. But obviously he had. Damn her habit of waking early, it had been one of the most peaceful sleeps she'd had in a while. She eased herself away from his body, hoping she could get out of bed without waking him.

  He stirred when her body came off the bed. "Mandy?"

  "Sleep, it's early still."

  He sat up. "I have to get up. I have practice. Breakfast."

  "Right." She sat back down on the bed. She could easily get used to waking in his bed. Sharing breakfast. Maybe sharing a shower. She grinned in the dark.

  "It's 6:20," he said. "I need coffee, a shower. I did buy breakfast foods."


  "Eggs, cereal." He was silent. "Bacon."

  "Pancake mix?" she asked. "I could whip us up a batch. Colton and I usually do on the weekends."

  "Yeah, I'm sure I threw that in as well. If not, we'll do it tomorrow okay?"

  She followed him down the stairs. He pulled some coffee beans out of the freezer, while Mandy looked through his cupboards. "Hope you don't mind if I look," she threw over her shoulder.

  "My home is yours." Something inside her flip-flopped again. She needed to get out of here soon before her heart set itself on staying.

  She found the pancake mix, but no bowl large enough to mix a batch in. She looked at him, laughing already.


  "You have no mixing bowls. Do you even having a frying pan?"

  "Yeah. One."

  "Oh my darling, you are the bachelor. Well, if you let me buy you some kitchen basics I will make you Sunday morning breakfast."

  "You can pick it out. I pay."

  His eyes were serious as he faced her. The coffee was half made, but he looked so decisive. Mandy bit her tongue, literally, as she looked at him. He expected her to fight him. "All right." She held up her hands in surrender.

  "After I have a cup of coffee, you want to shower with me?" He asked, wiggling his eyebrows before turning back. Then he turned again. "Do you drink coffee?"

  "Not so much."

  "Right. Add your beverage of choice to your list. Anything else you might need."

  "I'm on it." Once the coffee started brewing, he grabbed her from the counter she leaned on. He bent his head but stopped before he touched her. "I'd kiss you but I have the whole morning breath."

  "I'll chance it. I'll take a few minutes to think about that shower." She stretched up. He bent and pressed his lips to hers, a sweet closed mouth kiss.

  "Come on. You're considering sleeping with me. Showering can be foreplay."

  She stepped back and gestured to her body. "I'm not the same girl you knew. I have a few new surprises under these clothes."

  He grabbed her hand and pulled her back against him. He let his hands roam over her stomach and hips while he replied to her self-consciousness. "More of you to love. I love watching your curves, nearly as much as I love touching them." He let his hands move over her breasts. He molded them to his hands. She could feel they filled his large hands, and then some. She could feel her body react to his caresses. "Stick girls are boring compared with you."

  He pulled her shirt from her waistband and let her hands slip under. He cupped her breasts, supporting their weight in his hands. He bent his head to her ear and whispered to her. "Make no mistake, Mandy. I want you. I want to see you. I want to watch you as you come, my hands between your legs. My mouth between your legs. And most of all I want to bury myself into you."

  He let her go and she was stuck in the spot. Her body hummed with desire. How would she last through the day with that kind of morning foreplay? For fuck sake. She felt beautiful when he touched her, when he whispered in her ear.

  He hummed to himself as he poured himself a mug of coffee. "Do you want some?"

  "What? Oh, no, thanks." Mandy moved out of the kitchen and sat at the dining table. The light was dimmer over here. She considered her options.

  Kip sat beside her. His mug in one hand, his other hand on her leg. She could smell his cologne mixed with the coffee. The smell of plain Kip mixed in as well. She could also smell her body's reaction to him. She pressed her legs together. The dampness pressed against her thighs. She was so fucked. No, that wasn't it. He would be though.

  She watched him as he drank his coffee in silence. She leaned against him slightly, as she stared out his patio doors that led off his kitchen onto his deck.

  "I have to go shower. I don't usually sleep in my clothes."

  "Me neither," she admitted. He stood and put his empty mug in the sink.

  "The invitation is open," he said, before he climbed the stairs. She smiled to herself. She sat at the table for a moment more. Then she went upstairs, grabbed some clean clothes from her bag and shut her door. Colton would assume she was still sleeping and head downstairs to play video games. If he woke, he'd stayed up later than usual.

  As she went into Kip's bedroom, she felt her heart thud against her ribs. She took a deep breath and closed the door. She could hear the shower. She stared at the closed bathroom door for a few moments, trying to settle her nerves.

  When she felt calm she stripped her clothes and let them drop on the floor outside the bathroom door. In Kip's bedroom. It was enough to make her heart pound again, but she pushed open the bathroom door.

  The room was steamy and she quickly shut the door behind her. She ran her hand along the marble countertop, then across the edge of the Jacuzzi. Kip had spent a lot of money on his home. It set her a little off balance. She forced those thoughts to the side, as she opened the shower door.

  Kip yelped as he spun around. He wiped the water off his face. "Still open?" she asked, her voice pitched high.

  He took her hand and pulled her into the spray of hot water. He kissed her then, as the water ran over their faces. He moved so their bodies pressed together.

  Wordlessly, he soaped his hands and placed them on her shoulders. By the time he was done, she had been washed all over by his hands. He shut off the water and climbed out. She wordlessly followed his soundless demands. He dried her and she closed her eyes to enjoy his hands on her body.

  "Did you come for the shower?" he asked.

  She shook her head. "Do we have time?"

  "Not to take the time to worship you as I should. But it's been so long since I've had sex I'll go off the minute you touch me." She already noticed his erection in the shower.

  "Me too. I don't care. The first time, let's not have expectations."

  He kissed her and moved her backward out of the bathroom. "You deserve better than this." He picked her up and placed her on the center of his bed. "You look as if you belong there."

  He descended upon her. His kisses heated and demanding. His fingers played on her skin, teasing her nipples, tracing circles on her areola. Then he replaced his fingers with his mouth. His fingers traveled her body. He pressed open her legs. She whimpered in anticipation as her fingers drew restless circles on his chest, squeezed his shoulders.

  She closed her eyes, unwilling to look at him while he caressed her so intimately. He combed his fingers through her dewy curls. He spread the tender lips, a finger pressed into her clit, rubbing it in quick circles.

  She grabbed his cock, as it lay heavy between them on her thigh. She caressed him gently, rubbed him hard. Amazingly, he grew even harder with each stroke. At least it seemed that way to her, but four years without sex could
cause her mind to play tricks.

  He slipped one finger into her. "You feel so tight," he murmured into her ear. She didn't reply, she'd explain later. Maybe. It had been embarrassingly long for her. Instead, she let her legs fall open as she moaned.

  He stroked her, stoked her need higher. She felt as if she could explode any second when he stopped. His hand removed. She watched him through hazy eyes as he rolled over. She blinked as she saw him open a silver wrapper. Thank God he thought about protection, she realized as he covered himself.

  He rolled her onto her back, pressing his weight into her. "Never doubt how sexy you are," he murmured, as guided his cock into her waiting body. He groaned low into her ear. "Good god, you are fucking tight."

  She was. It hurt, so she pressed her eyes closed to hide it. As he thrust into her, he slipped a hand between their bodies, caressing that tiny hidden nub. The pain receded, and pleasure quickly took its place. He pressed her higher and higher, rubbed faster and faster, thrust harder into her. He responded to her low moans by lifting her hips.

  She felt herself explode. She opened her eyes in shock as the orgasm washed over her. "Holy mother of-." Kip stopped moving and lifted himself above her so he could see her.

  "Good? Okay? Mandy?"

  "I'm okay. I didn't expect. It was better than I remembered."

  "Exactly how long has it been?"

  "Four years, at least. I haven't kept track exactly. I didn't plan-" she cut herself off.

  He swore softly, then kissed her so sweetly, she broke. "I'm glad it was me." He renewed his movements. He let himself groan softly into her ear, as they held tight to each other.

  With a louder groan and a final thrust, he emptied himself. He closed his eyes and pressed his face into her neck to inhale her sweet smell.

  "It's been that long?" he asked.

  "I don't want to talk about it. It seems like it has been."

  "I know. It's like the first time all over."

  "Almost. Better than the first time. It wasn't quite as good, if I recall. Though it was better than some stories I heard." Mandy kissed his shoulder and neck.

  He moved back and she touched his waist. He still rolled away, getting ready to remove the condom.

  He stilled as she heard his feet hit the floor. "Yeah?" he asked, after a long moment.

  "I really love you."

  She turned away from him, and sat on the edge of the bed.

  He sat there for a long moment. Eventually, he went to the bathroom to dispose of the rubber. Mandy got off the bed and dressed quickly. She didn't know how to feel about her confession or his lack of response.

  He came back in and put his arms around her. "Mandy."

  "Don't," she said, shortly. "I mean, you don't have to say anything." She couldn't turn around and face him, not now.

  "No, you can't turn away from me." She gave in to that and let him turn her. She stood trapped in her shirt, on her arms, but not over her head. "I never said it, because it seems so insignificant compared with how I feel. I feel like the luckiest person alive that you even want to talk to me."

  Mandy shook her head, tense with the desire to break free of him. Her shake turned to a nod. "We'd better get going. I haven't woke Cole yet."

  He let her go. "This conversation isn't over."

  * * * *

  Kip looked at Mandy as he drove through the city. "Can we go to the zoo?" Colton asked.

  "It's a little cold for that today. We'll do it in the summer," Mandy told him. She looked at Kip. "We go at least once every summer. Usually two or three times."

  Kip nodded dumbly. He was shell shocked. Mandy's sudden appearance in his shower, then the incredible sex. Which ended with that change in mood, where she wanted to say something.

  "I love you," had been on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn't say the words. Too soon, too much, too fast. He knew it when he first kissed her in December.

  Kip glanced in his rear-view mirror at Colton. The kid vibrated, while he clutched his camera. Kip could relate, he remembered the year his dad took him to a NHL game in Edmonton. He'd been about six. He smiled recalling the way he clutched his dad's hand. That was before Kip had showed much of a talent for hockey and his dad didn't care so much about his future in the game. When hockey had been for fun.

  At the rink Kip parked the truck. By the time he got to Mandy's side, she was already out and helping Colton out of his seat. "Sorry." She glanced over her shoulder at him. "Not used to having someone who will open my door."

  Kip smiled. "It's okay. Hey Colton, you wanna race?"


  "I'll catch up," Mandy said.

  "You say when," Kip told the boy. And they ran off toward the building. Kip wanted to take Colton to the store inside and buy him a jersey before he went to get dressed.

  A few people milled around, wanting to watch the practice. He glanced over his shoulder before he went in the doors. "Come on, I want to get you a surprise." The kid grinned.

  Kip ushered him to where the store was. He looked at the jersey sizes then Colton. Sizing the kid up, Kip grabbed a jersey that looked about right. "What do you think?" he asked.


  "Should we get your mom one too?"

  "Yeah," Colton nodded, three times. "She always watches the Calgary games and we cheer for you."

  Kip smiled and ruffled his hair. He couldn't help but love the kid. "Thanks." Kip went around the store and found a jersey for Mandy as well. He put them on the counter. The kid behind the counter popped his gum bubble.

  "Is that everything?" He looked bored as he rang up the sale.

  Kip nodded and handed over his credit card. He signed the receipt and they exited the store. He helped Colton take off his coat and put on the shirt. "Red looks good on you," Kip told him.

  Colton grinned so hard, Kip wondered if his face hurt. "Thanks Kip."

  "You're welcome. We better go find your Mom."

  "She's probably worried," Colton said.

  "She only worries because she loves you."

  "I know."

  They found Mandy near the entrance, leaning against a wall. "There you guys are," she said when they found her. "What? Hey. Nice shirt," she told Colton. Then she turned her smile on Kip.

  He melted. He couldn't help it. He loved making her smile. It was his favorite thing in the world.

  "Now we can look like real Calgary fans," Colton said.

  "Just you," Mandy said.

  Colton shook his head. He handed her the bag from the shop. Then he grabbed her and kissed her. "I gotta go get dressed. I'll show you were you can watch on the way. Sorry Colton."

  "For what?"

  "Kissing in front of you."

  "It's okay. I think I have to get used to it." He wrinkled his nose. Mandy and Kip laughed. He pulled them double time to seating then he jogged toward the dressing room.

  He didn't realize he had a ridiculous smile on his face until he got into the dressing room.

  "You look manic," Corey Porter said.

  "I think I might be." Corey could flap his mouth. Nice guy, but the guy never slept with the same girl twice. He couldn't imagine living like that. Mandy would be watching him again. Not that she didn't watch him already, but she was here.

  He recalled the first game she watched a few months after they began dating. She came to the first game of the season. He hadn't let her come to any practices, but he was surprised to find her in the bleachers with her new friend, Anne. She waved at Kip when he came out and he lifted his hand back.

  The guys in the dressing room gave him a hard time about dating the loner geek for the first month. Despite his youth, he refused to quit on Mandy. From the moment he saw her, she was the girl of his dreams. He couldn't explain it.

  He couldn't remember the final score of that game, how many saves he made. He couldn't remember most of the players that were on his team. What she recalled was how it felt to have her sitting in the crowd, rooting for him.

  He gri
nned the whole time he put on his equipment. Kyle came over and sat beside him. "Okay if you smile anymore I'm going to get the doc to check you."

  Kip laughed. "Sorry, my girlfriend is here. It kinda makes me feel sixteen again."

  "Your girlfriend? Hold the phone?" Corey stood. "Hey Kippy here has a girlfriend," he boomed to the whole room.

  Kip felt his smile return and his face flush. "Shut the fuck up man." He swung at Corey halfheartedly.

  Corey sat back down. "How the hell do you have a girl? Because, last week, nothing."

  "It was too early last week. Don't worry about it. Get your head in the game. We need to win." Corey shoved Kip's head and walked off.

  Kip finished dressing and went out to the ice. He skated to his goal, before he ventured a look to the stands. Colton and Mandy were sitting there, talking to each other. The sound of skates on the ice drew their attention and they looked down to the ice.

  Colton jumped to his feet and waved. Mandy grabbed his hand and pulled him back. She said something to him and he grabbed his camera and looked through the lens.

  Kip smiled and lifted his stick in a greeting to them. Mandy looked pleased and waved back. A whistle on the ice forced Kip's attention back to the game.

  As he skated to the rest of the team, he noticed Corey looking at the bleachers. He elbowed Kip in the side. "Is that her up there? With a kid? Never took you for that kind of guy."

  Kip glanced over his shoulder. "Yeah that's her. Them. You can grill me later. Oh yeah, you can give the kid an autograph as well."

  Corey laughed. "Sure thing."

  The practice went well Kip decided as he left the ice. He was in desperate need of a shower. Of course, that got his blood running hot again as he recalled his first shower this morning.

  He stood in the walkway, while he waited for Mandy to come down. He'd gotten the go ahead for her to come meet the team. Which would be more nerve-wracking than her watching.

  * * * *

  Mandy was ready for a nap and it was barely even noon. Watching Kip practice was enough. After which, she had to meet the team. She would have skipped that part, except for Colton. He had requested some autographs. The team autographed the jersey Kip had bought him.


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