Second Chance Romance

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Second Chance Romance Page 16

by Asrai Devin

  "So," Mandy said, pointing her bread roll at him, "tell me how you hatched this plan?"

  "I was talking to Corey and Abby. I'll tell you that story later. And she was saying I needed to get you big things. A bigger ring for example."

  "I liked the first ring fine," Mandy interjected.

  Kip rolled his eyes. "I was sitting at Corey's table and it hit me, what you needed. A car." After he'd thought of it he'd felt guilty for letting her drive her ancient model to see him so many weekends during the cold winter months, with Colton in the back. He'd had fears of her being stranded on the side of the highway.

  "So you got me this beautiful car." Mandy nearly refused to leave her new car to go into the restaurant.

  "It's a really nice car," Colton added. "We should drive it really fast sometime."

  Mandy gave Colton a look. He smiled, trying to be cute.

  "Corey and I drove all over picking out the perfect car. Then we had to drive all over searching for a ring." He exaggerated a bit. Only a smidgen.

  "Did Abby help with that too?"

  "Who's Abby?" Colton asked.

  "A friend of Corey's," Kip replied. "No she did not. I gave her a ride home first."

  "And you unleashed chaos in my school? How?"

  "So I picked up the car last night. And got that all figured out. Then, I drove to Red Deer. Stopped in at the school office and begged the secretary to help me. Well, she's a big sap you know. She was totally willing and she convinced Henry to help as well."

  "You're on a first name basis with my boss."

  Former boss, Kip hoped, as she would be moving soon. At least, she had better have it planned. They'd get to that later.

  "So after I told them my plan and they told me how great a teacher you and how wonderful you are. As if I didn't know all that already. They gave me free rein. They got some students involved. It kind of escalated once the other teachers knew about it. Everyone wanted in. But I held it back. You know the rest."

  "Did she cry?" Colton asked.

  "Yes I cried," Mandy shot back.

  Their meal arrived and talk was circumvented. Kip was glad. His stomach was even more twisted than when he proposed. Asking her to move in when the school year was out, was far more dubious a question. He had no idea what she thought as usual. This time, however, he wouldn't let that stop him from asking.

  They were eating their chocolate cake when he blurted it. "So when do you think you'll be ready to move to Calgary?" Not quite the confident request he planned, but it was out there.

  Colton looked shocked, but it quickly turned to a smile. It apparently hadn't occurred to the kid that his mother marrying would mean they would live with Kip. "We get to move in to your house?" he asked.

  Kip dragged his gaze from Colton to Mandy. "That was the plan right?"

  She squirmed a little. "I was hoping. I didn't want to presume. Are you ready for instant family kinda thing?"

  Kip relaxed in his chair. Thank goodness. He met Mandy's eyes for a long moment, then he looked at Colton, who eagerly ate his ice cream. "I want nothing more than for you two to move in. You sure you're okay with moving to the big city?" He felt a big warm bubble fill his chest. He thought he might burst.

  "Well, it has to be right away. I need to look for a teaching job for the fall."

  "You could stay home. I make enough to support you."

  "I'd be so bored Kip."

  "It's bad enough when she's off in the summer," Colton said, around a mouthful.

  "Swallow first," Mandy said automatically, her eyes still on Kip. He could see a slow burning heat in them. He shifted in his seat, feeling his pants grow tighter. Hopefully, after she moved in, he'd stop feeling as if he hadn't sex in twelve years.

  Mandy smiled knowingly. "We should get Colton home to bed."

  "Aww mom," he said. But a warning look from the mom silenced his protests.

  "Come on, I'll help you."

  "All right." The kid wasn't thrilled, but he was more motivated to finish his dessert.

  * * * *

  Mandy sat in the living room, watching television while Kip tucked Colton in. She heard Kip come behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. She turned and lifted her face for a kiss. She marvelled at the comfortable feeling between them, as if they'd been a family the entire time.

  The same sexual heat remained between them, somewhat tempered by age and responsibilities. No, she wanted him as much now as when she was twenty.

  More amazingly to her, he wanted her as well. He couldn't seem to get enough at times. Perhaps, because the times between their visits could be quite expansive. It might slow some once they were together for the summer.

  "Colton wants to talk to you," Kip informed her.

  She stood immediately, turning off her desire and switching to mom mode. "I'll be right back." She gave him the remote, not that he'd find much, it was only basic cable. He nodded and kissed her again.

  Mandy wandered down the hall. She would have to sell her place. In a few weeks she and Colton would be leaving their little house. She'd bought the townhouse four years ago, after scrimping for the down payment, and a little help from her parents.

  She was a little sad about and it must have showed on her face as she went into Colton's room and sat on the bed.

  "What's wrong mom?" Colton asked.

  "Oh, nothing, darling. I feel sad that we'll be leaving here."

  "To live with Kip right?" He looked a little worried.

  She ruffled his hair. "Yes. I'll talk to Kip so we can decorate a room there for you and all that."

  "And I'm taking my toys and stuff right?"

  Mandy stifled her laughter. "Yes, of course. Maybe a new bed. There's some stuff that will have to go. Geez, okay," she shook her hands out. "You wanted to ask me something."

  "Will Kip be my dad?"

  "Colton, your dad will always be your dad."

  She glimpsed a pained look on his face, before he dropped his head. "Yeah, but he doesn't really love me. Or you."

  "Why do you think that?"

  "Well, he never visits. And I never visit him. Alison, this girl in my class, he doesn't live with his dad, but she sees him in the summer and stuff."

  Mandy felt a pang in her gut. Had she deprived Colton of his father? That would take some consideration. "Do you want to visit your dad? We could figure something out."

  "I don't know. Does he want me to visit?"

  "I don't know either. Do you want me to ask him?"

  "Yeah," the reply was soft, tenuous.

  Mandy pulled Colton into her arms. "I will talk to him. We'll figure something out, if that's what you want."

  "You're not mad?"

  "Why would I be mad?" She didn't want to let Colton go yet. She didn't know that Eric could handle it, but she would have to learn to let go sooner or later. She'd figure something out that worked for them all. But to have him pick up on that fear. Or to create his own.

  "I thought maybe you'd think that I didn't want to be with you."

  "Hey, Cole, honey. I love you and I don't want you to go. But you need to see your dad as well." He nodded in response, looking serious. "We will find a way to make it work."


  "All right. Kip loves you too, but your dad is your dad. Anything else that worries you?"

  Colton shook his head and crawled under his blankets. He pulled them to his chin. "I'm sleepy now." Mandy kissed his forehead and smoothed his hair.

  "Good night Colton. You're a pretty cool kid." She headed for the door and was reaching for the light.


  "Yeah baby?"

  "I'm glad you are getting married to Kip. Are you gonna have more kids?"

  Mandy laughed. "I don't know. Do you mind?"

  "Well, I dunno. Babies cry a lot. That girl Alison, she has a baby in her house and he wakes her up at night crying. At least he used to." Colton shrugged.

  "You have your bedroom downstairs at Kip's. Then if we have a baby, w
e'll keep it upstairs and it won't wake you."

  "All right. Then it's okay. I guess. Will I have to baby-sit?"

  "Not yet. Good night Colton."

  "Good night Mom."

  Mandy turned the light off and returned to the living room. Kip was watching sports news, not surprisingly. "Do you have interests outside of sports?"

  "I'm interested in you." He pulled her down beside him and wrapped his arm around her.

  Mandy laughed. "That's good, because I was wondering what engagement sex was like."

  Kip gave a little growl. "That sounds like something to check out all right. Can I ask what Colton asked? Or is that intruding?"

  "Well, soon to be step-dad," she nudged him in the ribs, "he wanted to know if your his dad?"

  "Geez, that's a lot to spring on a guy on the night of his engagement."

  "You're not. His dad is his dad. You're this cool guy, who will be mean sometimes and bring down the discipline."

  "Right." He rubbed his chin. "There'll be a learning curve here."

  "There will be. He also asked why he never sees his dad."

  "Why doesn't he?"

  "Eric never asks. Well, he did last week. That night Cole called you, okay that was last night. Eric called earlier that night, threatened me that he'd sue for visitation if I thought we would take his son away. In six years since I left him, and four since he's been sober, he's visited Colton five times. He calls every week, he sends money, but he never visits. And when Colton was younger, he couldn't go there alone."

  "I sense a but in there?"

  "Colton is old enough. We will have to arrange something Kip." She leaned against his solid chest, enjoying the sturdiness of not only his body, but also his character. "I don't trust Eric."

  "Where does he live?"

  "Edson. It's like five or six hours drive."

  Kip nodded, turning back to the television. "Do you golf?"


  "I think there's a nice golf course in Edson. I'll have to check it out."

  "You want to go to Edson to golf?"

  "No, I want to take Colton to see his dad, and have you nearby at the same time. We'll have some vacation time. We go up there, let Colton visit his dad, see how you feel about it. If it works out, we go to the Hot Springs in Jasper and have a little adult time. If it doesn't, well, we take Colton and have a family trip to the Hot Springs."

  Mandy teared up. Again. "You are amazing, Kip."

  He smiled at her, running a hand across her the sweater stretched across her ample breasts. "If I carry you to the bedroom now, is it considered engagement sex or hero worship?"

  Mandy laughed, which quickly turned to a moan as he pressed his palm against her slowly hardening nipple. "If we combine it, maybe the results will be even better?"

  Kip stood and swept her into his arms. She protested, "Don't hurt yourself."

  He silenced her with a kiss as he carried her into her room. He lowered her onto the bed. "You weigh less than a feather," he murmured, before his mouth covered hers again, his tongue swept through her mouth. He removed her glasses from her face and put them on her dresser.

  She opened to him. She wasn't sure who removed whose clothes. But in short time her naked skin rubbed against his. His hands caressed her body, so capable, so easily turned her on, and brought her toward orgasm.

  She held on to his shoulders, as he filled her completely. So close, as he slipped in and out of her, so close, she was desperate. His hand slipped between their bodies, his finger pressed against the sweet spot.

  Her body went into convulsions around him. Her fingers gripped harder against him as she tried to get closer. Behind her closed eyes she saw fireworks.

  She was so lost in that final climax, that she didn't notice his. Now, as the waves of pleasure ebbed, she realized his weight rested atop her, most pleasantly. She released her fingers from his shoulders, kissing his neck and cheek. His choppy breath slowed and evened out.

  "I love you," she murmured into his skin.

  "I love you too." He lifted his body off hers. He kissed her softly before rolling to the side of her double bed. He propped his head on his elbow and looked on her. He cupped her breast and brushed his thumb over the nipple.

  Her body still throbbed and she hissed in response. He grinned. "Just so you know, I really hate how small your bed is."

  "Sorry, I didn't buy it in with the plan of sharing."

  He laughed. His hand moved down her body and rested on her hip. "What I really meant is: Do you mind if I stick around here for a while? Like til you are ready to move?"

  Mandy yawned. "Sorry." She smacked her hand over her mouth. "This all has worn me out."

  "You're avoiding the question."

  "I wasn't. You didn't give me a chance. Of course, you can stay. I'll call Monday morning and get this on the market. Colton wants to paint his new bedroom."

  Kip laughed. "Boy, he does have a lot plans. My house will soon be your house. Which will be strange, but I'll do whatever it takes to make you at home. But Mandy?"

  She looked into his concerned eyes. What else could there be?

  "What if I get traded again? Would you come with me?"

  "I won't let you go again. If you get traded, we'll figure it out. Together."

  "All right." He softened and kissed her forehead. "Thank you."

  Mandy smiled. "Lordisa, I haven't called my mother yet. What time is it?" She tried to squint at the clock, but couldn't read the numbers clearly.

  "Watch," Kip reminded her. She laughed at herself. "It's, geez, 10 PM."

  Mandy snorted. "We're really living it up, Turner."

  "Well, I got up at six AM today. Bought a car, proposed," he tickled her belly, "had really amazing hero worship slash engagement sex. It was pretty great, by the way."

  Mandy giggled, both at his tickle and the day's events. "Hey, I taught a bunch of nine-year-olds all day and I got engaged. And I have this great new car. I guess we have to take you to get your truck."

  "I suppose. I'll have nothing to do all day, while you are at work."

  "Oh you can be my slave. Cook, and clean. What do you do in the off-season regularly?"

  "Travel. I go home for as long as I can stand it, about eight days. I've been to Europe and Cuba and Mexico-"

  "Enough, enough," Mandy cut him off. "Have you really saved most of your paychecks then?"

  "Yes. I take one vacation a summer. I've been playing in the NHL for nine years, six years I earned more than a million dollars. That's nine vacations max. In my younger days I spent a lot of money on crap. This is the first time I've owned a house."

  "It's a very nice house. I look forward to living there."

  He grinned. "Thanks. You'll come in and redecorate the entire place I'm sure. Take over the bathroom."

  "Hey I would never-"

  He cut her off with a kiss. "I'm joking. I can't wait until you come in and make your mark on my house, as you have on my life." He made a face. "That came out way cornier than it sounded in my head."

  Mandy hugged him. "I love it. I love you." She moved into kiss him and found a yawn overran her again. "We'll get your truck tomorrow. Maybe take a few things to your place, small things. Cole was most worried about his toys."

  Kip laughed. "I'll have to finish the basement now so he can have a playroom."

  Mandy felt her heart swoon again. "Stop being so fucking wonderful. I can't take anymore."

  "You'll have to figure out how darling. I, like Jack Nicholson, want to be a better man for you."

  "I don't think Jack Nicholson wants me."

  "It's from his movie," he snapped his fingers, "As Good as It Gets."


  "Shut up and cuddle me so I can sleep. It's been crappy since you left."

  Mandy snuggled in his arms. "Good night."


  Kip climbed from the driver's seat of Mandy's new car. It was damn hot for mid July, even in as it neared supper time. He didn't bother
to raise his sunglasses as he readjusted his pants. Seven hours in the car, listening to Colton's video games, arguing with Mandy on temperature in the car and choice of music, he'd never been so glad to arrive at his parents' house.

  They were getting a hotel room, obviously. But the wedding would take place in the city where it had all began. Actually, they had planned to have it in the high school where they had met. It wasn't the most picturesque place to have it, but it seemed to fit, given all that happened.

  His mom ran from the house. She hugged Kip then Mandy. "You made it. I'm so glad." She turned to Colton and grabbed him by the cheeks. "Colton. Welcome. Call me Dorie. The kids are all in the back-yard." His sister's kids, Kip was glad he wore his sunglasses, since he rolled his eyes out of habit.

  "We're glad to get out of the truck, Mrs. Turner," Mandy said.

  "Mandy, you are thirty-years-old. And about to become my third daughter, call me Dorie. Please." The older lady still held on to Colton, who looked at Kip pleadingly.

  "Ma, let me take Colton to the bathroom then I'll introduce him to the brats. I mean the kids."

  Dorie gave him a motherly chiding. Mandy wasn't as lucky, Kip thought as he walked away with Colton. Well, he couldn't rescue everyone.

  "Let's get your bags inside," Dorie said.

  "Mom, we staying in a hotel. You've got enough with Maggie's and that crew staying here. There's no room for us."

  "Nonsense, we got a new futon this year and we can roll it into the living room. Lots of room."

  Kip groaned. And Colton looked at him. "Are we really staying here?"

  Kip shook his head. "No. We're not. I promise."

  Colton looked relieved.

  He could hear his mother coming up the walk behind them. "Has Kip seen your dress?" He glanced over his shoulder to see Mandy having the sense to shake her head. He'd picked it out with her, but his mother didn't need to know.

  Mandy gave him a pained look and he smiled back. "Mom, we can't stay long. We have to go see Mandy's parents today as well."

  "Invite them for supper, Kip," Dorie Turner said. "Mandy, you invite them over."

  Mandy waved her hands. "No, no. They have people with them as well. We'll slip over there for a bit. Say hi before we head back to the hotel room. The trip has been exhausting. We'll be here for almost ten days, there's plenty of time to visit with everyone."


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