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Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Growling, he tore the shirt she wore from her body spraying the buttons all over the entrance hall. Cole wasn’t done, and he stepped back as she bit down onto his lip. He pushed the straps of her bra down her shoulders then reached around her to unsnap it. She went for the buckle of his jeans. Thinking back through his time, Cole couldn’t remember a time when the woman in his bed took charge. Sandy wasn’t waiting around for him to initiate anything. She was taking what she wanted without apology. He loved it.

  Spinning her to the wall he yanked the band from her hair. He didn’t respond to her hiss at the slight pain. This wasn’t about caring or loving. This was pure, unadulterated fucking.

  Turning her back, he pushed her tits together, thumbing the large red nipples. She gasped, arching up against him.

  “I’m going to fuck these titties, Sandy. You’re going to let me, aren’t you, babe?”

  “Depends if you can handle it.”

  She unbuckled his belt, opened the zipper of his jeans, and freed his cock.

  “Please tell me you’ve got a rubber,” she said, running her fingers up his length. He was swollen and ready.

  “The one thing I always carry on me.” He pulled out the one condom, quickly tearing into the foil packet as she wriggled out of her jeans. Cole watched her body as she stepped out of the jeans. There were no protruding bones anywhere in sight. She was full, confident, and driving him crazy with need.

  Sliding the latex over his cock, he pushed the contents of the drawer beside her clear. Something smashed in the background, but he didn’t look around to see what he’d broken. Opening her thighs, he stared down at the bare slit of her pussy. He never expected to see her pussy lips bare, but the sight alone had him fucking begging for her. Sinking down to his knees, he spread the lips of her sex open to reveal her swollen clit and the entrance of her cunt. Licking his lips, he could almost taste her on his tongue.

  He inhaled the musky fragrance of her cream. Flicking his tongue over her clit he heard her scream. Not giving her a thought, he licked her pussy, sliding his tongue down to her entrance to slam inside. She didn’t stop him, and he fucked her with his tongue until she came apart screaming. Standing back up, he slid his cock through her slit, bumping against her nub.

  “Stop,” she said, groaning.

  Gripping her ass, he rocked against her clit. She shuddered in his arms begging him to stop.

  Cole stared down and slid his cock to her entrance. “Put me inside you.”

  She reached down taking hold of his cock. Gritting his teeth, he waited for her to take all of his length. Slowly, he slid up inside her as she pressed down on his cock. Their groans mingled on the air and echoed off the walls. She was tight, tighter than he imagined as she squeezed his length.

  “Fuck, baby.”

  “Shut up and fuck me.”

  It was an odd angle as he worked inside her tight pussy, but he found a rhythm to fuck his way to orgasm. She gripped the edge of the counter, sliding onto his length. He watched his cock sliding in and out of her body. The latex was soaked with her cream.

  “Make yourself come again.”

  He wanted to know how tight she could get.

  She reached between them, and he couldn’t look away as she stroked over that tiny jewel. The moment she started to stroke her clit he felt the ripples inside her pussy.

  Gritting his teeth together it took every ounce of restraint not to orgasm. She was tight, and each stroke made her tighter still.

  “I’m going to come,” she said, crying out as she worked her clit.

  Pounding inside her, he waited until she whimpered and plunged into orgasm before he let his own release go.

  Once it was over, they stayed like that, panting in the entrance hall. Neither said anything. He stroked her hip with his thumb loving her curves.

  “This is going to be difficult to get out of,” she said.

  Staring down at her, he saw she was gripping the edge of the counter. Pulling out of her body, he eased her back on the counter, then helped her down. “There, we’re both fine now. No cuts or bruises.”

  “Speak for yourself. I don’t think I’m going to get away with these bruises on my hips.”

  Laughing, he saw where she pointed. “You’re worried about the ones on your hips when you should be more worried about the ones on your ass.”

  He turned her around and slapped her ass.

  She yelped, slapping his hands away. “I’m doing myself a sandwich. Do you want one?” Sandy rolled her eyes at him.

  “Sure, where’s your bathroom?” he asked, glancing down at the condom still covering his cock.

  “Third door on the left.” She pointed to her right, and he made his way in that direction. He peeled the condom off, wrapped it in tissue and disposed of it. Cole took a leak, washed his hands and his cock before staring at his reflection.

  Best you’ve ever had.

  Cutting the thoughts off, he couldn’t stop the feelings rising up inside him. Sandy was the first woman to attack him for sex. It was an entirely new ordeal for him to live through.

  Filling the sink with water,* he washed his face hoping the cold water would cure his thoughts. They were leaning toward spending more time with Sandy. He was used to fucking and leaving without wanting anything more. None of it made any sense to him.

  Wiping his face with a towel, he left the bathroom and walked toward the kitchen. She was sitting on the counter eating a sandwich. He noticed the towel underneath her ass.

  Cole cleared his throat as he entered the kitchen. The sandwich she was eating paused on the journey to her mouth.

  “You’re still here?” she asked.

  “Where did you think I’d go?” He folded his arms and leaned against the doorframe, watching her. There was no fear in her eyes, only shock.

  “You strike me as the kind of man who needs to run straight after sex.” She took another bite, pointing at the sandwich on the counter.

  “If you thought I was going to go, why did you make me a sandwich?”

  He took a step into the kitchen.

  “I get hungry after sex. If I didn’t eat it now I’d eat it later. Don’t worry, it wouldn’t have gone to waste.”

  Shaking his head, he picked up the sandwich, cheese and pickle, and took a bite. “I’m not worried, but I’m curious about you.”

  She ate, raising a brow to stare at him. “Why?

  “You’re not like most women, are you?”

  “It depends what you mean. I like pretty things and feeling special, but if you’re waiting for me to swoon over you, you’re very much mistaken.” She was swinging her legs out, which were crossed in front of her. Sandy didn’t try to cover her body. He liked her confidence and the way she challenged him with her gaze alone.

  “No, you’re not like other women. I’m used to them falling over themselves to get to me.”

  She shrugged. “Sorry, honey, it’s not going to happen.”

  He was intrigued. Watching her eat, Cole tried to find fault with her. He stared at her body waiting to see the obvious tension or frozen stance to give him a clue that she was lying about her easy attitude.

  “Do you have any more condoms?” she asked.


  Sandy winced. “I don’t screw without condoms.”

  Once she finished her sandwich she jumped off the counter leaving him alone. Cole finished his sandwiches in four bites, two each slice. The cheese and pickle was to die for. He’d never tasted pickle that nice before. The sound of rustling brought his attention toward Sandy entering the kitchen. She dumped his jeans at his feet.

  “Here, this should be more than enough to get condoms.” She held a note out for him to take.

  “What are you doing?” he asked, taking the money.

  “You’ve got two options, take the money and leave, or buy condoms and come back. Either way, I’m not doing anything without a rubber between us.” She walked around him. “Oh, if you’re coming back, take the key.
I don’t want to be woken up to your banging if you take too long.”

  Cole gazed down at his jeans then at the woman who was finally closing the curtains in the main apartment. The dark city night was closed off from them.

  Go, you want more of her pussy.

  Dragging up the jeans, he headed out, taking a set of keys with him. Sandy truly was a mystery to him. She’d shoved him out of the door for condoms without expecting him back. Cole intended to surprise her. He wasn’t getting pushed around by any female.


  The sound of the door closing gave Sandy the perfect opportunity to sigh in relief. Cole had been a nice distraction, but she really wanted some space. She didn’t know if he’d taken a set of keys, and she was too tired to go and check. Picking up her assignment for college, she started to make notes as her phone went off.

  Knowing it was going to be either Rick or Trey, she rolled her eyes. Picking up the receiver she asked them what they wanted.

  “So you’re not in tears yet?” Trey asked.

  “Do you really think I’m that fragile that I can’t take care of myself?” She shook her head, annoyed yet happy they were worried about her.

  “Screwing a man you barely know is new for you.”

  “No, it’s not. You just don’t pay attention to who I screw.” She jotted down another note on her paper, grabbing the remote for the television. The only drawback to being alone was the silence. There were times she hated silence. For some reason she could never think unless there was some noise. She put the news on for background as Trey went on and on about how bad her decision was.

  With the way she’d been screaming in orgasm earlier she didn’t think her idea was a bad one. Cole definitely knew what to do with his cock, and she wasn’t going to be ashamed for taking advantage of that. “You know, when you and Rick are screwing the customers I don’t complain. I rarely screw anyone that will affect you or your sales at the bar.” She ran her fingers through her hair, working out the strands. “Do you know how many drinks I’ve had thrown in my face from women thinking we’re sleeping together?”

  “It’s not that bad,” Trey said, denying it.

  Throwing her hands up in the air, she let out a growl. “Do you have any idea how you sound? I’ve had over one hundred drinks thrown in my face. Some from women I didn’t even understand.” Rick and Trey had a thing for screwing tourists or foreigners.

  “Wow, I didn’t know we were that bad.” He started muttering over the line about how it was different for men compared to women. She hated the double standard.

  “Listen, if this relationship affects my working one then I’ll consider it. Sex has never ruined anything, and I don’t plan on this doing the same. Please butt out of my life, or I swear you’ll regret it. It’s so easy to spread a rumor these days.” The empty threat seemed to do the trick as Trey backed off. He said goodnight and hung up.

  She’d been relieved when her parents kicked her out. She’d hated their controlling ways. There was no way she was going to let her bosses take over from them. Resting her head against the back of the sofa, she listened for the door. The day’s work had finally gotten to her. What with studying during the day then working for most of the night, she was weary and tired. Rubbing at her eyes, she left them closed as the noise from the television relaxed her body.

  Her pussy was sore from the rough fucking Cole had given her. She really did expect for him to leave after sex. Tapping her knee she finally lulled herself into sleep. The next thing Sandy knew she was being lifted up.

  Opening her eyes, she saw Cole was in her apartment.

  “You came back?” she asked, drowsy.

  “I came back with condoms.” The ceiling changed, and the sound of the door being kicked open filtered through to her mind.

  “What’s going on?” She remembered the call from Trey and then listening to the news. Nothing else made much sense to her. “I’m so tired.”

  “Then stop stressing out, and wrap your arms around me. I’ll take care of everything, baby.” The cool sheets of her bed met her, and she curled into a ball, wrapping her arms around herself as sleep finally took over.


  Cole stared down at Sandy as she held onto herself in sleep. He’d gone halfway across town to get the packets of condoms. They were supplied for the next couple of days. During the ride to get them, he’d come to terms with the fact he wasn’t going to get her out of his system immediately. Stroking the hair off her face, he stared down at her pale features.

  There was no getting away from her now. On the way back to her apartment, he’d cancelled his hotel room, gotten his stuff, and he had it stored in the hallway. His gut was telling him to stay.

  Removing his clothing, he climbed onto the bed and wrapped his arms around her body. Kissing her shoulder, he settled down listening to the night going by. The sounds of cars could be heard but not as clearly as when he’d been at the hotel room.

  Closing his eyes, he waited for sleep to claim him. Sandy’s floral scent relaxed him enough to finally sleep.

  Chapter Four

  The following morning, Sandy opened her eyes and felt the weight of a male arm laid across her stomach. Glancing down she saw the ink covered arm and groaned. He’d come back, and she remembered him carrying her through to her bedroom. She had a thing for creams and pastel colors. Sandy loved light, something to always remind her of summer. Shoving his arm off her, she climbed out of bed.

  “What the fuck is your problem?” he asked.

  Glaring down at the man who’d stayed in her life, she stormed away, walking into her kitchen. In the bedroom she heard Cole cursing.

  Let him curse. I can’t believe he actually spent the night with me, in my bed with his bloody arms wrapped around me.

  Shaking her head, she filled the kettle with hot water.

  “Do you want coffee?” she asked, yelling to be heard.

  Cole walked into the kitchen, naked with an erection and winced. “You don’t need to go howling. I can hear, you know.”

  Her attention was distracted by the length of his arousal, standing tall and begging for attention. The tip glistened. In his hand he held a foil condom packet.

  “Do you want to fuck, baby?”

  Crossing her thighs, she stared at him knowing in her heart she needed to tell him no. Cole sharing her bed had already gone too far. None of the other men had shared her bed before.

  “I’m not in the mood.” She turned her back, grabbing two cups. Before she could reach them he stood right behind her. His hands went to her ribs, and he worked them up to cup her breasts.

  “Your nipples are rock hard, and I bet when I touch your cunt, you’ll be dripping wet.” Before he even finished what he was saying, his hand slid between her thighs. She gripped the edge of the counter as three fingers thrust deep inside her. “There, you’re desperate for a nice hard fuck.”

  Sandy groaned as he aligned himself behind her. His rock hard cock bumped against her opening. She cried out wanting him.

  “You don’t want me, do you, baby?”

  “Yes, I want you.”

  “I can’t hear you.”

  Gritting her teeth, Sandy opened her eyes and stared across her apartment. The arousal intensified, and all she wanted him to do was fuck her.

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  “Beg me!” He growled the words out. Cole spread the cheeks of her ass wide. She felt his fingers pressing against her anus. “I’m going to fuck you everywhere.”

  “Please, Cole, fuck my pussy. Make it hurt just a little.” She screamed the words, desperate to feel his hard dick inside her. The need was intensifying with every passing second. The only way to satisfy her was for him to slide in deep.

  “That’s right, baby, beg me.” In one long thrust he seated himself to the hilt inside her.

  The width of him made his entrance inside her pussy burn just a little. She loved the little bite of pain.

  “Fuck, you’re so tight.
Such a tight little cunt.” He pulled out only to slam back inside.

  “You’re wearing a condom, right?” she asked.

  “Yes, I’m wearing a rubber. You’re a little late in asking though, baby.”

  She gasped as he swiveled his hips and rammed back inside her. “You didn’t give me a chance to ask.”

  “No, you want this cock as much as I want your fucking pussy.” Over and over he plunged in deep. Pushing against him, Sandy took everything he offered. Sliding a hand between her thighs, she stroked her clit.

  “Such a naughty girl. You want my cock, don’t you?”

  “Yes, fuck me. Shut up and fuck me.”

  Looking over her shoulder she saw his gaze was on her ass. Facing forward, she bit her lip at the sudden onslaught of pleasure. Pinching her clit, she cried out as his thumb pressed inside her ass, burning.

  “There, you’re going to open up to me, and I’ll fuck you here.” He tapped her anus then pushed his thumb back inside.

  Moaning, she pushed against him. With a few strokes over her nub she splintered apart into an earth shattering orgasm. Cole didn’t let up. He fucked her hard and fast, and within moments he cursed as he came.

  “Fuck, I could get used to this sweet little pussy.” He dropped a kiss to her back as he withdrew from her body. He spanked her ass, making her yelp. “You’ve got an ass made to be spanked and fucked.”

  Turning around, she stared down the length of his body. Even flaccid his cock was long. “Do you take milk and sugar?” she asked.

  “Sure, I like my coffee sweet, like my pussy.” He gripped her neck and tugged her close. His lips claimed hers, and she moaned as he plundered her mouth with his tongue. Wrapping her arms around him, she met the thrusts of his tongue with her own. “There, don’t fight me, and you get a morning like this one.” He stepped away, giving her space.

  She stared at his ass while he walked away. Shrugging, she turned back to the kettle and started to make their drinks. When she finished, she put some toast into the toaster and was eating her second slice when he walked into the room.


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