Book Read Free


Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “What are you doing today?” he asked.

  “I’ve got a paper to finish up for tomorrow.”

  “It’s Sunday, and you’re going to spend all day writing a paper?” He folded his arms over his impressive chest.

  “You think because you’re here I’m going to stop doing what’s important?” She buttered a third slice, sipping some of her coffee before eating.

  “I’m thinking there’s more to you than meets the eye.” He was frowning as he stared at her.

  “I don’t care what you think. The door is there, and you can leave at any time. It was fun, but now I’ve got to work.” She needed to remember he was a nomad and he wasn’t going to stick around. College and work were what she needed to concentrate on.

  Walking past him, she stopped to smile up at him. Going to her toes she dropped a kiss on his lips. “You’re totally awesome in the sack.” She made her way into the bedroom, then put on some sweatpants and a baggy shirt before taking up her seat on the sofa.

  Cole was still in her apartment, and she didn’t pay him any mind. Ten minutes into studying and he was leaning on the back of her sofa. His breath fanned across her neck. “I’ll be back later,” he said.

  Glancing over her shoulder, she smiled. “You don’t have to come back.”

  “Baby, with a pussy like yours, I’m going to be back.” He kissed her neck, sliding his tongue over the pulse beating rapidly. “You’re not going to get rid of me that easily.”

  “I’m not trying to get rid of you.” She looked forward to him stopping by. Her pussy clenched at the thought of him coming back to her. Once she got this assignment written up she could devote the rest of the day to him. “I’ve got work tonight.”

  “I’ll pick you up, baby. We’ve both got work.”

  Nodding, she returned her attention back to the work in hand. Minutes later the sound of the door opening and closing filled her apartment. Resting her head against the back of the sofa, she let out a sigh. Cupping her pussy, she felt the tenderness from the used muscles. It had been a good few months since she’d fucked anyone. After each time she was with a guy she always went to the doctor for a checkup. She’d not gotten any infections or diseases, which she was happy about.

  Her health was something she took very seriously. Standing up, she paced her front room while she worked out the knots in her body. Licking her lips, she closed her eyes and tilted her head back. The feel of Cole and images from the night before filtered through her mind. The way he fucked, stroking her body was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. He was a man who knew what to do with the skills given to him.

  “Stop thinking about him, Sandy. He’s a man who is going to leave, and you need to learn to back off.” She placed her hands out in front of her as if to ward him off. No one was in the apartment, and she felt stupid at talking to herself. “Get over yourself. He’s leaving, and you don’t want or need a man.” Opening her eyes, she smiled, feeling relaxed once again at her talk.

  Even as she sat down, ready to start her assignment she couldn’t help but recall the way she felt inside. Cole had awakened a need within her, something primal that had always been there that she kept at bay.

  Shaking her head, she pushed the yearning away and concentrated on studying. The only things she ever needed to worry about were working and working hard. Picking up her pen she started to make notes, pushing Cole and all of her thoughts related to him aside.


  Climbing on his bike he took it for a test drive. For now all the work that had been done would keep the bike in working order for at least six months. He could be on the road again, but in six months, his bike could be beyond repair. No, he was going to see where this went with Sandy. The job at the bar made him decent money. He’d save enough to get the bike fixed completely, and then he’d save enough to last him the next couple of months. The tips alone would be awesome from the women. He noticed a lot of women liked having him serve them. There were ways and means of getting what he wanted in a reasonable time.

  Turning off the ignition, he knocked on the bar’s main door. Rick opened it minutes later looking out of it. “What the fuck are you doing here?”

  “I’m hoping we could talk, and I’m seeing if I can get some work in.”

  “I’m not paying you extra for screwing Sandy.” Rick left the door open for him to enter.

  “What the fuck are you talking about? I’m not going to ask for money to screw her. I can screw her without being paid.” Cole fisted his hands, ready to hurt the man.

  Rick stared at him, glaring. “She’s important to Trey and me. We’ve taken care of her for a long time. I want to know what it’s going to cost to pay you to get out of her life.”

  “It’s not going to be anything.” He saw Trey was standing in the office, kissing a blonde. Cole wasn’t buying the protective act Trey and Rick were playing. Something else was going on, and he wanted to find out what. Both men were too caring, too possessive toward Sandy. Something in his gut was telling him these men were after her and not in a brotherly fashion either. “You want her for yourself.”

  Rick’s face went red. “You don’t know what you’re fucking talking about.”

  The blonde walked out, shaking her ass. Cole remembered her from the night before. She tried to wrap her arms around Rick’s neck. The other man growled at her. “Get lost.”

  Watching the woman, he saw her whimper and scamper away from the other man.

  “Rick, keep your shit together.”

  “No, I won’t keep my shit together. This fucker here thinks he can breeze in and take what’s ours. I’m not going to let it happen.” Rick folded his arms over his chest. “You’re a fucking drifter. I’m not having you take her away from us.”

  “Sandy has never given either of you the notion she wants more from either of you. You’re her friends. You’re not her lovers.” Folding his arms, Cole stared at each man. They were not afraid of him, and they would both know how to handle themselves. “I think we’ve got a problem. She’s mine until I leave, and you’re going to try and make your intentions known to her. I don’t share.”

  Cole stared at each man, wondering what he could do. He didn’t like sharing, and both of these men wanted to share her for a lot longer than a night.

  “What are you thinking? Having all of us have her?” Trey asked.

  “No, you’ve not got a chance. You make a play at Sandy, and see what she wants.” The idea left a bitter taste in his mouth. He despised the thought of losing her, but in order to work with these men and be with Sandy at the same time, he needed them to back off. They would soon learn she didn’t see them that way.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Rick asked.

  “It’s simple. If Sandy feels anything for you, she’ll give me the boot and be with the two of you. You’ll win and get a chance at her.”

  “You’ll back away?” Trey asked, coming to step beside his brother.

  “I’ve got no chance. I’m a nomad, and I’ll bow out now. If she doesn’t want either of you and pushes you away, then I get her and you two both back off.” Part of Cole was sure she’d push them away. Sandy was not the kind of woman to settle down in an area. She was going through the motions, but he wasn’t prepared to argue with her. He doubted she even knew the truth of her own feelings. He’d noticed her apartment didn’t have many personal effects. Yes, she had a fully stocked kitchen and the furniture to make it livable, but there was nothing else. Her clothes were minimal, and he was sure she was a drifter like him. The need to move from place to place was in her blood, but she was too afraid to give in and let herself fly. These two men only cemented a life in the same place, never moving and staying the same. Sandy couldn’t do it. She could handle the sex. The two brothers would be blown away by the passion inside her, but that would be it. Once the sex bored her, she’d move on to something else. “You’ve got to accept that she will tell you no. Sandy’s not cut out for what you want.” Rick and
Trey looked like good men. He doubted they would hurt her because of her rejecting them. They just had to see the truth about Sandy.

  Her mind was constantly moving. No other man held her interest, which was why she remained alone. Commitment meant staying in the same place. She was undecided in her major at college. Her attitude about her college work wasn’t even inspired.

  Rick was contemplating his suggestion. “You’ll back off?”

  “You won’t even know I’m here.”


  “Rick, you can’t make a deal like this.” Trey spoke up once again. “We’re attracted to her, but we both agreed we’d give her time.”

  “Yes, I know, but I didn’t expect to get nothing from her. She only sees us as friends, Trey. Do you want to wait again until he leaves to try and take her for ourselves? We were doing this your way, giving her space and being there. Not once did Sandy give us any indication that she wanted us.” Rick turned his back, looking at his brother. “I’m done with waiting. She’s not the kind of woman you wait to see. Sandy needs a man to take charge.”

  Wrong again.

  She needs a man who can keep up with her.

  “If she doesn’t want us then you can have her for yourself. We will not interfere, and you can take her,” Rick said. “I’m not into being spiteful. Sandy doesn’t want us then we back off. We’re attracted to her. I know I’m not in love with her. I care about her, nothing else.”

  Trey murmured his agreement.

  “Good. Now, I want to get to work, and I don’t deal well with having an ass for a boss.” Cole walked past both men and got to work. Leaving his leather jacket over a crate, he started to help with stock taking and filling up the main bar. At lunchtime he left to grab them all some burgers. He thought about Sandy and if she’d want some food, then stopped. Once he started to give in to her needs she’d grow bored. She was independent, and he was going to treat her as such.

  For the rest of the afternoon, he filled his thoughts with the coming night. He was going to make a quick stop to the local sex shop he’d seen in a secluded part of the city. The window was blacked out with a sign above the store reading “Adult Shop”. Anyone entering the shop was going to feel dirty just by wanting to go inside. Cole was fine with feeling a little dirty. He loved what getting down, dirty, and sweaty was all about.

  Trey stopped in the room. He was leaning against the wall eating his burger as Cole sat on a crate looking at him.

  “What?” Cole asked.

  “I don’t buy you just giving us Sandy. You know something that we don’t.”

  Cole laughed. “Rick’s the brains while you watch everything.”

  “I’m not wrong though.”

  He stared at the other man wondering what he would say. “Sandy is a different kind of woman. She doesn’t need trinkets or commitment. She likes having a good time and knowing there will not be any judgment for what she wants.”

  “We would never judge her,” Trey said, looking offended.

  “You wouldn’t judge her, yet you wouldn’t move. Your business is your life, and it keeps you in one place.”

  Trey started laughing. “Do you really think she’s like you?”

  She’s more like me than you, mate.

  “I guess we’ll see the kind of life she picks for herself.”

  “You’re wrong. You’ve known her a couple of days while we’ve known her years. She’s not like you.” Trey stormed off. By the end of the night, Cole knew both men were going to get their eyes open and not at all in an entirely pleasant way. Glancing at the clock on the wall, he finished up work. By four in the afternoon, he took a trip to the sex shop and then went back to get Sandy.

  Chapter Five

  Dressed in a skirt and a crop top, Sandy stared out of the window eating her dinner. The bowl of pasta was drenched in the egg, pancetta, and cream sauce she loved so much. When the front door opened and closed she wasn’t surprised. She knew Cole would be back. Looking toward him, she pointed at the plate on the counter. “I made you dinner.”

  “How long ago?” he asked.

  “A few minutes. I’m still eating mine.” She saw the brown bag clasped in his grip. Frowning, she nodded at it. “What’s that?”

  “It’s a present.” He placed it on the counter and slid it down to her. “Take a look.”

  Putting her plate on the counter, she opened up the bag and moaned. Inside were treats fit for the coming night. She took out the vibrator and the dildo. There was also an anal sex kit and some nipple clamps.

  “You’re sticking around tonight then?”

  “I want to check out those clamps. I reckon your cunt is going to squeeze my cock when I put those on you.”

  “You’re sinful.”

  “So. I’m going to put the plug in your ass tonight. I’ve got the lube in the back, but once I get you in bed you’re not leaving until I’ve fucked every part of you.”

  Heat flooded her panties at the thought of having him inside her. Picking up her plate she smiled at him. “I like you.”

  He laughed. “Do you like me or what I’ve got planned?”

  Tilting her head to the side she thought about it. “A little of both, but I think I like your planning a little more than you. Your cock makes up for any other problems your mouth causes.”

  Cole stood between her thighs as he ate his food. She sat on the counter watching him.

  “Did you get your assignment written?”

  “I got it written, typed up, finished, and ready for tomorrow.” She twirled the spaghetti around her fork, keeping her eye on him as she ate.

  “You’re in class tomorrow?”

  “Yes, I’m in class for the next couple of weeks. We’ll be breaking up for summer, and I’ll have a good month away from the place.” She had to make a final decision on what she wanted to study. Sandy didn’t have the first clue what to do for the future. Whenever she envisioned the future she thought about the open road. Nothing else held any appeal.

  Who wanted to think about a future of doing the same thing over and over again? Working at the bar was fun but not something she wanted to do for the rest of her life. Rick and Trey were great friends to her, and she was thankful for them taking the time with her while she trained to work at the bar.

  “Where did you go?” Cole asked.

  “Nowhere, just thinking about the future.”

  “Still undecided on one?”

  “I find it insane to think of what I want to do for the rest of my life when all I can think about is the now. I don’t know. God, I need to shut up before I make a mess of everything.” She smiled. “The future is already hard to deal with without trying to think about everything else.”

  Her food was finished.

  “What would you think if I was to tell you that Trey and Rick are attracted to you and wanted to share you?”

  She froze, turning to look at Cole. “What the hell are you talking about?”

  “The two brothers want you as part of their threesome. Both men want to screw you and maybe keep you as their little wife.”

  Shaking her head, she walked to the sink. “You don’t have the first clue to what you’re talking about.” She started to wash her plate, along with the pans she’d used. Her hands were shaking at the words that just spilled out of Cole’s mouth.

  No, don’t believe it.

  “I know, and they’re going to try tonight.”

  Whirling around, she glared at him. “No, this is not happening.”

  “Do you want them?”

  “No, they’re brothers.”

  “Is the thought of being shared by them that scares you?” he asked.

  “No, I’ve been shared by two men before. Trey and Rick are not like that. We’re friends. I don’t want to sleep with them or become a little wife for them to mold into what they want.” She slapped a hand over her mouth.

  Cole cupped her cheek, removed her hand away from her mouth. “Tonight they’re going to try and see if y
ou want them the way they want you. It’s up to you.”

  “How do you know this? This is going to ruin everything. They’re sexy, but I’ve never been attracted to them.”

  “It’s not. They’re going to see if you respond. If you do, I leave you to them. If you don’t, they will back off from me.” He stroked her bottom lip. The heat in his eyes couldn’t be mistaken for anything else. “Fuck, I want you so damn much.” Cole claimed her lips, and she gave into him.

  “Don’t leave me alone tonight?”

  For the first time in her life she was too afraid of what Rick and Trey wanted from her. They were her friends, nothing more.

  “I can’t do that. I’ve given them permission to take you, if you wished to be taken.”

  “I don’t.” She moaned as his tongue glided over her lips. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pressed her head against his, breaking the kiss.

  “Then let them know who owns your pussy. They will not hurt you, Sandy.”

  “I’m not afraid of being hurt. I like my job. I don’t want it to be in jeopardy because I don’t want them that way.”

  He grabbed a fistful of her hair and tilted her head back. “Then don’t let it. You know they share women, and yet you’re not afraid.”

  “I’ve been between two men before. There’s nothing scary about it.” She smiled at the shock on his face. “Don’t ever think you can put me in some kind of box labeled ‘prim’. Come on, we’ve got to go.”

  She took his hand, leading him downstairs. Cole gave her the helmet, which she took even though she wanted to feel the wind in her hair. Straddling the bike, she wrapped her arms around his waist as he gunned the engine. Closing her eyes, she felt the heat between her thighs. She really shouldn’t be wearing the skirt, but the desire to drive Cole crazy for the night was strong.

  The time on the bike went by too quickly, and they were parked outside of the bar. A couple of cars were already parked. Climbing off the back, she tugged the helmet off, handing it back to him. Shaking out her hair, she noticed her hands were shaking with nerves.


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