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Nomad Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “Stop worrying,” he said.

  “It’s okay for you to say. You’re not the one who’s about to have two men come on to you. Two men you don’t want that way.” She stared at the door, wondering how bad it would be to simply drive away.

  Don’t run away. Stand and fight.

  Hands on her hips, she stayed still looking at the door.

  “I hate this,” she said.

  “Just get in and done, like a Band-Aid, rip it off.”

  “You’re right.” Taking his hand she walked with him to the door.

  You can do this. They’re your friends, and you don’t have to worry.

  If they started to make life difficult she could find another job. The moment they were inside, Cole pressed her against the wall, lifting her leg around his hip, pressing his cock to her core. She moaned. They’d forgotten to put the plug in her ass. Maybe another night. He took possession of her mouth, and she melted against him. His free hand sank into her hair, tugging on the strands giving her the pain she enjoyed.

  Every part of Cole was large and strong. His body swamped her, making her feel delicate yet safe in his arms.

  When he pulled back, his lips were swollen as much as hers.

  “There, now you look taken. Keep that pussy for me and I promise you by the end of the night you won’t be upset.” He placed another quick kiss to her lips before pulling away.

  Rick and Trey were behind the bar, staring at them. Ignoring their gazes, she walked toward the office to store her bag and jacket.

  Turning around she gasped as Rick stood close behind her.

  “Quite a little spectacle you made there.”

  She smiled and frowned. “What are you trying to say?”

  “Do you have any idea what you’re doing with him?”

  Sandy took a step back, looking up at him. “You can do your big brother routine when he’s gone. I like him.”

  “He’s older than you.”

  “So, I don’t see that the women wanting you and Trey are the same age as you.” She raised a brow and folded her arms, waiting for him to argue.

  “That’s different.”

  “Really? It’s different for you to cradle rob but not Cole? Seriously, get over yourself.” She went to move past, but he grabbed her arm.

  Staring up at him, she wasn’t afraid of him. “What?”

  Rick stared down at her without saying a word. In the next breath his lips were on hers. The kiss was tame, nice, yet tame. He cupped her cheeks, and Sandy kept her hands down by her sides. Nothing happened.

  His lips were nice, but there were no fireworks or explosions. They were two different people meeting lips. The attraction, for her, wasn’t there. He was more like a big brother than anything else.

  Counting on her fingers she waited for him to get the message. After a few seconds, he withdrew. Staring at him, she saw his confusion.

  “Why did you do that?” she asked.

  “Erm.” He looked totally unsure of himself, which made him appear adorable. “I thought…”

  “What did you think?”

  “I thought there would be something there. I care about you. We care about you, Sandy. Trey and I, we can make something work.”

  “Yet nothing is there. Why on earth did you think there would be? I’ve never given you or Trey any indication that I want either of you. You’re my friends.”

  “I thought there would be something there. I don’t know. I made a fucking mistake.”

  “Do you think there is now?” she asked, wanting to make sure he got the message.


  “Good. Can I get back to work now? I care about you, Rick, just not like that.”

  “Sure, go on through. Will you send Trey to me?”

  “Yeah.” She left the office, telling Trey he was wanted as she got behind the bar. She truly hoped there were not going to be anymore surprises. Rick and Trey were nice guys. They were not her guys, and she hoped now, they saw that, too. Without looking toward Cole, she got started on serving the customers.


  When Trey reappeared in the bar, Cole took his leave to see Rick in his office. The other man hadn’t come out yet, and Sandy looked more annoyed than anything else when she started serving the customers. The door was open, and he saw Rick was holding his head in his hands.

  “Well, will you be making a play for her or will you leave her to me?” Cole leaned against the doorframe.

  Rick looked toward him.

  “You’re just going to piss me off, aren’t you?” Rick asked.

  “Not at all. I want to make sure I can take Sandy and you won’t interfere?”

  The other man let out a breath. “No, I was wrong. She’s all yours, and you don’t have to go worrying about me trying to take her away from you. Sandy doesn’t want to be taken by us. Trey won’t cause any problems either. It seems he changed his mind about Sandy long before I did.”

  Cole saw the upset in the other man’s face.

  “She’s different from other women, Rick. The one for you and your brother is out there.”

  “Look, I appreciate you trying to be nice about this. I fucked up, I know this, and now I want to be left alone. Go and work. I’ve got stuff to do.”

  Any other time, Cole would have walked out after punching the bastard in the face. The thought of Sandy stopped him from walking away. The only way for him to stay close to her was by working at the bar. For the rest of the shift he stayed close to Sandy without touching her. Both brothers helped out with the short crowd. Seeing as it was Sunday, they were not open for longer than a couple of hours.

  At closing time, Sandy grabbed her stuff while he waited at the door. When she reappeared her cheeks were red, yet there was a smile on her face. He made to ask her what was wrong, but she pressed a finger to his lips. “Don’t talk. Let’s go.”

  Taking her hand, they were on his bike within minutes and then at her place as soon as he could get them there.

  Once inside her apartment, she threw her bag aside and turned toward him. “They’re worried about you, Rick and Trey are. They think I’m going to end up heartbroken or hurt. Do you intend to hurt me?”

  “No, you know I don’t intend to stay.”

  “I already gathered that.” She took a step toward him. The sway of her hips thrilled him. His cock tightened at the sight before him. Sandy was all woman, with curves in all the right places.

  “I’m looking for a good time,” he said.

  She placed her hands on his chest. He watched her open each button on his shirt then push it off his shoulders. “I love your ink. It makes you look a little dangerous. Can you handle yourself in a fight?”

  “Yes, I can.”

  “You ever killed anyone?”

  “No.” He wasn’t lying either. Some of the other biker gangs ended up killing people. Cole hated the thought of taking another life. He loved the open road, not blood on his hands.

  “They’re angry with me for being with you and not them, but I think they’re angrier at themselves for thinking there would be more.”

  “Did they kiss you?” Cole asked. He didn’t want any other man touching her. Sandy, for the time being, was his woman. No other person was allowed to touch her.

  “Rick kissed me, and he was disappointed with the response.” She gripped his belt and started to tug.

  “He kissed you?”

  “Yes, his lips were on mine.”

  “Did you like it?” Jealousy struck him hard.

  “Do you think if I liked it I would still be here?” she asked. “I’m not the type of woman to give mixed signals. I don’t mess around with anyone, Cole, not even you. I don’t cheat with the people I’m with.”

  He saw the truth reflected in her eyes.

  “Good, I don’t deal with cheaters.”

  She smiled. “Then we’re all back to being friends again. Nothing happened.” Sandy sank to her knees. Her gaze was on his face then traveling down to look at his cock.
She licked her lips, opening the button of his jeans.

  Her hands were slightly cold, but he placed his hands over hers. Kicking off his boots, he shoved the jeans down, pushing them to one side. Gripping the base of his cock, he ran the tip along her lips watching the cum spread over. She licked it up, moaning as she did.

  “Do you like the taste of my cum?”


  Bumping her lips, he watched her mouth open, then close around his shaft as she took him inside. Her eyes were closed, and he wanted to watch them as she sucked him.

  “Open your eyes.”

  She obeyed him without question.

  “Keep your eyes on me at all times. Do not look away.”

  Thrusting into her mouth, he saw her nose flare open to take in air. He went in deep until he hit the back of her throat. Cole pushed to the back of her throat and went a little deeper. When she started to gag, he pulled back.

  “Grip my thighs.”

  Her nails sank into the flesh of his thighs. Wrapping her long hair around his fist, he took control of her head, thrusting his cock deep into her mouth. She swallowed him down. Each time she started to gag, he’d withdraw. Over and over, he fed her his cock, loving the way she sucked him in. Her eyes never once left his. She wore all of her clothes, which he hated.

  Gripping her hair, he tugged her to her feet. “You’re not getting away with having clothes on.”

  Leading her toward the sitting room where he stored the anal plug, he bent her over the sofa.

  “You’re going to get my ass prepared, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. I’m taking that ass. I’m going to get this plug up that tight little ass, and then I’m going to come in your mouth.” He stopped talking to spank her ass. She cried out but didn’t fight him.

  Stroking the rounded globes, he smiled at the pink tinge to her ass.

  “You’re such a beautiful, responsive woman. I’m so glad you’re not skin and bones.” He ran his hand over her ass, opening the cheeks to look at her anus. The tight puckered hole was begging to be fucked.

  Reaching over for the kit, he started with the lube, smearing a good dollop onto his fingers. He pressed them to her ass, watching her tense up.

  Another spank to her ass and she slowly started to relax. Cole pressed one finger into her ass, preparing her to take more. In no time he had both fingers inside and was stretching her. The plug lay by her side, and he withdrew his digits to prepare the plug for her ass. He lubed up the device making sure there was plenty to ease her into it.

  “It’s ready. I’m going to press it against your ass. You’ll tense up, but try to relax.”

  “It’s safe for you to say crap like that. You’re not the one who is about to have a dick up your ass.”

  He slapped her ass relishing her squeal. “You’re not going to have a cock up your ass, baby. This is nowhere near big enough to prepare you for me.”

  She groaned, and he chuckled. Pressing the tip to her puckered anus, he eased the tip inside. He applied pressure as she fought him. Slowly, she relaxed, and he slid the plug in inch by inch. She cried out as he placed the last inch inside her. “There, it looks so fucking beautiful with you opening up for the plug. You’re going to look so beautiful with a cock inside your ass.”

  Moving to the kitchen, he washed his hands and dried them on the towel. The skirt she wore had moved back into place.

  “Take the skirt off. I want to see you without it.”

  Sandy wriggled out of the skirt, looking so fucking desirable with her hips swaying. Her tits caught his attention.

  “Take your shirt off as well along with the bra. I don’t want anything to hinder my view of your gorgeous body.”

  The clothes fell to the floor, and she was standing in a pair of lacy panties. The lips of her sex were covered from view. Taking a seat on the sofa, he opened his thighs and started to play with his cock.

  She shuffled toward him, placing her hands on his knees.

  “Suck my cock, baby.” She opened her mouth and went back to loving his cock. He watched her head bob up and down. Her fingers wrapped around the length working from the base up to where her lips ended.

  Her saliva covered his shaft, and he watched her pull off to flick the tip.

  Stroking her hair, he brushed the strands down her back. He loved the feel of her soft silky hair running through his fingers.

  “You’re such a beautiful, sexy woman. My woman. I wasn’t ever going to let Rick and Trey have you. Both of them had the chance to take you. They didn’t take it, and now you’re mine.”

  He felt possessive of her. Sandy was his, no one else’s.

  Cole wrapped her hair around his fist like he had out in the entrance hall. He took over what she was doing and controlled the depth of each thrust. Every time he went a little deeper working into her throat.

  She swallowed him down, and the first tingling of his orgasm started to work up his spine. Curling his toes, he tried to stop the release. Sandy was watching him.

  “You better swallow every drop of this, baby,” he said.

  He expected her to move away, but she didn’t.

  Within seconds he exploded inside her mouth, and she swallowed down every drop of his semen. Wrapping a hand around her throat he felt her swallow his cum.

  When it was over, he collapsed against the sofa, stroking her hair.

  Chapter Six

  Licking the remains of his semen, Sandy pulled away from his cock. Cole looked so relaxed, and she ran her hands up and down his thighs. He covered her hands with his, stopping her from moving. She was horny, and the plug in her ass was driving her crazy. There was no way for her to focus on anything other than the feel of the plug.

  “Get up on the sofa.”

  She didn’t argue. He’d proven more than once that he knew what he was doing in the bedroom. Sitting beside him, she saw his movements were sluggish. Chuckling, she moaned as he tightened his hands on her thighs.

  Within moments he was between her thighs. “Look at this pretty weeping pussy. It needs a nice hard cock inside it.”

  He opened the lips of her sex. Pushing some pillows behind her back, she watched him run a finger through her slit. Closing her eyes, she gasped at the sudden pleasure.

  “You’re dripping wet. We’ll have to clean the furniture.”

  “I don’t care.”

  Sandy screamed as his tongue replaced his fingers. He sucked on her clit, smashing the bud with his tongue. She held onto the sofa as he sawed the nub between his teeth.

  Fingers thrust inside her core, and with the plug it felt like a tight fit. Biting her lip, she forced herself to open her eyes and look down at him. Cole was smirking as he flicked her clit in quick movements.

  “You’re so fucking tasty. I could lick your pussy all day. Stand up.”

  His instructions were starting to annoy her. On shaking feet she got to her feet. Cole removed her panties completely from her body. He’d pushed them aside to lick her pussy seconds before. Now, they were on the floor, and she stepped out of them.

  Cole lay down on the bed. “Straddle my face.”

  She laughed. “What?”

  “You heard me. Straddle my face. I want you to sit on me so I can suck the cream from your pussy.”

  Climbing onto the sofa, she cried out as he gripped the flesh of her ass. Holding onto the arm of the sofa, she stared down her body. She saw Cole’s eyes, but the rest of his mouth was covered. His lips sealed over her clit, and he sucked it inside.

  Biting her lip she tried to stop herself from making any more noise. One of his hands moved from her ass to grip the plug. Tensing up, she felt him working the plug in then out of her. She thrust her pussy onto his tongue as he penetrated her ass on the plug. The pleasure consumed every part of her.

  It was dirty and felt so fucking good. His tongue plundered her pussy, and she splintered apart. The orgasm took her by surprise. Tightening her grip on the arm of the chair, she released the moan she’d kept insi

  When it was over, Cole placed the plug back inside her ass.

  In quick movements, he picked her up and placed her back on the sofa. His face was covered with her juice. He wiped a hand down his face, licking his lips.

  “I thought you could handle being a bit dirty,” he said.

  “I can handle dirty.”

  “No one ever suck your pussy while you rode his face?”

  She laughed, covering her face. The heat was building, and she couldn’t believe she was embarrassed. “Not many men want to lick a woman out.”

  “Men do not have a clue. There is nothing more pleasurable than watching a woman come apart by licking them.”

  He stroked her foot. Staring across the sofa at him, she saw his cock was getting hard.

  “Do you ever get tired?”

  “Sometimes. Not often. I like to fuck and fuck a lot.”

  “I get that. What else do you do?” she asked, curious about him.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You travel. You go all over the world. I imagine there are always women available, but you don’t strike me as a guy who needs desperate sex.” She pushed some hair off her face, resting against the sofa. Sandy liked the feel of his hands on her body. The stroking action soothed her in ways she didn’t think was possible. Most of the time after sex she wanted the men to go. Cole wasn’t going anywhere, and she didn’t want him to leave.

  “I’m not desperate. I don’t fuck whores. They have too much risk. I like living my life, but I don’t want to die from being desperate. I love fucking, and the women I fuck, I make sure are worth my time.” He tilted his head to the side.

  “Are you a gold-digger?”

  “No. I don’t fuck for money for a living, but I’ve been known to take money from women for doing the dirty.”

  She chuckled. “Yet, you’re not a whore?”

  “No, I’m not a whore. I do what I need to for money.”

  Shaking her head, she flicked her legs over the side of the bed. “You’re wrong, you know. It makes you sound like a whore.” She was parched and needed refreshment.

  “I’ve not taken money for sex in a long time,” he said, following her.


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