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Forbidden Kisses

Page 7

by Annie Rains

  Tossing her purse onto a chair in the living room, Grace went to pour herself a glass of water. It was odd that her mother wasn’t coming out of her back bedroom already. “Mom?” Grace called, lifting a glass and turning on the facet. Her anger toward Jack and his brothers shifted to concern. Without taking a sip, she set the glass down and walked down the dark hallway toward her mother’s bedroom and flipped the light. The room was empty. Her mother wasn’t anywhere in sight, and neither were her things. Panic hiccupped through Grace as she stepped inside the room and lifted the handwritten note lying on the bed.

  Grace, I’m tired of watching you give up your life for me. I’m fine. I’ve found a place with Mrs. Smith. She needs someone to keep her company now that Lynn has passed. It’s a good arrangement. Now, it’s your turn to go get a life.

  I love you. Mom.

  Grace sat on the bed and stared at the shaky print. What was her mother thinking? And why of all nights did she have to leave tonight? Grace couldn’t deal with anything else right now.

  Someone knocked on the door. Grace lifted her head and realized her vision was blurry from the tears collected in her eyes. On a deep inhale, she got up and started walking. Maybe her mother had changed her mind. Or maybe it was her sleazy landlord—ick. If she had to deal with Jimmy tonight, she just might get herself kicked out on the street. Then she’d be moving in with Mrs. Smith, too.

  Grace sniffled and blew out a breath to dry her eyes, then opened the door to neither her mother nor Jimmy. Instead, Jack stood just across the threshold, his blue eyes slanted in concern. He was wearing a T-shirt that hugged his chest perfectly. Everything about the man was pretty much perfect.

  Without words, he stepped forward, which prompted her to take a step back. Then he shut the door behind him, keeping his eyes locked on hers. “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  She nodded, suddenly ready to crumble. But she didn’t allow herself to fall to pieces in front of anyone. She tried to keep her feelings locked up tight. “I just needed to clear my head. I wanted to be on your crew for this tournament, but that was apparently a crazy idea and—”

  “You’re the captain, right? Of course you’re on the crew.” He took a step closer.

  She lifted her chin to meet his gaze. “Captain?”

  Jack nodded. “You said you filled out the paperwork already, and that you were down as captain.”

  “Right. I did, but—”

  “So it’s settled.” He glanced around. “Is your mom sleeping?”

  Grace pressed her lips together, really trying not to cry right now, but there were so many emotions swimming inside her and the dam couldn’t stay strong forever. “She moved out.” Her voice cracked. Crap. “It’s for the best, really. She’s helping Mrs. Smith, who is newly widowed. And Mrs. Smith is willing to help her.” Grace offered up a smile, which fell flat. “It’ll give my mother some purpose other than waiting for the afternoon talk shows to come on. And she really hates depending on me so much.”

  “I see.” Jack leaned a fraction closer.

  Grace held her breath and her tears at bay. His cologne lingered in the space between them. She wanted him to touch her almost as badly as she wanted him to move away.

  He lifted his hand and wiped one tear off her cheek. She hadn’t even realized it’d slipped away. Embarrassment swept over, but it couldn’t compete with the strong desire heating her body. Jack’s gaze flicked to her mouth and everything inside her buzzed with dangerous need for the man in front of her.

  “Jack,” she whispered.

  “Grace,” he said, reminding her of the morning they’d kissed in her bedroom as teens. That’s where their budding relationship had left off. His hand swept a lock of hair behind her ear and then slid behind her neck, reeling her toward him at the same time that she melted into his arms. She had no walls or defenses tonight. She was too tired for that, and too consumed by her sudden desire.

  She lifted her mouth to his, meeting him halfway. A little whimper left her as their lips touched ever so slightly. Then his arms tightened around her and her mouth opened. The kiss erased everything except this moment between them. Nothing else mattered—not the tournament or her mother’s move—only this kiss that she’d been waiting to happen again since she was fifteen years old.

  She pressed into his hard body, sliding her arms up around his neck. Stumbling around, they finally landed on the couch with her straddling him.

  “Okay, Captain. Where are we going with this?” Jack asked, pulling his mouth from hers and trailing his mouth down her neck. Grace could hardly think as she pressed her body against him. His hand traveled up from her waist and disappeared under the hem of her shirt. He caressed her skin, his hand awakening every cell in its path. It had been so long since she’d been with a man, and now her body remembered why she needed one. And not just any man. She needed this one.

  “My bedroom,” she whispered.

  Jack’s eyes heated as he pulled back and looked at her. “Are you sure?”

  “Very,” she said, breaking into a laugh.

  He caught her laugh with a kiss and then sat up with her still straddling him. Planting his hands on her backside, he stood with her legs wrapped around his waist, kissing her all the way as he carried her to her room. He laid her down and climbed over her. And, oh God! The heavy weight of his body on hers felt bone-achingly good.

  I could turn back now, her mind reminded her. It was a distant voice that she could barely hear over her screaming hormones. She didn’t want to turn back, though. Her mother had told her to “get a life,” so that’s exactly what she was doing. Either that or she was screwing up her life royally for one night of pleasure.

  Chapter 7

  Jack didn’t want to rush any part of this moment. It’d been coming since he was a horny kid with a crush. A crush was just based on something superficial and temporary, though. Grace had carved out a piece of his heart a long time ago and kept it.

  He buried his face into the crook of her neck as he pressed his groin into hers. They were still clothed, and if things were going to go any further, that’d have to change. He didn’t want to rush Grace.

  He pressed his eyes shut, cursing in his head.

  “What’s wrong?” Grace breathed against his cheek. “Why’d you stop?”

  He lifted his head and looked at her. Skin flushed, hair mussed. He liked seeing her like this. “I want to make sure you aren’t going to regret this.”

  “Can we talk regrets afterward?” Her lips curled at the corners.

  She was too special to him to mess this up. “I want you, Grace. I would never regret a single moment with you. But I need to make sure you want this, too.”

  “Trust me, I do. No regrets,” she whispered. “Now stop talking and strip.” She sat up and grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head and tossing it onto the floor.

  He reciprocated by pulling her top off as well, his eyes feasting on the skin above her breasts. Skipping a turn, he wrapped his arms around her body and unclasped her bra, letting it fall in her lap. He traced a finger along the side of one round breast. “So beautiful,” he said, his voice rough on the edges. Then he leaned forward and kissed the soft curve of her neck. As he leaned, he urged her body to lay back down. Her hands went to the button of his jeans and unfastened it. He shifted out of them, continuing to kiss her. He’d been with women before where the first time together was awkward, more like fumbling around and going through the motions. With Grace, however, it was like they were dancing and they already knew all the steps. Her every move complemented his.

  She pushed his boxers down past his waist and he did the rest until he was fully naked.

  “Your turn,” he said, removing every article of her clothing until there was nothing but smooth, beautiful, touchable skin. He traveled down her body, sprinkling kisses in his wake, taking note of how she reacted to each kiss. Some made her arch and moan. Some kisses tickled her. He wanted to take inventory for the future
, which he knew was dangerous thinking. He and Grace could never have a future together. At least he hadn’t thought so. But he hadn’t thought they could have this, either, and yet here they were.

  She tugged his body up. He did what she wanted and hovered back above her face. “Do you have a condom?” she asked.

  “In my wallet. Hold on.” He grabbed his wallet out of the pocket of his jeans and pulled out the shiny package. Always prepared, but he was in no way prepared for tonight with Grace. A moment later, prepared in the physical sense only, he climbed back over her body. She clung to him hungrily, pulling him in as he rocked against her soft spot once, twice, three times a charm.

  She moaned as he pushed inside her. The moment reached deep inside of him as well. His heart kicked painfully in his chest. This was more than sex and he knew it, and whether he wanted to contemplate it right now or not, some part of his mind was going there, ensuring that he did this thing right. Because this was his chance, probably the only one he’d get with Grace. If he failed, her walls would go up, higher and thicker than ever.

  He opened his eyes and looked at her. Her eyes were closed, her full pouty mouth open. She’d disappeared somewhere in her pleasure. Her breaths sharpened, quickened. Jack pushed harder, knowing she was on the edge. He wanted to watch her go over. His pleasure built inside him, too, but he controlled it. Tonight was all for Grace. She needed a release. An escape. And he wanted to give it to her.

  With a cry, her fingers dug into the muscles of his back.

  “Go ahead,” he whispered, so enveloped in her every move.

  She moaned louder, and then her fingers curled into his flesh to the point of pain. It felt good, though. She felt good.

  “Jack,” she cried, softening as she came down from the high he’d given her. “Jack.”

  He kissed her temple, continuing to rock, focusing on his own pleasure now until the pressure built up and released inside her. He rolled onto his side next to her when he was done. His only regret was that their first time together was over. His only desire was to do it all over again.


  Panic began to rise in Grace’s chest as she lay there beside Jack.

  What did I just do?

  The feel-good chemicals coursing through her body started a slow transformation into feel-bad ones. Very, very bad. She couldn’t sleep with Jack. He was her former stepbrother. Former enemy. Former mile-sized crush that apparently she still harbored.

  Jack ran a hand down the side of her body, leaned in, and kissed the crook of her neck. “That was amazing,” he whispered in her ear, his breath tickling her and sending an army of those feel-good chemicals back to fight the bad ones. There was a war going on inside her and she wasn’t sure which side would win. Before she could say anything, or think any more, Jack’s mouth covered hers and they were kissing, tongues thrashing against one another, making warm, fuzzy feelings blossom low in her belly. She could feel his hard swell pressing against her thigh. He was ready for more.

  So was she.

  Except she’d allowed just enough doubt and regret to creep in. She pulled away from the kiss. “I’m, um, thirsty all of a sudden. I’m going to go get some water. Would you like some?”

  He blinked back at her, tracing a finger along her forearm, making her shiver. “Sure.”

  Grace grabbed her clothing quickly. She pulled on her shirt and stepped into her jeans. Then she hurried to the kitchen and leaned against the sink, pressing a hand against her racing heart. Jack Sawyer was in her bed. Jack Sawyer was in her bed.

  Grabbing two glasses, she filled them with water. Her hands shook as she held on to each one tightly. She needed a game plan before she went back into that bedroom. Otherwise, one touch from Jack and she’d be back in his arms where she’d probably stay all night.

  Would that be such a bad thing? Maybe she was thinking about this too much.

  Someone knocked on her front door and Grace jumped, nearly spilling water out of one of the glasses. She set them on the counter and turned to look back down the hall where Jack was. The knock came again. She straightened her clothing and headed to the front door. Her mother? That could be embarrassing. And uncomfortable, seeing that Jack still despised the woman who’d brought her into the world.

  Grace tossed a glance over her shoulder to make sure Jack was still tucked away in her bed. Seeing that the hall was empty, she opened the door. “Noah.”

  “Hey,” the youngest Sawyer brother said, meeting her eyes for the first time in forever.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, worrying again that Jack would walk in at any moment. This might be even worse than if her mother had been the one at the door.

  “I came to say I’m sorry that I’ve been such a jerk.”

  She swallowed. “You haven’t been, um, a—”

  Noah grinned. “Yeah, I have. A really big one.” He looked past Grace into the kitchen. She felt her skin burn, hoping there was no evidence of Jack.

  “Can we start again?” Noah asked. “Sis.”

  Her mouth curved as she sucked in a breath. “You called me that when we were kids.”

  He nodded. “I’m, uh, sorry about your mom.”

  “You don’t have to say that,” she said quietly.

  “I’m still pissed at her, yeah. But I never wanted anything bad to happen to her. I’m not that big of a jerk.”

  Grace stepped toward him. “You’re not a jerk. Thank you.” She wrapped her arms around him and gave him a hug. “I’ve missed having you as a brother.”

  A loud noise came from the back bedroom.

  Grace pulled back.

  “What was that?” Noah asked.

  Grace shook her head, thinking fast. “I live with my mom.” Or she had until tonight. “She’s resting. I don’t want to disturb her. But I’m glad we talked.”

  Noah took a step back toward the door. “Me, too. We’ll strategize for the tournament tomorrow.”

  Grace smiled. “So you’re in?”

  “I’m in.”

  “That’s great. Yeah, we’ll talk tomorrow.”

  “Yeah. Bye, sis.” Noah waved and walked away.

  She heaved a heavy sigh as she closed the door behind her.


  Grace jumped, then whirled to see Jack standing in the hallway, fully dressed again. “Hey. That was your—”

  “Brother. I heard.” Jack nodded. “Your brother, too, apparently.”

  “Yeah. I’m really surprised about his sudden change of heart.”

  “He just needed to collect his thoughts. He lost a lot as a kid.” Jack stepped closer. She could tell he was going to touch her. And why shouldn’t he? They’d just had sex.

  “Jack.” She took a backward step.

  He stilled.

  “We shouldn’t have—”

  “You’re not about to call tonight a mistake. It wasn’t.”

  She weaved her fingers together in front of her stomach. “No…Maybe. It’s just—” Just that she was suddenly consumed with fear because of the feelings she had for the man in front of her. Because of how she’d always felt about him. She prided herself on being strong, but right now she was teetering on her breaking point. She’d lost a lot as a kid, too. First her father had skipped out before she was even born. Then she’d lost the Sawyer family. They were letting her back in, though. “Noah doesn’t hate me anymore. He’s actually treating me like I exist. I can’t mess this up.”

  “Mess this up by sleeping with me, you mean? That makes no sense, Grace.”

  “It does. There was a time when I would have given anything for Noah to call me sis again. I just think…maybe it’s best if we forget about tonight.”

  Jack stared at her for a long moment. Then he headed to the door, opened it, and stepped over the threshold, where Noah had disappeared ten minutes earlier. “Good night, Grace,” he said, shutting the door firmly behind him.

  Grace awoke the next morning with a hangover of regret. Things had gone from firewo
rks to fiasco at the end of last night. Her mother had moved out and she’d slept with Jack. And then, in true Grace fashion, she’d pushed him away.

  She pressed her palms against her eyes, took a deep breath, and sat up. She had to be at Sawyer Seafood by eight, but it was still early. She needed to go to Mrs. Smith’s and see her mother this morning and make sure she was okay. Her mother hadn’t even discussed leaving with her. She’d just up and left with the parting advice that Grace should get a life.

  Grace grimaced. Instead of getting a life, she’d worked on ruining her life.

  After showering and dressing, she headed a few neighborhoods down to Mrs. Smith’s house. It was an older house in need of renovations. Even one of the shutters hung loosely to the side.

  “I knew you’d be here this morning,” her mother said as she opened the squeaky front door. “Actually, I thought you would’ve come last night.”

  Grace averted her gaze. She’d been a little busy last night. “You didn’t have to move out, Mom.”

  “I know that. But do you really think I want to live with my adult daughter? How am I supposed to date with my daughter hovering nearby?”

  Grace’s mouth dropped open. “Date?”

  Her mother shrugged a shoulder. “I’m not dead, Grace. Even though you keep treating me like I’m halfway there.”

  Grace frowned. “I know what you’re doing.”

  Her mother lifted her chin. “I’m not doing anything.”

  “Yes, you are. You’re pushing me away because you think it’s what’s best for me.”

  “It is what’s best. I’m fine here. Mrs. Smith wants me here. She needs me. You, on the other hand, don’t need me anymore.”

  Grace glanced at her watch. “I have to go to work. You have your key to the apartment, though. If you change your mind—”


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