Filthy Professor: A Bad Boy Professor Romance

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Filthy Professor: A Bad Boy Professor Romance Page 112

by Amy Brent

  “Tory. Hi. How are you doing?” He looked me over in my tight pants and cropped tank top and I felt my body heat up inside.

  “Good. I just finished class.” I glanced at the clock and got an idea. “Want to grab something to eat when you’re finished? I was busy today and never really got around to it.”

  His want was all over his face and James swallowed after a moment. “I don’t know if that’s a good idea, Tory.” He glanced around but we were alone and he licked his lips. “I don’t know if anything should ever happen with us again.”

  “Didn’t you like it?” I asked as his face flushed pink.

  “Of course, I did. I’m honored that you wanted me that way but your father would kill me if he ever knew.” James gave me a long look and licked his lips.

  “He’ll never know, James. Dad’s busy with the team and the investments that he’s always involved with. I get out on my own all of the time and I’d never tell him.” I looked around carefully. “I don’t want you to lose your job.” My words were low and he glanced around as he seemed to consider my words.

  “Give me your number,” James suggested as he handed me his phone. I sent myself a text so I’d know his number and he looked at me for a long moment. “I’ll send you my address and you can meet me there in half an hour? I’ll order in.”

  I grinned and nodded. “That sounds perfect. I’ll see you soon.” I made my way to the locker room and showered quickly before I changed into some skinny jeans and a long sleeved shirt before I pulled on my gray fleece jacket.

  By the time I was in my car, I had his address and I entered it into Google maps as I let the car warm up.



  I must be out of my fucking mind. I should have told Tory no and that this could not happen again. My job was on the line if anybody found out and possibly my life, but the way she looked at me made me weak. I remembered how she felt, so tight and hot as I claimed her for the first time. I hadn’t had a woman for the first time in years and she addicting to me. I thought that once more wouldn’t hurt before she worked me out of her system and I could just go back to my casual flings.

  I couldn’t wait to see her hot little body again as I parked in my garage at the end of my long driveway. I was away from the street in a quiet neighborhood and I knew that we would be left alone. Gary didn’t come over, since we weren’t friends like that. I was his employee and I’d see him for the occasional dinner to talk business or a party, like the other night.

  I don’t even think he knew where I lived, to be honest.

  I ordered some Thai food from the place a few miles away and was told that it would be delivered in about twenty-five minutes. That gave me time to tidy up and start a fire in the massive fireplace that was the focal point of the room. It was a lot of why I’d purchased the house and I looked around at the warm glow from the flames as I heard the doorbell.

  Why was I trying to romance a young woman that I wasn’t going to see again after this? Tory didn’t care about these details and I shook my head as I went to answer the door.

  “Hi. Beautiful house,” Tory told me with a bright smile as I ushered her inside and looked out.

  “Thanks. It’s not up to your standards, I’m sure but I like it.” I joked as she laughed.

  “My house is too big for me. I like the idea of something cozy like this. Maybe once I finish school, I can find something.” She walked to drop her purse on the coffee table and slipped her coat off.

  “You’ll have a good future. I’m sure you can get a beautiful house.” Tory smiled as she looked up at me. “I ordered Thai. Is that okay?”

  “Delicious,” Tory replied as she sat on the couch and looked up at me. She was gorgeous, and she knew that as I met her gaze with a hungry one of my own.

  “Want something to drink?” I offered as I thought for a moment. “I have some beer in the fridge and maybe some wine. As far as non-alcoholic, there’s some soda and milk, since you’re young.” That got a laugh from her.

  “I don’t think you care about my age that much, do you?” Tory asked as I pressed my lips together. “I’ll take a beer.”

  “I’ll be right back,” I told her and walked into the kitchen to grab two bottles from the fridge. I looked at the wine from a date that I’d had some time ago from a date that didn’t call for a repeat and looked towards the living room. Did I want this night to call for one?

  I looked at her settled back against the couch as I walked back in. She was beautiful in the light of the fire along with a couple other lamps I’d left on. Tory was fresh faced and young and I knew that the guys at her school had to be interested in her. She was beautiful before but the changes that she made turned her into a bombshell and after this break, they’d be breaking down doors to get to her. I could enjoy her until that day came and I glanced up as there was a knock at the door. I asked her to wait for a moment as I went to pay for the food and bring it into the living room. “Eat by the fire?”

  “Sure,” Tory agreed as I went to get some plates and forks. We filled our plates as I found a movie on television and settled in beside her.

  “You don’t seem twenty to me,” I observed as she took a bite of Pad Thai and looked at me. “You seem mature and smart.”

  “I’ve always been smart, James. Maybe maturity comes with that.” Tory shrugged as her shirt slipped off of her shoulder and bared her pale skin. “Maybe I’m not too young for you.”

  “Fifteen years is quite a gap,” I disagreed as she reached up to let her hair down. It dropped around her shoulders in waves and I watched her for a moment. “You’re not ready for anything right now, anyway. Finish school first and then see about a relationship. You’re beautiful and you’ll have no trouble getting a guy.”

  “I want a man, James. I want a man the way that I had one the first time,” Tory told me as she set her plate down and took a long sip. She set the bottle down and moved to crawl over to me with a cunning smile on her face. Fucking hell, this woman had me. I shoved my plate onto the table as she moved into my lap and kissed me. Her mouth claimed mine hungrily as our tongues moved together with the taste of beer and spicy food on our lips.

  I lifted her shirt over her head as she moved up, finding her nipples bare and pebbled for me before I leaned forward to suck on them. Tory had showered while I was still a bit sweaty from the work out, but I didn’t care at this moment. I wanted to drench myself fucking her all night long. I gave both nipples equal attention before I moved up to kiss her lips.

  Tory slipped my shirt over my head and kissed down my chest before she drew my nipples between her teeth as I groaned her name. “Have you slept with anyone else since the party?” I murmured as she teased me with a laugh.

  “No, why?”

  “You don’t seem like you were a virgin just a few weeks ago,” I observed as she reached down for my pants and pulled them down. “You seem like you know what you’re doing just fine.”

  “I had a good teacher,” Tory told me before she moved down my body and took me into her mouth. Jesus, her mouth felt good. I slipped my hands into her hair and tugged her close as I moaned Tory’s name. She sucked hard and slow to tease me before bobbing over me as I cried out her name. I came within a few moments and Tory drank me in as I jerked forward.

  She moved up and I stared down at her as my mouth watered. “Take your pants off,” I demanded as she dropped onto her back and slid them down her legs. It took me no time to kick off my pants and crawl towards her as she watched me with bright eyes. God, she was so bare and I spread her thighs wide to smell her as she sucked in her breath.

  Our first time had been heated and quick, but this time I was going to worship Tory. She was sweet like honey and I kissed the soft skin of her inner thighs as she arched her back and slid a hand into my hair. I buried my face against her pussy and licked her thoroughly before I circled her clit with the tip of my tongue. Tory moaned as she rocked against me and I wrapped my hands around her tone
d thighs to keep her still as she cried out.

  “Fuck, James. That feels so good,” Tory told me as he hands ripped at my hair to try and make me let her go. I held firm and drew her between my teeth as I sucked her clit and she screamed as she came into my mouth. I drank her sweet juices in and felt my cock throbbing for her.

  I always like the feel of a woman after an orgasm so I released her thighs and moved over her body to enter her. Tory stared at me with glazed eyes as I slid inside and moaned softly. I knew that she was overwhelmed right now but I had to feel her.

  She pulled my face down to hers for a long kiss, tasting herself. I started moving faster to make her come again. She moved with me once she had some time to adjust, and soon we were rocking together in the search for a mutual release.



  I read a lot of books and watched a lot of porn in my research about sex. It was easy to assume that the books were embellished, and the porn was scripted right to make it seem far more exciting than it was.

  Not that I didn’t get myself off to it all of the time. What kind of person would ignore that opportunity?

  When James was between my legs with his mouth attached to me, I was in Heaven. He knew just what to do and how fast to do it. He knew every trick, and I almost ripped a handful of hair out of his head when he locked his arms around my legs to hold me still.

  Sweet torture.

  His mouth sucked on my sensitive pussy and drew the part that needed him the most between his teeth. Fuck me running, but that felt amazing. I felt the release coming painfully before it exploded and released to every nerve ending in my body. I have no idea what James did because I was too overwhelmed to feel it for a few seconds, but he was quickly crawling up my body and inside of her, thick and hard.

  He felt too good inside of me, and I moaned to try and tell him this even as my body wrapped tightly around him. Traitor. I gave in to the feeling and started to move with him, rocking against him in search of another perfect orgasm. I found it just before he did and the feeling spread through my body just like before as his hot seed filled me. “Tory, baby. You feel so good.”

  I told him something similar as our bodies locked together and we enjoyed the feeling of our heat combining.

  We rested on the couch after for a few moments as I felt numb. James was the perfect lover, and I was not going to let him go. I would assure him constantly that nobody would know about us just to keep him inside of me like this.

  No man would ever compare, and I watched as he stood on weak legs to put the food away and get some fresh beers. The light was dim, but I could see every muscle on his body. I couldn’t believe that this man was mine, even if he didn’t know it yet.

  “Want to go to bed?” James asked as he stood naked before me with the bottles in his hand.

  I was in. I smiled and nodded, moving slowly to a standing position as James’ eyes raked over my body. “That sounds great.” I knew that drinking the beer would prevent me from driving home too soon and being in his bed would hopefully make us fall asleep together. I reminded myself to assure him that I had a private entrance to my room, and I was with friends, so my parents wouldn’t worry. They’d never dream that their sweet daughter would be fucking the coach, and I’d make sure it was never a thought in their minds.

  I looked around his room, complete with a smaller version of his beautiful fireplace and decided that a house like this would be perfect for me. I didn’t need the square footage that my parents did. I just wanted this with a man by my side and our family. “Want a fire?” James asked, and I nodded at him with a slow smile. There was a lamp on, and he made quick work of starting something while I went to the attached bathroom.

  His semen was dripping out of me, and I looked down as I sat on the toilet. Would part of him manage to break past the barrier that I’d formed, giving me my dream? James was gorgeous, and I knew how beautiful our baby would be, and I wiped as I said a silent prayer.

  The room was bathed in a warm glow as I went back in to find him on the bed, still naked as he waited for me. He was gorgeous, and I joined him on the mattress against the pillows as he wrapped an arm around me. “I love your house,” I murmured as I kissed his neck.

  One kiss quickly led to me on top of James, riding his cock like it was a bucking bull. I’d worried about my lack of experience for a moment when things started, but his hands guided me, and James was happy to thrust up inside of me as I moved. I dropped my head back when I came as a howling noise escaped my throat and probably shocked the both of us.

  He joined me, and we sipped the beers as we relaxed back against the pillows. “Do you watch porn or something?” James asked her after taking a deep breath.

  “Who doesn’t these days?” I teased as I watched his jaw set into a firm scowl.

  “Do you get yourself off to it?” James pressed, and I felt my pussy tingle again.

  “Every time,” I admitted as his eyed moved down my body to the apex of my thighs. “I’ve been thinking of you a lot these days, James.”

  “Fucking hell, Tory. That image will never leave my mind,” he growled as I smiled and dropped my legs open a bit.

  “I’ll show you sometime,” I promised, sealing the deal for another tryst as I reached for my beer and took another sip.

  I was on top of the world right now, and nothing could change that. I was going to keep fucking this man, and I couldn’t wait for the next time. He was perfect.



  Tory’s pussy was a magnet. I listened to all of her assurances that her parents were not as protective as they came off, both of them being so busy. She had an alibi for every time that we were together, which must have turned into at least ten times over the next couple of months. We’d see each other at the gym and be at my house, fucking every possible way that we could like animals. Sometimes one would text, and that was all that it would take.

  I fucked her at the gym late one night, out by the pool. It was one of the hottest things that I’d ever done, and I’d always remember her muted orgasm.

  She masturbated for me every morning that we woke up together and I’d claim her like a wild beast after she came from her hand.

  My team didn’t go to the championship that year due to a few severe losses and everyone was disappointed. I buried myself inside of Tory when I could and tried to keep the team spirits up as needed.

  Gary told me that we had next year with a grimace on his face and I knew that I’d disappointed him. What would he think if he knew that I was nailing his daughter? There was always that chance that a coach could be replaced after a tough season and I worried about that as I sunk into a depression of my own.

  Tory was back in school, so I had some time to myself. I ate horribly and slept a lot in that time and at some point I realized that a couple months passed by.

  Tory hadn’t been around, and while I was in something of a blackout state, I wondered why. Was it school? Was there someone else in her life?

  We were never more than casual, and I knew that Tory moving on was a distinct possibility. I hated the thought, though. She was a smart, beautiful girl, and I enjoyed the time that we spent together, a lot of which included conversation.

  I missed her sweet body, though. I couldn’t help but think about her in the morning when I was finally coming out of my cave, just as we were going to start a camp to get back into shape as a team. I’d jack off, sometimes angrily, before showering and heading out to the stadium to meet my guys.

  Something was missing in my life. I saw Gary there, watching us. He was always alone and I knew that I couldn’t ask him why his daughter wasn’t responding to my calls and text messages. It would out us since as far as Gary knew, I had only seen her a couple of times.

  My divorce was going through and I didn’t have to give Wendy as much as I initially thought. It was a generous amount but I had plenty to keep living my life and I was happy to put that behind me. I knew that nex
t time, I’d listen to my brain instead of my cock even as my mind drifted to Tory.

  I worried as the communication went on to be ignored and tried to assure myself that Tory was just dating someone her age, as she probably always should have done. I would find someone for me that I could show off in public, not a girl that I had to hide in my bedroom for fear of losing my job.

  I was miserable when I wasn’t at practice or the gym, which became less and less. I never saw her there.

  When Gary invited us to his house for a BBQ to celebrate summer and the upcoming season, I felt my heart shoot into my throat. I knew that this invite meant a family atmosphere and a place for the guys to bring their families while Gary included his own family.

  Tory would be there. My cock ached for her, and I needed to see her beautiful face again. I wanted to talk to her about everything that I was feeling and see the same emotions in her eyes.

  The weeks passed slowly before the big day, and I dressed in shorts and a button up shirt as I looked in the mirror. Thanks to my obsessive gym routine, I knew that I looked good, and I hoped that she wouldn’t be able to resist me.

  Had I fallen for this girl?

  I left to drive to his house, joining the cars on the sidewalk as the guys and their families walked with me to the door. One of the brothers opened it and greeted us as he invited us in, telling us that everyone else was by the pool.

  I tried not to appear manic as my eyes searched the house for Tory while I made small talk with the players.

  I saw her in the kitchen with her mom, still as beautiful with her hair a little longer and back to its natural color. She looked a bit tired, and I felt the electricity when she looked up and met my eyes. I could only see above her neck where I was before the guys opened the door and went to the back.

  I had to bide my time and I walked around with a beer, talking to everyone about what a great season we were going to have. I played the part of the coach well and appeared like I was here to party.


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