Jump Through Time

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Jump Through Time Page 6

by Tanya Gilford

  “I’ll come back on my break and we can chat some more.” Bella stated. She handed me the control for the bed. “Tomorrow Amy will remove your catheter and start getting back on your feet. The physical therapist will be called to start some sessions to help build muscle back in your legs after being in bed for six months.”

  “Thank you.” I reply as she heads out. My dad closes the door and takes a seat in the chair again with a sigh.

  “Do you care to tell your old man what you remember?” He asked.

  “It sounds crazy, and I think I may have seen god or some kind of deity.” I commented.

  “Nothing is crazy when you surprised us all.” He sighed. “I survived two battles with cancer and have never been as scared in my life as I was the other day when you stopped breathing on us.”

  “Okay, well I remember opening the door of the club to get some fresh air with an hour left before I planned to leave to go home. Next thing I knew I was standing in the old house watching mom walk out on us again.” I began. I continued to tell him all about the time jumping and strange things that I had to do in order to wake up again. “It truly has given me a better grasp on my life, and some ideas of what my future will be if I make certain choices. I’m still not sold on the idea of having a child, but meeting someone and getting married does sound nice. Though I’ll be looking for a man who encourages me to pursue my ambitions of becoming a head nurse and later a nurse practitioner, so I have no intention of settling.”

  “Nor should you.” My dad sighed. “Some of those memories sound more painful to you than I remember them being. I thought I shielded you from most of them, but I guess I was wrong.”

  “I still turned out pretty good.” I chuckled as I adjusted the bed into a sitting position.

  “That you did.” He nodded. He reached out, grabbed my hand, and gave it a little squeeze. “I’m glad to have you back kiddo.”

  “I’m glad to be back in reality. I was done after the first two memories. I was chalking it all up to a bad dream, but I guess I was wrong.”

  “Anita was so excited when you woke up this morning.” He continued. “She called me straight away. Jody called me and told me she’ll be in tomorrow morning as usual. The two have been sharing visit times like clockwork. They come in the mornings, I come in the afternoons so that we can all go to work for some time and still be here with you.”

  “I really do have two really awesome friends.”

  “Your co-workers have been seen arguing over whose taking care of you during that shift. You so rarely talk about your co-workers I was quite shocked, to be honest with you.”

  “It’s work life. I try to leave work at the door when I go home otherwise it’ll stress me out. So many patients and cases, I’d end up analyzing every piece of what I did that last shift and second guess if I did something right. I learned after a good year into this job that I need to shut it all off when I leave here.” I admitted.

  “I understand. I really am glad you’re awake and well.” He smiled. “I should call the family and give them the official update.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  “Any time dear. Just promise me that you won’t go scaring me like that ever again.”

  “I’ll do my best.” I chuckled. He kissed my forehead then stepped out of the room. I turned my attention to the television in the room. Nothing else to do but get caught up on the news, I guess.

  Chapter 15

  Two Weeks Later

  I was finally released from the hospital today. I’m so happy to be home, but a bit annoyed that my dad feels I need a babysitter still. Physical therapy is going well, and I’m basically back to eighty-five percent ability in my movements so the doctor has left it up to the Physical therapist to clear me for work. I hope it’s soon, because once I’m cleared, I can get back to work, but also have my condo to myself again.

  “Okay, here we are.” My dad said as he opened the door to my condo.

  “Finally.” I sighed as he helped me inside. I took a seat on the couch and stretched out. “Why am I having so much trouble recovering?”

  “Your body has been through a lot. From the slip and fall to being restrained and confined to a bed for six months. It all is going to take time, but you're making good progress.”

  “I know, but I just want to heal faster and get back to work.” I groaned. “I’ve been out of work for six months. How do I even still have this condo? Am I six months behind on my mortgage payments?”

  “I’ve been helping you out with that. You should know better than question if you're going to be homeless because you had an accident and have been fighting for your life. Your body needs time to heal, and you need to allow yourself to rest. I will stay here for the night, and one of the girls will be over in the morning. I believe Jody is the one with tomorrow's shift so call her when you get up if you need her to grab anything.” My dad instructs.


  “What are we doing for dinner tonight?” He asks.

  “Ooo. I could really go for some Indian food tonight. There’s a place down the street.” I say thoughtfully.

  “Do you have a take-out menu here?”

  “I sure do.” I say, pushing myself off the couch. I slowly make my way to the kitchen and open up the draw where I keep various belongings and pull out a folder containing the take-out menus of the places I like to eat from. “I already know what I want, so you can take your time deciding.” I tell him as I hand him the menu.

  “You are still as organized as ever.” My dad chuckled.

  “Comes with the territory of being a career nurse. If things aren’t in order, then someone’s bound to make a mistake because something wasn’t put where it belongs.” I shrug. “I guess that’s what makes me such a great nurse.”

  “Promise me something.”

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “Take this time off to study. I know you more than anyone, and I know you're looking to be a head nurse or even a nurse practitioner. I have always supported your dreams, but this time I’m going to push you towards your dreams. Reach higher and pull yourself out of this rut.” He states.

  “Okay, I’ll start looking into it tomorrow, I promise. Anything to keep my mind moving.” I agreed. I was planning on doing this anyway, but I’ll let my dad believe I’m doing it for him.

  “That’s my girl.” He smiled then began to look through the menu in his hands.

  After we ordered our dinner for delivery, we sat down and picked out a movie like old times. I’m blessed to still have my dad here with me after two bouts with cancer. I know how lucky I am that he was proactive enough to catch the cancer in the beginning stages to ensure his survival rate. This incident with me, and time jumping through my memories reminded me of all the things I’m so lucky to have had and to cherish this time with my loved ones a little more than before.


  The next day I woke up feeling refreshed and overjoyed with the knowledge that I am finally in my own bed again. I just want to lay here and stretch out for a bit. There is nothing better than waking up and feeling comfy and warm in your own bed after months in a hospital bed. Then again, after spending months in a bed, I know laying here all day is not a good choice.

  After a good twenty minutes, I roll out of bed with a groan. I don’t want to be up, but I need to. I can’t lay in bed all day. If I ever want to be able to go back to work, I need to keep my legs moving and staying on top of my physical therapy. I use the bathroom, then walk out to my kitchen looking for something to eat. I open the fridge and grab some yogurt. I pull it out and check the date. “I bought you some fresh ones since I tossed out a bunch after your accident.” Jody’s voice stated from behind me causing me to jump.

  “Jesus!” I mumble under my breath as I turn around. “Are you trying to put me back in the hospital? You nearly gave me a heart attack.”

  “Didn’t your dad tell you I was coming over today?”
  “Yes, but he didn’t say what time.” I replied. “Plus, you could have made some noise as you approached instead of scaring me half to death.”

  “I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought you knew I was here.” Jody said as she walked around my kitchen island and wrapped me in a hug. “I’m just so glad to see you and know that you are really okay.”

  I hugged her back with a smile. “Thanks for looking out for me Jo.”

  She lets go of me and takes a step back. “So, what do you want to do today?”

  “Take a walk through the commons.” I answer without even thinking. “My PT said I need to do some light walking every day in order to completely recover from being in a bed for six months.”

  “Then a walk we will take.” She announced. “Then we can grab some lunch before coming back here.”

  “That sounds like a good plan.” I admitted. I ate my yogurt, then went to get dressed. I’m looking forward to keeping on this road to recovery, and if walking is the key then why not do it someplace I enjoy going? I dress for the weather in a yellow tank top, and a pair of white shorts. I slip on a pair of white Chucks and pull my hair back into a bun on the top of my head. “Ready?” I ask Jody. She nods, then I grab my sunglasses and we head out the door. Here’s the first of many walks around the common as I regain my strength in my legs. I can only focus on getting well enough to go back to work and not have to depend on anyone else for anything. I hate feeling like someone’s burden. I’ve been so independent for a few years now, and I enjoy having that ability.

  Chapter 16

  Two months later…

  Finally, my first day back on the job. It only took eight months for me to finally get to the night shift I was supposed to work. I’m hopeful and ready for this night to begin. Everyone keeps saying they hope it’s a slow night, but I really don’t care how busy we are or are not, I’m just happy to finally be back at work. I was cleared last week and called my boss who put me on this week’s schedule. Not at my normal shifts because she’s waiting to see if I’m able to just jump back into things or do I need time to adjust. I’m going to push myself to prove that I am healed and ready to work my ass off.

  Though I did take advantage of the last two months at home and began taking classes to work towards my nurse practitioner’s degree. It’s going to be a challenge juggling my usual hectic schedule at work and finding time to attend classes online and study, but I’m determined to do it, so I know I will. I have always managed to accomplish whatever I put my mind to eventually. Now to get my life back on track and keep moving forward.

  The night started off slow, which was fair enough for me to get back into my groove. But around eleven we got a call from the 911 dispatch about a five-car pile-up. As soon as the first two ambulances arrived, I knew this was not going to be a slow night for a while. I run out with two other nurses to help the patient in the third ambulance. As the EMT began talking, I looked up and had a brief moment of Deja-Vu. This is the same paramedic from those time jump things I went through. His dark brown hair is covered by a cloth beanie hat, but his brown eyes are kind and sweet like they were in the time jump scenes. His voice sounds so silky to me, even his mocha-colored skin looks just as I recall from the time jumps.

  He proceeded to give me the rundown of the patient’s information, medical report, and injuries from the accident. “Thank you, we can take it from here.” I assured him as my team and I transferred the patient from the gurney to the bed.

  “Wait, your name’s Naomi, isn’t it?” He asked.

  “That’s what my name tag says, but I really need to get working on this patient.” I replied.

  “I’m pretty sure I brought you in a while back. A head injury from a slip and fall on ice.” He recalled.

  “Not my proudest moment.” I admitted.

  “It’s good to see you up on your feet and back to work.”

  “Thanks. We’ll have to catch up at another time.”

  “Naomi.” Alyssa called from in the room.

  “Right.” I turned and went back to work on hooking the patient up to the monitors.

  “My name is Ed.” He called through the curtain before he walked away. I rolled my eyes and continued working on the patient. No wonder why he stuck out in those visions. He’s the paramedic that brought me in from the club that night. I must have remembered his face in my subconscious. Nothing else seems to explain the coincidence as odd as it is.

  As the doctor came in to check on the patient, he made the call to send the patient to radiology. As soon as the patient was sent to radiology, I moved to assist another patient who has been here since the ambulances arrived. Once I hand the patient her discharge papers, she thanks me and heads out.

  Ed wanders over to the nurse’s desk where I begin logging information into the computers. “How’s the recovery going?” Ed asked me.

  “Two months of Physical Therapy, and I’m good as new.” I smiled.

  “Two months? You’ve been missing longer than that.” He observed.

  “Six months in a coma will do that to you.” I shrugged. “I have no idea what happened beyond a slip and fall and hitting my head. I apparently had all the doctors and staff here baffled.”

  “Well, I’m glad you're doing well.” He smiled. “I’ll see you around Naomi.” He winked at me then headed out the doors back to the ambulance. That was very strange but kind of sweet at the same time.

  The rest of the night goes by without any big excitement. Some minor broken bones, cuts, and other medical concerns, but nothing to stress over. I admitted an elderly lady with pneumonia, and another with a broken hip then took some blood here and there. By the end of the shift, I was ready to go to bed. I did it, I made it through an entire shift without any issues, which is a very good sign of my full recovery. I got home, took a shower, and passed out as soon as my head hit my pillow.


  Two years later

  I have officially graduated with my master’s degree in Nursing, and I’m just waiting to gain my Nurse Practitioners license. This has been a crazy road for me, but I did it. To think it took me slipping on some ice and falling into a six-month comma where I encountered very strange events to wake up and know where I want to be in my life. I’m so happy I followed through with my promise to my dad and myself to do better and make something of my career. I still plan to work in the hospital, but as a nurse practitioner and not just a nurse. This is my passion and my destiny.

  Ed took six long weeks to work up the courage to ask me out for that lunch date, but he did it and I was really worried that I was dreaming again. He’s a really sweet guy, and very supportive of my goals and dreams. He moved into my loft with me last month, and I feel like I’m on cloud nine in love with him. When I saw this as one of my potential futures, I never once thought they could or would happen simultaneously, but here we are.

  I think things are working out so well with Ed, because we both have hectic schedules, and we know what the jobs entail. We see each other at work when we’re working the same shifts even if we don’t see each other over the day at home, we know the other is thinking of us. I do worry about him going into dangerous situations as a first responder, but when he comes into the emergency room wheeling a gurney, I am relieved to see he’s okay.

  Tonight is our two-year anniversary, and for once we both took the night off. I stand in the bathroom at the sink doing my hair and make-up and can’t help but feel like I’m having some Deja-Vu again. I straightened my brown hair to hang just below my shoulders. Once I was finished, I go into the bedroom and pull on a black Bandage mini dress with a one-shoulder strap and a cut-out back and side shoulder. It’s simple but cute and fits me nicely. I put on a pair of gold dangle earrings and a pair of black pumps. I grab a black and gold clutch and walk back into the parlor.

  “All set?” Ed asked as I came back out of the bedroom finally.

  “Yes.” I smile. He’s wearing a light blue button-down shirt and a pair of black
slacks and black dress shoes. “My don’t you dress up nicely.” I tease as I walk over and give him a quick kiss.

  “You look ravishing yourself out of those scrubs you’re in every day.” He teased with a chuckle. He grabbed my coat off its hook and held it open for me to pull on. Then he put his own coat on. “Now don’t go slipping on any ice this time.”

  “I don’t plan on it.” I giggled as he opened the door for me. It’s funny to think we met when he brought me into the emergency room that I have worked in for three years, and I never saw him before. He’s been an EMT for almost ten years and has brought several patients in before we met.

  At the restaurant, we take our seats, order our drinks and our meals. As our drinks arrive, I find myself thinking about all the good moments that we have shared over the past two years. “Naomi, I need to tell you something.” Ed said pulling me out of my thoughts.

  “Okay, is this the place to have this conversation?” I ask feeling a bit worried.

  “I’ve been doing some thinking, and one day out on the job we were driving around, and something caught my eye in the window of a store. When I went back to the store, I knew I needed to get it. To be honest, I’ve had this for almost six months now, but I’ve been holding on to it as I waited for the right time to give it to you.” He stood up, took two steps around to my side of the table, and knelt down. “Naomi Burke, we met by chance almost three years ago, and it took me almost another year to work up the courage to ask you out, but it was the best decision I have ever made. You are the light that lights up my world, and I would be so happy if you would become my wife. So, Naomi will you marry me?” He asked pulling a ring box out of his pocket.

  “Yes.” I reply feeling tears build up in my eyes. He slid the ring onto my finger and kissed my lips.

  Of course, I’ll marry this man. There is so much about him that has me falling in love with him. Little notes he leaves for me when we don’t get a chance to see each other, our silly adventures we tend to go on when we have time off, to just our quiet and relaxing nights in. My father adores him, and my two best friends think he’s perfect for me. There’s not a day that goes by where I’m not thankful to have really met Ed and got to know him.


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