Hold On To Me (Hawkeye Book 4)

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Hold On To Me (Hawkeye Book 4) Page 2

by Sierra Cartwright

“Ma’am.” Finally he thumbed the brim of his hat in a casual, respectful farewell that made her wonder if she’d imagined what had just happened between them.

  “Thanks for coming in.” Her response was automatic.

  “I’ll see you soon.” Conviction as well as promise laced his words, and it shocked her how much she hoped he meant it.

  After locking the door behind him, she stood in place for a few moments, watching him climb into his nondescript black pickup truck. It resembled a thousand others on the road, in stark contrast to its intense, unforgettable owner.

  The barback tugged the chain to turn off the Open sign, reminding her of the chores still ahead of her.

  It was past time to shove away thoughts of the stranger.

  She checked her watch. A few minutes after one a.m.

  It had been a long day. Another long day. With her parents still on vacation, the responsibility for running the pub had fallen to her. That wouldn’t have been so bad, but Mary, the nighttime manager, had called in sick. And Elissa’s freelance graphic project was due at the end of the week. Sleep had been in short supply for the past month.


  Actually, it had been more than a year. Her father’s cancer diagnosis had upended her family’s world. The emotional turmoil had taken its toll as they all fought through the terrifying uncertainty and fear.

  After his final chemotherapy treatment, her parents had departed for a much-needed break.

  Andrew continued walking through the area, switching off the neon beer signs. “Everything’s done. Clean and ready for tomorrow.”

  “Not sure how I would have managed without you.” For the first time ever, he’d ended up waiting on several customers, and he’d done a good job. “Why don’t you go ahead and leave?”

  “I’ll wait until you’re done and walk you to your car.”

  “That’s okay.” She shook her head. It had been busier than usual for a Tuesday, more like she’d expect closer to the weekend. “I still have to reconcile the cash register, and that will take some time. You worked your ass off this evening. Go see your girlfriend.”

  “It’s our one-month date-iversary. I didn’t know that was a thing until this morning, and she warned me I better not screw it up.” Clearly besotted, he grinned. “I don’t mind staying, though, for a few more minutes.”


  He glanced toward the rear exit. “If you’re sure…”

  “It’s your date-iversary. Go.” She made a sweeping motion with her hand.

  Grinning, she turned the deadbolt once he left.

  After turning off the main dining room lights, Elissa retreated to the tiny management office. She sank into the old military-surplus style leather chair behind the metal desk. Determined to ignore the clock on the wall, she counted the cash, balanced the register, then ran the credit card settlement.

  Once everything was done and the bank deposit was locked in the safe, she sighed, part in relief, part in satisfaction.


  As usual, she straightened the desktop and gave the office a final glance to be sure everything was where it needed to be.

  Satisfied, she released her hair from its ponytail and fed her fingers through the strands to separate them, part of her ritual for ending the workday and easing into her off time.

  Then she reached for her lightweight jacket. Even though it was summer, Colorado could still hold a chill after the sun set. Finally she slung her purse over her shoulder before plucking her keyring from a hook in the wall.

  She let herself out the door, then secured the deadbolt behind her.

  There were only a handful of vehicles in the parking lot, and she headed toward hers at a quick clip.

  As she neared it, a figure detached itself from the adjoining building.

  She struggled for calm, telling herself that the person wasn’t heading toward her. But as she broke into a jog, so did the figure.

  Frantically she ran, hitting the remote control to unlock the car, praying she could make it to safety before the assailant reached her. As she grasped the door handle, he crowded behind her, pressing her against the side of the vehicle.

  “Get away from me!”

  When he didn’t, she screamed.

  “Calm down.”

  Fuck. She recognized his gruff voice. The cowboy. For a moment, she went still. But when he pressed her harder against the car, fear flared, and she instinctively fought back. “Get the hell off me!”

  He was unyielding, and her strength was no match for his.

  “Hawkeye sent me.”

  Elissa froze. Hawkeye?

  Of course he’d sent someone. She should have expected it when she refused to let him provide her with a bodyguard.

  Years before, she’d met the wounded military man when he returned from an overseas mission. The first few times he’d come into the pub, he’d been quiet, drinking whiskey neat, staring at a wall while occasionally flinching.

  They’d gone out a number of times, and she’d cared about him. But no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t connect with him on an emotional level. He kept more secrets than he shared. But the one thing she learned was that the need for revenge consumed his every waking thought. In the end, it had been impossible to have any kind of relationship with him.

  When he informed her that he’d started Hawkeye Security, she wasn’t surprised. And when he came to say goodbye, she tearfully stroked his cheek while wishing him well.

  She had been stunned when he called her to tell her she was at risk. Someone from his past threatened the people he cared about. Before hanging up, she dismissed his ridiculous concerns. Their halfhearted relationship was so far in the past that no one could possibly believe that she meant anything to Hawkeye.

  “You’re going to need to come with me.”

  “Oh hell no.” Her earlier attraction to the stranger had vanished, replaced by anger. She made her own choices and didn’t appreciate his heavy-handed tactics. “Tell Hawkeye I said both of you should fuck off. Or better yet, I will.”

  “I’m not sure you understand.” His breath was warm and threatening next to her ear.

  And now she understood why he’d spent so many hours at that table. He’d been studying her, planning the best way to bend her to his will.

  But Elissa answered to no man.

  “You’re in danger.”

  “I can take care of myself. Now get off me, you…” What? “Oaf.”

  “As soon as you give me your word that you’ll get in my truck without creating a fuss.”

  Realizing physical resistance was futile, she allowed her body to go limp and concentrated on tamping down her adrenaline long enough to outwit him. She needed to think and escape his unbearable presence. “How about I’ll go home and stay there?”

  “Not happening.”

  “Look…” There was no way she would yield to this oversize, determined goon, even if he was pure masculine perfection. “I’ll agree to have one of his employees stay with me.”

  “He made that offer. You turned it down.”

  Damn you both. Why hadn’t she just agreed to Hawkeye’s suggestions?

  “Let me be clear, Elissa…”

  Despite herself, the way he said her name, gently curled around the sibilant sound, made her nerves tingle.

  “He made it my job to protect you, and he signed off on my plan.”

  “Care to fill me in?”

  “Yeah. We’ll go to my ranch until he gives the all-clear.”

  Unnerved, she shivered. “Ranch?” That was worse than she could have imagined, and fresh panic set in. “I demand to talk to Hawkeye this instant.”

  “Demand all you want, little lady.”

  She refused to leave town, the pub, and be somewhere remote for an indeterminate amount of time with the cowboy shadowing her twenty-four seven. “No. No.” She shook her head. “It’s impossible. I’m needed here. And Hawkeye knows it.” Struggling for breath, she pushed back against h
im. “We can work something out, I’m sure.”

  “You can take it up with him.”

  “Now we’re getting somewhere. Let me get my phone out of my purse.” And figure out how to get in my car and drive like hell.

  “Not until we’re on the road.” He looped his massive hands around her much smaller wrists and drew them behind her.

  “Ouch! Release me immediately!”

  Though he didn’t hurt her, his grip was uncompromising. “As soon as you agree to get in my truck without struggling.”

  “Look, Mr.—” God. I don’t know your name. And like the asshole he was, he didn’t fill in the missing information.

  “We’re done talking.”

  She stamped her foot on his instep, and he didn’t even grunt, frustrating the hell out of her.

  “Please get in my truck, Elissa.”

  Since he was immovable, she tried another approach, pleading with his better self. “I’m begging you. Don’t do this. Let me go home.” Elissa turned her head, trying to see him over her shoulder. Because of his hat and the darkness of the moonless and cloud-filled sky, his expression was unreadable. “You can follow me to my place.” The lie easily rolled off her tongue. Anything to get away.

  “Within the next five seconds, you’ll be given two options, Ms. Conroy. One, you can come with me willingly.”

  “And the other?”

  “You can come with me unwillingly.”

  “Option C. None of the above.” With all her might, she shoved back, but he tightened his grip to the point of hurting her.

  As if on cue, a big black truck—his, no doubt—pulled into view. Since he didn’t react, it obviously meant Hawkeye had sent more than one person to deal with her. “This is absurd.”

  The vehicle, with no lights on, pulled to a stop nearby.

  “I’ll need your keys, Ms. Conroy.”

  She shook her head in defiance.

  “Always going to do things the hard way?”

  Since he was still holding her wrists, it was ridiculously easy for him to pry apart her fingers and take the fob from her.

  “Has anyone ever told you that you’re annoying as hell?”

  A woman slid from the cab of the still-running pickup and left the driver’s side door open a crack. A gentle chime echoed around them, while light spilled from the interior, allowing Elissa to make out a few of the new arrival’s features.

  Dressed all in black, she was about the same height and build as Elissa. She even had long dark hair.

  “Perimeter is still clear.” Then in a cheery voice, she went on. “I see you haven’t lost your way with the ladies, Commander.”

  He growled, all alpha male and frustration. “You’re here to help, Fagan.”

  “That’s exactly what I’m doing.”

  The cowboy eased his hold a little.

  “Sorry for the caveman’s actions, ma’am. I’m Agent Kayla Fagan. And I’m afraid Commander Walker needs a remedial training class in diplomacy.”

  Walker. First name? Or last? “Diplomacy? Is that what you call an abduction?”

  He remained implacable. “I have my orders, and Ms. Conroy wasn’t interested in talking.”

  Bastard. “His behavior needs to be reported to Hawkeye.”

  “I’ll let you do that yourself,” Kayla replied. “But honestly, I’d like to listen in.”

  “Get out of here, Fagan.” He kept his body against hers while somehow managing to toss her keys to Kayla.

  “Wait! You look so much like me you could be my double.”

  “That’s the plan. Fagan will make it appear as if you’re following your normal routine this evening while we get away. When we’re on the road, you can talk to Hawkeye and make a strategic plan for opening the bar.” Walker’s tone was uncompromising.

  The infuriating men had planned out everything.

  Kayla opened the car door and slid into the driver’s seat.

  “Time’s up, ma’am.”

  “Could you be any more condescending?”

  “As I said, we can do this the hard way or the easy way. Your choice.”

  Determinedly Elissa set her chin. “I’m not going with you.”

  In a move so calculated and fast that she had no time to react, he took her purse from her, then yanked her around to face him. As if he’d done it a million times, he swept her off her feet, then hauled her into the air.

  The Neanderthal tossed her over his shoulder, and she landed against his rigid body with so much force that breath rushed out of her lungs, stunning her into silence.

  “The hard way it is.”

  Chapter Two

  “Go buy yourself a one-way ticket straight to hell.” In the darkness of the truck’s interior, Elissa glared at her captor. A minute ago, they’d pulled into a twenty-four-hour fuel stop, and he’d parked away from security cameras, in the shadows from the lights. Then he’d outlined his rules—rules she had no intention of following. “I mean it. There’s no way—no fucking way—that you’re going into the bathroom with me.”

  As implacable as usual, he regarded her. “In that case, we’ll continue on. You can pee on the side of the road, but that won’t be happening until we leave I-70.” He lifted a shoulder in a small shrug, indicating he didn’t give a damn whichever decision she made. “Hawkeye would prefer we limit law enforcement contact, and that’s always a possibility if I pull over onto the side of the road. We should have our story straight. Could always say you’re my pregnant wife who couldn’t wait for the next town.”

  With a gasp, she folded her arms across her middle.

  During the twenty minutes they’d been driving, he remained mostly silent, responding to her questions with irritating-as-hell half answers. He refused to let her have her purse or her phone. Other than saying that they were driving toward his ranch and that it was located in Colorado, he hadn’t provided any further details.

  “I don’t want to lose time. Make a decision.”

  Commander Walker had already proven he was a hard-ass. Things were going to be his way or his way. Maddening.

  While she didn’t need the facilities right away, it was only a matter of time. And this place, on the far western side of the city, was the last reliably clean restroom for miles. “Fine.”

  With a tight nod, he reached into the back to grab a duffel bag. “There’s some clothes in there for you.”

  “I’m not—”

  “If you want to get out of this truck, you are.”

  She wasn’t sure which one of them to kill first. Her kidnapper or Hawkeye. Either way, the act was going to be joyful.

  “Time’s ticking.”

  Elissa pulled out a sweatshirt and tugged it over her head. It was at least two sizes too large. The shoulder seams drooped down her arms, and the bottom would probably hit the tops of her thighs.

  “Now the hat.”

  At least she liked the black cap with a bright purple baseball team logo on it.

  Once she had it in place, he shook his head. “Can you do something with your hair?”

  “Like what?”

  “Stuff it under there or something.”

  Hurriedly she made a ponytail and threaded it through the opening in the back.

  “Still too long. Recognizable.”

  Elissa sighed as she removed the hat. “I’m not sure what else to do.” Thinking fast, she fashioned a makeshift bun and then took his advice and pulled on the hat. “No one does this. It looks ridiculous—lumpy.”

  “This isn’t about fashion, ma’am.” He cocked his head to one side to study her. “Pull the brim lower on your forehead.”

  “Look, Mr. Walker, I’m not cut out for this secret agent shit.” Which had been one of the many reasons she and Hawkeye never had a real relationship.

  “Save your breath. I’m about out of patience.”

  “You’re almost out of patience? It isn’t your life that’s just been turned upside down.”

  “No?” The single word was quiet
, but chilling. “Hawkeye gets what he wants.”

  Did that mean he was as reluctant as she was?

  She shook her head. He was an agent—she was his mission. Nothing more.

  He tucked a few loose strands of hair away, brushing her cheekbone.

  Her reactions turned sluggish as his scent washed over her.

  For a moment, neither spoke. Something primal—dangerous—pulsed between them.

  Then, as if remembering himself, Jacob cleared his throat and glanced away from her. “There’s a car pulling in on our left. Appears to have two occupants.”

  The abruptness edging his voice made her scoot away a little.

  “We’ll follow them in. Stay close. We want to make it appear we’re a party of four. Got it?”

  She sighed. “Is this all really necessary?”

  “The boss says so. If you’d agreed to have a bodyguard when he suggested it, you could have avoided all of this.”

  Anger and frustration collided, making her vocal cords tight. “So it’s my fault?”

  Instead of responding, he kept his focus on the other vehicle. “Be ready to move. When we’re inside, head straight for the ladies’ room. No stopping. Avoid the cash registers because of cameras. Don’t touch anything. I’ve got plenty of food and water for us, enough to hold us till morning.”

  Are you planning to drive all night?

  He kept his gaze on the car next to them. “On my mark, exit the vehicle.”

  Despite her insistence that this was nonsense, her heart was beating furiously, and she was even paranoid enough to check her mirrors for potential threats.


  Elissa nodded.

  The other couple opened their doors.

  “Let’s roll.”

  Within moments, they entered the convenience store.

  “Normal pace,” he cautioned as they followed the signs toward the back wall. When they reached the bathroom, he held up a hand. “Wait here.”

  Using his foot, he pushed the door open.

  As if that isn’t suspicious.

  After a few seconds, he returned. “Clear. Be as fast as you can.”

  In record time, she rejoined Commander Walker.

  The woman who’d walked in before them handed a package of potato chips to her companion, then started toward the bathroom.


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