Fur-Ever Yours: A BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (The Protectors Book 1)

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Fur-Ever Yours: A BBW Paranormal Shape Shifter Romance (The Protectors Book 1) Page 5

by Roxy Wilson

  No, she couldn’t ever have him.

  He was the father of her student. Her relationship with him wasn’t supposed to cross the boundaries of a professional relationship. She should’ve been careful. It’d been her mistake. She was determined not to make it again.

  Devyn turned around and marched out of the door. Rather than make her way to the classroom ahead of Justin as was her norm, she headed for Keran’s study. The easiest solution would have been to pretend that nothing untoward had happened and just continue with her life, but she was never one to opt for something that made no sense, even if it didn’t require an effort. She knocked on his door.

  “Come in,” he said.

  Devyn took a deep, steadying breath. After straightening her shoulders, she walked in.

  Keran stiffened in his seat.

  No doubt, he thought she would avoid him like the plague but her solution to any problem was to tackle it head on. They needed to resolve this issue, and it would be better to get it done now. “Hi. We need to talk.”

  Warily, he set the pen on the paper on which he was writing and looked at her. “What is it?”

  “What happened last night—”

  “…Shouldn’t have happened,” he interjected quickly. “It was my mistake. I was a little overtired and things got out of control. It won’t happen again.”

  She was a little taken aback by his straight talk. “We crossed the line—and um—and it makes me feel uncomfortable. The fault was as much mine as yours.” Devyn felt as if she would combust, but she had to finish what she had set out to do. “We’re both mature adults and we should have known better. Hence…I think we should part ways here. I would like to tender my resignation today.”

  His stare was incredulous. “Resignation? But why?”

  She shuffled back a step…then another. Didn’t he hear a word she said? “For obvious reasons, of course. We shouldn’t be living together in the same house after—after what happened. It’s better if I leave.”

  For a full minute he stared at her. Various expressions crossed his face.

  She couldn’t make sense of them all; anger, worry, fear.

  He stood and came forward.

  She resisted the urge to run.

  “I think you’re overreacting. It was just a kiss, and I’ve already promised it won’t happen again.”

  “I just think it would be better…”

  “Do you have any other objections to living here, other than what happened last night?”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “I thought you were getting along well with Justin.”

  The thought of not seeing Justin hit her hard. She would miss him. “I am. He’s a delightful boy.”

  “And you love him?”

  She gulped. Yes, she did. Justin was such a sweet child that it would be hard not to love him. She would miss him a great deal, but it would be better for him if she went away. Surely, this kind of a dalliance with his father would take a toll on him. “I do. I really do, but—”

  “He loves you,” Keran stated in a soft voice. “If you were to leave now, he wouldn’t understand, wouldn’t accept it. I think you’re making a rash decision.” He raked his fingers through his hair. “As you said, we’re both adults and we need to remain focused. Let’s not make a big deal out of this. Think of Justin, of what’s best for him.” His eyes pleaded with her to understand, to agree with his line of reasoning.

  When he said those words, she didn’t have any real option but to nod her head. The man knew just which buttons to push to get what he wanted. Or perhaps he was simply speaking from the heart. She couldn’t tell but she could feel the emotions in his words. Justin was most important. She wouldn't want to ever do anything to hurt him. “I…”

  “I’ll keep my distance. You’re the best nanny for my son. He loves you and I wouldn’t want him to pay for my mistake with such a price. Please, reconsider your decision for my son’s sake?”

  How could she say no?

  There was no way she could leave now. Still, she felt hesitant. The desire she felt for Keran was way too strong. What if she lost control again? Also, now she was aware that he too felt something for her, it would be even harder to resist him. “I don’t want to do anything to hurt Justin, but I really don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  He sighed and glanced out for a moment.

  For a few seconds she thought he might actually stride forward and hug her. Her muscles tightened in anticipation, but then he leaned against the desk. “How about we give it a rest for a few days? I’m going to Switzerland and when I come back, we’ll discuss it again. In the meantime, you’ll have plenty of time to think about this decision, and so will I.”

  It seemed like a reasonable request, even though she realized he was trying to keep her for as long as possible because once she was really settled in, she wouldn’t want to leave. “Okay. Fine.” Did she imagine it or did he actually release a sigh of relief? She wasn’t sure.

  “Great. I hope you’ll take good care of Justin. Try not to step out of the house except for the concert, which he’s eager to attend.”

  She wanted to ask if he expected some kind of trouble. So far, she saw no evidence to convince her that the bodyguards were even necessary. What was the need for such an army? But she didn’t want to ask any personal questions. As it was, she needed to keep things on an even keel between them. “That’s the only place Justin and I will go while you’re gone.” She stepped towards the door.

  Keran cleared his throat. “Thank you, Devyn.”

  She didn’t quite know what he was thanking her for. Was it because she’d agreed to stay for now, or because she promised not to go out too much? Whatever it was, she didn’t want to stick around and ask him any questions. She merely nodded and left the room. Phew! That was over. She didn’t get the end result she wanted, but she actually was relieved to know she didn’t have to leave. Devyn was already too attached to Justin, and it would have broken her heart to leave him. She went to the classroom.

  Justin was reading the French book.

  He’d been doing quite well, and she was proud of his progress.

  With a sigh, he closed the book and grinned at her. “It’s getting interesting.”

  “Of course, it is. Come on, we’ve got to go and help the gardeners.”

  He pointed to his chest. “I put on the oldest clothes I could find. I think we’ll get really dirty.” Justin’s eyes sparkled.

  “I bet we will.” She ran a hand over his hair. She wanted to stick around, so she could spend more time with him, but eventually she would have to let him go. After what happened with his dad, it wasn’t fair for her to remain here. If they ever got into a deeper relationship and Justin found out, he would get upset that the whole dynamic had changed. Naturally, it would be hard for any boy to accept a woman in his single dad’s life.

  They went out in the garden. It was a lovely day, and a nice breeze blew in. The gardeners were already working hard. Justin began to dig the soil, just as they’d showed him. They helped him identify the plants they were putting in around the edge of the garden. Soon, he was knee deep in dirt and having a great time.

  Devyn helped a little but mostly, she felt content to sit on the side and watch them. She pointed out various shrubs and gave him some information on weeds and plants that she’d garnered from the internet the day before.

  A while later, Keran strolled out. He stood a little distance away from them and watched their activity.

  Devyn was acutely aware when he came closer but she didn’t turn around to look at him. The scent of him reached her and she inhaled deeply.

  “Having fun, son?”

  Justin’s eyes were as radiant as the sun. “Yes, dad. You should join us.”

  “No, I’m good. Thanks.” Keran stood still for a while and continued to observe his son.

  With an effort of will, Devyn didn’t look back.

  Finally, he left and she breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn’t
easy to be in close proximity to him and maintain her composure, but she was determined to be as calm as possible. When it was time to go back in, she went with Justin to his room and made sure he took a shower. After he changed clothes, they had their lunch and then went upstairs to study mathematics and science. Since he was an enthusiastic, active learner, she’d been having fun devising various activities for him.

  The day went by quickly. Keran kept his distance and so did she. At dinner, they saw each other, but Justin was there and that helped them both. The next day was the same, and so was the day after. Finally, it came time for him to leave for Switzerland. Devyn felt a little relieved he was going away for a few days. Whenever she looked at him, images popped through her mind; his hands on her, his demanding lips on her, and the way he’d almost consumed her. She longed to make love to him. Every cell in her body craved it, but of course, she couldn’t indulge herself. Much as she loved Justin, she couldn’t imagine spending months or years cooped up in the house with Keran. At some point, she would break and the results of that wouldn’t be good.

  When he returned from his trip, she intended to tell him she couldn’t stay. The thought of leaving Justin made her miserable, but if Keran allowed it, then she would keep in touch with the boy, and maybe sometimes she could come back for a visit. Of course, it would be up to Keran. He could forbid her to have any contact with his son and in that case, she would have to keep her distance. However, she knew it would be best for her sanity if she left. Something about Keran pulled at her and drew her into the web which he cast, without having any intention of doing so.

  Justin was standing in the foyer when she went downstairs the next morning. “Dad is leaving.”

  Her heart skipped a beat. Finally, a few days when she could relax and then soon, she would have to go. “I know, honey. I hope you’re not upset.”

  The little boy shook his head. “You’re here.” He grabbed her hand. “Dad has never left me with someone before. He always takes me or else he cancels his trip. This is the first time he’s going without me.”

  It gladdened her heart to know Keran trusted her so much, but she also felt sad she would have to disappoint him with her decision. For Justin, she could think about staying, but if she did, they would end up hurting him. That she didn’t want to do that. When Keran came down carrying his laptop bag, the sight of him froze her. He was so goddamned handsome…a raw, sexual appeal that was impossible to ignore. She would sorely miss his presence in the house, but at the same time, it would be a relief not to constantly tiptoe around him.

  “I’ll see you guys soon.” He hugged his son, and she saw the conflicting emotions on his face. He seemed reluctant to leave the boy.

  So, once again, she was acutely aware of the respect and responsibility he gave her. It couldn’t be easy for him to leave his only child in the care of someone he knew only for a few weeks, but she felt honored he thought she was up to the task.

  “Bye, Devyn.”

  “Take care and have a safe flight,” she said.

  He opened his mouth as if to say something else, but then turned his attention to his son. “You be good now, Justin. Remember your manners.”

  “Don’t worry, dad. I’ll be real good.”

  He kissed his son on the forehead. “That’s my boy. I love you.”

  “And I love you too.”

  Keran gazed at Devyn. “Take good care of him and of yourself too. I’ll call when I reach Zurich.”

  She nodded.

  He strolled out.

  They followed him and stood a few feet away from the waiting limousine.

  Keran waved to them as the car drove off. The electronic gate closed behind him.

  Hand in hand, Devyn and Justin returned to the house. Now, they were on their own, and she had definite plans about what she wanted to do.

  Chapter Seven

  During Keran’s absence, Devyn spent a lot of time with Justin and they worked on various topics in the classroom. After that, she also made the arrangements she’d started. Soon, she would be doing interviews and would have to start work somewhere else. While she felt it was the best decision, there were pangs in her heart at the thought of not seeing Justin and Keran again; but that couldn’t be helped.

  On the day of the concert, she got Justin ready.

  He moved about incessantly, unable to stay still. “I should take my camera,” he said. “Maybe we can go backstage and get our pictures taken.”

  A little amused by his exhilaration, she fixed the lapel of his jacket. “Do you know someone who can take you backstage?”

  “Dad said someone would contact us. He called some people and got it arranged,” the boy replied.

  Of course, Keran could make such arrangements for his son. He was devoted to the boy and that would make this all easier. Devyn checked her reflection in the mirror. She’d chosen to wear an indigo blue, ripped destructed skinny jeans and a Persian red wrap-front, hi-lo top. It’s too bad Keran isn’t around to see how good I look. Damn it! Where did that thought pop up? Devyn shook her head and then walked downstairs with Justin.

  They left the house in the car. The bodyguard who accompanied them this time was Simon. Although the bodyguards kept their distance, she found them friendly enough and not as menacing as she first assumed. About an hour later, they arrived at the concert. The parking lot outside the hall was already full.

  “We’re late,” Justin said looking worried.

  “No, we’re not,” she assured him.

  Their seats were right in front and they settled down minutes before the concert started. Devyn wasn’t impressed with the noise and the songs, but she could see Justin was having the time of his life. She cast a glance at Simon who sat next to Justin. There were two more bodyguards outside the hall but they arrived in a separate car. It couldn’t be easy for the boy to be always surrounded by such people but Keran seemed to think it was necessary.

  It was fun to be with Justin. She snapped pictures from her smart phone and he also clicked on his digital camera a number of times. Finally, he handed over the camera to her for safekeeping. The noise became deafening, and the crowd was pumped up. Music blared out from the big speakers and she wished she could go outside and take a break, but she simply couldn’t leave Justin alone.

  When the concert finished, it was really late. They remained seated as the crowd filtered out.

  A man walked over. He wore a pass on his shirt. Tall and broad, he looked like a bouncer. “Is Mr. Justin Underwood here?”

  “I’m Justin.”

  “Please, come with us, sir. We’ve made arrangements for you to go backstage and meet the band.”

  Justin’s eyes widened like saucers. “Wow! Super cool, isn’t it, Devyn?”

  “Yes, it.” She clasped his hand in hers as they walked.

  Simon followed right behind them. At the entry of the backstage area, the man stopped Simon. “I’m afraid we don’t have permission for you, sir. Only one person is allowed with the boy.”

  Simon looked a bit flustered. “I have to go with him.”

  Devyn faced the bemused bodyguard. “Why don’t you take him inside? I’ll wait right outside. When you’re done, you come back here and we’ll go to the car.”

  “I want you to go with me, Devyn,” Justin insisted.

  “But honey, it would be better if Simon went with you.”

  Justin stuck out his lips in a pout. “No. You.”

  She glanced at Simon.

  He didn’t look happy. This was against the usual protocol. Simon was always supposed to be with Justin, but they were merely going backstage and not out somewhere.

  “I’ll take him in then. It won’t take long.”

  “Can’t we both go in?” Simon asked.

  “No, sir, I’m sorry but we’ve got strict rules regarding safety. We can’t allow unauthorized personnel inside.”

  Simon glanced at the boy who looked pretty stubborn.

  She could see the struggle on his fa

  He didn’t want to upset the boy but at the same time, he didn’t want to take any chances. “Okay, fine. But don't take long.”

  “We won’t,” Devyn assured him. They entered with the man who ushered them into a long, narrow corridor. “This place is like a maze,” she told him.

  He didn’t reply as he rushed them along.

  A faint prickle of unease tingled up her spine. She gripped Justin’s hand even tighter.

  Am I being paranoid?

  There was nothing wrong here. They would go in, snap a few pictures, chat a bit, and then they’ll be gone. What could possibly happen? They walked on and on. Just as she was about to ask how long it would take, the door next to them burst open and out came three, burly men. She barely registered the fact that they all wore black ski masks on their faces before one of them punctured her arm with a needle while another did the same to Justin.

  “What are you doing?” she screamed, but that was the last thing she said before she fell to the floor. Her head collided with the hard tile and she felt the hot burn of pain, but her attention remained focused on her charge. Her hand still gripped Justin but someone picked him up and tugged him away, separating them.

  The boy didn’t even protest because he was already unconscious.

  Devyn tried to scream. She wanted to crawl behind them to take him back, but her limbs refused to cooperate. As she struggled to keep her eyes open, she saw them rush away with the boy. Her heartbeat accelerated and a wave of dizziness washed over her.

  What the hell was going on?

  That was her last thought before she passed out

  When she regained consciousness, she was in an ambulance. “Where is Justin? Where is he?”

  “Easy miss, you were hurt by the fall,” a soothing voice said.

  She glanced at the medic. “The boy? Justin? He was with me.”

  “There was no one with you.”

  Some men took Justin. She bit her lip as tears cascaded down her cheeks. She’d failed so miserably at her task. All she had to do was keep him safe, but she couldn’t even do that. Where is he now? Why was he taken? And what would Keran do when he found out his only child was taken away by unknown assailants?


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