The Hidden (Kelderan Runic Warriors Book 5)

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The Hidden (Kelderan Runic Warriors Book 5) Page 5

by Jessie Donovan

  But then Thorin placed his cock at her entrance and she forgot about everything but the way he stretched her inch by inch.

  Once he was finally to the hilt, Vala was on the verge of panting.

  It was almost as if his cock was warming up inside her and growing even thicker.

  Maybe it would scare some, but Vala loved it and craved more.

  She reached out and dug her nails into his arms. "No holding back, remember?"

  Thorin's eyes went from glowing to a near blaze. Pinning her arms over her head, he lowered his lips until they were a few inches from hers and then moved his hips. He was thicker, warmer, and somehow managed to stroke every secret spot inside her with his movements.

  Digging in her nails deeper, she moaned out, "Faster."

  With a growl, Thorin complied, increasing the force of his thrusts, their bed moving in a dangerous fashion.

  Not that Vala cared. Damn, her entire body was strung tight, on the verge of orgasm despite the fact he wasn't playing with her nipples, which was how Kelderan females came.

  Then he growled, thrust one last time, and her world exploded, her vision filling with pure brightness and temporarily blinding her as wave after wave of pleasure swept through her every cell. It was so close to pain, but oh so good.

  As Thorin's glowing body dimmed, her vision started to return. Despite her sudden exhaustion, she put it together. "I couldn't see because of you."

  He stroked the hair off her damp forehead. "I can't explain it, but it was somehow like my entire life and purpose depended on this moment. Then the room went as bright as a star."

  She lifted a hand to his cheek and lightly played with his jaw. "I know you hate it when I say it, but you're so beautiful when you glow, Thorin."

  He grunted, but not before she saw a small smile. As if to distract her, he kissed her. Thorin took his time exploring her mouth as if it were the first time. When he finally pulled away, she asked, "Maybe we can try that again?"

  "My insatiable bride." He kissed her gently. "I would love nothing more, but there's a problem."

  Vala raised an eyebrow. "Are you getting older and need some time to rest?"

  He narrowed his eyes. "I'm not old."

  She laughed. "Of course not. But unless you tell me the reason, then I'll have to go with you not having the same stamina as a few weeks ago."

  One of his hands strayed to her breast and lightly tweaked her nipple through the fabric. "I'm debating whether to tell you the truth, as it's nearly as bad."

  Her need to tease vanished. "What's wrong?"

  He kissed the corner of her mouth. "Don't worry, zyla. It's not that bad. I'm just, er, stuck."


  "As in, my cock swelled and I can't pull out."

  "So I was right! I thought you'd grown in size."

  He drawled, "While I'm glad you're not horrified, it could be a problem if it doesn't shrink a little."

  She grinned. "You have an erection-deflating list, remember? What was the first one again? Oh, that's right—thinking about the death birds on Jasvar, the ones that can pick your bones clean in a matter of minutes."

  He sighed. "We may have made a child tonight and that's what you want me to think about on this occasion?"

  The need to tease had fully returned. "Well, it'll make an interesting story."

  "We're not telling anyone about this, except for maybe the doctor."

  She took his face between her hands. "It's probably another thing related to the Brevkan. Maybe you can ask some of the others about it."

  Thorin turned his head to nip her fingers. "Right now, I only want to think of you, zyla. I didn't take care of you first, as I always do. I'm sorry."

  "Don't apologize. I've never orgasmed so hard in my life. You're quite the lover, Thorin Jarrell. I may have to share that information with some of my female friends."

  "I don't want to know what you females talk about," he muttered.

  She giggled. "No, I don't think you do."

  His gaze zeroed in on hers again. "Now I'm curious."

  "Try to top this time, and maybe I'll share."

  Thorin tentatively moved his hips, and she felt him leave her body.

  Before she could say a word, Thorin was up and disappeared into the bathroom. He quickly reappeared naked, carrying a wet cloth. He remained silent as he sat down and cleaned between her thighs.

  Since a Kelderan male usually only did something similar after claiming a virgin bride for the first time, it made her eyes water a little. She couldn't imagine a more thoughtful and caring male if she tried.

  Once he finished, he tossed the cloth away and positioned himself between her thighs. "Unless you've changed your mind, I'm out to prove I can top even myself."

  "You're not going to suddenly have a second penis spring out and keep me pinned in place with their combined girth, are you?"

  Humor danced in his eyes. "I have no idea, love. Let's find out."

  And while Thorin solidly had only one penis for the rest of the evening, he did make her scream and moan louder each time he claimed her, and Vala had no complaints.

  Chapter Seven

  Thorin tried his best to make his face a little less scary, as Cellig kept putting it. Since smiling always made the blasted male laugh, Thorin avoided that and went with something he'd learned from Vala—what she called the "Barren expression of placid existence."

  Of course, placid wasn't a word most people used to describe Thorin. However, it'd been the best option so far, one that didn't make Cellig lose his breath from laughter.

  Cellig finally nodded. "Maybe the female will at least open the door now."

  He grunted. "Then let's get on with it. This is the last person we're visiting today and I'm anxious to get home."

  Not that he would bring up his reason to Cellig, even if Cellig's bride probably knew why Thorin was eager to go home.

  Today he and Vala would find out if they'd successfully conceived or not.

  Cellig motioned forward with one hand. They walked down the last bit of the hallway, toward the apartment that should contain Yelka, an older female who was half-Brevkan. If their information was correct, then she would've been born during the early days of the Brevkan war back on Keldera.

  The fact she'd made it to nearly fifty and wasn't insane was a good sign. On top of that, only healthy adults had been granted permission to join the Kelderan colony on Jasvar, meaning the female hadn't suffered any strange ailments in all those years, either. Or at least none that had resulted in permanent injury.

  They stopped in front of the correct door. Since Cellig was the more affable out of them, he always handled the majority of the talking when they met other part Brevkan individuals for the first time. That suited Thorin just fine since it meant he could watch them closely for ticks or signs of fear, nervousness, or even deceit.

  While he was starting to believe a mixed parentage often produced stable, somewhat normal individuals, Thorin would always have a healthy dose of skepticism. It was how he'd survived so long with his secret, and he needed to keep it up to protect his family going forward.

  Cellig glanced at Thorin's face one last time before knocking. The door soon opened to reveal a female with light blue skin and black hair mixed with a few strands of white. She glanced between them. "I wondered when you'd get round to visiting me."

  Cellig didn't bat an eye. "Everyone said you kept an ear to the ground, and I see they were right."

  The female who had to be Yelka shrugged. "Haven't we all? Otherwise, none of us would be standing here right now."

  Thorin rather liked the female's directness. Sensing she wouldn't balk at his approach, Thorin jumped in. "Then let's not waste time. Ask any questions you wish, although it may be more prudent to do it either inside your apartment or inside one of the shared meeting spaces we've reserved, to avoid any accidental eavesdroppers."

  Yelka studied him a second before replying, "I'll come, but only if my daughter comes with me,

  Interesting. No one they'd talked to had mentioned Yelka having a daughter. However, seeing yet another generation with possibly diluted Brevkan heritage—if she were Yelka's biological child—would be the most relevant to Thorin and his bride.

  Cellig nodded. "Of course she can accompany you. We'll wait here while you fetch her."

  Yelka disappeared into her apartment and reappeared shortly with another female in her twenties. She had the magenta skin tone Kelderans had, but not Brevkans—Brevkans were usually yellow, blue, or a deeper shade of red.

  Yelka waved toward her daughter. "This is my daughter, Orlain. I see questions burning in your eyes but hold your tongue until we're inside the meeting room. Which one is it?"

  Cellig gave the location and the older female walked right past them without another word. Thorin almost snorted at her antics, but kept his reaction in check.

  He suspected the human female leader, Taryn, would approve of Yelka's ways.

  Only once the daughter followed her mother did he and Cellig bring up the rear. And despite Cellig's sometimes annoying faults of teasing and joking, the male knew when to keep quiet. It was one of the reasons Thorin kept working with the male to uncover the hidden Brevkans inside the Kelderan colony.

  Since the meeting room was on the same level as Yelka's apartment, they reached it quickly and all settled inside. Once they all sat around a table, Yelka raised her brows. "Well? What questions do you have?"

  Yelka's daughter sighed but didn't say anything.

  Thorin motioned for Cellig to start and the male cleared his throat. "I'm sure you've heard the rumors about how we're locating and trying to talk with each and every part Brevkan individual inside the Kelderan colony. As was hinted by some of the Barren who cared for many of us as children, there are quite a few of us here on Jasvar. They pulled strings and called in favors to give so many of us the chance of a better life. In return, Thorin and I are trying to connect all of us so that we can learn from one another, as well as support each other, if needed."

  Yelka huffed. "Yes, yes, I've heard that already. But while it sounds grand, it also sounds risky. One negative report or misdeed and we could all be sent back to Keldera. And while things are different here inside the colony, that's not the case back on Keldera. Unless you have some sort of proof we are safe, then I have no wish to talk with you."

  Maybe some people would beg, or perhaps use fancy words to try to sway Yelka to their side. However, Thorin didn't operate that way. Retrieving a specially preserved laminated document from the bag he carried, he placed it on the table. "This is a signed guarantee by both the human leader of Jasvar and the king of Keldera that no one will be removed from this planet as long as they wish to remain. Of course, it doesn't mean we can commit crimes and go unpunished. But any such event will be tried and sentenced here as well."

  Yelka pulled the precious sheet closer to her and read it slowly. It was her daughter who finally spoke again. "This is beyond anything you could've expected, Mother. I think they're sincere."

  The older female huffed. "Maybe I've coddled you too much over the years, Orlain. Politicians and royalty notoriously break their promises, as has happened many times in the past."

  Thorin spoke before Cellig could. "I understand your skepticism—we all have it to some degree. However, living in secluded fear has only made it that much harder for us over the years. If we don't try to change things, they'll remain the same forever. And I don't know about you, but I don't want that status quo for any child of mine. Don't you want to make a better future for your daughter?"

  The older woman clicked her tongue. "That's right, you've married the Barren who can now conceive. And if you're curious, the change is permanent. The same thing happened to me."

  Thorin frowned and glanced to her forehead, which didn't have the legally required tattoo for all Barren females on Keldera.

  Yelka continued, "And no, I wasn't with the Barren. My mother raised me in secret, in a remote part of the world, and I found out the change happened in my early twenties quite by accident."

  Thorin opened his mouth, but Yelka's daughter spoke first. "What my mother isn't telling you is that she was kidnapped by a group of Brevkan warriors toward the very end of the war."

  Even without Orlain finishing the story, Thorin knew what had come next—rape. Probably repeatedly.

  And Yelka had barely been an adult at the time.

  Under the table, he clenched his fingers into a fist. He may be part Brevkan, but he would never stop hating the bastards for ruining so many lives during the war.

  And if it came to another battle with them, Thorin wouldn't hesitate to sign up and fight.

  Yelka finally spoke up. "I can see the burning hatred in your eyes, but they aren't worth your time, lad. A Kelderan squad killed them, about three months after I was taken. The Kelderans were kind and took me to a base camp to recover since the closest hospital was too far away. I kept planning my escape, hoping to achieve it before they discovered I couldn't have children. But then as pregnancy symptoms set in, and a doctor confirmed it, my true identity was kept a secret from there on out."

  Thorin didn't want to upset the female, but there was something he had to ask. "Was there a red band around your leg at first?"

  "Yes," Yelka stated. "And it faded over time."

  Which all but confirmed that what had happened to Vala was the same.

  Thorin jumped in before Cellig could say anything. "I know you're skeptical about what we do. And even if you don't wish to come forth or talk with a group, will you at least talk with my bride? She had the same red band and went through the same changes. She's always curious and would probably find a way to communicate with you anyway."

  Yelka snorted. "But this way you can keep track of her?" He grunted, but he couldn't say anything before she spoke again. "I have no trouble talking with your bride, especially given everything she's been trying to do for the Barren and the females in general inside the colony. All I ask is for you not to pressure me about joining your movement. Maybe with time I'll feel comfortable, but I'm not there yet."

  Her daughter said softly, "What about me? Are there any others who are three-quarters Brevkan, like I am?"

  So, Orlain was Yelka's biological daughter, with a Brevkan father. Thorin had assumed as much, but now he knew for certain.

  He shared a glance with Cellig and nodded. The other male responded calmly, "We haven't found any other three-quarters Brevkan children yet. However, there are some close to your age who are half Brevkan, if that will help?"

  Orlain bobbed her head. "I'd like that. Then we can both find out what we have in common, or what's different."

  As the female kept her gaze downward and drew circles on the table, Thorin wondered if it was a coping mechanism to tame her rage visions or if she was merely afraid to be anything else, in case her Brevkan heritage showed its true colors.

  He had no bloody idea how a three-quarters individual would act.

  Not that he would assume anything bad about Orlain without supporting facts. No doubt the female had already had a tough life, and maybe she needed friendship and acceptance to blossom into her true self.

  He resisted a frown at that thought. Yes, Vala had definitely rubbed off on him.

  Cellig handed a small card to Orlain. "This has both of our addresses inside the colony, as well as information about the meetings. Feel free to visit us anytime."

  Orlain took the card. "Thank you. When's the next meeting?"

  Yelka harrumphed. "Are you sure you want to do this, sweet? Once you out yourself, there's no turning back. And once word spreads about how you're more Brevkan than Kelderan, it may not end well for you."

  The younger female turned her body toward her mother. "I love you, Mother, but I can't keep hiding away. I want to live life before I'm too old to do so."

  While he didn't know much about the fancy of females, he suspected Orlain wanted the chance to have fun and maybe even fall in

  Of course, he couldn't push away the small voice inside his head that sounded a lot like Vala, saying maybe there was something more she wanted to do with her life than get married.

  Thank goodness they could remain on Jasvar indefinitely. Neither he nor Vala would do well if forced back into the constrained rules of society on Keldera.

  Since the two females continued to smile at each other, he cleared his throat. "Unless there is anything else you wish to know, we should go. My bride is waiting for me."

  Yelka met his gaze once more. "Tell her that I'll stop by to visit tomorrow."

  He blinked. "Tomorrow?"

  The older woman replied, "Yes, tomorrow. I don't like putting things off. I'll come by in the morning, so let her know."

  Yelka hadn't asked but instructed. He resisted a frown. "I will ask her first."

  She waved a hand. "She has no classes or lessons then, so she'll say yes."

  "How do you—"

  Yelka cut him off. "I know just about everything that happens inside the colony. And if I'm right, you're anxious to get back to your bride for some news."

  He wanted to demand how she knew that, but resisted. Thorin felt Cellig's eyes on him—he was one of the few who knew he and Vala would find out the pregnancy test results today, thanks to Vala becoming fast friends with his bride—but ignored the other male. "Maybe you should consider working for the colony's security branch. They could use someone as resourceful as you."

  Yelka grinned. "I just might. But for now, shoo. Don't keep your bride waiting. And remember, I'll see her in the morning, although not too early. I'll give you some privacy."

  In nearly three decades, Thorin couldn't remember a time he'd had to fight a blush. But right then and there, he wasn't sure if his cheeks had darkened or not. For crying out loud, the female was insinuating that he and Vala would be having sex all night and into the morning.

  Cellig laughed. "I hope you do keep in touch, Yelka. Anyone who can unsettle Thorin is someone I admire."

  He punched Cellig's bicep before standing. "We'll be going now." He moved his gaze to the daughter. "I hope to see you at the next meeting, Orlain."


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