Wild Prince (Takhini Shifters Book 4)

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Wild Prince (Takhini Shifters Book 4) Page 5

by Vivian Arend

  Except…he didn’t want there to be an escape clause, because he was growing to like her. Except he didn’t want to want her until he figured out how to soften the blow that he was about to shove her back into that spotlight-bullshit-snootery again—

  Man, he was so fucked.

  “What’s your fate that’s worse than death?” she asked again.

  “Don’t want to talk about it.”

  The words came out with more heat than he’d intended, and she looked hurt. Damn it if Cole didn’t want to pick her up and wrap her in a million layers of protection so that no one, especially not him, could ever put that expression on her face again.

  He reached out and touched her arm gently in a silent apology. “I don’t want to talk about it because it’s complicated, and it makes me frustrated,” he offered.

  As if he’d shared all the secrets of the universe, Dani’s expression flowered. Soft and kind as she patted his hand on her arm.

  And when she got up, brushing past him, she ghosted her lips over the top of his head, and he felt as if he were a king. A completely confused and throne-less king who had nothing but trouble ahead of him.

  Yay, king.

  Dani was going hunting.

  As the morning had slipped into afternoon and the storm outside had thickened, a new source of entertainment had become her obsession. A new game to play, the only game on her mind.

  Torment the wolf.

  She’d enjoyed their little chat time far more than she’d expected, although he was most certainly keeping secrets from her. Which—duh. Of course he was. She was keeping plenty from him, as well.

  But time was running out on the extension Charlene had given her. Michele must have returned to headquarters, so Dani was on her own. If she wanted to finally get hold of her sister, she needed a new plan.

  Access to her goal: one wolf.

  Besides, it was going to be fun. Fun was always a bonus.

  “Let’s make a deal,” Dani proposed.

  Cole glared. He’d just come in from outside and was covered with a fine layer of ice crystals.

  She waggled her brows as she slipped beside him and ran a finger along his arm. “Hmm, do that again. You looking all stern and dominant makes chills run up and down my spine.”

  The wolf sputtered on air, turning his gasp into a cough as he attempted to keep up the illusion he was in control. “Don’t touch me, and what kind of a deal?”

  Dani turned the chair around and straddled it, resting her arms on the low back. The position made her breasts settle on her forearms, showing off the curves she was pretty proud of.

  Hey, she might be small in size everywhere else, but she had great boobs. “I’m not sure why you’re being this way. Am I that unattractive?”

  He opened his mouth to speak, but before any words came out she leaned forward, pressing her arms against her body. Which accidentally, definitely by chance, levered her already ample bosom up and plumped it like a prime roast turkey ready for devouring on Thanksgiving evening.

  Cole’s jaw swung open for an instant before he hauled it back into place, his gaze dropping involuntarily to slip over her curves as he sat in the other chair. Then he militantly forced his attention back to her face. “You’re a very attractive female. I don’t need to tell you that.”

  “But of course you do. Holy cow, what women have you been hanging around with?” Dani demanded. “Because I don’t know any chicks who don’t like to be told they’re good-looking. I mean, some don’t want to be told you’re one step away from jumping their bones, but me? I’m on the end of the spectrum that enjoys that kind of information.” She batted her lashes in what she hoped was a seductive manner.

  Damn having book knowledge and nothing else.

  His eyes seemed a trifle more bloodshot than they’d been even a second ago, his grip on the table firm and going nowhere fast, unless he accidentally crumbled the wood to toothpicks. “I meant I’m pretty sure you’ve been told you’re attractive. You don’t need my opinion on the matter.”

  He swallowed. The only visible concession she was getting to him.

  “Of course I do. Because, you know…” Dani rose from her chair and stepped closer to him, drifting a finger along his broad forearm. “All those other men, they’re not here right now. And you are.”

  He swallowed again, his entire body shaking.

  “Yup. It’s just you and little old me. It’s going to get really cold out, Mr. Mouse. I’d appreciate it if you’d—” she waggled her brows suggestively as she spoke “—keep me warm tonight.”

  A muscle in Cole’s cheek twitched. “There’s a woodstove.”

  “There is,” she agreed, “but the temperature is supposed to go way down. Nearly minus forty.” She was back in front of him now, leaning on the table as she wrapped her arms around her torso and gave an exaggerated shiver. Boobs back in prime position. “Brrrrrr.”

  She twirled toward him, letting herself fall so he had to catch her or let her drop to the floor. He was too much of the gentlemen to let that happen—

  Which meant she ended up lying across his lap staring at him. His dark face set like carved stone.

  She wiggled until she could nuzzle him, curving a hand around his neck. She took a deep breath before relaxing completely. “I’m getting sleepy. Aren’t you?”

  His jaw was iron. “No.”

  She was tempted to lick his neck. It was right there, licking distance away.

  With amazing restraint, she held back. “Here’s the deal. I’ll come with you peacefully to Chicken, and we can solve all the troublesome mysteries you’ve been stewing about all day.”

  His entire body tightened under her. “Good.”

  He made a movement as if he were about to stand when she let her tongue rasp over his stubble. “Tomorrow.”

  His resulting quiver went from head to toe, his arms around her gripping tightly. “Dani,” he warned.

  “It’s late,” she protested. “And cold.”

  “We’re shifters. Cold means nothing.”

  She turned her snort into a huff.

  “I’m delicate.” Dani wiggled in his lap, fighting to keep a smile from escaping as her hip rubbed his very apparent erection. “That’s my deal. I won’t run away. I’ll be very, very good…tomorrow. If you try to take me back tonight, I will vanish into the snowstorm and we’ll start this whole rigmarole all over again.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  “I’m a ghost bear. White bear in a snowstorm? That’s all I’m going to say, dude.”

  He growled. “Fine. Have it your way.”

  But there was a hint of amusement in his tone.

  Dani debated for a long time, nearly three seconds, before wrapping her hands around his neck and trapping him in place. “Well, then. I’m going to bed. Good night.”

  He’d thought he was off the hook. She saw relief and frustration in his eyes the split second before she pulled their mouths together.

  His grip on her hips tightened as if he intended to peel them apart, but Dani was more than determined. Whatever his issue was, he liked her plenty. A kiss—what’s so bad about a kiss? She wanted one, and she was pretty sure he wanted one too.

  Time to get them both a treat.

  She licked over the seam of his lips, humming as his taste skittered into her system. That first shot was glorious. Strong, masculine. Wild and wicked.

  Very, very wicked. She’d thought he’d resist her advances, but an instant after she’d made contact, he took control. His lips on hers caught fire as he consumed her greedily. Nothing held back, Cole pulled her body tight to his, the firm grip keeping her exactly where he wanted her. He nipped at her lower lip, and a sting rushed her system. Her nipples snapped to attention, and she threaded her fingers in the hair at the back of his head as he tangled their tongues.

  Breathless, consumed by need, what had started as a curiosity was now an urgent fire. Her core ached, and she wanted to strip him and ride him like her own pe
rsonal pony. The first ride of many that night, and the first in a long chain of sweaty, body-sating, pleasure-filled months and years.

  Whoa. That was weird.

  Cole scrabbled at her, fingers catching her hair and pulling as he jerked them apart. He gasped, huge sucks of air, and Dani wondered if this was what they meant by “drowning in someone’s eyes” because she was holding her breath and going over her head in a damn hurry.

  Cole lifted her as if she was a feather, carrying her toward the bed, and for one agonizingly beautiful moment she thought he was going to lay her out on the bed and take her like a captured damsel.

  Yes, yes, oh, pretty please, yes.

  He dropped her from two feet up, stepping back before she even stopped bouncing. “Get under the covers. We leave at seven in the morning whether you’ve had your beauty sleep or not.”

  Dani shot upright, slightly dazed from the change in plans. The intimate plans she’d been feverishly plotting that finally involved lots and lots of sex. “Wait. You promised to keep me warm.”

  He tilted a brow upward. “I did. I’ll be over here, keeping the fire stoked all night long. You’ll be snug as a bug in a rug.”

  Huh. Dani collapsed back on the pillows, tugging the quilt over herself and wondering how she’d slipped up that badly. Tomorrow they’d head into Chicken, and she’d achieve her mission and get to see her sister again for the first time in forever. Why did that great accomplishment seem to have faded into something grey and flat in light of her current lonely-shifter-in-the-bed situation?

  Cold sheets wrapped around her instead of hot wolf. It was a poor substitute, and the first chance she had to get even?

  She was taking it. Damn him, anyway.


  He brought her in the back door of the store. Probably didn’t want her to see the new lock system his brother had installed after she’d warned him about the faulty system.

  “Nice place you’ve got,” Dani told him sincerely. Teasing him let her not focus on the butterflies dancing in her stomach at the thought of meeting her sister again in mere minutes.

  “Don’t touch anything,” he snapped.

  “I like the range of stock in the shop.” She slid a finger over the nearest sales rack as she ignored his command.

  Cole pointed at the chair beside a wide table where a bunch of maps were laid out as if someone had been planning a trip route. “Sit, and don’t move. I need to make a few calls.”

  Stubborn man. She batted her lashes at him. “Of course, Pookie.”

  He stumbled for a second before tossing her a dirty glance, phone already held to his ear, the maps gathered and tossed on a shelf against the wall. “Caden. I got her.”

  Soft swearing carried to her ears, but Dani pretty much ignored their conversation. The entire trip into town, a soft blur of excitement had raced through her. Today, finally, she’d get her answers.

  After nearly eight years, would her sister be completely different from the childhood memories Dani had? Dani had changed—stood to reason her sister had, as well. But she’d recognize her, right?

  Uncertainty made her belly quiver.

  A few minutes later the door opened. Dani braced herself, letting out a disappointed sigh when a strange woman walked in. She was accompanied by an oversized man who somehow managed to disappear into the shadows, and another dark-haired man who looked a lot like Cole. Except for the scowling.

  Cole’s scowl was sweeter.

  The scowl-y man tipped his head toward Cole. “I’ll wait outside for the others, and then I need to head home.”

  He was gone before anyone answered, which made Dani suspect that he was family. Only family could say so much in so few words.

  The tiny blonde eyed her and Cole, amusement on her face as she walked forward.

  “Nice trophy,” she said to Cole.

  Dani’s spine stiffened. She was no one’s trophy.

  But Cole’s growl of anger got out first. “Can it, Nadia. You don’t want to poke me right now.”

  Nadia flicked a finger over her lips, making a rude buzzing noise.

  Cole stifled a growl.

  Dani, on the other hand, wanted to get up and stomp on the chick’s feet. No little furball was allowed to be rude to her wolf…

  Oh my. Her wolf?

  Huh. That emotional response was…unexpected, but she supposed it made sense. After their little cabin in the wilderness alone time, it was logical she’d feel some sense of responsibility toward the wolf.

  He’d curled his fingers possessively around her wrist, leaning his body toward her, and putting himself between Dani and the newcomer.

  Dani took note of the wolf’s protective positioning, then noticed Nadia noticing. It was too perfect to resist.

  Dani grinned. Gloated, really. There might have been a bit of sticking out her tongue in the lynx’s direction.

  Nadia raised a brow, but she stepped back, shoulders to the wall just outside the door. “Oh, girlfriend, you’re going to have some explaining to do down the road. But for now, be careful. There’s a very protective grizzly on his way over. Don’t mess with him.”

  “Me?” Dani asked innocently. “I’m just an innocent tourist.”

  The blonde shifter snorted, but before she could respond with what Dani assumed would be a smart remark, the door opened again.

  Dani’s world pivoted. This was the moment.

  The massive bear who walked in first was obviously the grizzly she’d been warned about. Cole’s fingers tightened slightly, not to hurt her, but as if he was preparing at the first sign of trouble to pull her to safety behind him. Ready to guard her with his body.

  The next to enter the room, though— Dark haired, petite. Fine features. Danielle’s reflection, only slightly older and more world-worn. The woman took one look at Dani, dropped her grip on the bear and rushed forward, her arms flung open in greeting. “Danielle?”

  Dani was on her feet, then in her sister’s arms. She allowed herself one quick hug, before pushing back, gaze dancing over Amanda’s face. “Oh, Mandy. It is you.”

  And then, knock her over with a feather, tears came out of nowhere.

  Dani clutched her sister, vaguely aware that her wolf and her sister’s bear were hovering behind them. Like two overgrown guard dogs, they were uncertain what they were allowed to do at this particular moment in time, but neither was willing to back down.

  The grizzly spoke, deep and taunting. “Took you long enough.”

  “There were complications,” Cole snapped.

  Mandy gave her a hard squeeze and they separated.

  Dani wiped her eyes dry, suddenly embarrassed at her lack of control. Damn it, Cole was going to use this as another chance to think of her as nothing more than a baby.

  She gave Mandy’s fingers a tug, mind racing as to what they needed to discuss.

  The blonde by the door cleared her throat, waiting until all eyes turned her way before snarking at them. “You mustn’t think much of me with the way you’re hovering over those women,” she complained. “Sit down, all of you. The sooner we figure out this mess, the better.”

  Mandy pulled her into the chair Cole had been sitting in, settling in the chair beside her. Their fingers were still tangled together.

  Her long-lost sister. It was pretty heady stuff. Not heady enough to make her ignore the layout of the room or the fact Cole was now inches behind her, his hands on the back of her chair. Mandy’s big grizzly slid into protective position behind her.

  “So she really does know you?” Cole asked.

  Her sister caressed Dani’s cheek, nodding. “Although I didn’t recognize you for a moment. You’ve changed.”

  “Grown up.”

  Mandy twisted in her chair to offer the bear behind her a brilliant smile. “Danielle is my middle sister. I haven’t seen her or Susanna since I moved away.”

  The big beast’s face was like granite. “But who was with her? Why did she chase us with the snowmobiles? And what was sh
e doing in your apartment?”

  Dani avoided flinching. Yeah, there were a few things she’d rather not talk about.

  Following her sister was supposed to have been an easy task. Charlene was going to give up on her before Dani had even had her first real mission if it got out how incompetent they’d truly been.

  Still, it didn’t hurt to answer part of the question.

  “Trying to get information. We heard rumors, but no one would tell us anything for sure, so I figured I had to find out for myself.” She looked the big bear up and down. He seemed too nice to be the bad guy, but the bad guy had fooled them all in the beginning. “I wanted to know that she was free of the controlling bastard who’d taken her from us.”

  “I am,” Mandy assured her. “Everything has changed, and it’s all going to be okay. Justin’s boss is the new head of the bear clans, and he’s making changes. Good changes.”

  Huh. Dani eyed the bear. He was eyeing her, as if she were a bug.

  Fah. Enough. She shrugged then ignored Justin and focused on Mandy. “We’ll see. But now that I found you, I want you to come home with me.”


  The response came instantly from the grizzly, which was weird.

  But weirder still was the fact Cole had also shouted a determined denial of her suggestion.

  Oh, hell, no. Dani pushed back her chair. So did Mandy. The two of them, as if rehearsed, folded their arms over their chests and glared at their unwelcome commenters.

  “No?” Mandy asked in shock.

  For the first time the big bear looked less than certain. Face twisting as he struggled to find an answer that didn’t overstep a ton of boundaries. “Not until we find out more,” he insisted.

  “She’s my sister.” Mandy’s voice rang clear.

  “Which means you trust her,” Justin shot back. “Which is exactly what someone with more nefarious purposes like your ex would do. They’d think nothing of using your sister to get at you.”

  A wolfish growl escaped Cole, his lips pulled back to show teeth. “Are you saying Danielle’s bait in a trap?”

  The wolf’s hackles were up. The bear motioned for him to relax. “I’m saying we don’t do anything without thinking this through.”


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