Ancient Aliens: Marradians and Anunnaki: Volume Two: Extraterrestrial Gods, Religions, and Mystical Practices

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Ancient Aliens: Marradians and Anunnaki: Volume Two: Extraterrestrial Gods, Religions, and Mystical Practices Page 9

by Ilil Arbel

  Day 1

  Day 2

  Day 3

  Day 4













  We will now add the number we have calculated. (-2) + (-1) + 0 + 1 = (-2)

  We continue our calculations by using the number we have achieved, -2, as a filler in the grid below, in three rows under the basic days row on top. Then, we will calculate the values of the columns the way we have done in the previous grid.

  Day 1

  Day 2

  Day 3

  Day 4













  We will add these numbers: (-5) + (-4) + (-3) + (-2) = -14

  We will combine the individual numbers comprising the number fourteen by adding them: 1+ 4 = 5

  We will add these two numbers. (-14) + 5 = -9

  Return to the first grid, displaying the calendar of the week. Starting on the second row, count the squares, going from right to left, nine times. You will reach Day 3. This establishes that your lucky hour will occur on Friday, the third day of the Anunnaki week.

  To establish the hour, go back to Grid 4, and look at the row that expresses Day 3. Add the numbers: 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 6

  Calculate: (-9) - (+6) = -3

  To establish the hour within the 24 hours in each day, calculate: 24 – 3 = 21.

  21 is 9 P.M.

  Therefore, Suzan’s luckiest hour of the week occurs at nine o’clock in the evening of each Friday.

  Tekhelet: The Mystical and Protective Color of the Sky

  What does the word mean?

  The usual translation for the ancient Hebrew word Tekhelet is sky blue, azure blue, or cerulean blue, but the true meaning of the word is “the color of the sky.” The sky is thought of as blue, but in reality is has many colors. Do you love the deep blue of mid-day? The touch of gold that is added in the afternoon? The mix of blue, lavender, and pink of the sunset? The night sky, deep blue and full of stars? All of these represent Tekhelet. The one that speaks to you would be the one best suited for comfort and protection.

  The long history of Tekhelet

  The origin of the interest in Tekhelet goes back to the Anunnaki. Blue is a highly significant color for them, representing their love of the natural universe, and the color of the sky and the sea which are the same in Nibiru as they are on Earth. The word itself is derived from an Anunnaki word, Takiltu, which was absorbed into the Akkadian language. The reverence for blue is not shared by the Marradians, who have other color preferences more suitable to their lifestyle and beliefs.

  The color’s history goes very deeply into the past. In the Bible, God chose it for the ancient Israelites. Blue is often mentioned in the Bible as God’s color – for example, the throne He sits on, and the pavement under His feet are made of sapphire. So every man was ordered to attach a string of Tekhelet, called the Tzitzit, to the corner of his garment as a constant reminder of the relationship between God and His servants. Interestingly, the Jews still have these strings on the prayer shawls. And since these days we have women rabbis, some of them choose to wear the prayer shawl – and so no one can say that it is only a gift for men! Later on in the Bible, there is a description of Solomon’s Temple. Both priests’ robes and drapes were made from fabric dyed Tekhelet. The Israelites favored jewelry made of sapphire which comes in many shades of blue.

  In Christianity, blue represents heaven, eternity, and truth. In Christian art, the Virgin Mary almost always wears a blue mantle, and in divine appearances, she invariably had at least some blue in her attire, such as a sash or trim, even when the mantle was white or gold.

  In Buddhism light blue stones such as turquoise are often used as protection, and the “Blue Buddha,” who is the Buddha of Medicine, is associated with the deep color of lapis lazuli. This stone has been very highly valued for centuries in India, Tibet, and Nepal.

  The source of the blue dye

  Fierce debate rages concerning the ancient source of the dye. The Bible say it was derived from Hilazon. But what is a Hilazon? For centuries, scholars thought it was a tiny sea creature, whose Latin name is Murex trunculus, also known as Hexaplex trunculus. It was abundant in ancient Phoenicia, today’s modern Lebanon. Other scholars objected, since could how it be used in the holy Tempe while sea creatures were considered unclean by the ancient Israelites? These researchers claimed that the source of the dye was the plant called Indigo. The inhabitants of Mesopotamia, thousands of years ago, had the same view of the importance of Tekhelet, and a very similar word to describe it. They said the color was obtained by grinding the precious stone, lapis lazuli.

  Well, all these sources produce many forms of blue – sky blue, purple, navy blue, royal blue, violet, and everything in between can be achieved by either, and by many other natural sources. The lapis lazuli jewelry that the Mesopotamians wore included stones of intensely deep blue with touches of gold, which looked just like the night sky, and light blue stones that looked like the sea or the sky.

  How can you use Tekhelet as protection?

  There are many ways you can incorporate Tekhelet in your life. Here are some examples.

  You can create a peaceful bedroom decorated primarily in blue; many simple and beautiful ideas can be adapted from seaside cottages.

  You can raise blue-flowering plants in your garden, or if you live in the city, on your window sill.

  The simplest way to protect yourself is wearing a piece of jewelry made from a Tekhelet stone, and it does not have to be an expensive gem. A piece of sea glass is just as effective as a sapphire and much more reasonably priced; just make sure it is not made of plastic, which does not carry the right vibrations. Lab created stones are fine – as long as they are made by a good company who uses the scientific procedure to create the identical product to a gem. However, synthetics stones, such as cubic zirconia, are not. Stick to simple but authentic stones.

  Another very effective way is creating a small home shrine. It should not be ostentatious, should never be the red lacquer and shiny wood type. Use rustic wood, Zen garden-like trays, and greenery. The colors should be subdued except for the Tekhelet that can be anything you like!

  If you travel often, you might want to create a tiny, portable shrine, such as the sweet little shrines in repurposed Altoids tins. It would be a great comfort in a hotel room.

  One last option is a small polished mineral pebble or sea glass. Put it in a tiny amulet bag and hang it around your neck. You can look at it or touch it whenever you like, on a plane, in a café, or at a break from work.

  All these options, large of small, will offer protection and an excellent focus for meditation and reflection.

  Finding Your Power Stone

  Many people have an interest in crystals, minerals, rocks and stones and collect them for many reasons – science, beauty, and often, for their power to heal and protect. Our knowledge and understanding of the power of stones is not as advanced as that of the Marradians, and especially the Anunnaki.

  The Marradians are interested mostly in gem stones and beautiful crystals, but the Anunnaki’s science has proven that some of the more common stones may be the most powerful. They know how to find the power stones that fit their purposes, and the interesting thing is that they claim that the most appropriate stones for each person is the stones common to the place where the person lives. If we try to understand the way these stones work, we may discover many new opportunities to enhance our lives.

  If you have a particular desire to move to a different part of the country, try to If obtain a piece of stone that lines the area you wish to move to. Meditate on it, concentrating on your wish
to move to that place. It is entirely possible that you would suddenly be alerted to the opportunity to do exactly that.

  Most people on our planet, who are interested in the power of crystals, minerals, rocks and stones are familiar with only a limited selection of gems and minerals. The situation is unfortunate because certain rocks and minerals that you walk on every day pack the kind of energy that can change your world. There is much research to be done, but since I live in Manhattan in New York City, I naturally decided to start the research with one of the stones that line the area I live in.

  One of these marvelous stones is Mica (Manhattan) Schist. As the name implies, it is one of the five bedrock layers that comprise the geologic foundation of New York City. The breakdown is more or less like this:

  Fordham gneiss – primarily in the Bronx;

  Manhattan schist – Lower and northern Manhattan

  The Hartland Formation – central Manhattan, the Bronx, Brooklyn, and Queens

  Staten Island Serpentinite – in Staten Island

  Inwood marble – Manhattan and under the Hudson River, Harlem River, and East River

  Schist is extremely durable; without its strength, the majestic skyline of the city’s skyscrapers could never exist. Nor could the subways be so reliably built. And if you try to imagine its age, it will take your breath away. 450 million years ago, the continents were still connected into the supercontinent Pangea. It rested on landmasses called tectonic plates. These plates “swim” on the earth’s molten core, and they move and shift, creating tremendous energy that causes volcanic eruption and earthquakes.

  Scientists describe a violent collision that had happened between the location that is now the East Coast of North America and the floor of the Atlantic Ocean. This dramatic event pushed a layer of shale, which is a rock comprised of clay and sand, deep into the molten core. The heat cooked the shale into a blend of minerals, including quartz, feldspar, and mica, among others, and the combination resulted in schist. After another incomprehensible length of time, more continental shifts pushed the schist up into the surface. Once above ground, Manhattan Schist is easy to recognize by its structure of layers and the mica flecks in it. They glisten in the sun so beautifully that you can easily mistake them for gold or silver.

  Think about it. The dramatic formation. 450 million years of energy. Thousands of years under the influence of the spirituality of the Native Americans. And then, it has become a part of the most exciting city in the world. What can be stronger than the vibrant, sleepless, wild energy of Manhattan? And how can it benefit you?

  It is incredibly powerful. The layered structure hint of the ability to peel off any stagnant energy and allows you to work your way through the chakras. It is unmatched for attunements, past lives investigation, and dream work. And if you have any trouble meditating, holding it in your hand usually overcomes any blocks. But most of all, It transmits high-frequency energy, and amplifies is as needed. As you bond with it, it will gradually open up to you and release the kind of energy that is typical of its place of origin – Manhattan. You may expect an enhancement of self-esteem, higher level of professional productivity and leadership, creativity, and a desire to succeed and grow in whatever career you pursue. These qualities may increase your earning power as well.

  And it will never run out of energy. Not after accumulating it for over 450 million years!

  In future segments, I will try and find more about other Manhattan stones, probably starting with Inwood Marble, which is abundant in that area.

  Create a Meditation Cairn

  Continuing our previous discussion, which dealt with finding your power stone, I would like to discuss building a cairn. Few objects could be more spiritually powerful than a cairn. While many see cairns as an expression of Zen, the truth is that they existed in many parts of the world, and belong to diverse cultures; you can see ancient examples of them in Australia, the U.K., Africa, and South America as well as in Asia.

  A proper meditation cairn consists of a group of stacked stones, perfectly balanced without any adhesive. Size, shape, and color do not matter. You can place them in your garden, using relatively large stones, if that is what you wish, and visit them daily for your meditation session. Or you can use small pebbles and arranged them on your altar at home. Whatever you choose to do, the best practice is to place your cairn in a quiet corner where you will be the only one who would be using them. As you balance the stones, you also balance your energy.

  Meditating in front of the cairn is not an organized religious practice. This spiritual pursuit does not interfere with any faith. Looking at the balance cairn, and then closing your eyes and keeping the image in your mind is all that is needed. What you wish to achieve, manifest, or experience is entirely up to you.

  Something that is rarely discussed is location, and that is something that I have learned from the Anunnaki, much like the material I supplied regarding the Mica Schist. The Anunnaki believe that the most powerful stones for you are those from your own local. So I decided to experiment with my area, Manhattan, a borough of New York City. You may know that Manhattan is surrounded by the Hudson River, Harlem River, and East River. I imagined that enormous amount of energy would be released and available if I collected a pebble from each river. That was quite easy, and I found the three stones you see in this photograph. Of course, I picked them from areas which were not protected parks; you should always be careful with permissions.

  I rinsed the stones gently in water to cleanse them both physically and spiritually and dried them with a soft towel. Then I stacked them on the place I had prepared in advance. There are no specific requirements as to what the altar should look like as long as it is clean. Even a simple white napkin is fine. And then I left the new cairn alone until evening, which is the time I like to meditate after I finish my workday.

  I was in for a surprise. Usually, it takes me some time to get into the meditative state, particularly if I have had a busy day or had to struggle with some complex research material for my writing. I believe my mind is expressing resistance and does not allow itself to surrender. Not this time. I drifted into the field of energy given to me by my new cairn as if into a calm pool of water.

  It makes perfect sense. The stones embodied and reflected the immense energy of Manhattan, with its sturdy layers of incredibly durable stone billions of years old. And then the influence of the Native Americans, for thousands of years, followed by the vital culture of New York City, the most vibrant urban center in the world. Who can resist such power? But I am sure that no matter where you live, the power of your local rocks or pebbles will do the same wonders for you. Give some thought to your local geography, go hunting for some simple stones that speak to you, and stack your cairn. You will never regret it.

  Out of body experience (OBE)

  Out-of-Body (or OBE) experience, also known as astral travel, is an easy and safe technique.

  Understandably, many people fear leaving their body because they feel they may not be able to get back in. That is not so, because the spiritual body and physical body remain connected through an organ called The Silver Cord. You will be able to actually see the cord when you successfully leave your body and be reassured that there is nothing to fear.

  Other people fear the ridiculous idea of “possession” by evil spirits. This does not even merit an explanation – such nonsense does not exist.

  You already have OBEs during sleep. When we wake up we assume it was just a dream, but this is not so. Most of us do it every night.

  To do it consciously, you must stay awake during your attempt.

  You must be alone in your bedroom with the door locked. Interruptions will destroy the experiment.

  Wear comfortable clothes that do not bind anywhere.

  Lie down on the bed. Do not cross your legs or arms so as to avoid any cramping or numbing later.

  Close your eyes, and completely relax. When you are completely relaxed and very comfortable, start visualizing a
spiritual body, which looks just like you, gently gathering above or around your body, slowly rising and disengaging itself from the physical body.

  Don’t hurry. Allow yourself to feel the spiritual body swaying gently. With your eyes still closed, visualize a silver cord connecting the physical body and the spiritual one.

  At this moment, you may feel a jerk that might startle you. You have probably been often awakened just as you fell asleep by the same type of jerk (which is really caused by a too abrupt separation of the two bodies). Just relax again and continue.

  When the swaying becomes noticeable, you have achieved your goal. This is really all there is to it! It is a sign that your spiritual body is now floating rather high over your body.

  Slowly, gently, open your eyes, and don’t be alarmed if you find yourself close to the ceiling and looking down on your physical body which is, of course, still resting on the bed. You will see your silver cord connecting the two.

  Now – you can do whatever you like, float anywhere, inside and outside your home. You can go through walls and ceiling, you can hop to a city, a country, a continent of your choice. Some successful OBEs can even take you to other planets. But please don’t rush into these experiences. Like every kind of education, patience and practice would be advisable.

  Is It Possible, Or Even Desirable, To Create A Golem?

  When we hear the word “golem,” we tend to think about the medieval Jewish folklore’s image of a man-like creature who is created from mud and is given life by someone who can perform miracles. But there is much, much more to a golem than such a simple definition, and most important, the story may not be entirely a fantasy.


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