Emerald (The Silvia Saga Book 1)

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Emerald (The Silvia Saga Book 1) Page 11

by Jenna Lee

  “Shit, watch yourself, Princess.” I hear Blair’s soothing voice. I open my eyes and see him sitting on the bed leaning over me and rubbing his forehead.

  “Sorry, I just had the weirdest dream. Didn’t realise anyone was in here with me.” He rubs my arm, which in turn has me laying back down, relaxing from his soothing touch. Blair has that effect on me, just by a touch he calms me down.

  “I know, I heard your screams and yelling from my room, so I ran in here to check on you. You were dead asleep. I will go and get the guys, so you can tell us all what happened in your dream. We will meet you downstairs. Have a shower and clear your head before you meet us.”

  All I can do is nod in agreement. As my dream is still replaying over and over in my head. Could it be real? Like a premonition? It felt so real in my dream, just like the one I used to have of the guys in the forest, and that ended up becoming true. I sit here wondering if this will play out the same way.

  I shake my head and go to get out of bed. The moment I move my whole body tenses. Fuck that hurts. I had completely forgotten about the training session yesterday. My body is so sore. Every single muscle in my body screams out in pain.

  I am going to kill Oliver when I see him. If I can even make it down the stairs to find him. I stumble over to my bathroom and turn on the shower. After removing my clothes, I look in the mirror. I look like a wreck, bags under my eyes and my hair is all over the place. As I turn around to step into the shower, I catch a glimpse of my tattoo in the mirror.

  Holy shit. Its glowing! The first vine is a bright fluorescent green. What the hell is going on? First, I have a dream of finding what I believe is the first stone, now my back is lit up with the same green. Could my life get any more fucked up right now? I can’t look at my back anymore, so I turn around and step into the shower. All the while gritting my teeth from the pain. Every time I move, every muscle screams in pain.

  After my long-arse shower, I get changed into some comfy shorts and a t-shirt, and go in search of the guys. I find them downstairs all sitting around the table in a heated discussion, even Jolie is there. I smile because I need her here. She is a part of my Warriors, and she brings me peace and calm, which is what I need right now. They stop talking as they see me approaching.

  Jolie gets up and comes over embracing me in a hug. I finch as her hands come into contact with my back. She immediately removes her arms. “Shit Dar, your back is on fire. Are you okay? What is going on?”

  I don’t waste any time as I get straight into every detail of my dream. They all sit there listening to everything I say. Once I finish, I turn around with my back facing them and lift my top to show them my tattoo.

  I hear gasps and Jolie lets out a loud, “Fuck.” I smirk to myself at her reaction, as its exactly what I would say. I pull my top back down and turn around to face them all.

  Harlan is the first to snap out of the zombie-like reactions. He stands up and goes straight into warrior mode. For once, I am actually grateful for his bossy actions.

  “Alright first things first, you will need to step-up your training to every hour of every day. We need to go in search of the stone quicker than I anticipated. Dara, you will have to work extra hard to make sure you are trained in every aspect possible. I need you to be ready for anything and everything. Okay?” he asks, like I have a fucking choice.

  I stand there like a statue and nod my head in response. “Okay now, Oliver you will need to get in contact with Elijah and keep him updated on our process. We need him to report on the King and his Slayers’ movements.” As soon as Harlan mentioned this Elijah guy’s name, I notice Jolie’s face go a dark shade of pink.

  Ooh interesting, I will have to suss her out on that one. It seems that Jolie has a thing for this Elijah guy. I was definitely getting the details about that. I catch her eye and mentally tell her exactly that. She shakes her head as if to say, ‘back off Dara, I am not telling you shit’. I let it go for now, but mark my words, I will be getting all the details out of her sooner or later.

  For now, I need to work with the guys and step up my training, so we can go in search of the stone. I needed to get my hands on that stone.

  Ever since my dream, I needed that stone in my hands. I felt incomplete without it, as if I wasn’t whole. That in some fucked up way, once I had that stone it would bring some of myself back. Once I retrieved all three stones I would be invincible. I was determined to complete my destiny, and once and for all feel complete.

  “Alright, is this meeting over with? Let’s get this shit moving.” I say, walking away to the torture chamber with a new-found confidence to find that stone and be reconnected with what is mine.

  Even I, myself, am shocked at my desire to go back into the torture chamber. I had to do it as the first step. I hear the guys’ chairs scrape against the floor, before their footsteps follow me down the stairs. I head straight over to the shooting practice room and pick up some of the huge-arse knives.

  I turn around as I hear the guys approaching. “Okay, so it seems that you have picked out your training, Dara. Declan will teach you the correct way to master the knives. Then it is on to bow and arrow training with Blair. Then you’re with me doing some combat. Are we clear?” Harlan demands.

  “Yes, but before we start I need to know something. In my dream I mentioned the panther. That looked exactly like Oliver, his eyes were identical. Am I correct? Was it you, Oliver? Was my dream real?” I question, looking Oliver dead in the eye. Hoping he won’t lie straight to my face.

  Oliver looks really uncomfortable and moves from one leg to another. I have never seen him look so nervous before.

  Harlan clears his throat and says. “It’s your turn Oliver. Tell her,” he demands. I turn my attention back to Oliver to see what he has to say.

  After standing there in complete silence for minutes. Oliver finally steps forward and grabs a hold of my hands and finally speaks up. “Yes Princess, it was me. You know how Harlan said we each have our own unique skills? Well, mine is that I am able to transform. I am a shapeshifter. I can shift into any animal I desire. Just by thinking it.”

  I let go of Oliver’s hand and take a step back. Just needing some space to process his confession. I am not surprised at all. I knew it was him once I looked into the panther’s eyes. But a shapeshifter? Wow, that was some cool shit right there.

  After giving myself some space, I turn back to the guys, “Alright, so my suspicion was correct. Now that’s cleared up. Anyone else want to speak up and tell me what your secret talent is? Honestly, I would rather know now before shit gets hectic,” I demand, needing to get my answers.

  They all nod their heads in agreement. Declan surprises me by stepping forward first. God this guy, full of surprises.

  “I can read people’s minds and manipulate them. Making them do whatever I say.”

  Holy shit, that’s some cool stuff.

  Blair is next to step forward. “I am our silversmith. I can create any weapon on thought. Anything we need, I create it just by thought and well, it’s there.”

  Sweet as fuck, that will definitely come in handy.

  Jolie is next. “I am our enchantress and spell master. Yes, you heard right. I am basically in simple terms a kick arse-witch, sorcerer, whatever you want to call it,” she smirks.

  That right there is the craziest, most-coolest of them all. A freaking witch? Holy shit. I don’t know whether to be scared or excited right now. Jolie smirked at my thoughts and gave me a little wink, as if to say she will be teaching me some cool-arse shit in the future.

  Last, but not least, Harlan finally steps forward. I thought for sure he would be the first to divulge his powers. “My power is strength. You could, I suppose, compare me to the Hulk. I can take down anything in my path. Together, we make the perfect defence against James.” Harlan confirms.

  But then why am I here? What can I contribute, if they have everything already? I question myself. Of course, everyone
hears it.

  Blair steps forward and pulls me in for a hug. “You my dear, are the final puzzle to our team. You have all of these powers. Plus, once you retrieve each stone, it will release a new power to you. We are unsure what that power will be, but it will help to defeat James. Don’t think that we are invincible with all of our skills combined together. Because we are not. James’s powers are slightly different to ours, but he still holds the strongest power. He’s an enchanter and can create the deadliest spells. He is as strong as your mother and father were, they just weren’t strong enough for him. Your mother and father were enchantresses and enchanters as well,” he explains.

  What Blair reveals to me has me holding back tears that threaten to fall. I will not show weakness in front of everyone. I have only ever cried a couple of times in my lifetime. I do not make a habit of it. I hate showing weakness to anyone. I just wish I’d had the chance to meet my parents again.

  Silvia, and everyone in it, just became a lot more complicated…if that was even possible.

  Chapter 20


  After my Warriors threw all of that shit on me, I went straight into training and tried to channel all my confusion and anger into it. I pick up one of the knives that are lined up along the wall, grabbing it a little too close to the sharp end instead of the handle.

  Declan comes up behind me, leaning in close. His body hard against my back and making me shiver in delight. He leans down and says, “First rule, don’t handle the knife that way. You will cut your hand off if you’re not careful. These knives are sharp.” He leans over me and readjusts the knife in my hand.

  Whoops! Good start.

  He grabs a knife for himself and walks up to the marked line on the ground. Positioning himself in front of the target.

  “First, I want you to watch me and pick up on how I do it. Make sure you look out for every little detail,” he instructs, as the knife flies out of his hand and hits the target. He didn’t even give me a second to take note of how he did it.

  I hold up my hand stopping him. “Whoa, slow down a second. You didn’t even finish your instructions and you released it. Give me notice next time, will ya?”

  Declan just shakes his head at me and lines himself back up. He stops and looks right at me waiting for my approval for him to go. I smirk at his actions. Good, he is listening. I nod my head in return, giving him the go ahead.

  I watch and take in everything he is doing. From his stance to the way he handles the knife in his hand. The way his eyes focus so hard on the target. He releases the knife and I watch how his legs and arms move with the release. It lands perfectly in the centre of the target. I notice his whole body is relaxed. The way he does it makes it look easy.

  So, cocky me speaks up. “That looks easy-peasy. Move aside and let me have a go.” I push him aside and position myself behind the line.

  I mimic his stance putting my legs in the same position. Once I am satisfied with my stance, I position the knife in my right hand, just the way he did. I breathe in and out a few times, relaxing my whole body. You got this, I keep repeating inside my head. I focus on the target ahead and take in my final clear, deep breath.

  I release the knife. It’s like slow motion from where I am standing. After it’s been airborne for what feels like minutes, it hits the target. I can’t believe my own eyes. I walk closer to the target in order to confirm if what I am seeing is correct.

  Much to my surprise, and by the sounds of it, Declan’s too. I have not only hit the target. But I have hit the centre point.

  “Holy shit, Dara. Did I just see that?” Oliver comes up to the target, pulling the knife out of the bull’s eye.

  Declan just stands there rooted to the spot. I guess I did pretty good then, I think to myself.

  “Yes, you did very fucking good, missy. I have never seen anyone do that on their first go. Very impressive,” Oliver confirms.

  This has me breaking out into a huge grin, proud of what I just did. Let’s hope I can pull it off again.

  Finally, Declan breaks his silence. Waiting has been killing me. I just want his approval that I did good. “Very good Dara, but you did put one foot over the marker. So, it would mean disqualification.” He shakes his head in disapproval.

  Is he for fucking real right now? I just did something incredibly impressive and he just shuts me down? Over some petty little foot over the line. By the looks of Declan’s flushed face, he heard everything I just thought. Good, I thought, serves him right. I was furious.

  “I am just trying to help you be the best you can be. One foot over the line is breaking the rules. So yes, you will need to improve that for next time. I know it’s petty, but out there in the real world it could cost you. One step wrong and it could end badly,” Declan confirms my theory, as he hands me another knife.

  I grab it, maybe a little too hard from his hands. Walking back to the marking point I set myself up. I was about to show Declan who was boss around here. I repeat the steps I did before and position myself back further, so that I don’t go over Declan’s precious little line. I take a step forward and release the knife. This time it flies though the air at record speed.

  Much to my own surprise, it yet again hits the target right in the centre. Hell yes! I do a little victory dance to show my excitement. I can’t believe I actually did it again. I was one bad-arse chick. I hear Oliver chuckling in the corner, watching my little outburst. I walk right up to Declan and yes, I stick out my tongue right up in his face. I swear I notice his lips turn upwards into a little smirk. But all too soon it was gone.

  He storms off to the target and pulls out my knife. “Again,” he says.

  I continue doing this for the next few hours. Every damn time hitting the centre of the target. I was so bloody proud of myself. I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this. It felt so easy, like second nature.

  “Alright sweetie, it’s my turn now,” Blair interrupts, dragging me away to the other room where other targets are set up.

  The bow and arrows are lined up on the opposite wall. Now, this would be interesting. I have never handled a bow and arrow before in my life. These ones look lethal. I hope my luck hadn’t run out. My knife throwing skills are pure luck. I hoped it would be the same with this. Something told me these wouldn’t be as easy.

  I walk up to the bow and arrows that line the wall. Touching each one as I walk along. As soon as my hand touches one that has a dark blue streak down its spine, my whole body reacts to it. A shiver travels from my toes to my fingers. I stop and point to it;

  “I want this one, Blair.” I say.

  “How did I know you would pick this one? This just happens to be my favourite.” He pulls it off the rack, handing it to me, my body responds instantly, telling me that I was going to have some fun with this one. I pull it out in front of me and inspect it.

  The grip is made with dark blue, plain fabric. The grip is strong as I hold onto it. The rest of the bow’s frame is black, with interesting etches from the base to the bottom. The etches are all kinds of symbols that I have no idea what they mean, but they look pretty bloody cool. The arrows that are in the black leather bag, are simply matte black in colour.

  The arrowhead on the end looks lethal. It’s not your normal arrowhead. Its black colour making it blend in with the rest of the arrow. The arrowhead is hooked and comes apart making two heads. Not only does it have one head, it has two, which makes me believe that if it hits its target it would ends its life instantly.

  The fletching is possibly the coolest thing I have ever seen. With feathers in all shades of blues. I get all giddy thinking about how cool it would be firing this beauty. Seeing the arrow wedged into the enemy. Oh, my god, did I really just think that? I was becoming an evil little vixen.

  I look up to see Oliver watching me intensely from the corner of the room. His eyes dilated, telling me he read my thoughts and is really turned on by them. Mental note: to turn Oliver on, think ab
out evil plotting.

  He clears his throat and runs his hand through his beautiful blonde locks. “Stop those evil thoughts, Dara. Before I show you who is boss.” Oliver tells me from his corner.

  Blair comes up, standing in front of me, blocking my view from Oliver. “Let’s get started shall we?” He grabs his bow and arrow, setting himself up on the marker line.

  Yet again, we have another stupid marker line. “Watch and learn, Princess.” Blair jokes.

  I take in his stance as I did with Declan. He looks so relaxed, as he pulls back on the string thing. He places his arrow on it and lines it up with the front. His elbow pulls back at an angle. Then, all too soon he releases. It flies through the air at a fast speed. It finds its target, hitting the centre. That was the hottest thing I have ever seen. The way Blair handled that bow and arrow has me all flustered. I hope I look that hot when it’s my turn.

  “I’m sure you will, my princess.” Blair says, smirking at me.

  Damn it. I need to keep my dirty thoughts in check. We have mind readers at every corner here, who don’t know the meaning of privacy.

  As I go past Oliver, who insists on watching, I punch him in his arm. His reaction is instant as he grabs me around my waist, throwing me up in the air. My bow and arrows fall from my arms and land on the ground. I don’t get a chance to care as I am airborne, while Oliver throws me up and down. He tickles me until I am nearly peeing my pants. Finally, he gives up and places me back down on the ground. I sway a little trying to gain my balance back.

  “If you don’t get that arrow in the bullseye, Princess, I will be tickling you to death. Mark my words,” he threatens.

  Oh shit, I better get my act together and make this arrow hit that centre.

  Lining myself up on the mark, I relax my stance, taking deep breaths in and out. Copying Blair’s moves, I am ready to release the arrow. I am slightly nervous, as I really want this to hit the bullseye. No way will I let Oliver torture me with those fingers of his.


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