Emerald (The Silvia Saga Book 1)

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Emerald (The Silvia Saga Book 1) Page 16

by Jenna Lee

  “I am going to look like a super human in my sweet get up. Thanks guys,” I exclaim, doing a little spin. They laugh at my antics.

  Together, we head out of the house. Anna grabs my hand, stopping me from going any further. I turn around to see her bawling her eyes out. She pulls me in for a tight motherly hug.

  “I am so proud of you, Dara. I know your mother and father would be proud too. You can do this as I have faith in you. You’re much stronger than you think. Do us proud, do Silvia proud. I love you, my dear,” Anna says, wiping away her tears.

  I pull her in for another hug. “Thank you for everything. I will do you proud. It’s time that James pays for what he has done. No one hurts my family. No one. I love you, you’re the closest thing I have to a mother. We will be back before you know it,” I admit to her, pulling away. I take one more look toward her.

  She whispers again, “Do us proud, my girl.” I walk out the door of my new home with my head held high, ready for what’s to come.

  I catch up with the guys and stay between them. I see the scouts out ahead, behind and out to the sides, just as Albert planned. This instantly has me at ease. Jolie comes up next to me, holding my hands between hers and giving them a tight squeeze as if to reassure me and that she will be right beside me throughout the whole journey. I look her up and down and notice we are dressed exactly the same. I smile at her, grateful that she is going to be there with me. I can’t do this without her. She knows how to calm me, and bring out my inner Zen, my inner magic.

  My new bow and arrows are slung across my back, and my new kick arse knife is attached to my belt. I feel ready - ready to kick some arse.

  We continue on the same track for the next few hours, stopping for a break here and there – such as water, eating, and of course taking care of business. We hadn’t run into any trouble, but I knew it would be coming soon. No way would it be this easy to get to the stone. I’m sure James has something planned, watching our every move. It’s just me and my warriors in a tight formation, keeping me safe and having my back. No matter what lies ahead.

  A commotion happens up ahead causing us to stop. The guys immediately act. Blair pulls me behind a tree, holding me close for protection. I dare a look around the tree to see what has happened. When I peek around I see a dozen of our men down with two dozen still standing. They are fighting creatures dressed all in white from head to toe. These must be the King’s Slayers. Not at all how I envisioned them to look.

  I need to do something, I can’t let our fighters down. As I start to run toward the action, Blair grabs my waist, stopping me from moving any further. What the hell?

  “Blair, you better let go of me right now, or else. I need to stop these Slayers before they do any more damage,” gritting my teeth as I say the words.

  “Princess, I am sorry, but you have more important things to do. We have to retrieve the Emerald before they do. That is your focus. Let our guys help with the Slayers. Please, trust me.”

  I nod in agreement, as I trust Blair more than I trust myself. I know he has our best interests at heart. He’s correct. We needed to find the stone and that is our priority right now.

  He pulls me in the opposite direction, going toward where the others were last seen. We run as fast as we possibly can and as quietly as we can, trying not to draw attention to ourselves. The last thing we needed is one or more Slayers coming for us. Just as I think that that, three pop out from our left. I jinxed myself, good one. The Slayers lift their bow and arrows, getting ready to fire at us. In record time I have mine in my hands and I fire the bow, bringing two of the Slayers down. Holy shit, that was awesome. Instinct took over and fuck, it feels good. I feel like I could take on the world.

  Blair finishes off the third one. We don’t waste any time as we continue down the track. It surprises me that I feel no guilt bringing the Slayers down. I should feel awful, but I didn’t. It is us or them, and I will protect us first. Always.

  Harlan steps out from behind a tree and grabs my shoulders. “Okay Dara, now it’s your time to shine. You need to go with Jolie and Oliver. Jolie will help you find the Emerald with your inner magic. Oliver will be there as back up, in case anything goes wrong. The rest of us will be behind you, making sure no one gets in your way. You can do this Dara, we all believe in you,” he says, while motioning to all of my warriors.

  I look at each of them and when my gaze finds Oliver, I do double take. He has transformed into the black panther that was in my dreams. I spend a moment getting lost in his crystal blue eyes. He winks back at me. I smirk -that’s so my Oliver. He is still as cheeky as ever, even in his panther form.

  “Alright, let’s do this,” I say, with every ounce of confidence I can muster. They nod in return. We don’t need to say our goodbyes as I know I will see them again shortly. I can’t get all emotional right now. I need to be confident and strong.

  Jolie, Oliver and I go out in front. We walk a short distance before we stop. Jolie grabs my arm and takes my hands in hers.

  “Dara, you will need to be on the ball. You will need to do exactly what we practiced. Embrace your inner Zen and call to your magic. Have it ready on your fingertips. It will lead the way to the Emerald. Can you do that for me, sweetie?” I nod, confirming that I can do this. That I must do this. It’s the first step to defeating my evil uncle.

  As we walk along the track, I focus on my happy place, calling it forth. Once I am in my zone, I dig deeper within, heading into my magic sphere. I pull out the blue smoke that still takes my breath away. Once I have it, I keep it within touch. We continue through the forest. Oliver on full panther watch. His gaze going left and right every second. I feel safe knowing he is there with me. Jolie is in her own world, bringing forth her magic. Her eyes are in the back of her head, just the white remains.

  Looking at her I wonder if I must look like that when I bring forth my magic. Suddenly, my body takes control and leads us to the right. This is seriously happening just like my dream. My body continues leading us. It knows where the stone is and it’s not stopping for anyone or anything.

  Jolie and Oliver figure it out quickly, that my body and magic have taken charge. They follow my lead, scanning every corner, as if waiting for something to pop out. Almost on cue, two Slayers come charging out to our left. I don’t waste any time pulling out my knife, throwing it straight at one of the Slayers. It hits true to the mark and he drops dead. As I run past his crumpled body, I pull out my knife and continue on. I turn and see as Oliver rips the other Slayers head right off. Sick.

  I abruptly stop. I’m at a ledge with a drop-off. As I anticipated, my body hangs over the ledge. Grabbing on to the wall with all the life I have, I make sure this vision doesn’t change from the original and I drop to my death. My body makes its way down the rocky cliff. My eyes automatically shut and when they open my arms are replaced by fur. Looking up, I see Jolie finishing off her magic chant, and start to make her own way. That’s when it hits me. She made my arms become like a fucking gorilla. She is the culprit. I just didn’t know that when I was dreaming it.

  Half way down as expected, I stop and drop into the cave entrance. I walk further into the spooky cave. The walls and the ground are made up of weathering rock, deep orange. As I make my way in my body transforms back to its normal self. Thank, fucking, God.

  The further I walk into the cave my body gets lighter and a sense of calm takes over. It is like nothing I have ever experienced before. I feel the presence of Jolie and Oliver beside me. I abruptly take a sharp right and stop in my tracks. Right ahead of me is a huge maze that leads to a shining green light in the distance, rising to meet the top of the cave. As soon as my eyes make contact with the green light, my body shivers and my tattoo burns searing hot on my back. I know the green light at the far side of the maze is the Emerald. My body recognises the Emerald as if it knows it is meant for me. This is a long-lost part that needs to be reconnected. The feeling is totally different than it was in
my dreams. Right here feels so much more real, like a part of my soul is calling to the stone. It is made exactly for me and no one else. The Emerald is mine and when something is mine, I won’t let anyone else have it.

  Continuing forward, I notice that I am once again in charge of my own body. It feels good to be in charge again, but the frightening thing is not knowing what lies ahead. I turn left and right making sure that Jolie and Oliver are still there beside me, which they are. Oliver has shed the panther fur and he transforms into a godforsaken huge-arse tiger. I grip onto his fur to make sure he is actually real. The deep growl that comes from him tells me he is definitely very real. In the moment, I hate to admit it, but that sound turns me on. Focus, I tell myself. Concentrating back on the task at hand. I could think about those dirty thoughts later.

  We start walking into the maze, following its sharp corners with lots of twists and turns. Finally, we make it to the end. When we turn the corner, I stop abruptly at what I see in front of me.

  The face of an evil man whose frown and deep black eyes could send anyone running. I try to, but seeing the unconscious form he is holding has me stopping in my tracks. My heart beats a million miles an hour.

  No! No! No! Not my sweet Blair.

  Chapter 28


  My heart is beating so hard it threatens to burst out of my chest. No! Please be okay, Blair. You have to be okay. Please. How the hell did he get to Blair? Blair is supposed to be with Harlan and Declan. They won’t have let him go. Something bad must have happened to make Blair a prisoner. I feel the presence of Harlan and Declan behind me, along with Oliver and Jolie. I don’t dare look behind me, not wanting to take my eyes away from the scene ahead.

  Looking up into those deep dark eyes, I instantly know they belong to my evil uncle, James. His eyes light up at the sight of me, which has me shitting myself on the inside. Anyone in this man’s presence would instantly walk, no run, in the opposite direction. He has that evil sorcerer vibe about him. I call to my inner strength and put on a tough act to stand my ground. I am trying to act like he doesn’t scare me, and I hope my tough exterior looks believable. Deep inside I was a complete mess. I was about to break.

  “Well, well, well. Finally, we meet again, my niece. To be honest, I expected you to look more powerful. Maybe your parents put all their eggs into the wrong basket,” he snickers with an evil laugh.

  I grit my teeth and look at Blair, again hoping to get a sign of life out of him. He doesn’t move an inch. “Please be okay, Blair” I repeat silently, “I can’t cope without you.” I hope he hears my thoughts. I clear my throat and turn to my uncle like I don’t have a care in the world.

  “What do you want, James? You had better make sure that Blair is safe, or you will not be standing once I am finished with you,” I grit out.

  The snicker that comes from his lips has me shivering. I keep up my tough façade, hoping that I will fool him. I am lying if I said he didn’t scare the shit out of me. But now it was time to put on my tough girl panties and prove that I could beat him.

  “Cheeky as ever, Dara. If your parents were around to see you now, they would be disappointed in you. Without your Warriors surrounding you, you’re nothing. I could squash you within seconds. I am here of course, to claim what is mine. The Emerald will be mine and no one will stand in my way. Am I clear?” he yells.

  As he continues to talk, my Warriors form a battle line behind me with an army of 200 soldiers. James’s words try to bring me down, but there is that little voice inside my head telling me I am better than him. The Emerald stone is mine. It is meant for me. My father fought and made sure that I would find it. The stone is made especially for me and me alone. My parents would be proud of me right now, standing up for what is rightfully mine. If James puts one finger on what is mine, I will kill him. Mark my words, no one touched what was mine. I look toward Blair and my heart breaks.

  James notices my worry. “He is gone, Dara. You will never see him again. Let that be a warning if you try to mess with me. You will pay with those that you love. Take him away,” he tells his Slayers, who disappear into thin air with Blair in their hands.

  “Noooooooo!” I scream running toward James. A hard force hits me, and I fly landing 100 metres away. Oh, hell no. I get right back up, and bring my inner Zen to life, forcing my blue magic out. No one fucks with me, or those I love. I am out for vengeance and there is one person who was going to pay for that. I have my eyes set on James as I run full strength toward him. He turns and begins to run toward the green light. The light of the Emerald. My Emerald.

  I feel the blue fog coming alight in my hands. I imagine it going toward James as it leaves my hands in a big rush. I put everything I have into it, hoping it will bring him down. Once it releases from my hands, a massive full body shiver runs through me. In seconds, the energy lands on James’s back and stopping him in his tracks. I take this opportunity to pass him as I run toward the green light.

  Three Slayers step in my way. I don’t even think as I release my power from my right hand, bringing one Slayer down, and at the same time, I release a knife from my left hand into the second, landing in his heart. Two down, one more to go.

  Before I get the chance to bring him down, he collapses to the ground clutching his head. I don’t have time to look around to see who did it, but I intuitively know Jolie is at the centre of his pain.

  Turning the final corner, I stop in my tracks as the green light shoots up into the sky. It radiates from the most beautiful emerald stone I have ever seen. I am speechless. I have a thing for crystals and stones, and this one is breathtaking. I feel it’s energy pulling me toward it toward. The stone is wedged between two massive rocks, jade green sticks out in the centre of the chasm, glowing brightly. My body is calling to the stone. I snap out of my trance and focus back on my mission, retrieving that beautiful stone that’s made especially for me, from between the rocks.

  I jump toward the Emerald, but my foot is captured, causing me to fall face first to the ground. I try to loosen the hand attached to my leg, but it’s too strong. I look up to see James’s lifeless black eyes staring straight through me.

  “Give up, Dara! Even if you retrieve the Emerald you won’t be able to defeat me. I am invincible! Nothing will ever be able to bring me down. Silvia is mine and everyone will bow down to me. You are nothing and have nothing,” he grits out, still latched onto my foot.

  I look him straight in the eye. “You’re wrong, I have everything that I could ever want. I have people who love me and who I love in return. The sad thing is you will never know how that feels, to be loved. You will die a lonely old man with no one there who cares,” I tell him, with a smirk on my face.

  I instantly know that I have hit a nerve with him because he loosens his hold on my foot and his eyes show the tiniest bit of emotion. I don’t waste any time as I quickly pull away and jump at the Emerald.

  “It’s not over, Dara! It will never be,” I hear James yell behind me.

  Everything around me blurs, as I finally make contact with my Emerald. I grab it with both hands and it disappears right into my palm. My whole-body shivers and I feel my body leave the ground. I am hovering in the air.

  I hear a voice boom from above. “Dara, my darling daughter. Emerald will bring you more than you will realise. It gives you the power to heal, and the power of insight. It will help you to become the best you can be. Embrace it and believe the insight that comes from within. Trust your Warriors. They will be with you throughout your journey. They are a part of your destiny. I love you, my girl. Make us proud.”

  I know straight away that it’s my father’s voice.

  I instantly fall back down to the earth. I take a deep breath and my back burns as if someone is tattooing it. What the hell is happening? As everything around me is blurred, I have no idea what is going on. Someone grabs my arm pulling me off the ground. I go with them as I have no energy to stop them or look up to see who
it is.

  I recognise Oliver’s voice as he says, “Don’t worry, Princess, everything will be okay. We will get out of here. Trust me.”

  Those are the last words I hear before everything goes black.


  It has been 5 days, 7 hours and 21 minutes since James took my sweet Blair away. I beg my Warriors every second of every day to go and rescue him. Their response is always the same. It’s not time, Dara. We can’t go until we have a solid plan. Would it ever be the right time? I am beginning to lose faith. I have been depressed since we returned. I mope around the house and train like a zombie, not knowing what is going on around me.

  Surprisingly, Harlan is in the exact same state. I have never seen him like this before. He is depressed, too. Never in my life would I expect to see Harlan so broken and lost. Gone was the tough leader, and my heart broke for him, and for every one of my Warriors.

  Oliver switched into a moody, grumpy Warrior. He is itching to try anything to get his twin back. My heart breaks even more every time I seen him. Gone is my fun, cheeky Oliver. In his place is a frustrated, annoying and depressed Oliver. I can’t cast blame as I was exactly the same.

  Declan is doing everything he can to make a solid plan to get Blair back. However, each time he brings it up, the group shuts him down. It isn’t time yet. James’s Slayers have everything ramped up. It would be a suicide mission until he lets his guard down.

  Our connection to Blair is gone, we can’t feel him at all. That’s what scares us all the most. The connection is the most important thing we have. It can help rescue him. I won’t ever forget the feeling when I woke up. I felt lost, the connection to him gone. Part of me was torn away. My Warriors felt it too, and it hits home the most. Not knowing what was happening to him. Was he alive? Was he dead? Or did James just remove the connection? We didn’t know and that is what kills us the most.


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