Big Chill, The, 264
intuitive, 220
reductionism and, 69–72
soul concept and, 224–27
biophilia, 405
birth order, 389–90
“Black Male” art exhibit, 217, 411
Black Panthers, 111, 301
Blank Slate, 11, 17
origin of term, 5
rise of, 16–17
see also specific topics
blind people, 94–96
Block, Ned, 11
Boas, Franz, 22, 25, 66–67, 207
Boehm, Christopher, 298
Bogart, Humphrey, 163
bonobos, 45
Borges, Jorge Luis, 59
Bork, Robert, 130
Born to Rebel (Sulloway), 381, 389
Boston Globe, 86, 309, 339, 360, 370, 382, 394–95
Botticelli, Sandro, 408
Bouchard, Thomas, 378, 381
Bourdieu, Pierre, 407–8, 413
bourgeoisie, 128, 152, 157, 158, 410, 416
bowerbirds, 407–8
Bowles, Samuel, 303
Boyd, Brian, 417
Braceras, Jennifer, 353
Braille, 94–96
brain, 21, 41–45, 74, 83–100, 423–24
anatomy of, 44
art and, 405, 412
cognitive neuroscience and, 41–45
complexity of, 197
corpus callosum severed in, 43
damage to, 42–45, 98–100, 265
development of, 83–100, 227, 386–87, 396–97
genetics and, 49, 90–94, 98
hemispheres of, 43, 99
inhibition and, 44
plasticity of, 44–45, 74, 83–100
sex differences in, 347
visual cortex of, 87–97
see also neural plasticity
“Brain Is Wider Than the Sky, The” (Dickinson), 423–24
Brain Storm (Dooling), 176
Brando, Marlon, 375
Brasília, 170
Brazelton, T. Berry, 386, 394
Brecht, Bertolt, 170
Breggin, Peter, 314
Breland, Keller, 20
Breland, Marian, 20
Brennan, William, 181
Britain, 16, 68, 71, 144, 296
Broca, Paul, 44
Brooks, Rodney, 61
Brown, Donald, 55, 57, 435–39
Brown, Roger, 205
Brownmiller, Susan, 361–62, 363–64, 365, 368
Bruer, Jon, 386–87
Bryan, William Jennings, 130
Buckley, William F., 130, 262
Buddha, 163
Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce, 319
Bukharin, Nikolai, 156
Burke, Edmund, 287, 289
Buruma, Ian, 280
Bush, George W., 12, 130, 274
Buss, David, 316
Butler, Judith, 415, 416
Byatt, A.S., 419
Calvin and Hobbes, 187
Cambodia, 152, 155, 158
Canada, 16, 311, 331, 333
cannibalism, 306–7, 320
capitalism, 161, 246–47, 290–91, 297, 302–4, 393
capital punishment, 181–82, 331
Carey, Susan, 222
Carnegie, Andrew, 16
Carroll, Joseph, 417
Cashdan, Elizabeth, 342
categorization, 201–7, 228–29
Centers for Disease Control, 312
cerebral palsy, 99
Cézanne, Paul, 409
Chagnon, Napoleon, 115–19, 314, 323, 334, 431
Chamberlain, Neville, 333
Chandigarh, 170
Cheers, 403
Chekhov, Anton, xi
child abuse, 164–65, 308–9
child development:
chance in, 396
family effects in, 249, 378–99
heritability of traits in, 373–78
childrearing, see parenting
chimpanzees, 45, 61–62, 89, 134, 143, 316, 367
China, 152, 155, 158, 246
Chinese Revolution, 11, 152, 155–58, 295
Chirot, Daniel, 170
Chomsky, Noam, 35, 36, 37–38, 55, 70, 71, 146–47, 246–47, 255, 300–301
Christian fundamentalism, 128–29
Chugani, Harry, 86
Chung, Connie, 375
Churchill, Winston, 296, 306, 333
Clark, Ramsey, 313
Clarke, Arthur C., 337
Claverie, Jean-Michel, 77
Clemenceau, Georges, 287
Clinton, Bill, 179, 211, 312, 353, 386
Clinton, Hillary, 179–80, 386, 394
cloning, 224, 225–26, 274
Club of Rome, 237
cognitive dissonance, 265, 294
cognitive psychology, 202–3
cognitive science, 31, 417, 418
Cohen, Dov, 327, 328
collectivization, 246
combinatorial thought, 36–37, 79–81, 236–39, 299, 335–36
Commentary, 130
communes, 246, 257–58
communism, see Marxism
communism, primitive, 255
compositionality, 36–37, 80, 236–39, 335–36
computation, 31–34
Computer Power and Human Reason (Weizenbaum), 105
classical, 19, 94, 413
operant, 19, 169
Condorcet, Marquis de, 288
Conflict of Visions, A (Sowell), 287
conflict resolution, 58, 168, 330–31, 332–36
conformity, 63–65, 271–72, 294
Confucius, 142, 193
connectionism, 21, 27–28, 35–36, 74–75, 78, 79–82, 100
Conquest, Robert, 170
Conquest of Granada, The (Dryden), 6
conservatism, 128–33, 283–305, 394
consilience, 30, 60, 68, 69–70
Consilience (Wilson), 108, 134
Constitution, U.S., 297–98
cooperation, 53, 242–43, 255–59
Coren, Stanley, 121
cortex, 84, 87–100
auditory, 95–97
prefrontal, 100
ventromedial, 100
visual, 87–97, 99
Cosmides, Leda, 134, 233, 342, 365
Council on Bioethics, 130
Cowen, Tyler, 403
creationism, 1–2, 128–30, 132–33
Crick, Francis, 30, 41, 88
crime, 47, 50–51, 261–63, 286, 292–93, 304, 306–7, 310–12, 315–17, 326, 328–29, 330–32
genetics and, 47, 50–51, 176, 178
peer groups and, 391–92
punishment and, 180–85, 263, 293, 330–32
see also rape; violence; psychopathy
Crime in America (Clark), 313
Crime of Imprisonment, The (Shaw), 181
Crime of Punishment, The (Menninger), 181
critical period, 387
critical theory, 198
Critique of Practical Reason (Kant), 193
Crittenden, Danielle, 339
Croce, Jim, 326
Cronin, Helena, 342
Cuban Missile Crisis, 334, 335
Cultural Revolution, 152
cultural studies, 198, 213–14
autonomy of, 23–24, 27
differences in, 68–69
emotions and, 38–39
epidemiological models of, 65
learning of, 59–72
material success and, 67
neural circuitry and, 60
socialization and, 377, 391, 399
stability and change in, 66
Culture of Honor (Nisbett and Cohen), 327
Dahmer, Jeffrey, 263
Daly, Martin, 135, 164–65, 182, 254, 304, 313, 319, 325, 327
Damasio, Antonio, 99–100
Damasio, Hannah, 99–100
Daniels, Denise, 381
Danto, Arthur, 409
Darkness in El Dorado (Tierney), 1
Darrow, Clarence, 130
Darwin, Charles, 2, 15, 28, 30, 51, 66, 132, 151, 186, 254, 285, 305
Darwinian Left, A (Singer), 298, 300
Dawkins, Richard, 53, 112, 113, 114, 191, 241, 318–19
deafness, 95, 391
Death by Government (Rummel), 332
decision making, 40, 42–44, 51, 58, 174–75, 302–3
Declaration of Independence, 145
deconstructionism, 198, 208, 209
see also postmodernism
Deep Blue, 33–34
Degler, Carl, 17
de Kenessey, Stefania, 417
Delaney Clause, 278
Delay, Tom, 129
democracy, 296–98
Denfeld, Rene, 343
Dennett, Dan, 10, 177, 216
Derrida, Jacques, 208
Derrière Guard, 417
Descartes, René, 8, 9–10, 42, 126, 215
determinism, 112–13, 122, 127, 174–85
deterrence, 180–85, 324–29, 330–32
Devil’s Dictionary, The (Bierce), 240
DeVore, Irven, 111, 238
de Waal, Frans, 168, 298
Dialectical Biologist, The (Levins), 126
dialectical biology, 113, 126, 135
Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems (Galileo), 138
Diamond, Jared, 68–69
Dickeman, Mildred, 342
Dickens, Charles, 291–92
Dickinson, Emily, 423–24
Dictator game, 256, 257
Didion, Joan, 342–43
difference feminism, 342
Discovery Institute, 161
discrimination, 141, 145–49, 201–2, 204–7, 214, 217, 311–12
age, 148
sex, 337–39, 341, 351, 354, 355, 357
Disney, Walt, 11
Disraeli, Benjamin, 287
Dissanayake, Ellen, 404–5, 406
Divale, WT., 57
Dooling, Richard, 176
Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 41, 307
Double-Blind Dictator game, 257
Douglas, William O., 181, 265
Dred Scott decision, 292
drug policies, 331–32
Dryden, John, 6
dualism, 8–9, 10
see also Ghost in the Machine; mind-matter divide; soul
Dunbar, Robin, 298
Durham decision, 184
Durkheim, Emile, 23–24, 25, 108, 156, 284, 286, 427
Dutton, Denis, 404, 406–7, 415, 417
Dworkin, Andrea, 171, 365
Dworkin, Ronald, 288
Eagly, Alice, 309
Easterlin, Nancy, 417
Eastwood, Clint, 219
behavioral, 256–58, 302–4
human nature as seen in, 256, 285–86, 302–3
intuitive, 221, 233–36, 302–3
education, 222–23, 235–36, 301
arts and humanities in, 401
Ehrlich, Paul, 237
Einstein, Albert, 44, 410
Eiseley, Loren, 28
Ekman, Paul, 39, 107–8
Elbow Room (Dennett), 176–77
Eliot, T.S., 301, 400
elitism, 149, 301, 425
Eliza, 105
Ellwood, Charles, 27
Elman, Jeffrey, 35–36, 84
Elshtain, Jean Bethke, 342
Ember, Carol, 57
emotions, 39–40, 168
altruism and, 255
culture and, 38–39
morality and, 271–72
empiricism, 5, 22, 23, 27–28, 34, 36, 124
autism and, 62
see also Blank Slate
employment, gender gap in, 351–61
Enemies, A Love Story (Singer), 431–34
Engels, Friedrich, 126, 127, 155, 255
engineering, intuitive, 220
English language, 14–15, 37–38, 71
Enlightenment, 5–7, 10–11, 18, 22, 251, 337–38, 341
environmentalism, 154, 162
Equal Protection clause, 298
Equal Rights Amendment, 340
equity feminism, 341, 343, 354, 363, 369
Essay Concerning Human Understanding, An (Locke), 5–6
essentialism, 230, 231
Estrich, Susan, 353, 357
estrogen, 346, 348
ethnic groups:
genetic differences among, 143–44
neologisms for, 211–13
stereotypes about, 201–7
violence and, 315, 323
ethnocentrism, 294, 323
eugenics, 16, 109, 110, 115, 116, 132, 134, 141, 152–53
euphemisms, 211–13
European Union, 229
euthanasia, 227, 228
Evans, David, 417
Eve, 2
evolution, 2, 15, 89, 187, 242
conservative critique of, 128–29, 299
cooperation in, 58, 64, 167, 242–44, 255–259
creationism and, 132–33
genome and, 91
group selection and, 258–59
of humans, 16, 53, 238
intuitive faculties and, 223
see also natural selection
evolutionary psychology, 51–58, 68, 89–90, 111, 125, 131, 134, 142, 245, 296, 299, 303, 341–42, 389
arts and, 417, 418
deterrence and, 182, 324–27
rape and, 359–60
stepparenting and, 164–65
Evolution of Human Sexuality, The (Symons), 114–15
Expanding Circle, The (Singer), 167, 320
Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, The (Darwin), 107–8
eyes, 51
Fagan, Jeffrey, 329
in behavioral genetics, 378–87
conflict in, 247–51
love in, 245–47
and politics, 247, 266–68, 294, 427
see also parenting
Farah, Martha, 99
Faris, Ellsworth, 24
Faris, Robert, 27
Farley, Frank, 394
fate, 397–98
Fausto-Sterling, Anne, 346
Fear of Flying (Jong), 253
fears, 231
Feminine Mystique, The (Friedan), 351
feminism, 160, 161, 171–72, 338–43
difference, 342
equity, 341, 343, 354, 363, 369
gender, 341–43, 361–62, 365–66, 367
Ferguson, Andrew, 131, 133
feuds, 324–29, 430–31
Feynman, Richard, 239
Fisher, Helen, 342, 355
Fiske, Alan, 233, 247, 257
Flynn, James, 206
Fodor, Jerry, 35, 80
folk psychology, see theory of mind
Food and Drug Act (1958), 278
Forster, E.M., 296
Foucault, Michel, 415, 416
Fox-Genovese, Elizabeth, 342
Frank, Robert, 259, 276, 303
Franklin, Benjamin, 168
Frazer, James George, 230
Freedman, Jonathan, 311
Freeman, Derek, 56, 115
free-rider problem, 257, 259
free will, 127–28, 175–80, 397
French Revolution, 159, 170, 289, 295
frequency-dependent selection, 260–61
Freud, Sigmund, 40, 43, 191, 264, 381, 410
Friedan, Betty, 171, 351, 353
Friedman, Milton, 287, 393
Furchtgott-Roth, Diana, 353
Gabriel, Peter, 403
Gage, Phineas, 42, 100
Galbraith, John Kenneth, 288
Galileo Galilei, 9–10, 137–39, 207
Galton, Francis, 16
game theory, 58, 182, 242–43, 255–59, 323, 334–35
Gardner, Howard, 222
Garfunkel, Art, 22
Gauguin, Paul, 409
Gazzaniga, Michael, 43
Geary, David, 222–23
Geertz, Clifford, 25, 208
Gell-Mann, Murray
, 239
Gelman, Susan, 230
gender, see sex differences
gender feminism, 341–43, 361–62, 365–66, 367
gender gap, 340, 351–61
generative grammar, 37–38, 166, 236, 336
antisocial acts and, 50–51
autism and, 46, 62
brain and, 49
crime and, 47, 50–51, 176, 178
emergenic traits and, 152–53
intelligence and, 47, 106–7, 149, 150, 373–78
language and, 48, 49
mental illness and, 46
Neel and, 116–17
personality and, 45–51, 373–78
“selfish,” 53, 191
violence and, 51, 175, 176, 314, 315
see also behavioral genetics
genetically modified foods, 229–30, 231
genetic variation, 49–50, 142–45, 373–74
genius, 44
genome, human, 48, 74, 75–78, 197, 396
in denials of human nature, 74, 75–78, 100, 101–2
evolution and, 91
human complexity and, 77
number of genes in, 74, 75–78
variability in, 142–43
germ theory of disease, 154
Gestalt, 418
Ghiglieri, Michael, 166
Ghost in the Machine, 9, 11, 28–29, 31, 133, 224, 243, 293
determinism and, 174, 175–76
genetics and, 51, 74
neural plasticity and, 87
neuroscience and, 42, 44, 129
radical science defense of, 126–28
responsibility and, 184
right-wing support of, 128–29
Gibran, Kahlil, 249
Gigerenzer, Gerd, 302
Gilbert, William, 283
Gilligan, Carol, 171, 342
Gilmore, Gary, 261
Gingrich, Newt, 244
Gintis, Herbert, 303, 304
glass ceiling, 351–52
Glendon, Mary Ann, 272
Glover, Jonathan, 170, 274, 279, 320–21, 335
Godfather, The, 182
Godwin, William, 11, 287, 288
Goffman, Erving, 264
Goldberg, Tiffany F, 178
Goldblum, Jeff, 264
Golden Rule, 168–69, 187–88, 193, 224, 274–75, 336
Goldin, Claudia, 353
Golding, William, 124
Goldman, Emma, 153
Good Morning America, 262
Gopnik, Adam, 217, 416
gorillas, 367
Gorky, Maxim, 156
Gottfredson, Linda, 342, 353, 359
Gottschall, Jonathan, 417
Gould, Stephen Jay, 109, 111, 114, 122, 124–25, 127, 132, 133, 149, 162–63
Gowaty, Patricia, 342
Graglia, F. Carolyn, 339
Great Chain of Being, 137–39
Great Society, 286
Green, Ronald, 228
Greene, Graham, 245
Grogger, Jeff, 329
group mind, 26, 108, 158
see also superorganism
group selection, 258–59
Group Socialization theory, 390–98
public reaction to, 392–95
Gulag Archipelago, The (Solzhenitsyn), 157
guns, 311
Guns, Germs, and Steel (Diamond), 68
Guns of August, The (Tuchman), 324, 334
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