Dacia Wolf & the Demon Mark

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Dacia Wolf & the Demon Mark Page 4

by Mandi Oyster

  I stumbled to the couch, nearly falling onto it. My body shook from the adrenaline rushing through it. “Thanks,” I said to Tye. “My magic failed.”

  He cocked his head, and his braid slid over his shoulder. “Magic doesn’t fail.”

  “Hers did.” Cody sat beside me, wrapping his arm around me and drawing me closer.

  “No.” Tye shook his head. “Magic doesn’t fail. Somehow somebody blocked it.” He looked me in the eyes. His were green with brown flecks. “Trust no one.”

  Chapter 5

  Dream Come True Or Nightmare?

  My bodyguards are nowhere to be seen as I stroll across campus. For once, I feel like I can breathe. Leaves litter the ground, blowing and tumbling over the sidewalks, collecting in deep mounds. I kick up a pile of them and watch as the wind carries them away.

  I look at the ground as I walk, stuck in my thoughts. I know that I can’t let the Nephilim take me, but I don’t know how to keep it from happening. And, to be honest, sometimes the life they’re offering appeals to me.

  I see a pair of black boots in front of me and look up to avoid running into their owner. My heart and feet slam to a stop at the same time.

  Mavros smiles at me and slides his arms around my waist. “I’ve missed you.”

  I can’t stop the snort before it escapes my mouth. “You said I never meant anything to you.” I step away from him. “You said it was a game.”

  “That was before I knew better.” He tucks his hands into his pockets and looks at the ground. “I stayed with you until the Abyss sucked me back into it.” His features distort until he looks like Damon. “I tried to save you.”

  I swallow a sob at seeing my friend alive.

  “My gift isn’t life. I couldn’t bring you back from Death’s clutches.” His black eyes moisten. “I’ve never tried to save someone before.” He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear.

  His touch sends a bolt of electricity through me. I back away from him before I forget myself. “I can’t believe you.” I cross my arms. “I can’t trust you.”

  “I know.” His voice is soft and disappointed.

  I walk a couple steps away, then spin around. “Why are you here? How?”

  “I was—” His mouth flounders but nothing comes out. A snarl lifts his lip. “Think, Dacia.”

  Cocking my head, I look at him. My eyebrows pull together as I try to figure out what game he’s playing now.

  “There’s only one way I can be.”

  I press my fingers over my lips. “Who? Who summoned you? Why?”

  He steps closer to me. “That’s what you need to figure out.” His fingers slide along mine. “Soon. Before they make me hurt you.” Leaning in, he whispers in my ear. “I don’t want to watch you die again.”

  Walking away, he shifts from Damon to Mavros to the panther. Darkness swallows him.

  My eyes snapped open. “No.” The word was a panicked whisper, but Cody heard it.

  “You okay?” he asked as he sat up.

  I told him about my dream, not surprised to watch him slip his mask back into place.

  “Never gonna end.” He combed his fingers through his hair, and when he finished, it looked perfect. Mine would’ve looked like a clown’s wig. “Thought you’d move on. Not if he’s back.”

  Staring into his eyes, I cupped his cheek. “I don’t want him, Cody. I want you.”

  “Yeah.” He shook his head. “But you mourn him.”

  I tucked my chin against my chest. “I don’t want him here, though.”


  Cody, Samantha, Dan, and I stayed on campus all day Sunday. I’d had enough excitement Saturday, and with the possibility of Mavros hanging around, I didn’t want to press my luck. We went to Lupine Fieldhouse, and my guards joined us in a game of basketball. For being new to the sport, they caught on quickly.

  Russ dribbled the ball down the court with me guarding him. “You doing okay?”

  “Yeah.” I looked over my shoulder, then back at him. My eyebrows pinched together. “Why wouldn’t I be?” I swatted at the ball, and he dribbled it behind his back.

  “Nice try.” He slowed, keeping the ball out of my reach. “Your powers.”

  “Oh.” I stopped, and he plowed into me. I fell, sliding on my butt across the floor.

  He passed the ball to Arianna and lowered his hand to me. “Sorry.” His amber eyes met mine, and I saw flashes of his life. His hatchling flying through the clouds beside him, his time with Draconian, him prowling toward me against his wishes, then flying away free.

  Blinking back the images, I sensed his loyalty and gratitude. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude.”

  “You couldn’t have done it without my consent.” He hauled me to my feet and leaned closer, whispering, “I want you to know you can trust me.” Louder, he added, “Looks like your powers are working.”

  Cash passed the ball to Russ. I knocked it down and sprinted after it, beating them both to it. I took off down the court, picked the ball up, lifted my arm to make the layup, and dropped it. I skidded to a halt, staring into the hall.

  Nobody was there, but I swore I’d seen Mavros. I bent over to catch my breath and steady myself.

  Cody rested his hand on my back. “Okay?”

  “Yeah.” My breathing was heavy. “I thought I saw him.” I pointed to where he’d been watching me.

  His fingers clenched against my back. “Wanna go?”

  “Do you need to rest, or are we going to play?” The condescension in Cash’s voice was a challenge I refused to back down from.

  I stared into his eyes. “Let’s go.” I stood in front of him while he threw the ball in.

  He passed it to Dan, then shoved me out of his way when he ran in. “Pathetic.”

  I jogged down the court alongside Malcolm. His cornrows bounced against his back.

  “Where’s Aurelia been?” I asked him.

  He looked at me out of the sides of his eyes. “Guarding you with the others, with the elders, or trying to save you from the Nephilim.” He ran off to play post position.

  I guarded Arianna. “How is Aurelia trying to save me?”

  She looked from me to Malcolm. He shrugged and grinned at her, showing his fangs. She shook her head. “You’ll have to ask her.”

  “I’ve tried.” My insides felt hollowed out. “She never answers.”

  Chapter 6

  Back To It

  When classes resumed Monday, they followed the same pattern as the week before. Nephilim trailed behind me, blocking the exits to every building, every classroom. Dragons surrounded me. Cash glared daggers at me, and Val constantly moved into my personal space. Aurelia was nowhere to be seen, and when I tried to contact her, I got no response.

  Bryce and Cassandra joined us for lunch like it was the most natural thing in the world for them to sit with us. Bryce smiled at me, flexing his fingers. “My hand’s as good as new. Maybe better. Thanks.”

  I didn’t know how to react to that. If not for me, it wouldn’t have been crushed in the first place. “I’m sorry I didn’t fix it sooner.”

  “No worries.” He smiled before biting off a chunk of his sandwich.

  Cassandra leaned in toward me. “So, there’s this tall, dark, and handsome guy wandering around campus.”

  I looked at Bryce and raised my eyebrows.

  “No, no, no.” She shook her head, and her black ponytail whipped from side to side. “He looks like one of yours.” She waved her hand toward the Nephilim and the dragons.

  The dragons tilted their heads ever so slightly but showed no other sign that they were paying attention to the conversation at our table.

  My stomach plummeted. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d guess Mavros, but—” closing my eyes, I rubbed t
he back of my neck “—it couldn’t be him. He can’t be back. Can he?”

  Cody shook his head. “Hope not.”

  “So, who’s he?” Cassandra tilted her head.

  “Demon.” Cody dropped his fork on his tray and donned his impenetrable mask. “Stay away.”

  She narrowed her ice-blue eyes at him. “I haven’t seen you look that way since Damon was here. So, what gives?”

  “Butt out.” Dan didn’t look up from his food.

  Bryce straightened. A muscle in his jaw ticked.

  “It’s a long story.” Samantha sighed. “This isn’t the place for it. And, it’s Dacia’s to tell.”

  I rested my hand on Cody’s leg. Samantha was right that this wasn’t the place for it, but if I didn’t say something, the questions would keep coming. It would be better to just get the conversation over with so that Cassandra and Bryce wouldn’t keep bringing it up. “Mavros is Damon.”

  “What?” Cassandra’s mouth hung open.

  Bryce rubbed his chin. “I thought you got rid of him.”

  “I did.” A weight settled over me, making me feel like Atlas. “If it’s really him, then somebody summoned him here.”

  Samantha’s eyes were filled with sorrow. “At least if he’s back, he probably won’t be after your heart this time.”

  “Nah.” I pulled my hand through my hair. “If he’s here, he’s here to kill me.”

  “You don’t know that.” Cody dragged his hand down his face.

  I opened my mouth, and he held his hand out. “Don’t. Just don’t. I’ve seen what he can do to you.”

  “Well”—Cassandra stood and grabbed Bryce’s hand—“it’s obvious there are a lot of things we don’t know. If you wanna talk, we’ll listen.”

  Samantha held her sandwich in front of her and watched Cassandra sashay away. “What exactly is going on with them anyway?”

  “Yeah.” Dan nodded. His auburn hair brushed his eyebrows and curled at the nape of his neck. “I’ve seen a lot of weird things since meeting you all, but that”—he hooked his thumb over his shoulder—“beats them all.”

  I pushed my food around with my fork. “I need to read their auras. Figure out what to do.” And pray that Mavros isn’t back.

  After lunch, my entourage, minus Russ and Arianna, followed me to Shakespeare. Malcolm walked beside me and put his hand on my shoulder. “We need to talk.”

  Pressing my eyes shut, I lowered my head. I didn’t want to talk to Malcolm about Mavros. Even though Aurelia trusted him implicitly, I wasn’t sure what to think of him. He’d tasted my blood and enjoyed it. He’d wanted to kill me and my friends. He was with me or watching me constantly. I wanted to trust him, but I wasn’t there yet. “Okay, shoot.”

  “Is he back?” He stared down into my eyes, and I wondered if he could somehow sense the truth.

  I shook my head. “I hope not.” I thought about Cody’s mask and what Mavros’ return would do to him.

  “You’ll let us know.” He squeezed my shoulder harder than was necessary. “Won’t you?”

  I tried to pull away from his grip, but he held on. “If I see him, you’ll be the first to know.” Narrowing my eyes at him, I said, “Now, let go of me.”

  He smirked at me, letting his fangs show, reminding me who he was, and dropped his hand.

  I walked to my desk wondering how much longer I could hide the truth from Malcolm, but before I said anything to him, I wanted to either be positive Mavros had returned or talk to Aurelia.

  Val and Cash sat to either side of me. Cash angled himself away, clearly not wanting to be near me, but I didn’t think he trusted me enough to sit in front of me with his back exposed. Val sat so close to me that his arm brushed against mine. Malcolm and Tye took the chairs in front of me. Their broad shoulders formed an impenetrable wall.

  Val leaned closer and sniffed me. I pushed him back while pulling my head away from him. He was nice enough, but he made me uncomfortable.

  “Sorry.” He was still too close. “You just smell so good. Is it your perfume?”

  My nose scrunched up. “I don’t wear perfume.”

  “It’s her power, you imbecile.” Cash shook his head and huffed.

  I turned away from Val and stared at Cash. “You can smell my power?”

  “A few of the lucky ones have even tasted it.” He leaned in and breathed deeply like he was smelling a juicy steak. “I wouldn’t have wasted a drop.” Menace radiated off of him.

  My eyes widened, and I pulled away from him, crashing into Val. The room seemed to shrink in on me.

  Cash’s mouth turned up in a sneer. “I don’t know how Malcolm resists taking more.” He licked his lips, and his pupils elongated.

  “Cash.” Malcolm’s voice was the rumbling of distant thunder, low, menacing. He didn’t turn around, but the single word was enough to make Cash pull back and look away from me.

  I shivered and stared at Malcolm’s back, wondering if he thirsted for my blood.

  “I made a promise to protect you.” Malcolm turned around and looked at me, and I wondered if he could read my thoughts. “I don’t break my vows. Now, quit worrying. You reek of fear, and it makes you smell even better.” He faced forward.

  Val slung his arm around my shoulders and pulled me against him. “You don’t need to worry about him.” He nodded at Malcolm. “He’s honorable.”

  Even with four dragons surrounding me, Diana approached. “Dacia”—she stood between Malcolm and Val—“we really need to talk.”

  Malcolm bared his fangs at her, but she didn’t back down. I couldn’t help but wonder how she’d react if he was in his dragon form. Val lifted his arm and positioned himself so his body blocked me.

  I peered at her over his shoulder. “Why?” I grabbed my book, notepad, and pen from my bag. “I don’t do well in cages. It won’t work for me.”

  She leaned closer and whispered, “Don’t you care about the consequences?” Her face slackened, and she slowly shook her head. “Are you really selfish enough to put your happiness above the fate of the world?”

  My mouth dropped open, and I stared at her. She knew what I’d been through to save the world and everyone in it. How could she think for one minute that I didn’t care? I’d nearly died to save the planet from Nefarious. My friends had been taken prisoner and nearly killed by Draconian before I ended his life. Then less than a month ago, I’d killed myself to make sure life would go on for everyone else. I hadn’t known Death would give me a reprieve, and even so, I’d sacrificed everything.

  Cash growled, a deep, ominous sound, and Diana backed up a step. His pupils were slits in his amethyst eyes. “She cares more for this godforsaken planet than you and yours ever will.” He started to get up, but Tye pressed down on his leg. “Where were you when Draconian was seizing control of the dragons? None of you fought to help us.” He clutched the desk. “How many of you are there? But this lone girl who’d barely been trained freed us.”

  For the second time in less than a minute, I was flabbergasted. Cash stood up for me? The world might end sooner than expected. I cleared my throat, hoping my voice would work. “Diana, you might want to leave now.” I looked at Cash, but he didn’t spare me a glance. “Strange forces seem to be at work here.”

  Val laughed, and everyone in the room turned to stare at us. Heat crept up my neck and onto my cheeks.

  As Diana walked away, she looked over her shoulder. “Think about it, Dacia. You could be safe and happy with us.”

  I knew differently, though. No matter what the Nephilim thought, I wouldn’t be happy being trapped. I wouldn’t be myself without my powers.

  When class ended, the Nephilim didn’t follow so closely. Cash walked in the grass beside me, keeping more space between the two of us than any of the others did. It was a wa
rm day, the sun shone, but when the wind blew, I shivered.

  I looked at Cash again, not sure what to think of him or how to get through his hard shell. I bit my lip, pulling it into my mouth, debating whether or not to say something to him.

  “Don’t,” he growled. “I can’t stand self-righteous angel spawn. I didn’t say it so we could be friends.” He pointed at himself then at me. “We will never be friends.”

  “Thanks anyway.” I shrugged.

  Val wrapped his arm around my shoulders, roughly pulling me into his side. “Keep at it. You might just get through his tough hide.”

  The dragons dropped me off at my room, then disappeared into Aurelia’s. Even though I knew they were still watching me, it was nice to get a break from them.

  My friends and I hung out there until going to dinner. Six dragon guardians escorted us, but only Diana and the dark-haired Nephilim from the first day trailed us.

  Cody looked over his shoulder several times on the way to Sedum. Finally, he said, “Just two?”

  “Yeah.” I squeezed his hand. “I think Cash made them a little nervous earlier.”

  Malcolm opened the door to the cafeteria, and all the smells hit me. Pizza, burgers, bread, cookies, fries, garlic, onions, spaghetti sauce, soups. They wafted through the air, and my stomach growled in response.

  Cody smiled when I put fried chicken, mashed potatoes, rolls, and steamed vegetables on my plate. He walked with me to our usual table in the back of the room. The dragons sat at one next to us. Their plates were heaped with meat of all types.

  The Nephilim sat as far from us as they could at the closest table to the door.

  I was about halfway through my dinner when Cassandra and Bryce sat down across from me. “So”—Cassandra flipped her hair over her shoulder—“where are the rest of them?” She pointed her fork at the Nephilim.

  Samantha started to answer, but I held my hand up. “I don’t know if I can trust you, but if you let me read your auras, I’ll find out.”


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