Dacia Wolf & the Demon Mark

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Dacia Wolf & the Demon Mark Page 26

by Mandi Oyster

  “Death cares about nothing but ferrying bodies to the afterworld.” Argentum cocked his head, looking down at me like I was a bug.

  I nodded. “And, yet, he gave me a choice.”

  “So, you think you’re special?” He lunged at me.

  Malcolm rushed between us. His black scales shimmered as he darted in front of me. Argentum roared. His fangs sank into Malcolm’s neck, and a choked, gurgling noise spilled from Malcolm’s mouth. Pain glazed his eyes.

  Cash plowed into Argentum, knocking Malcolm loose. Black blood dripped from Argentum’s fangs. Malcolm hit the ground with a thud. His eyes rolled back, and he didn’t move.

  Argentum swung his head around, snapping his jaws. Cash ducked beneath his maw, narrowly escaping Malcolm’s fate. He drove Argentum away from Malcolm’s body, and I ran to the injured dragon, praying I could save him.

  I pressed my palms to Malcolm’s neck, sending healing energy into him. The punctures pulled together, and his breathing eased. His bronze eye cracked open, then immediately closed again. “Save … your … energy.” He jerked his neck away from my hands.

  Cash howled in pain. Argentum stood above him. “You hated humans. You hated her. Why are you protecting her?”

  “I’m protecting humans. You’re killing dragons.” He snarled. “Seems we’re both confused.”

  Argentum raised his taloned claw.

  “Stop!” Aurelia yelled. “Come with us, Argentum. End this the way you lived your life, peacefully with honor and dignity.”

  He growled at Aurelia and swiped his paw down. Cash rolled away but not fast enough. Argentum’s claws tore through Cash’s side. Purple scales drifted through the air, and Cash roared.

  Aurelia strode toward them, but Argentum lifted his paw again. “I’ll kill him if you come closer.”

  She skidded to a halt. “Stop Argentum. You will regret this.”

  “I regret every drop of dragon blood that gets spilled.” He dragged a single claw along Cash’s side. “So, give me the girl and end this.”

  My power writhed under my skin. I called it to me, sensing its enormity. “I’m right here, Argentum. Come get me if you’re brave enough.” I stepped to the water’s edge, away from Malcolm, hoping he wouldn’t get hurt worse.

  Argentum strode through the lake toward me. Water splashed onto the shore. The earth rumbled under his footsteps.

  “What are you doing, Dacia?” Arianna’s voice came from behind me, but I didn’t turn around.

  Pulling my power from deep within me, I said, “It’ll be okay.”

  Argentum’s low, rumbling laugh filled the cavern. “Yes, once you’re gone, everything will be all right.”

  If you need Mavros, draw on our strength, say his true name, and command him to come to you. Once he’s here, bind him to you. Malcolm’s voice was stronger than before, but I worried what drawing on the dragons’ strength would do to him, what it would do to Cash.

  I lowered myself into a defensive stance and watched every move Argentum made. His head sank to my height, and a blast of fire shot from his mouth toward me. I pressed my hands against the air, and the flames fanned out around me, like Moses parting the Red Sea.

  Argentum took a deep breath, preparing to blast me with fire again. I threw my shield around his head, tightening it like I’d done before. He stood perfectly still and tugged on my power, pulling it toward him, but I clung to it.

  “Noooo.” Val slid across the rocky floor toward Argentum. His claws scrabbled at the ground.

  When he came to a stop, Argentum stomped on his chest. The air whooshed out of Val’s lungs. Argentum snapped his jaws, and the shield disappeared. “You brought all these dragons with you, delivered them right to me so I could use their strength against you.”

  “A dragon as ancient as you should be able to fight a teenage girl on his own.” I shoved my hands into the water and shot lightning into it.

  He spread his wings and hovered above the lake. “If you want to kill me, you’ll have to try harder than that.”

  “I don’t want to kill anybody!” I clenched my hands at my sides. “I never have. Can’t you see that?”

  He perched on a ledge above the lake. I would’ve never noticed it. It blended in with the cavern wall. I narrowed my eyes, scanning the rocks, wondering if there were others that might give me an advantage.

  “You say that now, but as the power rots your heart, you will change. You will thirst for blood, and you will be too powerful to be stopped.” Argentum’s chest expanded, and flames spewed from his jaws. Fire roared through the cave. I held my hands up, and ice rushed from my fingertips. The force knocked me back a step. The ice crashed into the flames, like a wave breaking on the shore. It devoured the fire.

  Power flared beneath my skin, thrumming in my veins.

  “Argentum!” Aurelia’s voice rang through the cavern. “Please.”

  I lifted myself off the ground, hovering above the ice-shrouded flames.

  “The girl must die!” Argentum shouted. “Can’t you feel her power? It’s coming to life.”

  The air shifted. From all directions in the cave, it was sucked into Argentum. His body expanded.

  The ice collapsed into the lake and washed onto the shore in chunks. The wind tugged at the dragons’ wings, pulling them like kites about to be launched into the sky. They braced their feet against the ground. Their talons gouged the cave floor.

  I clamped my hands over my ears, trying to block the sound so I could figure out what he was up to.

  Dacia. Fear tinged Malcolm’s voice. Summon Mavros. You must do it now.

  Mavros’ unbidden image came to mind. He knelt before me like he had when I’d used his true name and asked what I commanded of him. I imagined myself ordering him to kill Argentum, but I realized the guilt would belong to me no matter what. Either way, his blood would be on my hands.

  I blasted a lightning bolt at the wall just above Argentum. Rocks crashed down on his rough hide, but it wasn’t enough to stop him.

  Val lifted off the ground, sailing through the air backward toward Argentum. His face was panic-stricken.

  “Transform!” I shouted.

  A blue mist surrounded Val. Caught by the wind, it rushed toward Argentum, temporarily blinding him.

  His outraged roar shook the cavern. Rocks jarred free and tumbled from the ceiling and walls. I shielded myself and the injured dragons.

  Val plummeted toward the lake. I lifted my hand, stopping his fall, and pulled him to me. He cowered behind my legs, leaned his head against me, and whimpered softly.

  Russ and Arianna transformed into humans. Arianna raced to me, grabbed Val’s hand, and pulled him away.

  Rage burned in my chest. Anger for what he was doing to my friends. Fury that he couldn’t see past his prejudice. Lightning bolt after lightning bolt shot from my fingers. They collided with the ledge he sat upon.

  The wind gusts ceased as he plunged from the rocky outcrop. He spread his wings and soared, landing in front of Aurelia. The ground shook in response. Rocks splashed into the lake and crashed against the floor. He lowered his head. “Can’t you sense it?” A silver haze surrounded him. “She’ll kill us all.” The voice that came through the mist was more human than beast.

  Tension eased out of my shoulders. As it did, the power in my veins diminished. It was still there under the surface but no longer crackling with purpose.

  Arianna stood over Cash, healing his wounds. Val hid behind a boulder, watching every step Argentum took. Russ went to Aurelia’s side, and Malcolm came to mine.

  I nodded to the shadows. “Tye’s hiding back there.”

  “I saw him,” Malcolm growled. Don’t trust Argentum. This is too easy. Even in my thoughts, his voice was feral.

  I nodded and put my hand on his
leg. Healing energy surged into him. “Save your strength, Dacia.” His obsidian scales were hard plates ending in sharp points. His muscles rippled with every step. His talons clacked against the ground. He was an apex predator, bred for fighting, and Argentum had swatted him aside like he was a tiny housefly.

  “I don’t think I need to.” I’d never felt energy like this before. Even so, I needed to make sure not to deplete my stores too much because Malcolm was right. This was too easy.

  Just as the thought blew through my mind, Argentum knelt in front of Aurelia. His silver hair pooled on the ground at her feet. She stretched her paw out to grab him in her talons, and he latched onto her. Her eyes glazed over, and as Argentum transformed into his dragon, his laugh filled the cave.

  Chapter 43


  To me! I shouted the command to the dragons. They responded immediately, surrounding me. I put one hand on Cash’s neck and one on Malcolm’s. Val, Russ, and Arianna each held onto me. Their power flooded into me like a tsunami. “Chaódis Skotádi, I summon thee. Come forth, and stand before me.” The dragons turned their heads looking at one another, trying to figure out what I was doing.

  Malcolm never looked away from me, holding my gaze with his, reassuring me this was the right thing to do, the only thing to do.

  A black haze undulated through the air. It weaved and twirled in a mesmerizing dance. The vapor clung together forming Mavros. He knelt in front of me. A knowing twinkle sparkled in his obsidian eyes. “What do you command of me, my prothymós?”

  I tilted my head, not sure what he’d said, afraid he would try to mislead me.

  “It means liege,” Arianna said as she let go of my shoulder. Her voice was laced with disgust.

  I lowered my hand to Mavros. “Lend me your strength.”

  “I can kill him for you.” Mavros slipped his hand into mine and stood. “I can save you the pain.”

  Malcolm stared at Mavros’ hand in mine. “You must set ground rules, Dacia.”

  “There isn’t time for that right now.” Mavros had helped me. Would he try to defy me now? “Do not try to control me. Do not hurt any of my friends. Do not do anything that you know I would disapprove of.” I turned toward Malcolm. “Good enough?”

  “For now.”

  Mavros’ power slammed into me. The serpent under my skin greedily sucked it in. It was dark and ominous, forbidding. The alien energy was like a hurricane blasting through me. I searched for the eye, hoping to find a calm inside this raging storm.

  I strode out from between the dragons, holding fire in both hands. It burned blue and black. Mavros walked beside me. “Argentum, let Aurelia go.” My voice sounded like me, but not. It was harsher, deeper, and had a violent edge to it.

  “What will the fairies think of you now?” He shook his massive, silver head in revulsion. Raising his voice, he asked, “Do you now see that she is evil?”

  “If summoning Mavros makes me evil, then we are the same.”

  He lunged.

  Mavros knocked me to the ground. Argentum clutched Mavros’ body in his jaws. Black blood ran down Argentum’s jaws, sizzling as it dripped onto the rocks.

  My eyes widened in shock. Had I just sentenced Mavros to death? The magic pulsed under my skin, seeming to have a mind of its own. Pain ripped through me as my body transformed. Bones broke and rearranged themselves. Leathery wings tore through my back. My neck lengthened. Long fangs jutted out of my mouth. Two more necks stretched out of my massive shoulders. I pinched my eyes shut. The influx of information made me sway on my feet. A tail swished behind me. Thick legs ended in wicked talons.

  I turned one head, marveling at this new body. My flesh was mottled blue, and I looked like the demon version of Mavros.

  I darted forward, and Argentum stumbled back. His eyes widened, and Mavros slid from his slack jaws.

  One of my heads lunged for Argentum’s neck. He dodged it but didn’t notice the other head snaking up from underneath. I struck him. His blood poured into my mouth. I tore into his flesh with sickle-like claws, shredding his scales.

  His tail slammed into me, trying to force my jaws from his neck, but I held on with razor-sharp fangs, digging in deeper with every movement he made.

  His claws tore into my hide. Pain lanced through me. I snapped at his paw with another head.

  Malcolm and Cash latched onto his neck.

  Argentum’s massive body collapsed. His blood coated my lips and ran down my throat. I savored the taste of it. Ancient power.

  His strength waned, and my other heads sunk their teeth into his neck.

  Instinct took over, and I tore at his flesh. With every drop of blood that ran down my throat, my power multiplied.

  Malcolm nudged me.

  I growled and snapped at him, protecting my kill. Flames exploded from my hide. The blue and black blaze danced along my body. Malcolm and Cash backed away, their eyes widened with fear.

  “He is gone, Dacia. He cannot hurt you anymore.” Aurelia’s soothing aura calmed me, breaking through my bloodlust. “Let him go.”

  I stepped back and surveyed the cavern. Mavros lay crumpled on the floor. Russ, Val, and Arianna stared at me. Their eyes were wide. Purple and black hazes surrounded Cash and Malcolm. Tears lined Aurelia’s golden eyes.

  My body shrank, becoming my own. I fell to my hands and knees and retched.

  Malcolm held my hair and patted my back. “You’re okay, Dacia. It’s okay.” His words were laced with soothing magic.

  My eyelids drooped, growing too heavy to stay open. I wobbled, and Malcolm caught me, clutching me against his body, mumbling indecipherable words in calming tones.


  Fairies covered me from head to toe. Their iridescent wings fluttered incessantly, and they chirruped. Their voices were too high pitched for me to make out what they were saying. Other conversations drifted over to me.

  “She gonna be okay?” Concern clouded Cody’s voice.

  “She’ll never forgive herself.” Malcolm’s words were clipped, angry.

  Aurelia looked like somebody who’d just seen their puppy get run over. “We must help her.”

  Rayne hovered in front of my face. “Demon energy does not mix well with human power.”

  “I—” My voice was froggy. I cleared my throat.

  “She’s awake.” Relief and fear seemed to mix together in Cash’s voice.

  “I didn’t know.” My words were barely whispered, but Rayne heard them. “I just wanted to save Aurelia.”

  “He held back.” The other fairies flew off, becoming tiny lights against the cave’s ceiling. Rayne landed on my chest and folded her arms. “Otherwise, you would be dead.”

  I pressed my eyes shut. When I opened them, my friends stood around me. Dragons, humans, and demon. Mavros stood with his hands tucked in his pockets. He smiled at me and lifted his shoulder. “I couldn’t allow you to die, not when I could save you.”

  “Thanks.” My throat was scratchy and burned.

  Cody sat on the ground and lifted my head into his lap. “How’re ya?”

  I looked at Rayne.

  “You will be fine once the dragon blood is out of your system.”

  Dragon blood. I clutched my stomach as the memories flooded back to my mind. Rayne zipped into the air, hovering over me again. I rolled onto my hands and knees and heaved. Silver blood coated the rocks.

  “Oh, my, God.” I sobbed, clutched my hair, and rocked back and forth.

  Cody rubbed my back, but I pulled away from him. “Don’t touch me. You have no idea what—”

  “It’s okay, Dacia.” He reached for me again, but I jerked away.

  “It’s not. I—” I remembered savoring his blood. I leaned over and threw up again. The room spun. My heart pounded against my ri
bs. The air rushed out of my lungs. I gasped.

  “I can make her forget.” Mavros’ voice was low.

  One of the dragons growled in response.

  Do you want me to make you forget? He sounded like he genuinely wanted to help, like he was concerned for me.

  Cody wrapped his arms around me. With his mouth right up against my ear, he whispered, “Breathe, Dacia.”

  You’ll remember him dying, but you won’t remember the bloodlust.

  I sucked in a breath and choked on it. I stared into Mavros’ eyes. “I don’t know.”

  “What?” Cody asked.

  I pulled out of his embrace and climbed to my feet. “Are you done with me?”

  Rayne nodded. “Do not let the demon mark you again.”

  “I never let him mark me.” I looked from her to Mavros. Once again, I wondered if I was an idiot for trusting a demon. “I don’t know how he does it.”

  He knelt at my feet. “I vow to you, Dacia KayLee Wolf, I will never again mark you.” He held my hands in his. “Please let me take the memory from you. Let me take the pain … like you took mine.”

  “Your demon is sincere.” Rayne flitted by my face.

  Cody brushed his thumbs along my cheeks. “If he can, let him.”

  Malcolm, Cash, and Aurelia stepped up beside Mavros.”We can make sure he takes only the memories that will threaten to undo you.”

  I looked over at the other dragons, standing with my human friends. “What do you think?”

  “None of us should remember that.” Arianna shook her head.

  The images came to my mind again, but the intense reaction didn’t come along with it. “I’m sorry … for what I did … for not telling you.” I remembered the look of disgust on her face when I summoned Mavros. “Don’t hate me.”

  “Oh, Dacia.” Her voice was soft. “I don’t hate you.” Her eyes darted toward Mavros. “I worry about you.”


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