An Acute Attraction

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An Acute Attraction Page 2

by A. J. Walters

  “It’s the first time I’ve ever done anything like this before and a week on my own is a long time.”

  Cocking her eyebrow up, as if to say I’m scraping the barrel with my excuses, Jackie yet again has a response.

  “You won’t be totally on your own. I’m only a phone call away. You’re a people person Izzy, you’re not afraid to meet new folk. You’ll be fine, I know you will. Ok, see it like this. You’re taking Joseph down there anyway and if you stay you are not that far away should he need you. You used to live down there as well; wouldn’t it be good to see the place again? You know how much you loved Cambridge, along with the other smaller towns and typically English villages. Go!”

  Again she’s right, when isn’t she? The pros certainly outweigh the cons. What the heck, come on Chambers. Do it!

  I have known Jackie for all of her 34 years and she has always offered sound advice. I love her to bits and I would say we are more like sisters than friends. She so totally lives up to the name she was christened as her mum held a passion for the elegance and sophistication of Jackie Onassis, widow to JFK and married to multi-millionaire Aristotle Onassis; so my Jackie wears her “Hollywood” sunglasses with the same flair and grace, ever likely then she is a hit with the men. A happily married career woman with a beautiful daughter, she has it all, hence why I am so proud of her.

  Impetuously I send her a text.

  “Help me! There is this one guy sitting in the hotel bar. Here I am a sexually frustrated woman and right now I could just jump his bones.”

  Within no time my phone whistles, yes whistles, its reply. I quickly set my phone to silent before I read and exchange messages.

  “Is he cute?”

  “Cute!! He is hot, no he is smouldering, and he is oozing sex!”

  “So he’s ok then? Hahaha!”

  “Oh Haha!”

  “Well, flash him a smile and bat your eyelashes”

  Great advice, I think sarcastically rolling my eyes.

  I ironically type out;

  “Haha! If only that’s all it took…”

  “Well you have to start somewhere. Be brave woman, you won’t ever be there again.”

  How true are those words? None the less bravery is something that doesn’t come that easy to me. Taking a deep breath, I wait for a moment when he isn’t engrossed in his paper. Just as he puts it to one side and takes a sip of his red wine, I dive in… Come on, not literally of course.

  “It’s a bit quiet in here tonight,” I say in his direction. Inwardly I cringe at saying such a naff statement; what are you Chambers, 21 again? I half wish I was sometimes.

  “I wouldn’t know what it’s usually like I’m afraid, as it’s my first time staying here.”

  Yes, I am as shocked as what you are. He didn’t guffaw at my lame attempt to start a conversation - just don’t mess it up now woman.

  “Oh right. Are you here for a holiday or a short break?” I nervously ask.

  He laughs, “No if only that was the case. Although I would like to do some sight seeing while I’m here, it would be a shame to come all of this way and not get to see some of the classic English countryside.”

  He lifts up out of his seat and stretches a muscular arm out. “I’m Marc, Marc Sanders”

  I shake the hand he has offered, Mother Mary; even his hand is warm and strong.

  “Hello Marc, I’m Isabel, Isabel Chambers.”

  “I’m pleased to meet you Isabel.” Just excuse me for a moment while I call for housekeeping to mop me back up off the floor.

  Marc’s heady eyes drift to the table, “I would offer you a drink, but it looks like you’re well stocked up there.”

  I don’t even have to ask what he means- busted. “Ah yes! Well I believe in being resourceful and energy saving is the way to go these days. So, getting two glasses at one time was my contribution for this evening.” I put the most sincere face on to emphasise my dry sense of humour.

  Marc graciously goes along with the joke, “Well I have to say you have done a remarkable job. The G8 Summit ought to take a look at your efforts; it may put an end to the fear of global warming.”

  I chuckle. That’s politics right? I’m no bimbo, but you just never know what the latest boyband name is going to be.

  Did I tell you I was inquisitive as well? Some might say nosy, but I’ll stick with inquisitive. Ah! Yes I believe I did. Oh well, I may as well take advantage of what I am good at.

  “If you’re not here for pleasure, then I will take an educated guess it is for business.”

  Crossing his leg again, Marc seems pretty comfortable with the way in which the conversation is going.

  “Yeah, I’m a senior research executive over in the States. I work at Harvard University and I’ve come over to hopefully persuade Cambridge University to work along side us now and again. We’ve been doing a lot of research over the last couple of years on a new development into how antibodies help fight diseases, so feasibly leading to better vaccines. It’s never a done deal, but we can only try.”

  Heck Chambers, you are a bloody genius; not that there were many other options as to why he would be here.

  I have to say I am in awe of this bloke; He could be a contender for the ‘Nobel Prize in Medicine’ some time in the future. “So how are you hoping to achieve the partnership between the two Universities?”

  “Well I have to present the results we came up with back at Harvard, in two days time. There will be some pharmaceutical companies there also vying to possibly take on the contract of supplying the medicines. It’s a big business and tough competition, but also extremely vital.”

  Marc continues sometimes using some long, complicated biological words, so showing him I understand what on earth he is talking about is difficult. I may be a teacher, but this isn’t something I come across when planning lessons for eight year olds, all the same I am interested. A short while later he excuses himself when his phone rings.

  “I’m really sorry Isabel I have to take this call. It was lovely to me you.”

  “It was lovely to meet you too Marc.” I sincerely hope the disappointment in my voice didn’t come across too much.

  For the majority the next day, I spend it being totally pampered at a spa by having the most amazing full body massage, manicure and pedicure. While in there a lot of my thoughts are centred round Marc, but I daren’t tell you what some of them consist of, however I think you can guess. Returning to the hotel I feel like a new woman and so I make another huge effort when dressing for dinner. Deciding to dine in the hotel this evening I can’t help but hope my luck is in and get to see Marc again. Just in case I think now is a perfect opportunity for me to whip my phone out and call Jackie. Her career background is in medical supplies you see, so I fill her in on what I can remember and what words I can pronounce from yesterday. I give myself a pat on the back as I do have some good ideas, occasionally. I am feeling positive at first that she can help me and my dilemma, however I am later left disappointed.

  “Izzy, unless he is a consultant in plastic surgery or researches the pros and cons of penile extensions, I can’t be of much help I’m afraid.”

  Great! Wonderful! Flaming fantastic!

  Sighing and flopping back in my chair, I start to play with the soft material of my dress. This guy is way too smart for me, so I may as well give up now. I am still lost in thought, when I jump at the touch of a hand on my shoulder.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you jump. I saw you yet again sitting alone and so was wondering if you would care for some company. I have a bottle of Highland Park Whisky in my room, so you are very welcome to bring your wine, both of them and join me for a glass.” Oh the humour! Why is it every time I see the guy I have looked like a raging alcoholic? Ok, one glass is nearly empty but still! I love his humour if I’m honest; a gentleman hasn’t made me laugh in a long time, so even though I am a little taken back a little by this invite, after a very brief moment of mulling it over I graciously accept.
br />   We pick up our belongings and climb the stairs to the same floor as I am staying on. Stopping just 3 doors short of my room, Marc uses his key card to unlock the door marked “Executive Suite”. This being a first for me, I attentively walk in to the most amazing hotel suite I have ever seen. On the left through the door is the luxurious bathroom which house’s twin basins, a classical roll top bath and pick up on the corner shower that could easily accommodate two people.

  I clear my throat to halt where my mind is straying to, as he leads me into a stunning sitting room. I notice a traditional chaise longue by one of the two timber sash windows, as well as two Chesterfield sofas, a walnut coffee table and various other pieces of expensive looking furniture. I find it hard to believe we are really staying in the same hotel.

  I walk over to one of the windows as I sip my wine and take in the charming scenery outside. With this being a corner room, Marc has both a view of the car park and the spectacular lake that adorns the grounds at the rear. It is lit with dimmed lighting that is scattered around the edge.

  I am brought back to the here and now as I feel the presence of Marc behind me. The heat radiating off him brings my eyes up to meet the reflection of his lustrous green eyes in the window.

  “So you’ve asked about me Miss Chambers, what’s your story, a single woman dressed up for an evening and yet you are sitting on your own?”

  I turn and I am forced to look up as he towers over me.

  “I suppose you could say it was to keep my own sanity and also an opportunity too good to be missed.” Marc looks confused and is probably thinking, he’s got a right nut case here with him!

  “I reckon you ought to know that I’m a single mum to two children who I love and adore, but who I also needed a break from; a well earned one even if I say so myself. The eldest is at home as he is old enough to look after himself now and the youngest has gone to stay with his grandparents for a week, just a couple of miles from here. So I thought why not? I don’t want any more children, I can’t have another anyway; therefore I can look forward to my future a little more and be able to enjoy myself” I wait a moment to see if there is any reaction or change to this disclosure.

  “Good on you Miss Chambers, it sounds as though you deserve some fun.” Why I all of a sudden feel relieved, I haven’t the faintest idea.

  For the next half an hour we chat about my boys and work, and he genuinely seems interested in all that I am saying. We finish up our wine and then I have to excuse myself to go to the bathroom. When I come out again Marc is waiting for me with a nectarous glass of whiskey in his hand.

  “I apologise, Isabel, I have already put ice in without asking you first.”

  I take the glass he’s offered. As I do, our fingers brush against one another sending a surge of electricity up my arm and down to in between my thighs, which starts to pulsate in reaction to the touch. Trying to take control of what’s happening, I take the proffered glass.

  “No, don’t worry, that’s fine. Thank you.”

  Clinking glasses we both take our first swig of the amber liquid. The whisky burns slightly as I swallow, but I don’t notice it too much as it is the intense look in Marc’s eyes that seems to be burning me the most. Breaking the hold he has on me, I look to the crystal tumbler in my hand.

  “Delicious. I’ve not tried this one before. I’m afraid I’m not usually a single malt kind of girl, but I may have to buy myself some of this.”

  Marc throws me a smile that reaches his eyes.

  “I've converted you have I? I wonder what else I can convert you to Miss Chambers.”

  Those words hold a thousand meanings, but going by the searing heat that came with them I know exactly what he means. Taking the glass from my hand, Marc puts them both on the low wooden table.

  I reckon you can pretty much guess what happens next and to top it all off, he said I was beautiful.

  Chapter 2

  I really didn’t have a definitive plan on how this week was going to pan out. So to now find myself lying naked on my stomach, with an almighty grin and my fiery red hair spread messily across the pillow, was good going I guess. Turning toward the window I see the Sunday sunlight streaming through the opened curtains- closing my eyes again I pinch my arm to make sure I didn’t dream any of the previous gloriously sexy night. Feeling the bed move slightly behind me, a gentle hand moves my hair from off of my shoulders and presses a tender kiss up on the nape of my neck; which makes me go all goose-pimply. It is enough of a sign to tell me I wasn’t.

  “Good morning Beautiful, I trust you slept well. Would you like to shower here?”

  Turning my head to see all of the 6ft 2inches of American stud Marc Sanders, before me is a vision. There goes that choral of angels again! He is standing tall with his manly hands holding the white Egyptian cotton towel, that is wrapped around him, low on his narrow hips. I can’t stop my eyes from leisurely taking in this statue of a man in. Strong defined legs and taut abdomen proves to me that Marc looks after him self, extremely well. I must be staring for a fraction too long as he then says:

  “Are you enjoying the view Miss Chambers?”

  The blush instantly sweeps over my face and I smirk at the same time, as I hear the humour in his voice.

  Casually leaning up I rest my head in the palm of my hand, exposing a little of my milk white breast. His oceanic green eyes get a load of it and seeing them dilate, inside I start to do backstroke as I am drawn into them.

  “Are you enjoying the view Mr Sanders?” I laugh, swearing I saw the towel twitch a little.

  Marc nervously clears his throat and then runs his fingers through his hair, still wet from showering. This action alone is so innocently sexy and that it forces me to swallow hard. Smiling provocatively he replies,

  “That I was Miss Chambers. That I was.”

  My stomach clenches and watching him return to the bathroom I feel strangely cold at the loss of him. Damn it Chambers, when did your lottery ticket come in? I bite my lip at the thoughts rushing through my head. Spotting a white luxurious, thick white robe at the end of the King size bed, I stand to slip my arms into it, wrapping it tight around me and tie the sash into a knot. Taking a moment to glance around the room I see a breakfast tray that contains a banquet of food, on a small table near to the door. Assuming nothing, I walk into the seating area of the room and observing the sofa I start to have flashbacks of the night before. My hand reaches for my tight throat afraid that my rapidly beating heart will leap out at any moment. His warm tongue! I close my eyes recalling how it stroked the junction at my thighs. His strong hands fondling my full figured breast! My chest rises and falls to accommodate the air I’m taking in as I am breathing heavily. Just then I smell the opulent scent of Marc before I see or hear him approach from behind.

  “I hope you don’t mind, but I called the reception to have breakfast brought up to us. I wasn’t sure what you liked, so requested that they bring a little of everything they had.”

  Marc walks past me carrying what turns out to be, one of two silver trays of goodies. He’s changed into a pair of faded, worn jeans and an off grey plain t-shirt; he looks so casual, so different, and so utterly and totally gorgeous. What really gets my attention however are his bare feet- before you even think about it, I do not have a foot fetish….well not until now that is! He must be a size 13 shoe and has perfect toes. No gross big toe or a stumpy little one that sticks out….just perfect! Bending at the waist to place the tray down, I now have the splendid experience of a ‘Marc Sanders’ floor show displaying his perfectly formed ass! I must swoon out loud, as without turning around to face me Marc says,

  “You seem to be enjoying far too many views Miss Chambers and so I may have to do something about me having my fair share later.”

  I gulp at his evocative statement, but I cannot say I haven’t been caught red handed. I am guilty as charged and there’s no point in me even denying that I was totally checking this guy’s ass out. So without even bothering to
ponder over an excuse, I just come straight out with it;

  “It is one mighty fine view Mr Sanders and it would be a shame not to enjoy such a wondrous spectacle.”

  Whole heartedly laughing, he stands to face me. “I’m glad I was able to provide such a show for you then Miss Chambers. Come, we must eat.”

  Scanning the variety of treats before me I see that there are Croissants to fresh fruit, muffins to cereal and yoghurt to a selection of juices. You name it, it’s on there.

  “Wow! I really don’t know what to say”, which is true. I am astounded at the thought he has put into this.

  My stomach rumbles its approval at what it sees; I don’t think it has devoured such delicacies for breakfast before. I giggle to myself, as I could put Marc into the ‘Delicacy’ department as well. Marc gestures for me to sit on the sofa and I cannot stop the heat that rises to my now rosy cheeks. I curse silently and try to control myself. Chambers, sort it out. Sensing that Marc is laughing at me yet again at having possibly read my mind, I perch on the end.

  “What delights may I tempt you with then Miss Chambers? May I tempt you to a banana or some yoghurt perhaps?”

  I may have only known this guy for less than three days, but I know a double entendre when I hear one. So rolling my eyes and shaking my head, I determine that two can play at this game. So relaxing back into the seat, I make my first move.

  “Mmm!! I think I will have some strawberries please Sir.”

  Cocking up one of his eyebrows, I surmise he is taken by surprise by my reply, but he knows the game is on!! “As you wish Miss Chambers” And he bows before me like a butler would.


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