Murdered at the Courthouse

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Murdered at the Courthouse Page 11

by Dianne Harman

  Now I think I understand why living in a sorority house like this one is so expensive, Kat mused, as she looked around at the chairs covered in matching white slipcovers, the white swagged damask drapes, and the grand piano in the corner.

  Lacie touched her arm. “We’re sitting here, Mom. Let me introduce you to the others. They’ve all agreed to meet you in my room after dinner. I made appointments with them fifteen minutes apart. I thought they might tell you more if they talked to you alone, rather than with the other ones listening.”

  Kat greeted the young women and told them how honored she was that they had agreed to talk to her for a few minutes following dinner, particularly given the emphasis on studying and top grades for which the sorority was noted.

  Dinner was superb and consisted of a tossed green salad, roasted chicken breasts over rice with an espagnole sauce, a broccoli-cauliflower mixture, and ended with a Meyer lemon tart, similar to the one Kat had at home.

  “Tell me,” Kat said, “Do you have dinners this good every night? This was outstanding.”

  “Yes,” a young woman by the name of Jacqui said. “We have the best chef on sorority row. I overheard him tell one of his assistants that every week some sorority or fraternity tries to hire him away, but he’s very loyal to us. He’s mentioned that his sister was a Pi Phi, so he feels like we’re family.”

  “Mrs. Denham, would you mind if I was the first one you talked to tonight? I have a test tomorrow in my 8:00 a.m. class, and botany has never been my best subject,” Lili, a dark-haired young woman asked.

  “That would be fine. Whatever works out best for all of you. I just appreciate you taking time to tell me a little about college life. Lacie and I talk a lot, but I always try to get as much background information as I can for my novels.”

  When they were finished with dinner, the six of them left the dining room and walked up to the second floor where the senior’s rooms were located. Six of the rooms were single rooms which were highly coveted, but only young women who had the highest grade averages were allowed to live in them, and only for one semester. If their grades fell, they went back to living with a roommate. Lacie had a room of her own, as did Rebecca.

  “Mom, I’m going downstairs to study, I’ll be back in an hour.” Lacie picked up some books and her laptop computer from her desk. “All the girls know when they’re supposed to be here for their meetings with you. See you later.”

  Kat spent the next forty-five minutes with Jacqui, Lili, and Samantha. The conversations were pretty much the same. They discussed the young women’s thoughts on college, dating, grades, sorority life, and things of that nature. Since they were all quite attractive she asked them if they had ever thought of going into the fields of modeling or show business. All of them had answered with a resounding “No!”

  The last appointment was with Rebecca Malone. Kat had noticed at dinner that she was a little different from the others. She seemed to exude a sense of superiority, as if she was much older and had experienced things the others had not. She was stunningly beautiful, and quite unlike the other young women Kat had interviewed. Her long brown wavy hair with highlights fell just below her shoulders.

  Kat had never been to a plastic surgeon or had any “work” done, but she had the distinct impression that Rebecca was no stranger to it. Her lips were unnaturally full, as if they’d had some plumping serum injected into them, and her perfect figure was just that, too perfect. The sheer fabric of her blouse left little to the imagination, and its buttons were almost bursting at the front with a bustline that was unnaturally large for her small frame. Kat didn’t think Nancy Malone would pay for enhancements such as Rebecca had, and she was curious if the porn sites were proving to be financially profitable for the young woman.

  After talking to her for several minutes, Kat asked, “Rebecca, you’re quite beautiful. Have you thought about going into modeling or into the movie industry?”

  Rebecca was quiet for several moments, looking up at Kat from under her unnaturally long eyelashes. “You’re not the first person to ask me that question,” she said. “As a matter of fact, I’ve made friends with a man, a producer, who wants to help me with a career in that area. He says I’d be a natural in front of the camera.” She twisted a strand of hair around her finger with a sultry pout.

  “How did you meet a producer? I can’t believe Kansas would have many movie producers working in a state that’s so well known for its agricultural products.”

  “I’ve done a little modeling on different computer sites. He happened to see me and got in touch with me.”

  Kat made some notes in her notebook, still listening intently. “I didn’t know someone could get the private contact information of people who appeared on different internet sites unless the person allowed it by putting their email address and name on it. Is that how he got in touch with you?”

  “Yes. I thought it would be fun to put my name and email address on them when I was modelling to see what the response would be. It was pretty amazing, actually. I got hundreds of emails telling me how beautiful I was and how much they enjoyed seeing me.”

  Looking across at Rebecca, Kat sensed she was waiting for some sort of reaction, or congratulations perhaps, for this achievement. “I saw a woman on television recently who had a daughter who’d appeared on some pornographic computer sites,” Kat said. “She’d be about the right age to be your mother, and her last name was Malone. It would be a small world if that was your mother.”

  “It probably was,” the young woman said, her eyes narrowing. “I imagine you saw her in relation to that stupid organization she founded, Mothers Against Pornography Addiction.”

  Kat was quiet for a moment and then said, “Yes, that was the woman I saw. Since it was your mother, I have to ask you if you plan on doing something like that when you graduate. I understand from Lacie that you always have the highest grades in the sorority house.”

  Rebecca’s smug expression faltered. She looked down and twisted her hands in her lap. “I don’t know if anyone can understand it. My mother certainly hasn’t been able to. Mrs. Denham, all my life everyone has told me how smart I am. It was like I was just a brain and nothing more. I never had a date in high school. As a matter of fact, I don’t think a boy ever noticed me. I decided that was going to change when I went to college, and it has.”

  “In what ways?”

  “Boys and men really notice me now. I was able to make a little money from what I did, and I used it to make myself look better. For the first time in my life, people are noticing how I look, not how smart I am.”

  “Rebecca, in the interview I saw with your mother, she said she’d gotten you to quit appearing on porn sites by threatening to disinherit you. Is that true?”

  “Yes, she threatened to do that, so I had to get pretty creative,” Rebecca said with a smirk. “She doesn’t know about them, but I have a couple of other email accounts. Lots of men get in touch with me. Like I said, they sure notice me now. For the first time in my life I’m really somebody. I still use my brain, because I like some of the things it can get me, like a room of my own here.”

  “Do the other women in the sorority know about this?”

  “No, they’re so into themselves and college life, it would never occur to them there’s money to be made by using your body. I can’t wait to graduate at the end of this year, so I can really get well-known. I’ve already made enough money from being on porn sites that I don’t care if my mother does disinherit me.”

  “This is none of my business, Rebecca, but I’m gathering you’re still posting photos of yourself on porn sites.”

  Rebecca straightened up in her seat, her eyes cold. “You’re right,” she said sarcastically. “It’s none of your business. My mother just wanted me to quit doing it, so the men would stop getting in touch with me. She wrote to several of them, and even the more persistent ones have given up, in one way or another. It’s been a hoot, Mrs. Denham, but I have other things to do. Rat
her doubt that what I’ve told you will help you when you write your book about college life and the clean-cut co-eds living in the ever so nice and fancy sorority house. So long, Miss Nosy.” She abruptly stood up and walked out of the room.

  You’re wrong about that, Rebecca, this can go front and center in my new book, The Professor’s Predicament. If a professor knew his student was appearing on porn sites, wouldn’t that constitute a predicament?

  A few moments later Lacie walked into the room. “How did it go, Mom? Were the girls able to help you?”

  “Very much, Lacie, very much. And I have to tell you I am so glad you’re you. I love you so much, and I’m so proud of you.”

  “Don’t know what that’s all about,” Lacie said as she walked over and hugged Kat, “But I’ll take it, and the feeling’s mutual.”

  “Sweetheart, I need to get home to Blaine. The poor guy has probably had one of the worst days of his life, and I’m sure he could use some serious TLC and good food. I’ll talk to you soon, and thanks again for arranging this.”


  Kat hurried home and as soon as she turned the corner on the street leading to her house she noticed that no lights were on, which meant Blaine must be meeting with Ryan. As soon as she got in the house, after letting the dogs out and turning on the gas fireplace to make the house a little cozier, she checked her phone to see if there was a message from Blaine.

  He’d sent one while she was at dinner with Lacie and the girls. There had been a lot of noise in the dining room, and since her phone was in her purse at her feet, she’d missed the call. He told her he was going to meet with Ryan. He said he’d be home around eight, and he’d be hungry.

  She smiled and began to fix dinner. Sometimes there was nothing better than a good pasta comfort food dinner. She always kept a ragu, an Italian meat sauce, in the freezer for nights like this. She took it out and defrosted it in the microwave. Twenty minutes later, when the pot of salted water was ready to go, the salads made and chilling in the refrigerator, the garlic bread ready to be heated, and the wine decanted, she lit the candles, glad she’d only eaten a few bites of dinner at the sorority house. She knew Blaine would want to share dinner with her.

  She’d just turned on the oven to preheat it when she heard his booming voice call out, “Kat, I’m home.” He walked into the kitchen followed by the dogs, furiously wagging their tails, and kissed her.

  “How bad was it?” Kat asked.

  “Let me change my clothes and get out of this suit. I unloosened my tie as soon as I got out of court, but I still feel constricted. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes. Actually, I better get a couple of dog treats, or I’m going to be hounded, literally, the whole time I’m upstairs.” He reached into the bone-shaped dog treat jar and pulled two out. “I’ll be back in a couple of minutes,” he said as he gave Jazz and Rudy the treats.

  True to his word, within minutes he was back, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, sandals on his feet. “I know it’s cold out and you have a fire going, but I felt so constrained in my shoes, I just needed some wiggle room.”

  “I’m not a psychiatrist, but it sounds to me like the feeling of constraint is a little mental as well. How was the new judge?” she asked as she slipped the garlic bread into the oven and checked on the boiling water in the pasta pot. “I decanted a bottle of wine. You’re allowed one glass. Don’t know if you want it now or with dinner.”

  “Now. And I think I’m a big enough boy I can actually handle one before dinner and one with dinner.”

  “The day was that bad, huh?” Kat said as she reached for the decanter.

  “In all honesty it could have been worse. In answer to your question, the new judge is pretty nice. He allowed Ryan to be my assistant even though the opposing attorney brought up the fact that Judge Dickerson had removed his name as attorney of record and as such, thought Judge Lincoln, that’s the new judge’s name, should respect the wishes of the deceased judge. Judge Lincoln overruled him, which was good for my side. We impaneled the jury and testimony begins tomorrow. Ryan and I spent a couple of hours working on my opening statement and I had Carly call the witnesses to make sure they’d be ready.”

  Kat handed Blaine a glass of wine. “Compared to how bad it could have been if you’d been trying the case in front of Judge Dickerson, it sounds like a walk in the park.”

  “I’m not exactly sure I’d use that language to describe my day, but yes, it was far better than I thought it would be two days ago.” A trace of a smile appeared on Blaine’s face. “And your day? What did you do? Have any breakthroughs regarding the sanctity of my name?”

  “Today was pretty much a Malone day. I met with Nancy Malone, she’s the one who founded Mothers Against Pornography Addiction, and her daughter.”

  “Well, what’s your take on them?”

  “Give me a minute to get dinner on the table, and I’ll tell you while we’re eating. Go sit down.”

  When they were both seated and dinner was on the table, she raised her wine glass towards Blaine and said, “To a successful trial.”

  “Sounds trite, but I’ll drink to that.”

  A moment later he said, “This is delicious, Kat. Thanks. You know this is one of my favorite meals and believe me, tonight I needed something like this. Now tell me what you found out.”

  She related her meetings with Nancy, the girls at the sorority house, and her conversation with Rebecca in as much detail as she could. She wanted him to have a sense of how she felt after meeting with them. When she was finished she said, “Blaine, you’re the one who’s spent years as a lawyer working against people who have committed crimes. Do you have any words of wisdom regarding anything I’ve told you?”

  He was quiet for a few moments, seemingly lost in thought. “Something sounds off about both of them. For some reason it looks like you struck a nerve with Nancy when you told her Judge Dickerson was shot with a pistol. From what you’ve told me, it seemed like you two were really getting along well, and as soon as that was mentioned, she turned into a different person and abruptly left. That’s unusual, but I don’t know what it means.”

  “That’s exactly what happened, and I don’t know either. It had something to do with word ‘gun’ but I sure don’t know what. Any thoughts on Rebecca?”

  “Yeah. I’m very glad she’s not my stepdaughter, and I didn’t get her when I married you. Lacie is just icing on the cake. Anyway, from what you’ve told me she seems to fit the profile that Professor White outlined when you talked to her. Sounds like she’s doing it for the notoriety it brings her. I do have a question, though.”


  “I can’t imagine how she could pose for a porn site when she’s living at the sorority house. I would think if she was ever caught by someone, as strict as that sorority is with all the rules Lacie’s told us about, she’d be kicked out of the sorority in a blink of an eye. Rather doubt that would please mama. She must go somewhere to pose for her photos that are posted on the porn sites. Did she mention anything about that?”

  “No, and it never even occurred to me, but of course you’re right. Wouldn’t she need a camera there to take photos of herself or have someone else take photos of her?”

  “From the little I know, yes, and I stress the words ‘little I know’ and given all the attorneys and judges who have gotten in trouble for viewing porn sites, that’s a good thing.”

  “Couldn’t agree more. I wonder if Dave could find that out. Even so, I fail to see what her posing for porn sites has to do with Judge Dickerson’s murder.”

  “I have no idea, but there is a nexus, so obviously there’s some kind of a connection. According to her mother, the judge contacted Rebecca a number of times. A letter is sent by the mother to the judge and then the judge is murdered…” He was interrupted by Kat’s cell phone ringing.

  “Excuse me, Blaine. Let me see who it is.” She walked into the kitchen where her phone was and said in a loud voice, “I need to get this. It’
s Dave.”

  “Hi, Dave. You must have ESP. I was going to call you a little later. I thought of a couple more questions for you.”

  “Go ahead,” Dave said.

  “First of all, what kind of a gun was used to kill the judge? Was it a small gun, kind of like a ladies’ gun, or a big manly gun?”

  “According to a contact I have at the police department, they’re not entirely sure, but they think it was a Ruger LC9s 9mm subcompact pistol. A bullet fired at close range from that type of gun makes a very distinctive entry wound in the victim. The judge suffered that type of wound, so that’s why they think that was the kind of gun used by the killer. It’s very popular among women for self-defense, because it’s so easy for a woman to use, even a relatively inexperienced woman. Why do you ask?”

  “I met with Nancy Malone today. She didn’t know Judge Dickerson had been murdered, and when I told her he’d been killed with a gun, she almost immediately turned into a different person, and I have no idea why. I’ll just file that information away for now. My second question is this.”

  “Wait a minute, Kat. My wife just brought me a note that our daughter’s ballet performance has been number one on YouTube hits for the last eighteen hours. Swell. I’d rather be known for something other than the father of the little girl who held her bum during her entire ballet performance. Oh well, the joys of fatherhood. As you were saying.”

  “Congratulations or condolences,” Kat said laughing. “Anyway, Dave, it’s a given that Rebecca Malone, Nancy’s daughter, was appearing on porn sites. It’s kind of a small world, but she lives in the same sorority house as my daughter. Obviously, a camera has to be used to take any photo that is posted on a porn site. Either the person being photographed sets a camera up and takes a ‘selfie’ or some other third party takes the photo. I don’t see either one of those scenarios happening at a sorority house.”

  “Been a long time since I was around sorority women, but I agree. Somehow taking nude photos for use on a computer porn site and a sorority are kind of a non-sequitur.”


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