Murdered at the Courthouse

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Murdered at the Courthouse Page 14

by Dianne Harman

  “I slipped in unnoticed, made my way to the door leading to his chambers, and the rest is history. Your little Ruger 9LCs was perfect for me. It was a nice simple up close short range ‘can’t miss’ shot to the back of his head. The gun is so small it fit inside the manila envelope I was carrying to hide it.”

  As she finished telling how she had killed the judge, Kat noticed that Rebecca’s eyes were bulging out, her words were getting louder and louder, to the point she was shouting in an angry tone of voice, and she seemed to be on the verge of losing all sense of control as she pointed the small gun first at Nancy and then at Kat and Scott.

  “Oh, no!” Kat thought. “She’s losing it, and she’s going to kill all three of us at any moment.”

  Rudy suddenly stood up and growled deeply at Rebecca. She instinctively turned towards him and raised her arm that wasn’t holding the gun to protect herself from what she perceived to be a threat from Rudy. At that moment, Scott leaped away from the wall where he was standing and knocked the gun out of Rebecca’s hand.

  “Rudy, attack,” Kat shouted in a commanding voice. The big dog stood next to Scott, growling and snapping at Rebecca, as Scott pinned her against the floor and yelled, “Kat, go over to the desk. Second drawer down has a set of handcuffs in it. Bring them to me. Quick.”

  Kat opened the desk drawer and handed Scott the handcuffs which he expertly snapped on Rebecca. He looked at Kat and said, “Call 911.” Within only a few minutes they heard sirens and then cars skidding to sudden stops in the parking lot outside the front door of the studio. The room was soon filled with law enforcement personnel. One of the first to enter Police Chief Moore.

  “What are you doing here, Kat?” he asked, taking in the scene.

  “It has to do with Judge Dickerson’s murder. If you have someone who can take my statement, I won’t have to repeat myself.”

  “Sure, Officer Dugan can take it while I listen.” He noticed Nancy softly sobbing and asked, “Are you all right, ma’am?”

  Nancy looked up and sniffed. “Yes and no. In some ways this is the worst moment of my life, and in other ways, it’s a new start. You see, I’m the mother of the young woman over there who’s in handcuffs, the one who murdered Judge Dickerson. If it hadn’t been for Rudy and the owner of this studio, the three of us also would have been murdered by my daughter.”

  “I’m sorry, ma’am. If you’ll step over here, I’ll have one of my officers take your statement as well. We always take our statements one on one so there’s no collusion between witnesses, although I’m sure that’s not a consideration in this case, but I have to follow police procedures. And likewise, sir, would you please step over there, and I’ll have someone take your statement,” he said nodding to Scott.

  When all three of them had given their statements to the police, and Rebecca had been arrested and taken to jail for the murder of Judge Dickerson, Kat looked at Scott and said, “I know this is kind of a strange question, but I’ve never known anyone who kept handcuffs in their desk drawer.”

  Scott grinned at her and said, “Well, as you know I photograph and film porn, so I could say that I keep them there as one of the props I use in some of the scenes I photograph, but that wouldn’t be entirely true. You see, I was a Green Beret in Iraq. I learned to be prepared for whatever might happen. I’m guessing Dave didn’t tell you that he and I served a tour of duty together when we were both in the Green Berets.”

  “No, he neglected to mention it, although I have to tell you I’m having a little trouble reconciling you and Dave being Green Berets, and you’re the owner of a studio who films porn.”

  “When I returned from Iraq I didn’t really have any skills that would transfer over to civilian life. Dave happened to mention that one of his company’s sources was selling a studio that primarily photographed and filmed porn that was displayed on computer websites specializing in porn. I bought it and it’s turned out to be an extremely lucrative business. Yes, it is an unusual type of occupation, but I don’t make moral judgments on how people spend their leisure time. That’s their business.”


  Nancy, Rudy, and Kat were on their way to Nancy’s home when the Bluetooth in Kat’s car announced she had an incoming call from Blaine Evans. “Hi, sweetheart, how’s the trial going?” she asked.

  “It’s fine, but that’s not why I’m calling. Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine. I take it someone told you about my little adventure this afternoon.”

  “Just heard it from the police chief himself. I walked out of the courtroom, and he was there along with a reporter from the newspaper and that obnoxious woman from the television channel who was in my face the other night. I guess you and Rudy are famous.”

  “No, Rudy was very helpful, but if there was a hero it was Scott Jessup, the owner of the studio where Rebecca posed for her nude photos. Nancy and Rudy are with me in the car. I’m taking her home. The judge must have ended court early today.”

  “He did. We were at a natural stopping point. I got the main gist of what happened from Chief Moore and the newspaper reporter. By the way, the paper is writing a retraction of its story about me as a suspect and writing an accurate account of what happened the night Judge Dickerson was murdered. The reporter will probably be calling you, although Chief Moore has already given him most of the story.”

  “I just got off the phone with Dave,” Kat said, “and he was really happy his old friend Scott had played such an important part in what happened at his studio. He told me that from time to time Scott mentions he kind of misses all the drama and action he was involved in when he was in Iraq. Dave hopes this will hold him for a while.”

  “Think I could go my whole life and never have my wife and dog involved in something like what happened to you today. To each his own. How’s Nancy doing? This had to be very traumatic for her.”

  “She’s sitting right here, and I’ll let her talk to you.”

  Nancy began to talk. “Hi, Mr. Evans. I’m doing okay. It’s going to take some time to deal with this, and I don’t know exactly what the future holds, but I know one thing for sure. I don’t want anything more to do with Mothers Against Pornography Addiction. After today, there are just too many memories and none of them are good. I want to distance myself from the whole subject of pornography.”

  “Nancy, Kat mentioned you were a big supporter of mine in my district attorney election,” Blaine said. “I’ll be running again next year, and I’d consider it an honor if you’d be willing to be my right-hand woman in that race. Naturally, I have a campaign manager, but I found in the last election that I need someone to go to all the talks and coffees with me, along with everything else that’s involved in an election campaign. Any chance you’d be interested in doing something like that?”

  Nancy was quiet for several moments as tears filled her eyes. “Mr. Evans. I appreciate your offer, but you don’t have to do that.”

  “I know I don’t, but I also know how impressed Kat has been with you, and from what I heard from the chief today, you are one very brave lady. I’d really like you to be on my team. I know I sure wouldn’t want you to be on my opponent’s team,” he said laughing.

  Nancy sniffed and said, “Mr. Evans, right now I’m a little too raw to give you a yes or no, but after I’ve had a chance to consider it, I’m sure I’ll be calling you with an affirmative answer.”

  “Good. Kat, I’m in a meeting with Ryan at the moment, and Carly just told me that Norman Layton with the Daily News is on the other line. I should be home around 6:00. Got any champagne? Think this calls for a celebration. It’s not often you become an unsuspect.”

  Kat smiled. “Matter of fact, think I’ve got a pretty good bottle of the bubbly that I’ll have properly chilled by the time you get home. I also need to get a steak bone out of the freezer as a reward for Rudy, and if I don’t get one out for Jazz as well, I’ll have a dog fight on my hands. See you later.”

  When they got to Nancy�
�s home, Kat pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine. She looked over at Nancy. “I wish there was something I could do or say that would help you right now, but if there is, I don’t know what it would be. I’m so sorry about Rebecca, but from what you said, you must feel some degree of relief that no one else was hurt by her.”

  “Yes, I can take solace in the fact that if we hadn’t acted, at some point there would have been more murders. As a matter of fact, we were prime candidates,” she said ruefully. “It’s just going to take some time. I feel like a boat that’s been cut loose from its mooring and is drifting into unknown waters. Since my husband and I were divorced, Rebecca has been my life as well as Mothers Against Pornography Addiction. Now, I don’t know how I’m going to spend my days.” She picked her purse up from the floor near her feet.

  “Nancy, one thing I’ve learned during my trip through life, is that when one door closes, another one opens. Blaine certainly offered to open one for you, and who knows, there may be others as well.”

  “Yes, I know. It’s just so much to process and absorb. Thank you, Kat. I know there are people who will blame me and say I’m responsible for Rebecca facing murder charges, that I did a lousy job as a mother, but as I said earlier, I’m just glad she’s only facing one charge of murder. I can’t help but think there’s something wrong with her mentally, and that’s the reason for what she did, or maybe I just want to believe it.”

  “Whoever her attorney is, I’m sure he will use mental illness as a defense. I’m pretty sure she’ll be seeing a number of psychiatrists. Hopefully, one of them can help her. Nancy, I’m not going to say goodbye to you, because I know we’ll be seeing each other again. I’ll call you tomorrow and see how you’re doing, but if you need something tonight, you have my number.”

  “Thank you for that, and Kat, I feel like although I’ve lost a daughter, I’ve gained a new friend. And I may not have picked Rebecca, but I can pick you,” she said grinning through her tears as she got out of the car.

  You’re a very brave lady, Kat thought, and it’s my honor to be your friend. Good luck and may you find peace.




  2 2/3 cups chicken broth (Can be made from cubes or I prefer “Better Than Bouillon”; it comes in a short round jar.)

  1/3 cup unsalted butter

  1 tsp. sea salt

  ½ tsp. garlic powder

  ¼ tsp. freshly ground pepper

  1/8 tsp. paprika

  Pinch onion powder

  2 tbsp. olive oil

  1 cup long-grain white rice

  ¼ cup frozen peas, thawed


  Place the chicken broth, butter, salt, garlic powder, pepper, paprika, and onion powder in a large saucepan over medium heat. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer.

  Place the olive oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the rice and cook for 5-7 minutes, then add it to the saucepan, stirring to combine. When the mixture begins to simmer, turn the heat to low, cover the pan, and cook for 15 minutes. Remove cover, add peas, and continue to cook until all of the liquid is absorbed, about 5 more minutes. Serve and enjoy!



  2 lbs. ground beef (I prefer to use a leaner beef, but that’s a personal choice.)

  1 lb. ground sausage (I like Jimmy Dean’s sausage. Your choice as to spicy or regular.)

  ½ cup chicken broth

  2 pieces bread (any type)

  1 egg

  6 pieces bacon

  ¼ cup onion, chopped

  1 tbsp. olive oil

  ¼ tsp. sea salt (regular is fine, too)

  ¼ tsp. freshly ground pepper

  1/8 tsp. garlic salt


  Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Tear the bread into pieces and put them in the chicken broth to soak. Heat the olive oil in a small pan and add the onions. Cook until soft. Remove from heat.

  Place the ground beef, sausage, egg, onion, salts, and pepper in a mixing bowl. Drain the bread and add it to the mixture. With your hands, mix the ingredients until well combined. Place the mixture in a baking dish (I usually use a glass 9” x 13” dish) and form a loaf-type rectangle. Cover the top with strips of bacon. (I usually have to cut them to make them fit the ends.)

  Cook inn oven for about one hour. Because of the fat in the sausage and the ground beef, you may have to drain the liquid fat from the dish a couple of times. Let rest for five minutes. Serve and enjoy!



  1 lb. pork sausage (I like Jimmy Dean’s spicy for these.)

  8 eggs

  1 tbsp. butter

  2 green onions, chopped

  1 package 8 burrito flour tortillas (8” diameter)

  1 cup shredded Mexican cheese (Some brands show it as 4 cheese mixture.)

  1 cup salsa (I far prefer the freshly made salsa in the refrigerated section of the store to canned or bottled.)

  1 cup sour cream

  Two sliced avocados


  Cook the sausage over medium high heat until all pinkness is gone. Add the green onions. Remove from skillet.

  Crack the eggs into a large bowl and beat until blended. Wipe the skillet with paper towels to get rid of any oil from the sausage. Melt the butter in the pan and add the eggs, stirring frequently until scrambled. Remove from heat and add the sausage and onion mixture. Gently combine.

  Heat tortillas according to package directions. Divide the sausage mixture between the tortillas. Put 2 tbsp. cheese over sausage mixture. Fold in the sides of each tortilla and roll up to make burritos. Place in a freezer container with waxed paper between the layers and freeze. The night before you plan on using them for breakfast, put the burritos in the refrigerator to thaw. The following morning heat oven to 350 degrees. Bake 10 to 15 minutes or until hot. Serve with salsa, sour cream, and avocados. Enjoy!



  2 lbs. red potatoes

  3 eggs

  5 slices bacon

  1 cup mayonnaise

  3 stalks of celery, minced

  2 tbs. fresh chives, chopped

  Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste

  ½ tsp. paprika


  Place the potatoes in a large pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil and cook for about 20 minutes or until tender when pierced with a fork. Drain and cool.

  Put the eggs in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Bring the water to a boil and remove the pan from the heat. Cover and let the eggs stand for 14 minutes. Remove the eggs, drain the hot water, and put one cup of ice, the eggs, and enough cold water to cover the eggs back in the pan. After about a minute or so, remove the eggs from the pan, peel, and mince two of them. Place the minced eggs in a large mixing bowl. Reserve the third egg for garnish. Stir in the mustard, mayonnaise, celery, salt, pepper, and gently combine.

  Fry the bacon and when cool, crumble it and add it to the egg mixture in the bowl. Chop the potatoes into bite-size pieces and stir them into the egg mixture until evenly coated. Peel and slice the remaining egg and place the pieces on top of the salad. Garnish with the chopped chives and paprika. Enjoy!



  1 graham cracker crust

  4 eggs, jumbo

  3 egg yolks, jumbo

  1 cup plus 1 tbsp. sugar

  1 cup Meyer lemon juice (I have used limes instead, since we have 2 lime trees.)

  10 tsp. cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces

  Pinch of kosher salt

  1 cup heavy cream

  2 tbsp. sifted powdered sugar


  Whisk the eggs, egg yolks, sugar, and lemon juice together in a saucepan. Cook over medium heat, stirring continuously until it becomes thick enough to coat the back of a spoon. Remove from the
heat. Add the butter, a little at a time, stirring to thoroughly incorporate it. Stir in the salt. Let it cool for about 10 minutes, then spread it over the crust. Chill in refrigerator.

  Prior to serving, whip the cream with the powdered sugar into stiff peaks. Cut the tart into pieces and serve with a dollop of whipped cream. Enjoy!


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  I live in Huntington Beach, California, with my husband, Tom, a former California State Senator, and my boxer dog, Kelly. My passions are cooking, reading, and dogs, so whenever I have a little free time, I am either in the kitchen, playing with Kelly in the back yard, or curled up with the latest book I'm reading.

  Her other books are available below:

  Amazon: Blue Coyote Motel

  Amazon: Coyote in Provence

  Amazon: Cornered Coyote

  Amazon: Coyote Series

  Amazon: Kelly’s Koffee Shop

  Amazon: Murder at Jade Cove

  Amazon: White Cloud Retreat

  Amazon: Marriage and Murder

  Amazon: Murder in Cottage #6

  Amazon: Murder in the Pearl District

  Amazon: Murder and Brandy Boy

  Amazon: Murder in Calico Gold

  Amazon: The Death Card

  Amazon: Murder at The Cooking School

  Amazon: Murder & The Monkey Band

  Amazon: Murder at The Bed & Breakfast

  Amazon: Murder at The Secret Cave

  Amazon: Murder in Cuba


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