A New Toy

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by Brenda Stokes Lee

  A New Toy

  Title Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  About the Author

  A New Toy

  A Novel by Brenda Stokes Lee


  A New Toy

  By Brenda Stokes Lee

  Published by Daddy’s Girl Publishing House

  Baltimore, Maryland 21061

  Copyright © Daddy’s Girl Publishing House and Author 2011

  All rights are reserved and under copyright law will be strictly enforced.

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  Publisher’s Note

  This is completely a work of fiction. Names, places, characters, personalities, scenarios, situations and incidents that occur within this work are products of the author’s vivid imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance, similarity, or likeness to actual persons, living or dead, groups, business establishments, organizations, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  To those of you who are aware of the difficulties of writing, proofing and editing a novel, the author deems it unnecessary to make any excuse or apology for the imperfections which may occasionally be found in this work of fiction. Her objective has been to be entertaining; if that has been accomplished in any form or in any degree, she will be amply rewarded for her labor. She relies upon the generous liberality of her readers to forgive and overlook the errors which may have been overlooked in her endeavors to please and entertain them.

  Daddy’s Girl Publishing House at www.daddygirlpublishing.com

  Chapter 1

  As I watched the tow truck pull away with my totally destroyed Lexus truck I was pissed. Still, I couldn't help but ponder how blessed I was to be alive. That damn deer came from nowhere and stood in front of my vehicle like a five hundred pound marble statue. There was nowhere to go and nothing that I could do but hit him.

  "Dumb ass, he just officially ruined both of our Christmas. Now, what? It's eight o'clock at night on Christmas Eve and I'm not even close to home." I thought as I entered the restaurant were the tow truck driver so kindly dropped me off. "Well at least I can pee and get something to eat while I wait for somebody to pick me up."

  After quickly scanning the almost empty bar and grill I went to the ladies room to freshen up. It was snowing so I staked my claim on a booth with a window as I waited for either Jamar or Tyson to return my messages. More out of boredom than anything else I searched my purse for change to play a few songs on the jukebox to kill some time. While standing at the jukebox surveying the selections a handsome young man approached me. Leaning over my shoulder he seductively whispers, “G102” in my ear.

  Momentarily stunned by his closeness and the undeniable tingles his sultry, sexy voice sent through my erotic core, I hesitated and then calmly replied, “I beg your pardon?"

  "You're looking for selection G102.” He repeated.

  Not knowing exactly what troll had crawled out of his hole to fuck with me on Christmas Eve after the nightmare that I had just endured; I cautiously gripped the can of mace in my jacket pocket and prepared to fuck him up. To my absolute surprise I looked over my shoulders only to lose myself in the prettiest big eyes God gave to a man. He smiled at me and I instantly relaxed.

  “Oh My Damn!” I thought. “Who the hell is this?"

  Determined not to go soft over his pretty boy swag, or display the slightest hint of interest I looked back at the Jukebox menu to see what song G102 was. Surprisingly it was How Can You Mend a Broken Heart, by Al Green.

  I snickered and thought, "Yeah right." Before I casually replied, “I don’t even think so."

  “Why not?” His deep sexy voice inquired.

  “Probably because my heart is not broken and I plan to keep it that way.” I nonchalantly responded with my back still turned to him.

  “Maybe mine is.” He whispered in my ear.

  "I'm not quite sure what I'm supposed to do with that information." I responded as I turned to face him once again, only to be greeted by a broad sexy smile of perfect teeth and a chiseled, extraordinarily handsome face that pleaded for me to talk to him.

  “Damn, this man is so fuckin fine!” I thought as I did a quick head to toe scan of the delicious specimen of manhood that stood before me.

  “Sir, I don't mean to be rude, but, who do you belong to? And why in hell aren’t they watching you.”

  He chuckled and simply responded. "Nobody, I just told you that I'm heartbroken."

  “I’m real sorry to hear that. Sucks to be you.” I offered my condolences before returning to the Jukebox display to make my selections.

  “Why, are you sorry? You’re the solution not the problem.”

  “Damn! This guy is making my body sing and my koochie clap with the mere sound of his voice! Imagine what he could do with that perfect mouth." I thought as my mind quickly wondered off to Naughty Town USA, population of two- just me and him.

  "Okay Toy, It’s time to walk the fuck away before you get caught up in a shit storm of bullshit and a world of hurt in Hicksville, West Virginia no less.” I thought as I quickly came to my senses and realized that I was several hundred miles away from home talking to a complete damn stranger.

  “Okay... well, I’m not really sure about that, but good luck with your problem. Now, if you will excuse me, my man is on his way to pick me up. He'll be here any minute. He's a cop. In fact he's an extremely jealous cop with three guns. Did you hear me? Yes that’s right, I said three damn guns. So, I have to go.” I warned as I made my first and only selection, G102.

  Naturally, nobody was even close to being on their way to pick me up. Hell, I really didn't even have a man for that matter. Well at least one that I could officially call my own. The truth of the matter is that I had two half ass pieces of a man that still wouldn't total a good man on their best day. Neither of which I would remotely put in the category of being my boyfriend.

  Truthfully, they both were more like friends who offered extremely good benefits when the urge so arrived. And at twenty eight years of age, the urge arrived pretty much daily. Actually, I didn’t want a full time man in my life. I liked, no scratch that, loved being single and unattached. My career was finally on track and a man would just complicate my already complicated life even further. Besides, I had taken too many hits falling off the pretty boy tree to even consider taking another climb. Still, as I meticulously eyed the tall, handsome gentleman that I just walked away from I could only conceded that he would definitely be worth the fall.

  Standing at least six four with a lean muscular build I estimated him to be around twenty five to thirty years old. Judging by the designer clothing, expensive watch,
jewelry and shoes, I guessed that he was definitely not a SLAG- Sorry Lazy Ass Goober.

  The brutha definitely appeared to be doing well for himself. I’m not sure what he was doing, but apparently he was doing it well. The late model 650SL Benz parked in front was more than likely his since we were the only two people in the deserted restaurant. The outdated, faded, red Chevy Camaro more than likely belonged to the bartender. And the Barbie pink, Dodge Neon probably belonged to the waitress.

  The fact that he appeared to be completely alone, with no boys, hoes in tow or enforcers clued me to the fact that he probably wasn’t pedaling drugs. This man was extremely healthy, well dressed, meticulously groomed and very charismatic. Nothing about him screamed street hustler. He had swag though, but it transcended far above street level. None the less he was a stranger and I was obviously in danger of dropping my thong at his feet if I was not careful.

  Now, Stranger Danger was definitely the type of man that I would love to call my own. But let's be realistic, nobody like that is dateless let alone woman-less on Christmas Eve. But there was something in those eyes. Something that haunted my spirit and made my body and soul want to co- mingle and dwell with his.

  I returned to my table, with Al Green crooning, How Can You Mend a Broken Heart, and the young man’s eyes fixated on the rhythm of my romp. I had to smile to myself and conclude, “I must have been transported into a bad episode of the fuckin Twilight Zone. A man that damn fine is never free and single.”

  Granted I'm far from ugly and most women would even admit that I'm extremely attractive. So you know I must be as fine as hell, because bitches just don't want to give you a genuine compliment. Yeah, so I guess this is the point where I need to add that I'm modest and humble too. No but seriously, I'm a fifteen on a scale of one to ten. Handsome, successful men approach me all the time. I just choose not to let that bullshit trip me up in their games. Now I’m not saying that I’m better than anyone else. It's just that I have high expectations, perfectly normal self esteem and an extremely low tolerance for monkey ass, bullshit. I simply know my value and refuse to sell myself short, because some man tells me how pretty I am.

  I'm sure some of you would agree with me that men simply play too many damn games for women to not take advantage of setting the rules. If a man wants to play then he has to play by my rules. That's how I live and some of you are right- that's probably why I'm still single. Nonetheless I don't lose an hour of sleep worrying about where my man is and who he is with. With that said let me find somebody to pick my ass up, so that I can get back to DC before Christmas morning.

  Chapter 2

  Before I could even finish my train of thought, Wonder Boy, who followed me to my table, sits across from me, just as the waitress returns with the cup of hot chocolate that I ordered. I looked up briefly from my texting to give him the evil eye.

  "Look, I don't mean to be a pest, but please just let me sit with you and enjoy some mediocre food and good conversation before I get back on the highway. It's Christmas Eve and I have another two to three hour drive ahead of me. I promise I'll get up just as soon as your man arrives. Please? I'm harmless, I swear." He pleaded.

  “Fine with me, but you're buying.” I declared as I casually continued to play with my phone and silently wondered why neither one of these orangutans that I'm fucking has not even bothered to call me back. Damn they could at least send me a ‘Leave me alone I'm fucking my girl,’ text.

  "I'm Logic, Logic Hart. I'm sorry I should have introduced myself earlier. It's just that you're so beautiful and I saw an opportunity to... Well you...

  "Don't worry about it. It happens all the time. I'm Zatoya, but everyone calls me Toy."

  "It's nice to meet you Toy. By the way thanks for the selection. It helped. It helped a lot."

  "Oh yeah? I'm glad I could help out." I nonchalantly responded as my cell rang. "Excuse, me for a second I have to take this. It's my ride."

  Too tired, too silly and too damn stupid to step away from the table to take the call, I made the rookie ass mistake of taking a call from someone who obviously didn't give a fuck about me.

  "Hey, I called and texted you over an hour ago. What happened?"

  "Toy, it's Christmas Eve, I got to help Shanta put together all these damn toys that we got for Little Man. And then I got to go over to Robin's to get the bike set up for my daughter. I got your message, but I'm not sure I can help. I mean I can come through later to tune you up for Christmas, but there's no way I can pick you up from West Virginia."

  "Are you serious?"

  "Yeah, you know my kids come first. I told you that when we started messing around. Can't you call that other nigga that you fuck with?"

  "What other nigga would that be, Jamar?

  "I know you don't even want to play this game, especially since you're stranded in Dumbfuck, West Virginia." Jamar laughed. "Look, call Old Boy. He'll ride out and pick you up and I'll stop through around two or three to bring you some Christmas cheer."

  "You know what? Fuck you and fuck that! In fact don't even fuckin call my phone with your supercilious brand of monkey shit anymore. I'm done. If your dick wasn't so damn big I wouldn't have never even bothered with your broke ass in the first place."

  "Why you mad? Just call Old Boy and I'll come over later. What's the problem?

  "The only problem I have is that I'm still on the phone with your worthless ass instead of finding a ride back to DC. I can't believe you're going to leave me stranded on Christmas Eve. I was in a fuckin car accident Jamar. You didn't even ask if I was hurt."

  "I'm sorry baby. I just assumed that you were okay. Are you hurt?"

  "Just my damn feelings! After everything I did for you this is how you repay me. Hell, I bought most of that shit that you're giving your kids for Christmas. So, don't give me that shit about your kids come first! And you can't even find the time to help me in an emergency? That's fucked up, Jamar."

  "Toy, what do you want me to do? I already explained my situation. If it wasn't Christmas I'd be on my way."

  "Look, if you can't help, then you're just wasting my damn time. You've already wasted two years of my life and I'm not about to let you waste two more seconds."

  "Alright, well call me when you calm down and shit. Okay? We good?"

  "Fuck you!" I replied as I abruptly hung up the phone.

  Logic, being the gentlemen that he was raised to be, pretend to be too busy surveying the menu to hear my conversation. "So, I think I'm going to have the T-bone steak and egg special. What would you like?" He announced as I hung up and tossed my phone on the table.

  "Apparently, a ride back to DC." I murmured as my eyes begin to swell with tears.

  In retrospect it's times like these that a woman needs a good man in her life and not a dick in her bed. Generally, I'm an independent woman, doing everything for herself. I make an excellent living, I'm intelligent, well educated and I have a healthy financial portfolio. I just don't have a lot of family and very few friends. And the little bit of family and friends that I do have are back home in Miami. Even though Jamar and I were just friends with benefits, I at least thought that we were friends. I guess I was wrong. It hurt to think that I was just a hole or two for him to stick his dick in.

  "I couldn't help but over hear your conversation. Toy, please don't worry about that. I can give you a ride to DC if you need a ride. Don't cry."

  "It's Christmas Eve. I'm three hours from home, with no transportation. My car is totaled. My friends are assholes and I have no one in my life that I can depend on, not one single person. Even if I did make it home I have nothing remotely resembling Christmas at my apartment. My families all in Miami and it's too late to fly home. Excuse my language, but this shit fuckin sucks!" I blurted out as I burst into tears.

  "Come on Toy, everything's going to be okay. I promise. This will be the best Christmas you've ever had. You'll see." Logic promised as he came around the table and set on the booth seat next to me.

ly, he wrapped his big strong arms around me and gave me a much needed hug. Emotionally distraught and hurt I hugged him back and wept like a two year old that needed her Binky, her mommy and a nap. Logic's closeness was comforting, but his cologne was intoxicating. His warm breath which blew ever so gently on my neck was erotic and suddenly he no longer felt like a total stranger. Yet he was.

  "I can't let you do that. Even if I could, I don't know you. Shit like this is exactly why people are missing and never seen again. I'm not getting in a car alone with you. That's craziness. Thanks for the offer, but I'll figure something else out." I said as I came to my senses and peeled myself off of him."

  Understanding my vulnerability, Logic reluctantly, but politely retreated to the other side of the table. His concern for me was more than obvious. He seemed as helpless about my situation as I was. It was apparent that he was a man who was accustomed to taking charge and setting things right. It appeared to bother him that he could not help me. His mind seemed to be churning a hundred miles a millisecond as he pondered a resolution to my dilemma. Without warning his face magically lit up like a newly decorated Christmas tree.

  "Can you excuse me for just a minute? I have to make an urgent phone call."

  "Sure... Go right ahead." I offered as I wiped my eyes, blew my nose and slowly regained my composure and dignity.

  Apparently, all of those years of doing everything for myself had finally caught up with me, ran me over and backed up. Sure, I had all the wealth any one person needed to have a wonderful life. Anything I wanted or desired I could purchase, even a man. I'll admit that sometimes I helped Jamar out financially. Basically under educated and over extended he worked two jobs and still couldn't pay his child support on time. I didn't mind contributing, after all he gave me exactly what I needed, a hard dick on a cold and lonely night, whenever I needed it. Somehow I never realized that my money would not and could not buy me love and devotion. A bit late, but I realize that now.


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