A New Toy

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A New Toy Page 6

by Brenda Stokes Lee

  Tyson laughed. “I think you’ll agree that we have a few hurdles to clear before we get around to that. But, I think you'll like it. In fact, I'm sure you'll love it. I promise. So I'll stop by your place tonight after the ball.”

  “Sure, bring them both by tonight.” I agreed knowing damn well that I wasn't going to be there.

  A broad sexy grin crossed Tyson's handsome face as I sealed the deal with a professional handshake and a sweet goodbye kiss on his lips. Little did he realize that it was a goodbye forever kiss.

  “Toy next year I want you to apply for a position in the DA's office. Okay?”

  “We'll see.” I smiled. As if I would even consider that bullshit. I sucked his dick because I wanted to. I was not about to start sucking it because I had to. Fuck that!

  After Tyson left I gave the signed papers to my boss and instructed him to file them immediately. Then I went in my office to type up my resignation letter. Even if I wanted to stay I realized that abruptly ending my relationship with Tyson would effectively destroy or completely end my career as an attorney in DC. Tyson was a politically connected and very powerful man. He was indeed a strong ally to have in your corner, but I knew he could be a deadly, vindictive viper if he ever turned against you. I decided to quit while I was ahead and take Logic up on his offer to move to Vegas. Besides, I couldn't fathom sleeping without him either.

  I left my resignation, which was effective immediately, on Walt's desk along with a note apologizing for the extremely short notice and skipping the Mayor's Ball.

  Chapter 12

  Elated, I rushed back to the apartment to tell Logic the good news only to find him getting ready for the Ball.

  “I'm almost dressed.” He announced as he finished shaving. “You can have the bathroom in five minutes.

  “Don't rush, because we're not going.”

  “Why what happened?” he asked concerned.

  “I resigned today. I settled my case. I typed up my letter of resignation, effective immediately and I announced, ‘Peace out Bitches!' I ecstatically screamed.

  “Are you serious?” He asked stunned.

  “Oh I am very serious and extremely unemployed.” I nodded in affirmation as I stripped off all of my clothes and headed, naked, to the bed.

  “Okay so what are you doing? Why are you getting in the bed?” Logic asked confused.

  “We don't have anywhere to go and nothing to do, but each other. So finish shaving and come to bed so we can finish what you started earlier.”

  “Yeah about that...”

  “Logic, don't even start no bullshit...”

  “I kind of promised my friend's that we'd stop over before we left for Vegas. They're having a New Years Eve gathering, so I figured tonight would be a good time to get it over with.

  “So I'm assuming your Queen will be there.”

  “Her name is Mye Queen and she's no longer my queen. In fact her name is Mye Love. And before you ask she’s not my love either, you are. Now, to answer your question, yes Queen and her husband will be there. Just so you know, it's probably not wise to start any shit after just quitting your job, so put crazy back in the box until after the New Year like we agreed.” He teased.

  “Is this going to be awkward?”

  “Yeah, probably. It's going to be awkward for me, if anybody. My friends will love you, especially Queen. Just wait you'll see.”

  Queen could be married and pregnant with twins and I was certain that she wasn't going to like me and you know why. I’m pretty, I’m smart, I’m successful and I’m fucking the hell out of her ex, daily. Really, I don’t give a flea fuck if she doesn’t like me. “Who the fuck remains in love with someone from the time they're twelve years old; and then decides to marry someone else? What kind of shit is that?” I asked myself as I turned my promise ring back to the front of my hand.

  “Are you okay?” Logic asked as he noticed me playing with my ring.

  “So what do we say about the ring?” I asked realizing how silly I'd sound if I said it was a promise ring.

  “What do you want to say?”

  “I don't want to say anything, but there's not a woman on the planet that's not going to notice this ring. Your friends are bound to ask, especially Queen.”

  Logic climbed beneath the covers with me dressed only in boxer briefs. “Are you moving with me to Vegas?”

  “Yes. I want to.”

  “It's a yes or no question. That's all I need to hear, yes or no.”


  “Then tell them that I gave it to you for Christmas and let them think whatever the fuck they want to think. I'm a grown ass man and you're a grown ass woman. And quite frankly, friends or not, what I give my girl is none of their damn business. Okay?”

  “Queen's going to be jealous and upset.” I warned.

  “Queen's married and pregnant. I don't give a damn how she feels.” Logic declared.

  “Logic please tell me that you're not doing all of this to get back at her for hurting you.”

  “I'm doing this because you are the only thing that I've found since she left me that makes the pain go away. I'm not doing anything to get back at Queen. I'm trying to do everything that I can to get over her. Queen’s simply my friend now. There’s nothing else going on between us. I don’t want to get back at her for leaving me and she doesn’t want to get back at me. She’s pregnant by a man that she loves and a man that loves her. We’re both okay with how things turned out. She’s happy and I’m happy for her. Now, I’m just trying to find a piece of happiness of my own. Okay? Does that make sense?”

  “Yeah, I guess when you put it that way it does. So when do we leave for Vegas?”

  “I guess there's no rush now. We can get your affairs situated here and then fly out next week if you want. We have plenty of time before my spring training regimen begins. Speaking of plenty of time... Somebody owes me something.” He grinned.

  “Oh yeah and who's that?” I coyly asked as I watched him peel his black boxer briefs over his thick chocolate thighs. My mouth watered at the thought of what was about to be unleashed.

  “I don't know, but she looked a lot like you. Well, you convulsing in ecstasy.” He teased as he imitated me climaxing.

  “Yeah I vaguely remember that. You're right it was me and I do owe you something.” I murmured as I found his long, chocolate éclair and stuffed it whole in my mouth.

  “Oh this is going to be good.” He moaned as he watched me get medieval on his underappreciated, totally neglected one eyed monster.

  Determined to make him completely forget, Nakeisha and Queen I showed Logic that I knew exactly how to appreciate a man of his worth, which I had so far estimated to be priceless.

  Chapter 13

  Logic had given me a brief biography of the lives of his friends during the limo ride from DC. Apparently, the home we were visiting belonged to Dorian and Jade Swann. Dorian was an attorney. In fact he was Logic's personal attorney. His wife Jade who just happens to be Queen's best friend is an extraordinarily gifted linguist who is an interpreter at the UN. Then we have Dr. Mye Love aka Queen who is an Internal Medicine doctor and her husband Dr. Christian Love who is a Best Selling Author and Gynecologist. And finally but not least by no stretch of the imagination we have Teddy Bear Davine, Wide Receiver for the Los Angeles Archangels. Rich, handsome, and blessed with undeniable swag, Teddy according to Logic is an exceptional football player but a world class womanizing ass in addition to being one of his best friends. Branded by his friends as, Mr. Nigga, and That Nigga and my personal favorite Super Nigga, need I say much more about the Teddy Bear?

  Dorian's eyes grew as big as alien flying saucers as he opened the door and welcomed us into his beautiful home. He grinned from ear to ear as he gave Logic his silent approval of me. “What’s up Big Money? You look good, but she looks a hell of a lot finer.” He joked. Come on in.”

  Obviously doing very well for themselves the Swanns lived in an upscale contemporary home in the subur
bs of Baltimore. In fact it was less than a mile or two from Logic’s Home.

  “I hope so. Who’d want a woman as ugly as me?” Logic teased.

  “Hey what's up man? We weren't sure if you were going to stop through.”

  “I told you we were coming.” Logic responded as he gave Dorian some dap.

  “Here let me take your beautiful coat. Ms uh...?” He offered as he hinted for Logic to introduce him.

  “Dorian this is my lady Zatoya Water's. Zatoya is a Public Defender in DC. Zatoya this is Dorian, my attorney and a very close friend.”

  “I know your name. I was just kidding around. It's good to finally meet you. He hasn't stopped dropping your name since the two of you met.”

  Logic quickly flashed Dorian a, “Shut the fuck up look,” which I totally chose to ignore.

  “Thanks it's so nice to meet you too.” I said as I gave him my coat.

  “Logic, she's even more beautiful than I could have imagined. I know you said that she was fine, but damn!”

  “Nigga, will you please stop embarrassing me?” Logic chuckled. “Have some respect.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry Zatoya. No disrespect, but you are an extraordinarily beautiful woman.”

  “Thanks.” I humbly smiled.

  “She is amazing.” Logic agreed as he wrapped his strong arms around my waist and hugged me close from behind. “Who else is here Dee?” He asked as he looked around. “Is Teddy here?”

  “He's been on his way from the hotel for the past four hours.”

  “Why'd he stay at the hotel? I told him he could stay at my place.”

  “You know better than to even ask that bullshit.” Dorian laughed. “They’d lock your ass up for running a hoe house. Leave his ass at the hotel where he belongs.”

  “Yeah, I guess you're right about that.”

  “Everybody else is in the family room. Go ahead, you know the way. Wow, this is a really nice coat.” He said as he tried to stuff my new faux mink coat in the crowed foyer closet. “On second thought, I'll just put it in my study.”

  Logic took my hand and cautiously led me to the great room. Understandably we were both as nervous as the Choir Director caught turning tricks in the choir loft. Granted I looked freaking incredible. All of those trips to the gym and health spa really paid off. My designer, original dress fit me like it was exclusively made for my body. Still that was just going to give the women more reasons to hate me.

  “I'm afraid.” I whispered, pulling Logic back before we entered the room.

  “Of what?” He asked. “Don't be... These are my friends. If I like you then they'll love you. Okay?” He responded as he pulled me into his strong, masculine arms and comforted me, by rubbing the small of my back. “They only want the best for me and right now, that's you. Okay?”

  “Yeah, but what if they don't like me? Logic all of this is too soon. I feel like a crazy ass fool. I fuckin can't believe that I quit my job to move to Vegas. I can’t do this. I must have lost my fuckin mind. Oh my God. I quit my job. What am I going to do?”

  “Toy, where did we promise to leave the box?” He teased.

  “…Beneath the Christmas tree until after New Years.” I mumbled as he pressed his soft lips against mine, before kissing them gently.

  “Okay just checking.” He chuckled as he sampled my lips again. Wanting and needing more he drew my body to his, kissing me hard and wet. His kiss was sweet and genuine and I immediately relaxed.

  “Oh my God! Queen it's Logic.” Jade exclaimed.

  “Come on in. What are you two doing in the hall, other than fooling around?”

  A big grin burst across Logic's face as Jade came out to greet us. He hugged her tight, lifting her tiny frame off of the floor. “God you look good. How have you been?”

  “I'm good. What about you?” She asked as she quickly scanned me with her skank detector.

  “I'm great. Where is my niece?”

  “She's sleep. Don't worry. She'll be up in an hour or so. Logic, introduce me to your friend.”

  “Jade this is my girlfriend, Zatoya Waters. Zatoya this is Jade, Dorian's wife. Zatoya's an attorney. She works for the Public Defender's Office in DC.”

  “It is so good to meet you Zatoya.” Jade said as she hugged me. Come on in and let me introduce you to everyone.

  A huge smile crossed my face as a sweet smile from Jade assured me that I was welcome in her home. Logic saw it and winked to say. “I told you so.”

  Grabbing his hand I followed him into the great room in anticipation of meeting his Queen and the current keeper of the shattered pieces of his heart.

  “Oh my God Logic! Look at you. You look so good.” The obviously pregnant Queen squealed as she tried to wrestle her way off the couch where she set next to her husband.

  “No, way! Damn, you’re big! Hey, don't get up. I'll come to you.” He said as he dropped my hand to go over to give her a hug. “How have you been? You look like you're ready to pop that baby out any second now. What are you carrying in there a baby elephant?” He joked as he hugged her tight.

  “Don't even get her started.” Christian, her astonishingly handsome husband laughed. “She's got at least two more months to go and she's counting every damn second.”

  “Hey, what's up man?” Logic asked as Christian stood up to greet him with a dap.

  “I can't complain. Life's good right now. What about you.”

  “I heard that. Life’s good for me too. Look, this is my girlfriend, Zatoya Waters. She's a Public Defender in DC.” Logic announced as he looked back to retrieve me from where he left me. “Toy, come here.” He beckoned. “Zatoya this is Queen and her husband Christian.”

  “Hi, it's a pleasure to meet you both.” I smiled as I watched Queen's face break into a big smile of approval.

  “Logic, she's beautiful.” Queen acknowledged.

  “Isn't she gorgeous?” Jade cosigned. “I love that dress. Where did you get it?”

  “Thanks, it was a Christmas gift from Logic.”

  “You look stunning in it. I can't wait until I get my figure back.” Queen said as she playfully punched Christian in the arm. “You did this to me. I can barely wear shoes, let alone a dress like that.” She joked.

  “Whatever. I do recall you were an extremely active and very willing participant.” Christian laughed before pulling her close to sample her lips."I love you, even if you are carrying a baby elephant."

  "I love you too. But you did this to me." She teased before returning her attention to us.

  “You two look good together.” Queen conceded. “But I have to ask just one question.”

  “What's that?” Logic asked as he pulled me in his lap as he set down in the vacant over sized arm chair.

  “What does she see in you, Big Head?” Queen joked. "What the hell is she doing with you?"

  “I don't know. You have to ask her that? I'm just going to go with it for as long as she'll have me.” Logic grinned as he hugged me closer.

  “Zatoya don't pay any attention to us. We're just happy to see him happy. It's a pleasure to meet you.” Queen warmly smiled as she wrapped herself in her husband's muscular arms.

  “The pleasures all mine.” I smiled.

  As unbelievable as it sounds, I could tell that by some miracle they all approved, even Queen. Perhaps because she was sold completely out and so addicted to that gorgeous husband of hers. Dorian was very handsome, but Dr. Christian Love was as fine as the hair on flea pussy. Queen was in awe of him and he was in awe of her. It was completely obvious to everyone, including Logic, they were genuinely in love. To my complete surprise Logic didn't appear to mind one bit. He was so obsessed with me I'm not sure he really even noticed or cared.

  I must admit that I wasn't expecting such a warm welcome from Mye Queen; sorry I meant to say Mye Love. In retrospect I guess that she honestly wanted Logic to find true love. She left a big bloody hole in his heart and she recognized the fact that I was there to heal it. Oddly enough, I think she saw wha
t I saw when I looked in Logic’s eyes that New Year’s Eve night, the undeniable twinkle of a man falling in love.

  Although Teddy never showed up, the six of us enjoyed a wonderful meal, good conversation and the warmth of good friends. As the old year faded away and a new year began, Logic’s friends all agreed that he was the luckiest man in the world to have found me that Christmas Eve night. But they were all wrong. I was the lucky one. And if you looked deep into my eyes you would see the sparkle of a woman who was falling in love for the very first time in her life.

  After he kissed me hard and deep as the New Year ring in Logic whispered in my ear, “I think I’m falling in love with you Zatoya Waters.”

  “I know. I can tell Logic Hart.” I smiled as I sampled his sweet lips. “Happy New Year.”

  Oh You Know the Drama is About to Come!

  Find out how Zatoya’s and Logic’s Urban Fairytale Ends. Look for Toy’s Story Novel available in April 2012 @ Grown Folks Books or Lulu

  Thank You

  Brenda would like to thank you for the opportunity to entertain you. If you have enjoyed this book, please don’t forget to give our author a rating and a review at your place of purchase. Also tell a friend about the book you’ve just read. Please also take a moment to browse for additional titles by Brenda Stokes Lee @ Grown Folks Books or Lulu

  About the Author

  Brenda Stokes Lee is an author, screenwriter, novelist and a good old fashioned storyteller who refuses to let a trivial little thing like the truth come between her and a good story.

  Born in North Carolina, but raised in the suburbs of Washington D.C., this writer is a Morgan State University graduate who currently resides in the Washington DC Metropolitan area.

  Creative, funny and full of tall tales of love, mystery, fantasy, action, intrigue and grown folk's drama, Brenda is determined to make you laugh, to make you cry and most important to make you feel alive.


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