My Kind of Dirty (Dirty Fuckers MC #2)

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My Kind of Dirty (Dirty Fuckers MC #2) Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “So, how have you been?” Drake asked.

  Grace had run behind at the diner as there had been a mad rush with a large group of tourists coming to Greater Falls.

  “Great, how are you?” Chloe asked.


  “What are your intentions to our girl?” Suzy asked, folding her arms across her breasts. Staring at the woman in her pajamas, which hugged every single curve, he saw what Pixie wanted so damn bad.

  The brother was moping about Suzy as she had turned him down once again.

  “When are you going to put Pixie out of his misery?”

  “Never. He’s got a club full of women to serve that pesky need of his. Answer my question.”

  Running fingers through his hair, he blew out a breath. “We’re going to watch a movie, and I’ll take her to dinner or something. I’ve got no intention of hurting her, or fucking her.”

  “Are you going to take her to the club?” Chloe asked.

  He stared at her. “She’s not ready to see the club.”

  “Suzy, would you come and help me?” Grace said, shouting for them to hear.

  “Excuse me.” Suzy walked across the living space toward one of the doors on the far right.

  “Why would you ask about the club?”

  “She’s not going to be ready to see that place, and especially not the backrooms either.”

  “When are you going to stop by the club?”

  “I’m not. I’m taking a break, and I see the guys when they come to eat at the diner.”

  “You’re cutting us out of your life?” Drake asked.

  “No, not at all.” Chloe unfolded her arms and dropped down beside him. “I need to do this.”

  “I get it, believe it or not, I do.” He patted her knee, offering her comfort. “The guys miss you.”

  “They miss having a willing woman to suck their cock.”

  “I don’t think it’s about that. They miss you being with them, holding you.”

  Chloe sighed. “I always worried that I was too needy.”

  “You’d be surprised how many guys are just as needy.” He rested his head on hers.

  “Don’t hurt Grace.”

  “I’m not going to.”

  “I think she’d like it at the clubhouse, as weird as that sounds. She’s not had a lot of experience.”

  “That’s a long way off. She wants to be friends.”

  “Her ex really did a number on her, and now she has a hard time trusting anyone. It sucks, it really does, but there’s not a lot we can do.” Chloe pulled away. “Take care of her though.”


  He turned as the door opened, and Grace walked out.

  “I’m really sorry about that. I didn’t mean to take my time.” Her hair fell around her in curls, and she wore an ankle length blue dress with slender straps. She looked utterly beautiful.

  He had some blue jeans and a black shirt underneath his Dirty Fuckers MC leather cut.

  “I don’t mind waiting. Teri better be paying you overtime.”

  “She is. It was a mad rush. Are you ready to go?”

  “Yep.” He turned to the other women. “We’ll be late so don’t wait up.”

  Pressing his hand on her back, he moved them out of the apartment. They walked to the end of the long corridor, and stepped on the elevator.

  “This wasn’t working when Chloe moved in with us. We had to walk up carrying her case. We all collapsed on the sofa completely out of breath.”

  He chuckled. “You’re nervous.”

  “A little bit. I’ve only ever gone to the movies with the girls. This is all new.”

  Drake took hold of her hand. “Don’t stress about it. You’re safe with me.”

  “I know. I feel comfortable with you.” She squeezed his hand, and he didn’t let go of her.

  They made it out toward the car.

  “Crap, I’m so pleased you got a car. I didn’t even think about it.”

  “Don’t worry. I wasn’t going to make you ride on the back of my biker for our first date. I’m not that careless. One day soon I’ll take you for a ride.” He opened the door, and helped her inside. God, Drake, you’re sounding like a pussy.

  This was not the kind of man he was. He took what he wanted, and women begged him to fuck them. Grace had yet to even give him a sign that she wanted more.

  Once behind the wheel, he pulled out of the parking lot, and headed in the direction of the movies.

  “So, what do you do?” she asked.

  “What do you mean?”

  “I’m a waitress. What do you do?”

  “I work for the club. The main clubhouse opens up to certain clients who want to have fun. I help out at the diner, and we’re also expanding our businesses. We’re thinking of opening up a bar, seeing as Randy closed his a couple of months ago. Richard is looking at acquiring some land with the right to build. We’re going into property.”

  “So you do a bit of everything.”

  “The brothers get paid an income for their service to the club. I’m more than happy with the arrangement. I’d never be the kind of man who can do a nine-to-five job. Caleb, he deals with the numbers, and is the most desk-bound of us all. It’s what drew us to the life on the road.”

  “Has it taken some adapting to live in Greater Falls?” she asked.

  “In the beginning there was some pessimism about moving, and settling down in one place.”

  “What changed your mind?”

  “I’m getting older, and I wasn’t going to be able to ride my bike for eternity or until I die. I’m a realist. I also want a family, and the only way for that to happen is by settling down in one place.”

  “You’re happy?”

  “Very much so. If I didn’t settle down, I wouldn’t be able to take you on a date.”

  “That’s a good line. We’re not on a date, remember? We’re two friends having fun.”

  If you believe that, baby, I’ll let you keep believing it.

  It took no time at all before he was pulling into the movie parking lot. There was a short queue, and they joined the back.

  “Do you know what you want to watch?” she asked.

  “Not a clue.”

  “Did you even think check to see what was playing?”

  “Nope. I figured it would be a nice surprise for us both.”

  “Are you going to want to watch car chasing and death?” she asked.

  He laughed. “Stereotyping or what? Will you be ‘hearts and flowers, and I’ll love you to the day I die’?”

  Grace wrinkled her nose. “Please, I know that love like that is reserved for movies and books. It’s not real.”

  “Wow, talk about bad mood.”

  “Men cheat, women cheat, and love doesn’t really play a big part. We need it to pretend, but it’s not real.”

  Drake shook his head. “I have to disagree. I’ve seen James and Cora together. They’re in love, and it’s much better than books and movies. Sharon and Thomas.”

  “Ha, you see I heard a rumor they almost divorced because someone was interfering in their lives. Misty, the whore who likes to fuck married men. She’s also fucking Bill that gym teacher who came into the diner with Stacey. It’s sad really.”

  “Okay, so no romance, no guns and death. What about horror, or are you a chicken?”

  “Horror works for me. It’s a lot easier to watch.” She hummed as they got closer to the main desk. There was a paranormal horror playing, which wasn’t his ideal for being a date movie. He’d improvise.

  They got their tickets, popcorn, sodas, and made their way into the main theater. Grace also failed to help as she took the center seats in the center of the room. There was not going to be any chance of making out.

  Maybe the movie would be terrifying enough that she’d pounce on him. He could hope.

  Sitting down, he held onto the soda, and Grace held the popcorn.

  “It’s pretty busy.”

  “It’s a
Friday night, and the theater has air conditioning.”

  What the fuck are you doing? Talking about air conditioning.


  He was never going to get Grace to take him seriously, and he wanted her to.

  Running a hand down his face, he stretched out, and did the old style move of putting his arm around her shoulders. She didn’t push him away or start to scream at him. Keeping his hand there, he started to relax as the movie started up. So far so good.

  Trailers started playing, and Grace leaned in close telling him which movies she’d like to see. He made a mental note so that he could take her out again.

  Once the movie started up, he rested the soda between his thighs, and leaned across to take some popcorn. He teased her hair, stroking the length. Every now and then, Grace would jump, and he’d be there, holding her.

  His cock pressed against the zipper of his jeans. Grace was against his side, and he got a good sight of her tits pushed together. He wanted to taste those tits, to watch them bounce as he fucked into her tight pussy.

  It had been four weeks since he’d been with a woman. Four weeks since a nice tight pussy wrapped around his cock, squeezing him tightly.



  He hoped that with the chanting, he’d be able to start believing his own words. Glancing down at Grace, he saw she was oblivious to his need.

  It was going to be a torturous time, but he’d handle it.

  He didn’t have much choice.


  Grace dumped the empty container in the trash, following behind Drake. He took hold of her hand, and she squeezed his hand tightly. The movie had been good, scary, and safe. She never usually went for scary movies unless she had a large pillow she could look around, and if Suzy was there. Never had she imagined going to the cinema to see a scary movie.

  Horror seemed easier and safe.

  It was the safest choice.

  Sitting next to Drake while romantic, possibly erotic, scenes played out would be too damn hard. Her relationship with Dwayne hadn’t been earth shattering, but she had a feeling the earth would indeed move with him. Grace had listened to Chloe as she talked about time at the clubhouse. Chloe either spent time in her bed, or in Suzy’s, or all three of them would stay in the same bed, watching movies.

  They cleared the busy theater and walked into the warm night air.

  “Fuck me,” Drake said, removing his leather jacket. He took her hand once again, and they walked toward the car. “Are you hungry?”

  Her stomach growled, and she chuckled. “Starved.”


  “It’s the only place in town that has decent food, and I’m more than happy to see Teri again.” She liked her boss.

  Drake opened the car, and she climbed inside.

  “You surprised me,” he said.


  “Horror? You didn’t strike me as a horror girl, more of a romance girl. I didn’t mind watching a romance.”

  Grace sighed. “I’m not going to lie. I usually love watching romance. Horror I watch at home with plenty of times to pause the film so that I can enjoy it, and not be afraid.”

  “Why didn’t you want to watch a romance?”

  “Wouldn’t it be uncomfortable?”


  “Really? It wouldn’t have made you uncomfortable seeing people making love on the screen?”

  Drake laughed. “Babe, I’ve seen worse than a couple pretending to get it on.”

  “You watch porn?”

  He sighed. “What I’m about to tell you can’t go anywhere else. You can’t tell your friend, Suzy.”

  “Why not?”

  “Pixie doesn’t want Suzy to know.”

  “Ugh, maybe you shouldn’t tell me. I’m with Suzy on this one. He’s a pig.”

  “He’s got a way about him.”

  “It’s not charming, far from it.”

  “Look, it’ll be private. Between you and me. When Pixie is ready, he’d take Suzy, and she’d know the truth.”

  Grace nibbled her lip, wondering what she should do. She didn’t want to keep anything from her friend, but she also didn’t want to be in the dark.

  “Fine. I won’t tell Suzy, but it better not be one of those things that if you tell me, you’re going to have to kill me.”

  “I won’t kill you, baby.”

  “So, if you don’t watch porn, what do you watch?”

  Did she really want to know what he watched?

  “At the club, when you get inside, you’ll discover that it’s very open, very free. We don’t have any rules. Obviously men and women are there because they want to be. It’s consensual.”

  “What you’re telling me isn’t scary.”

  “We don’t have sex in our bedrooms, Grace. We fuck where we want to fuck. There’s a main room, and if you see a man fucking a woman, or a woman taking several cocks at the same time, that’s natural. There’s also a playroom at the back of the club. That’s for more personal and private use.”

  Grace was shocked. She knew sex clubs and stuff like that were all popular right now. There had been enough media coverage of it on the news. She’d never actually been to one. Dwayne didn’t even like having sex with the light on, not that she’d enjoyed their sex life. It had been boring. She’d lain on her back, while he climbed on, rutted, moaned, and came. Her sex life in a few choice words, and even now, she was ashamed of it.

  “So by porn, you watch the real life stuff. You don’t need to go paying per view or something like that.”

  He pulled into the diner’s parking lot.

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Wow, I really didn’t need to worry about watching a romance. Next time, that’s what we’re watching.” She tried to make light of it, but all she felt was stupid. She had made a big deal about them being friends, and it hadn’t mattered, not really. He had more than enough sex and women at the club. She’d seen many of the club whores at the diner.

  Crap. Tears filled her eyes, and she forced herself to look out of the window. “We’re here,” she said. Climbing out of the car, she entered the diner. “I’m just going to use the bathroom.”

  She didn’t look behind her, and made her way straight toward the toilet. Entering the stall, she sat down on the toilet, and took deep breaths.

  You want to be friends, and of course he’s more than fine with that. He’s got what he wants at the clubhouse.

  “Grace, are you okay?” She heard Teri call out her name, and she felt even more stupid.

  “I’m fine. I’ll be out in a moment.”

  “Drake told me what he said to you. He’s worried about you.”

  “No need to be worried. I’m more than fine.” She wiped the tears underneath her eyes, and did her best to suck up the pain of what his words had caused.

  Flushing the toilet to keep on with the pretense that she had indeed needed the toilet, she left the cubicle, and Teri was there, arms folded.

  “He wants to be with you, Grace.”

  “You don’t have to stick up for him or anything. I get it, I really do.”

  “I don’t think you do. You look like you’ve gotten the wrong end of the stick, and I find that sad to witness.”

  Grace sighed. She seemed to be doing that a lot just lately, and it was annoying the hell out of her. The last thing she wanted to do was keep on sighing, and making out she was upset. She was stronger than this, and she was determined to prove it.

  “Drake and I are friends. I shouldn’t have been so concerned about him thinking there would be more. He’s got the club, and I’m fine with that.”

  Teri gave her a sad smile. “You’re lying to yourself. Drake’s not been with a woman since he first saw you.”

  Grace shook her head. “I doubt that.”

  “One day you’ll see the truth. You’re okay.”

  Staring at her reflection, Grace was more than happy that she hadn’t made a mess of herself. There was no evid
ence of crying.


  “I’m fine.”

  “Let’s go on out.”

  Leaving the bathroom, she saw that Drake had taken a booth near the front of the diner. She took a seat opposite him and picked up the menu even though she knew it better than he probably did. “I can recommend a lot—”

  “I haven’t fucked a woman at the club, Grace, and I don’t intend to. I don’t want you to be nervous about this.”

  “I’m not nervous. Whatever you want to do with your life that’s up to you.” She gave him a smile. “We’re still going to be friends, and that is not going to be a problem.” She reached out, patting his hand. “Now, let’s eat.”

  Daniel, the Prospect, took their order, and then left them alone.

  They started talking about the movie when several of the club members entered the diner. Pixie, Caleb, James, Cora, Kitty Cat, and Jerry entered the diner.

  All of the Dirty Fuckers gathered around their table. She noticed that Drake looked a little annoyed about that. She also spotted a woman near Pixie, and he pulled her down into his lap, touching the inside of her thigh.

  There was no way Grace was ever going to convince her friend to date that man. He was vulgar.

  “How was the movie?” Cora asked.

  “It was good.”

  Grace offered up her fries as Cora stared at her plate hungrily.

  “Thank you, I’m starving.”

  Sipping her coffee, Grace felt completely out of place.

  “Did you see how much dick she took? She swallowed to my balls,” Jerry said.

  Heat filled Grace’s face.

  “She loves dick almost as much as this bitch here does, don’t you?” Pixie asked, cupping the woman’s cheek.

  Glancing across the table, she smiled at Drake. “Would you mind taking me home?”


  “You don’t have to leave,” James said.

  “It’s fine. I’ve got to take Grace home.”

  “You can stop by the club,” Kitty Cat said.

  “No.” Grace snapped the word out. “I’m tired.”

  She moved around the table, staying as far away from Pixie as she could. She really didn’t like him.

  Once again, she was back in the car, and they were driving toward the apartment.

  “I want to see you again.”


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