My Kind of Dirty (Dirty Fuckers MC #2)

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My Kind of Dirty (Dirty Fuckers MC #2) Page 11

by Sam Crescent

  “Is everything okay?” Drake asked when she was close to him.

  “Of course, why wouldn’t I be?”

  He reached out, stroking her cheek. “No reason, you just look a little put out. Has someone said anything?”

  “No. I’m happy. I’m nervous. I’ve never been to a real party before, not even when I was at college.”

  She smiled at him, hoping to hide the turmoil going through her mind.


  “I’ll be there with you. You’ve got nothing to be afraid of.”

  “This is what you want me to wear?” she asked, taking the bag.

  “Yes. It’s the right size as well.”

  “Your ego is showing.”

  “I know your size.” He kissed her head. “Would you like me to come in with you?” he asked, winking.

  “I’m good. You’ll get to see the end result.” She kissed his cheek, leaving him in the kitchen, and making her way into Teri’s office.

  Closing the door, she flicked the lock in case someone entered. Sitting down in Teri’s chair, she leaned forward putting her head in her hands. What the hell was happening with her?

  “Just get dressed, go to the party, and pretend this is not happening.”

  It all sounded so easy in her head.

  Opening the bag, she started looking through the clothes. She found a short skirt, and an even shorter top. What the hell?

  She remembered the women hanging out with the Dirty Fuckers, and the way they had spoken to her.

  “Fuck it.”

  It was the short skirt, or spending the night alone.

  Doubts rushed through her head, but instead of forgetting about the night with Drake, she stood, removed her clothing, and put on the clothes he’d picked out. Once she was done, she stood in front of the mirror that Teri had in her office. Grace wondered if the reason Teri had one in her office was so that she was ready for the parties.

  Again, Grace pushed the thoughts aside, and tugged her hair up on top of her head, pulling it together with a band.

  She didn’t have any makeup, and she’d never really been a fan. Licking her lips, she opened the door, and forced a smile. “What do you think?”

  Drake stared up and down the length of her body. “Fuck me, baby.” He moved in close, gripping her ass. “I want to fuck you so badly.” He slammed his lips down on hers, and the moment he touched her, Grace got the feeling that everything was going to be okay in the world. She had nothing to be afraid of.

  “Take me to your party,” she said.

  “Every guy there is going to want to get you naked.”

  “You’re causing a scene,” Teri said.

  Grace jerked out of Drake’s arms, her cheeks heating. She’d completely forgotten where she was, and that had never happened to her before.

  “Doesn’t my woman look hot?” Drake asked.

  Rolling her eyes, she smiled at Teri. She really did like her boss.

  “I’d fuck you, honey.”

  “What?” Grace asked, not sure if she had heard correctly. There was no way her boss had just said that, was there?

  “Baby, I swing whichever way the pleasure is coming from. I love it anyway I can get it.” Teri gave her a hug. “Have fun tonight. Give the club a chance, and if you’re still around after I finish here, I’ll have a drink with you.”

  Teri left them alone, and Drake took her hand, leading her out of the diner.

  “Are we taking your bike?” Grace asked.

  “Not a chance. We’re going to take the time to walk up to the clubhouse.” He pointed up a slight incline, and she saw the lights from the house, which looked a good ten minutes away. “We’re going to talk.”


  “You look terrified, and I’m going to calm your fears, and promise you that you’ve got nothing to be afraid of.”

  Does he have feelings for me?

  “I have a question,” she said.

  “I’m listening.”

  “Where do you see us going?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Am I some summer fun?”

  Drake started laughing. “Honey, we’re not high school teenagers. I passed the stage for a summer romance over twenty years ago.” He paused, gripped the back of her neck, and tilted her head back so she had no choice but to look at him. “With you, it’s the real deal, babe.”

  “Real deal. I don’t know what that is.”

  He leaned in, taking possession of her lips, and she closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his kiss. “It means that I’m not using you. This is not some fleeting romance. This is it for me. I want to wake up next to you, have breakfast, and even take that little ball of fluff you call a dog for walks. I want to get to know you, to find out what makes you tick.” He sighed, running his thumb against her lip. “I get a rush just being around you. Don’t you feel it?”

  “I do.”

  “What’s the matter, Grace?”

  “I don’t know. I’m scared.”

  Drake cupped her face with both of his hands. “You’ve got nothing to be afraid of. From here on out, I’ll take care of you. I’ll make sure nothing ever happens to you that will cause you pain or hurt. I’m your man.”

  Tears filled her eyes. “This is all kind of surreal. You’re a biker.”

  “And you’re a waitress.” He kissed her lips, and she gripped him tightly. “Now, my waitress, my old lady, let’s go and enjoy the party.”


  Suzy watched as Chloe finished getting dressed for the party. It had been a few weeks since Chloe had been to a club party. This was the first night she was going to be alone.

  “You can come if you want to,” Chloe said. “There’s always plenty of men to go around.”

  “Nah, I’m going to keep my virgin ass on this sofa with Fluff, and we’re going to watch a movie.”

  “What kind of movie?” Chloe asked.

  “The romantic kind, I think. I’m in the mood for a little romance.”

  “Well, if you change your mind give me a call, and I can make sure you don’t leave the club a virgin.”

  Suzy chuckled. “Great, my roommate selling my virginity to a bunch of bikers.”

  “Not selling, honey. They’d be taking it for free. They don’t pay for pussy. Besides, I’m supposed to be your friend as well.”

  “You are. I’m sorry, I’m just tired. I’m going to enjoy a night in, relaxing.”

  “If you’re sure?”

  Suzy nodded. “More than sure.”

  Ten minutes later, she was alone, and wondering why she didn’t just go to the damn party. Pushing her thoughts aside, she loaded up the movie, and sat eating a large bag of cheesy chips with Fluffy curled up against her.

  “Love is for suckers, Fluff. You’re the only guy I need in my life.” She gave his chin a little stroke, then went back to watching her movie.

  The movie ended, and she was about to load another when a knock sounded at her door.

  Frowning, she moved across the room, and checked through the peephole, surprised by who was there.

  Opening the door, she stared at Pixie. “How do you know where I live?”

  “I know where Chloe lives. She’s club property, even if she doesn’t believe it.”

  Before she could stop him, he’d already moved into her apartment, and Suzy had no choice but to close the door.

  “I don’t know why you’re here. Chloe is out, and so is Grace. I really don—” Pixie slammed her against the wall and took possession of her mouth, silencing any kind of protest she once had.

  His tongue glided across her bottom lip, and Suzy was too weak to deny him.

  Opening her lips, she closed her eyes, basking in the feel of him. Pixie felt a lot better under her hands than she ever imagined he would.

  Suddenly, he pulled away but only to take hold of her hands, and press them above her head. “So, this is how it’s going to go. I’m going to fuck you, and you’re going to love every second of it. N
either of us are going to speak a word of this with anyone, and we’re going to keep doing this.”

  “You can’t speak a word of it.”

  “I just said that, didn’t I?”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “And you’re a fucking prude, but I’m sick and tired of you pushing me away. That shit stops now.”

  “Whatever.” Suzy wondered if she should tell him she was a virgin or to let it go.

  When he tugged her shirt over her head, Suzy decided it wouldn’t hurt all that much. Women had been doing it for centuries, and surviving it. She’d survive it.

  Chapter Eleven

  Sitting at one of the tables, Grace stared around the room and had to wonder if she had walked into an orgy. There was more tit and cock than she ever thought was possible. Nothing could have prepared her for this.

  Drake had bought her a beer, which had gone undrunk at the table. Biting her lip, she glanced to the left of her, and she quickly averted her eyes. A woman was bent over showing her ass off, and she was sucking a man’s cock. That wouldn’t have been a problem if there hadn’t been a man behind her, preparing her asshole.

  “I don’t know where to look,” Grace said.

  His arm went around her shoulders, and he leaned down, turning her head so that she was looking at the woman’s ass once again. “Look at whatever you want. If they didn’t want you to watch, they wouldn’t be here, and they’d be in their private room.”

  Grace watched as the man pressed his finger into the woman’s ass. He pumped inside her ass, and then added a second finger, making sure that she was good and slick for his cock. They turned the woman so that she had a good view of him sliding his cock inside her. The man’s cock was gloved up, and she watched in fascination as the woman’s ass seemed to suck the guy’s dick inside her.

  “She wants it bad, baby.” Drake turned her head, and tilted her head back. “You ever been taken in the ass?”

  She shook her head. Words seemed really difficult to come by.

  “Would you like to try it?”

  “Wouldn’t it hurt?”

  “Not if it’s done right, it wouldn’t.” He pressed another kiss to her lips, and stroked her cheek. “Come on, grab your beer, and let’s go for a walk.”

  With a beer in hand, Grace watched the room as they were all in different states of fucking. Grace didn’t know where to look. She wasn’t used to seeing everything being so graphic.

  “This happens every Friday?” Grace asked.

  “This happens every single day, baby.”

  “You’re surrounded by this all the time?”

  “No, I come to you, baby. This is every day, and normal to me. You’re the person I want the most, and I come to you. We’re exclusive.”

  Grace smiled. They moved outside, and the action hadn’t stopped there. She saw another guy leaning against the wall getting his dick sucked, while playing with another woman’s pussy, as he sucked on a tit.

  Drake tucked her under his arm. “When I see this, all I want to do is be balls deep inside you.” He nibbled her neck, sucking on her ear. “Fuck, baby, I want to be inside you so bad.” Drake moved her so that she was standing in front of him, and he wrapped his arms around her stomach, moving on underneath her shirt, cupping her tit. The other he moved down to cup her pussy so that he was full of her. She was going to fight him but decided against it. This was what she wanted as much as he did. “You’re soaking wet.”

  “I know.”

  “Do you like watching?”

  “Yes, but I don’t want them to touch.”

  “I wouldn’t let anyone else touch what belongs to me.” He sucked her neck, biting down on her neck.

  She took a swig of her beer as he fingered her clit, moving down to plunge inside her. She swallowed the beer, closing her eyes as he pinched her clit before sliding down to fuck inside her.

  Opening her eyes, she saw that several men were looking at her. With Drake’s arms wrapped around her, she didn’t care.

  “None of these men will touch you because they know you belong to me. You’re free to show what I do to you, and to know they’re jealous as fuck that I’ve got you, and they don’t have a clue how damn good you are. I know. I know how tight and wet your cunt gets. I know how greedy you are for my cum.”

  “Drake, we’ve got to talk about that,” she said, trying to remember that she had to talk to him about their unprotected sex. She’d never been on the pill, and had been so stupid to not even think about it.

  “I want you to get pregnant, Grace. I really want to put my baby inside you.”

  His words surprised and delighted her.

  “You want to have kids?”

  “I want kids, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you.” He kissed her neck. “What do you say, Grace? Are you willing to take the leap with me?”

  “Drake, I don’t know, what are you saying?”

  He pulled his hands out of her panties and from her bra, going down on one knee. “I’m saying, baby, will you marry me?”

  What the hell?

  Before she could even think about it, she smiled. “Yes, yes, I’ll marry you.”

  He whooped and picked her up. Grace didn’t even think, all she did was feel, and held onto Drake as he carried her back through the house toward his bedroom.

  “She’s going to marry me,” he said, shouting it out for everyone to hear.

  Grace hid her face against his shoulder, trying to calm her nerves.

  What have I done?

  Holding on tightly to him, she squealed as he dumped her on the bed, slamming the door closed.

  “What are you doing, Drake?” she asked, giggling.

  “I need to be inside you.” He tugged his jeans down, pushing her skirt up, and tearing her panties off her body.

  Her pussy grew slick, and she started to fight to get her clothes off. Drake helped, tearing the new clothes that he’d bought. By the time he slid inside her, they were both laughing.

  “Fuck, baby, I don’t care how it happens, I want to be inside you.” He groaned. He sucked on her nipples, biting down hard.

  “Yes, yes, yes, yes,” she said, tightening around his rock hard cock.

  He reached between them and started to stroke her clit, and Grace couldn’t hold off her orgasm any longer. Drake pounded inside her, and she came around his cock, loving how hot and hard he was.

  “That’s it, baby, fuck, yes.” He groaned, and she felt the pulse of his cock as he spilled inside her.


  The following morning, Grace sneaked out of Drake’s bedroom wearing a pair of his boxer briefs and one of his long shirts. She was surprised they actually fit, but she needed to get away from him right now. Tucking her hair behind her ears, she grabbed her pumps, and closed the door silently before heading downstairs. She passed a woman who was sleeping naked against the stairs with a man between her thighs.

  It wasn’t the nicest sight in the world. She left the clubhouse without too many people stopping her. Last night had been amazing, scary, and fucking wonderful. Drake had asked her to marry him, and she had said yes. Only now, she was starting to wonder what the fuck she was doing.

  You’re in love with him.

  Being in love and getting married were a long way away. They had only been having sex for a few weeks, and now she could be pregnant.

  On the way down the long path, she paused when she caught sight of Pixie walking toward her.

  “Morning,” Pixie said, whistling.

  “You’re in a good mood.”

  “Yes. I am.”

  Grace frowned. “Why?”

  “It’s none of your business, but don’t you worry, you’re not going to put me in a bad mood.”

  She watched as he continued to whistle and make his way back toward the clubhouse. Shaking her head, she made her way into the diner, letting herself into the back door. Teri was already there, drinking a coffee.

  “Morning,” Grace said. “Did you p
ut Pixie in a good mood?”

  “I’ve not seen Pixie since he left the clubhouse last night. Fuck, my head is pounding, and I feel like I’m going to throw up.” Teri dropped her head into her arms. “This is the first time that I don’t think I’m going to be able to cook.”

  Grace tapped Teri’s shoulder, and the woman turned to look at her.

  “What the hell are you wearing?”

  “I sneaked out of Drake’s room.”

  “I heard you’re getting married. Congratulations.”

  Moving away from her friend, Grace went into the changing room, and started to put her spare uniform on.

  “Why do I get the feelings there’s something I don’t know?” Teri asked, entering the room, and closing the door.

  Pinning her hair up, Grace shook her head. “There’s nothing to say. Honestly.”

  “Every other woman getting married would be screaming from the rooftops, and you look like it’s the worst news you’ve ever heard.”

  “It’s not the worst news.”

  “Wait, hold up, you’re not excited about getting married?” Teri asked. “Please speak quietly. My head has several men slamming my brain with sledgehammers.”

  “I don’t know what I am.” Grace closed her locker.

  “You’re not excited.”

  “I’m … I don’t know.”

  “You accepted his marriage proposal last night.”

  “I know I did, and I did so in good faith that I wanted to get married.”

  “And now?” Teri asked.

  “It’s too soon. I may be pregnant, and he wants me to be pregnant. This kind of thing, it ruins relationships, and I don’t want to be a regret.”

  She pushed past Teri and started to place the new menus on each table. All the time she was aware of Teri following her.

  “You can’t break up with him,” Teri said.

  “I’m not going to break up with him. I love him.” She slapped her hand across her mouth, and stared at Teri.

  Teri clapped her hands, chuckling, and then grabbing her head at the sudden pain. “Fuck. I don’t think I can cook today.”

  “I can cook for you. If you’re really worried, you can sit and assist?”

  “I shouldn’t have drunk all that tequila I did last night. It was a night of partying, and I loved every single second of it.”


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