Heart's Betrayal

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Heart's Betrayal Page 5

by Angel Rose

  “Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to? That’s the second time you called Tilly a whore! Jenesis chose that dress for her!” He slid forward off the leather seat towards Dave.

  “Sit back asshole! I don’t want to have to fuck you up here in the limo and then arrest you!” Dave barked at him.

  “You can’t arrest me; I’ll be a cop soon! I’m sick of your shit Dave! Leave Tilly alone, she doesn’t want you! You pathetic old asshole!” he shouted at the top of his lungs. I was getting so nervous I didn’t know what to do with myself.

  “Dave, please, it’s Jenesis’ day. You guys are ruining it!” Michael spread his arms apart stopping them from getting too close to each other.

  My heart was beating fast. Tilly began to cry and Margaret wanted to kill Dave. Her eyes were impaled on him throwing daggers straight at his face. Michael stared at Dave and Eddie, going back and forth to see who was going to stop first.

  “I’m sorry, Mikey. Jenesis, I’m sorry. Keep your fucking eyes in your socket old man. I’m not going to warn you again.” He slid back in his seat.

  “Whatever…why don’t you ask Tilly if she wants me?” Everyone stood quiet and Tilly stopped crying as she turned to Eddie. Eddie looked at Tilly and Margaret looked at Dave. I glanced over at Dave then at Michael.

  “Please, stop this. I can’t take much more. You guys are ruining my wedding. Dave, don’t you think you’ve gone far enough? It wasn’t enough that you hurt me? Do you have to hurt everyone? Do you?” I hung my head towards the floor and started to cry. Michael grabbed my hand then placed his arm around me.

  Dave sat back and finished downing the rest of his champagne snatching the bottle from Margaret and refilling his glass over and over. Tilly was mortified and looked over at me, shook her head and shrugged her shoulders.

  “I’m sorry,” Dave reached for my hand and I pulled it away. I was so angry inside that I didn’t want him to touch me.

  The rest of the ride to the reception hall was so silent, I could hear Dave sipping on his last drop of champagne. We drove into the parking lot and the beauty of the hall astounded me, a showcase of glass windows and colossal glistening chandeliers hung from the ceiling low. It was like walking into a palace, even though I never walked into a palace I’m sure this place was pretty close. Everything was decorated exactly the way they said it would be, down to the most intricate details. I hope they chose the correct color of the tablecloths and napkins, Dave would kill them if they didn’t. Regardless, I felt like a princess and Michael was my knight in shining armor…my prince.

  We entered the ballroom after Dave, Margaret, Tilly, and Eddie were announced. All 150 guests were seated, enjoying the décor, talking, and waiting patiently for our entrance as I peeked through the door window. You could see the extra security in all corners of the hall including the entrance. I was so afraid something was going to happen at the reception, just like in the movies. They always wait until you’re married for something to happen to your spouse.

  “Baby, you have to calm down,” Michael said softly.

  “Why is he changing Michael? What’s making him act this way?” My head was spinning. I knew he loved Tilly but she couldn’t be the reason he was acting so crazy. Or could she be?

  It was time for Michael and me to walk in and be announced.

  “And now for the first time, as husband and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hunter.” The DJ said. We walked in hand in hand slowly to Kenny G’s Silhouette. I smiled internally and my heart melted. It was the exact same song Carl played in his car on the way to dinner and I loved it. Not because of Carl, but because the song was so beautiful…and I loved the sax. Dave just knows me, and just like that, I wasn’t angry with him anymore.

  Everyone stood up and clapped as we waltzed in. Michael grabbed me by the hand and swirled me around on the dance floor. He grabbed my waist, then dipped me to his side, lifted me and kissed me on the lips. Then, whispered against my mouth,

  “Remember what I told you, you waltzed into my life, and you turned my world upside down…I meant it…I love you, Jenesis Hunter, I love you more than I love myself…Thank you…thank you, baby.” We stood in the middle of the dance floor swaying our hips to the beat of the music, kissing each other, and pressing up against each other every chance we got. Oh how I would give anything to turn back the time and undo what I did. I think he would have loved me more if we were dancing with our baby in our arms tonight, I thought to myself. The song ended and we walked towards our seats. I carefully surveyed the room as the guests stood on their feet to greet us. We waved and shook some hands as we walked. Dave and Margaret were standing by the bar and Eddie and Tilly joined a table near the front entrance. I didn’t want to believe what Dave said about Michael. It hurt me to know that he waited until I was walking down the aisle to tell me something like that. What could it be? Why would he say such a thing? I didn’t believe him…I just didn’t.

  We grabbed a quick drink and then hit the dance floor again. We danced together all night; dancing until the sweat dripped from our foreheads and our hips ached. Michael knew how to dance. Now, I believe what they say about a man who knows how to dance…he also knows exactly what to do in bed.

  I’ve never been so in love with someone. Michael’s smile brought my heart to life and when our eyes met, our love exploded like fireworks. Every moment on that dance floor was sensuous, erotic. His seductive glances, the soft touch of his fingers as they gently intertwined with mine, his big hands sliding up and down the sides of my waist skimming my ass, feeling his lips and soft tongue glide on the side of my neck made my body sizzle and wet for him…only him.

  Each time the guests used their utensils to tap lightly on their wine glasses, his soft velvet tongue entered my mouth, swirling, tugging, swallowing me, filling me with lust, making every part of my body yearn for him to be inside of me. He made me feel like I was the most beautiful woman in the world. We were having the time of our lives creating memories we could hold on to for a lifetime, and I intended to hold on to them forever.

  We sat down after we danced to Jesse J’s “Bang Bang.” Eddie and Tilly brought us some Champagne. Eddie continued to walk over to the stage where the DJ was and picked up the microphone. He tapped on the microphone and began to speak.

  “Is this shit on? Oops…sorry,” he chuckled as he stared out into the audience. “I’d like to make a toast to my best friend, Mikey. We grew up together and you’ve been my best friend for over ten years now. You had it rough growing up, losing your mom and all, and I know how much you struggled to be who you are today. You never thought you were perfect and you’re as humble as they come. You’re a nice guy all around…and I know that there was something missing in your life, but I didn’t know what and neither did you. Then, you became New York’s Top Lawyer…showoff.” Everyone laughed. “And you still didn’t change…humble, intelligent and… a true friend. I always told you, one day, you were going to meet someone who would walk into your life…and turn your world upside down. You always said there was no such person. Well, you were wrong. She’s sitting right next to you. The person you thought didn’t exist. Jenesis, I can’t tell you the magic spell you have over Michael. He is completely and utterly in love with you. I know that feeling because that’s how I feel about the love of my life, Tilly. Michael, congratulations, bro!” he said as he swallowed hard trying to avoid the tears from trickling down his face. My heart danced and Michael was so touched by Eddie’s speech that all he could do was whisper, “Thank you.”

  “Now, for the father daughter dance, as much as I don’t like you Dave, I have to say, you are the man of the hour, taking care of Jenesis and Michael over the last month, and spending all of your money on this wedding. You’re the man. Let’s hear it for Dave and Jenesis!” The music began to play and it was the song, Wind beneath my wings by Bette Midler. I remembered the song from the movie Beaches I saw with my mother when I was a little girl one night, when we were alone, and my father was out drink
ing at the bar. Michael stood up, grabbed my hand, and escorted me to the middle of the dance floor to meet Dave. Dave grabbed my hands and we danced together as the song played. He was my hero and I told him so.

  “You’re my hero, Dave. You’ve changed my life for the best. I can’t imagine what would’ve happened to me if I didn’t meet you. I’ve grown so much and I owe it all to you.” He smiled. “Dave, please, please tell me why you said that to me.” he stopped dancing and then started again.

  “Not now, Jen. I promise you, I’ll always be here for you. Let it go. For now.” he said with a smile. We danced and he twirled me around laughing and smiling like he was on top of the world. I tried to be happy, but my heart was still hurting. The song ended and I glanced over at Dr. Logan and smiled sadly, then I kissed Dave on the cheek. I placed my head on his shoulder and I whispered, “I love you, Dave.”

  “I love you, too, Jen. Don’t get all mushy on me, you know I hate that shit.” he said then smirked. Michael approached us and shook Dave’s hand. He then escorted me off of the dance floor. We cut the cake and took some photos with the guests and took separate photos with Dave, Margaret, Tilly and Eddie. Margaret and Dave didn’t speak to each other the entire night. I felt so bad for her and I didn’t understand why she hadn’t spoken to me yet. I gave Michael a kiss and said,

  “I’ll be right back.” I walked towards Margaret. “Margaret?” I said, holding my gown up above my shoes so I wouldn’t trip over it.

  “I’ll be leaving soon, can you come with me to the restroom? I’d like to change my dress now.”

  “Of course, I’ll get Tilly.” I grabbed my dress then grabbed Margaret by the arm.

  “Margaret wait, are you sure you don’t want to talk to me? I’ve noticed you and Dave haven’t spoken a word to each other all night. Please Margaret, talk to me, I’m here for you.” I implored.

  “Jen, you’re not going to like what I have to tell you. But I can’t talk to you here, not now. Please, enjoy your honeymoon. Tilly!” She called Tilly over and we walked to the restroom. They helped me get out of my dream dress and into a beautiful white, tight sequenced dress that swallowed my curves. My white stiletto pumps were to die for, and I knew they would be killing my feet in approximately half an hour; another gift from Margaret’s shoe collection.

  “Jenesis, be safe...Now go...go and love your husband.” Margaret hugged and tearfully kissed me on the cheek.

  “I’m sorry.” Her lips trembled. She walked away from me quickly. I felt as if my conversation with Margaret was going to take a different turn if she didn’t walk away. I wondered what she needed to tell me. I wondered why she couldn’t.

  “Jen, I’m sorry about the limo ride. Bloody hell…I told Eddie not to look at Dave this evening. We practically ruined your day. I’m so sorry, please forgive me.” She gave me a hug and I nodded. “Anyway, I wanted to surprise you. We’re flying out to Puerto Rico tomorrow to meet you guys there. Surprise!” She jumped up and down with excitement like a school girl.

  “You and Eddie, oh my God! That’s wonderful!” I knew she really wasn’t happy about that. She wanted to be with Dave, but that could never happen.

  “It was Michael’s idea. Plus, you guys are staying at my parent’s vacation home. I know the area very well.”

  “Well then, see you tomorrow. I better get going.” I hugged her tightly and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Love you, princess…again, I’m sorry.” She cupped my face and kissed my forehead.

  “Thank you for being there for me through the roughest time in my life. And I’m sorry about Dave. I just can’t hurt him. You understand that right?” I stared at her apologetically.

  “Yes…Of course. If we’re meant to be together, then it’ll happen whether you want it to or not. I’ll always be here for you though, no matter what. That’s what friends are for.” Tilly hugged me tightly and we left the restroom together. Dave was waiting for me outside the restroom.


  “Dave…I was just getting ready to say goodbye.” My heart began to race. I was sad that I was leaving. But I was sadder that he had no explanation for why he said what he said.

  “I just wanted to apologize to you…I’ve been acting like an ass today…you know how much I care about you, right?” I lowered my eyes to the floor and my head followed. Dave grabbed my chin gently and lifted my head to eye level. His touch at that moment made me cringe. I felt so guilty. I never felt that way before.

  “Dave, it’s okay. I just want us to be a family. All of us. It’s important to me.” Tears formed in my hazel eyes and Dave’s facial expression went south when he saw I was about to cry.

  “Don’t cry Jen, it’ll break my heart. I love you. I do…I never want to hurt you…ever.” He glanced over at a woman who wore a skintight black dress that was heading into the rest room. His eyes following her ass as she shook it, just for him, then turned her head and smirked at him flirtatiously.

  “I don’t understand. Why did you say that to me Dave, why?” I begged.

  “I need you to be careful, that’s all.”

  “Dave, its Michael we’re talking about! The man you just finished protecting for over a month. Do you realize what you’re saying? You can’t just say that to me! You can’t! I love Michael!” I shouted.

  “Listen to me Goddammit!” He grabbed me by the shoulders and shook me. “You have to believe me!” he yelled.

  “Dave, how could you? How could you do this to me? You’re a liar! A fucking liar!” I sobbed.

  “Jen, please, you don’t understand. Let me explain! He’s not good for you! He’s not for you!” he grabbed me by my arms and I shrugged him off.

  “I’m leaving now…please…I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. You’ve spent over God knows how much money on this wedding, with 150 guests I didn’t even know! I’m so confused…I thought you loved me like a daughter! I thought you accepted Michael knowing how much I love him!” I shouted. He walked towards me. “No! Leave me alone!” I started choking on my tears and my voice cracked. I turned around and ran to Michael. All of the guests turned their heads and stared at me as I cried hysterically. Michael’s eyes turned to steel.

  “Jen! Jen! What happened?” he shouted as he held me in his arms. Margaret and Tilly ran up to us from across the dance floor.

  “I want to leave… now!” I shouted as the tears slid down my face with my mascara following.

  “What the hell is going on?” Michael glared at Margaret and Tilly.

  “I don’t know.” Margaret had a horrified look on her face.

  “I don’t know, I was just with her a few minutes ago, then Dave was waiting for her outside the restroom.” Tilly said.

  “Dave?” Michael said through gritted teeth.

  “Please Michael, now…I want to go…now!” I yelled. Michael grabbed my hand and left Tilly and Margaret with their mouths wide open and escorted me out of the ballroom. Dave was standing by the door.

  “What the fuck is going on Dave?” Michael shouted.

  “I don’t know.” Dave scoffed at him.

  “What do you mean you don’t know? Why is she hysterical? What did you do?” He yelled.

  “Just take her out of here Michael…you guys are embarrassing yourselves in front of the guests.” He stared Michael down.

  “What did you just say to me?” Michael’s eyes widened and he clenched his fists as he walked towards Dave.

  “Michael, take your cry-baby wife and get the fuck out of here! It’s embarrassing seeing the bride cry like a fucking two year old…Teach your wife to be grateful and have some goddamn manners!” he shouted at the top of his lungs.

  “You son of a bitch! I’ll kill you!” Michael balled his hand into a tight fist, then clocked Dave’s sarcastic mouth and knocked him to the floor sending Dave sliding across the shiny marble tiles.

  “Oh my God! No! Michael! Please!” I ran to see if Dave was okay, and he pushed me with full force against my chest, and I fel
l backwards onto the floor losing my white stiletto heel from my right foot.

  “Go with your fucking husband!” His eyes were black with fury. The blood slid down his lip onto his chin. He wiped the blood with the back of his hand and grinned.

  “Dave, what are you doing?” I cried as I lifted myself up from the floor reaching for my shoe and placing it back on my foot.

  “I’m out of here, and Jen, if you don’t listen to me now…you’re going to regret it later. Don’t say you haven’t been warned.”

  Dave lifted himself up and glanced over at Michael. His eyes piercing through Michael’s soul as he walked backwards never letting Michael out of his sight. Michael’s blue-green eyes killing Dave softly as he stared back without a word. It was the scariest sight I’ve ever seen and at that point, I wasn’t even breathing.

  Margaret and Tilly watched in horror, as did the guests at the reception. Dr. Logan came running with her husband and stood there speechless at the debacle that just occurred. Dr. Joe approached me and I shook my head to leave me alone. He stepped back and stood near Margaret and Tilly. No one followed Dave.

  Michael and I stared at Tilly and Margaret, then he grabbed my hand hastily and we walked out of the reception hall and walked towards the limo. Michael was so angry he was shaking. I released myself from his grip and sat in the limo.

  The limo driver drove us to the John F. Kennedy airport. We were headed to Puerto Rico for five days. Michael couldn’t take off any more days than that. He was a lawyer with an agenda bigger than Donald Trump’s. I was really nervous because I had never been on a plane before and my stomach was in knots at the thought.

  We sat quietly waiting to board the plane. I glanced around the airport. There was no security. No tall men with dark glasses to drag us out of here in case of an emergency. Just Michael and I. I had the feeling if someone was coming our way to harm us, we wouldn’t stand a chance get out of here safely.

  Michael was distant and I could feel the tension between us. He didn’t look at me once as if I was the cause of the commotion at our reception. I picked up a magazine that lay on the seat next to us when suddenly our flight was called. We walked separately onto the plane. Michael walked ahead of me as if he were a single man and sat near the window. I was exhausted from being so stressed out at my own wedding, so I decided to ignore his childish behavior. I leaned my head back against the chair and glanced over at Michael who sat silently looking out of the window. He then placed his head on my shoulder, as if apologizing for being aloof and snuggled up beside me and closed his eyes. The stewardess announced our take off, Michael stood up startled, and we both buckled up. He then assumed the position again, and leaned back on my shoulder.


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