Home > Paranormal > AFFINITY > Page 4

by Viola Grace

  Her eyes closed to the sparks of magic that were flying between them. This was beyond anything she had felt before. The slow thrust and retreat of both hard members deep within her had her moaning in time to every movement. Her hips began to buck against them as she drove with her lovers to find release.

  She clutched at Orlyn for support, kissing and biting at his throat as she tightened her muscles around them with every flexing of their hips. Boral’s hands were on her breasts as he pushed and pulled his cock out of her nether passage, rubbing against his friends’ hard presence within her through the delicate barrier of skin. Suddenly he groaned his release and slumped forward, driving her down onto the other hard cock impaling her.

  “Oh gods!” The hard shove onto the equally rigid cock within her sent her over the edge. She worked her hips against him in the throes of her release, bucking and clutching him within her slick walls. She gasped for air as the room spun around her and she felt Boral pull out of her ass.

  Opening her eyes, she met Orlyn’s heated gaze. “My turn,” was all that he said.

  He grabbed her sore ass, and tumbled her to her back. Boral looked on in amusement. When he met Esmy’s startled eyes as Orlyn began to thrust hard and deep, he said, “Orlyn took it easy on you last time. I think his restraint cost him.”

  Esmy moaned as the coil of lust began to wind itself within her once again. The hawk-like features above her had a vicious ferocity that she had never seen before. Anywhere. Her breath was coming in gasps as darts of pleasure shook her with every impact. She began to climax once again. His driving rhythm did not let up and she began a breathless scream as the wave of pleasure continued without abating. Tears flowed from her eyes, magic swirled throughout the room, lighting tiny fires that flickered out. Finally he roared his release. Pounding his cock into the tight grip of her velvet heat and spewing its load deep inside.

  He fell forward, his forehead resting on hers, his chest heaving like a bellows. His hips jerked in small spasms, then were still. With him remaining inside her.

  Boral was laughing like a loon next to them. He was hooting his amusement at her astonished features until she reached out a limp arm and swatted him.

  Her body was completely boneless. She couldn’t move. She closed her eyes and sighed.

  A sweet kiss touched her lips. Her lids fluttered open and she met Orlyn’s gentle smile.

  “I think we need a bath.” His voice was husky as he continued to kiss her gently.

  “Good idea, I’ll tell you when I can move again. Probably next week sometime.” A weak grin was all that would make it past the fatigue she was feeling.

  He chuckled. “Boral, if you would bring our lady?” He slowly eased out of her, watching her absorbed look as he pulled from her welcoming flesh. He flashed his friend a grin, then moved into the bathroom, running water into the giant tub.

  “My pleasure.” He scooped her into his arms and walked into the room after Orlyn.

  He tested the temperature of the churning bath with his foot, then nodded and stepped into the tub with Esmerelda still in his arms. Orlyn took a seat next to the couple and leaned back in the water, turning his hair into a flaming waterfall of color. She felt the heat of the water climb her body as the water level continued to rise.

  When it reached the juncture of her thighs, she flinched at the wet heat touching her sensitive flesh. Her ass was really in discomfort.

  “Oh, poor baby, sore?” Boral rubbed her strained female flesh gently to ease it, with fingers that petted and aroused while he soothed her.

  She squirmed on his lap to avoid those fingers, but eventually had to reach down with her own hand to stop his.

  “Enough, Boral. I am a little sensitive right now.” She scooted off of his lap as he sat there, astonished that she had stopped him.

  Orlyn was smiling. “I don’t think that it was her cunt that was sore. You should have known better.”

  Esmy ignored them both as best as she could, and reached for the soap. She slicked up a cloth and began to bathe. Ignoring them was not that easy, as they were both within arm’s reach and watching her with disturbing attention.

  They watched the cloth circle around her breasts, and the way she bent her arms to wash her back, thrusting those same breasts high above the water. When the washcloth rubbed across her belly and continued lower, she had the focus of everyone in the room. Her fingers trailed over the lips of her sex, delving between them to wash the sensitive tissue free of the sticky residue of her evening and morning. She delicately touched the swollen tissues of her abused ass. Methodically she began to wash her legs, her thighs, calves, and then her feet.

  When she finished, the water had turned cloudy with soap. Her companions were visible only from the pectorals up. Sweat rode on both their brows, and the eyes fixed on her burned with lust.

  “Wow, guys, if watching me bathe gets you hot, you should see me make breakfast.” She rose to her feet and began to exit the tub when a sharp tug on her hand yanked her back with a splash.

  A searing kiss waited for her as she came out of the water with a splutter. Four hands ran over the territory she had just scrubbed, and two erections prodded at her from either side. She pulled away from Boral’s mouth and stopped him. “Whoa, I was not kidding when I said I was sore. But maybe there is something else we can do. Get out.”

  “What?” Both of them looked perplexed. She smiled. She couldn’t really blame them, their blood was not exactly rushing to their brains right now.

  “Sit on the edge of the tub, both of you. I can’t hold my breath that long.” Finally catching on, Orlyn was the first to comply. As a result he got her mouth around his raging cock, her tongue swirling around the head and flicking across the tiny opening. She sucked and licked at him with devoted attention and reached out with one hand to gently roll his balls. His groan of contentment caused her to smile around his turgid organ and she redoubled her efforts while reaching for Boral with her other hand.

  Boral groaned as her delicate fingers wrapped tightly around his erection and began to stroke up and down with firm pressure. He watched her caress Orlyn and felt his blood boil at the vision of her standing to her waist in water, her breasts bobbing with every motion of her head. In only a few minutes he felt his seed pressing for release. His head flung back and tension corded his neck as he fought back his release.

  Esmy saw that he was on the edge, and she withdrew her mouth from Orlyn. She released his sack to tug at his cock with her hand as her mouth replaced her hand on Boral.

  His eyes flew open as her head replaced her hand with scalding wet heat around the head of his cock. His shout of surprise was garbled by his groan of release as his sperm shot out of him in a thick pulse. She drew back just as his cum flew out, and it draped across her shoulder in a pearly strand.

  She once again replaced her mouth on Orlyn and felt the shudder that went through him as she resumed her ministrations. She continued until he shuddered in his own release, his hands fisting in her hair to draw her away from his member, up for a kiss as his cock twitched and spent against her soft belly. Boral had flopped back with his chest heaving and a foolish grin on his face.

  As she met his lips, she felt his smile. A few seconds later, his laughter was echoing in the room. Esmy sat back in the tub with a splash and waited for his laughter to subside. This was not something she had expected of him. According to Isowyn, he had the most serious mind of any of the fey that she had ever met. He never smiled and laughing was out of the question.

  “Ok, I give. What’s so funny?” She crossed her arms over her breasts, becoming uncomfortable at the amusement they were showing at her expense. She hadn’t been self-conscious while pleasuring them, but she was starting to feel it now.

  “If that is what you do when you don’t want us to fuck you, we have to wear you out as often as we can.” He slipped back into the water and cradled her against him. Boral did the same and cuddled against her from the other side, kissing the side
of her neck.

  “So, what do you think we should dress her in for the Winter Ball? I think as little as possible would be perfect.”

  “Mmmm…I would have to agree. Or some silk that promises to go transparent if it gets wet.” Orlyn’s mouth was on her shoulder, nibbling gently.

  “Okay, I get it. You enjoyed that. Sorry. I am just not used to this kind of thing.” She relaxed against the supporting arms.

  “Darn, I suppose you will just have to practice. Diligently, frequently, enthusiastically, and with extreme focus on the goal.” Boral was trailing his fingers slowly over her breasts. “I hereby volunteer my humble body for your practice sessions whenever the impulse strikes.”

  Orlyn frowned at him. “How very selfless of you, but I insist that I be the one to suffer her attempts. It is the least I could do.”

  “Okay, you guys work this out, I am going to get breakfast. Let me know who will suffer my clumsy attempts. I’ll send him a condolence card.” Pushing their heads and hands away, Esmerelda exited the tub and wrapped a towel around her, tucking it over her breasts.

  The debate on who would prove a better testing ground continued as she walked out of the bathroom shaking her head.

  She set up breakfast, eggs and toast, juice and coffee, and waited for the guys to come down. They finally did, dressed only in their trousers from the night before, giving her a lovely view with her breakfast. Since her mouth was watering, she started to eat, studiously keeping her eyes on her plate.

  “So, last night was fun. Will I see you again? I am not up on the etiquette.” Despite her efforts to contain it, the query came out anyway.

  “Didn’t Isowyn tell you?” Orlyn looked surprised.

  “Tell me what?”

  “Now that you have been accepted as a member of fey society, you are to be trained in all your magics, not just the glamour you have been using.”

  “Though it is very powerful,” Boral added around a mouthful of bacon.

  “Indeed. But raw power can be dangerous. We are your tutors.” Orlyn had to slap her back to stop her from choking on her coffee.

  Boral shot her an impish grin. “Yep, everyday for the next three years. You have a lot of time to make up.”

  Orlyn looked impatiently at Boral. “This is a serious matter. To properly get control of your magic, you need extensive training. We are here to provide that.” He paused, then continued. “Isowyn has given you a trust to support you for the next fifty years. It will allow you to focus on the business of learning to be fey. Our customs, traditions, and particular habits will be explained to you. Transformation magic will be shown to you, so that you may rearrange your environment at will.”

  “For the next few weeks, we will reside with you. When you get your affairs in order, you will come with us and live at our residence. It will make the learning easier, if all of the proper tools and wards are in place.” He waggled his eyebrows at her, “Plus, we have a bigger bathtub.”

  “This is a joke right? I am not moving in with you! I don’t even know you.” Esmy was appalled. And a little intrigued. This was definitely an interesting development.

  She paused and ran over the events of the previous day. “Why didn’t you tell me all of this yesterday?”

  This time Orlyn smiled. “We wanted to get laid.”

  Esmy looked at the incredibly handsome, earnest faces and began to giggle. Then she began to laugh. Then a full throated howl broke from her mouth as she fell off of her chair, laughing like a loon.

  Her new instructors looked at each other, bemused. This was not the reaction they had expected. They watched her roll from side to side, clutching her ribs. Finally the paroxysm subsided.

  She lay back and gasped for breath, wiping the tears of mirth from her eyes.

  “Okay, but you guys have to do the housework until I finish my two weeks’ notice at work.” Her voice was abruptly sober as she made her decree.

  Orlyn looked at Boral and they both smiled. “Agreed. But we get to pick out your dress for the High Council Winter Ball. What you were wearing last night was hideous.”

  “Making draperies, fussing with women’s clothing. Are you guys sure you’re not gay?” Her brow arched in inquiry and two stony faces looked at her.

  “Little joke, fellas, really, I know you’re not… I mean I am guessing based on my information…I mean…”Her voice trailed off as they continued to glare at her.

  Suddenly Boral swooped in and flipped her over his shoulder. He swatted her backside with one hand as he made his way up the stairs.

  “Orlyn, are you coming?”

  “Just a second, I am looking for the syrup,” was the last thing that Esmy heard before the giggles claimed her once again. Another swat on her butt as they reached the top of the stairs made her laugh even harder.

  “Found it!”

  As she gave in to her good humor and elfin lovers, she smiled to herself. It was worth a little sticky embarrassment with the syrup to enjoy the embraces of men who genuinely wanted to be with her and not some altered fantasy female.

  Chapter Eight

  She simply quit her job without explanation and they accepted her resignation with a good heart. Well, not really. But what were they going to do, drag her back to the office?

  Her clothing and furniture was put into storage while she wasn’t looking and Esmerelda found herself unceremoniously packed off to Realm without so much as a by-your-leave.

  “So, this is your place?” she asked her escorts as they opened the transportation doorway in a courtyard of a castle, “It looks a bit drafty, are you sure that it is properly insulated?”

  They looked offended and she giggled. “It is lovely, really. Can I go exploring?” She was almost bouncing with anticipation. It looked beautiful. Just what every fairy princess had ever imagined. Well, she was no princess, but it was still spectacular.

  Mind you, she looked like a princess. The boys had taken control over her wardrobe and she was dressed in a flowing gown of rippling blue. The shades of the gauzy material flowed from an ice blue to navy and back again as she walked. Today was Boral’s choice. Orlyn dressed her in fire.

  “You can explore as soon as we introduce you to the staff.” They tugged her forward and she followed them gladly. Her lessons had begun that first morning, after the syrup. They were thorough and direct when it came to instructing her in magic, and the fooling around was saved for a reward system.

  Esmy made it a point to study hard, and she could understand why they wanted to continue her education in Realm, from the screaming point alone, more privacy was required.

  Isowyn had been delighted that she had accepted them as consorts and even more thrilled that she was agreeing to them as tutors. Esmy had called her after lunch, and after she had gotten in touch with the members of the club.

  Hex was fine, hand-fasted to her ex-boss and enjoying every minute of it. Mr. Sterling was reeling with the acquisition of the most powerful magus of this generation, but he was making the best of it.

  George was playing with the dragon council’s Rikard. Every time he thought he had her, she slipped away. It was more than a game—she was making him work for the child that she carried. Her father had even gotten into the act and claimed her mother as mate at long last. Arabel was satisfied that Matthias had waited long enough and she herself had begun to think of more children now that her daughter was grown and mated.

  Jinx was a nervous wreck. Her mother’s family had finally appeared to take an interest in her life, now that she was on the map as the only living Archive in a thousand or more years. They were staging a set of werewolf games to find her a mate, and she had no idea where she was going to end up. Hookey calmed her with the promise of intervention if she found herself in an awkward situation. Jinx’s voice relaxed and Esmy could hear the smile of confidence slowly returning to her.

  With a promise to keep in touch at least once a week until they could have another margarita night, they hung up their respective cel
l phones and braced themselves for what was about to take over their lives. Magicians, wolves, warlocks and dragons, and not to mention fairies were now a part of their select group, they just didn’t know it yet.

  She carefully assessed every inch of the walkway to the door of the castle. Shrubs and flowers lined the walk, but they seemed a little recent.

  “Did you guys just plant these? They are gorgeous.” She tried to pull them back so that she could get a better look at the flowers, but they tugged her forward.

  “There will be plenty of time to look at the pretty flowers and the maze in the rear gardens. C’mon. We want you to meet the housekeeper and the rest of the staff, in case you need anything.”

  “Maze? Cool!” She trotted to keep up and had to bite the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing as they opened the doors with a flourish. The staff they had mentioned was waiting.

  “Please be welcome, Miss Hawks. I am Washi, the housekeeper.” A spider goblin with six arms coming out of her torso bowed deeply. “This is Dacian, Treal, Vinson and Bendek. Treal will be your personal maid.”

  “Are you all goblins?” Treal seemed to be female, the rest were unidentifiable behind the fangs, snouts and warty skin. The number of limbs that they had varied as well.

  “Indeed, Miss. Of the Laban family. We have served the Masters for over six hundred years.”

  Six hundred? “How old are you guys?” She knew that they were older than two or three hundred years, but six?

  Orlyn answered, “Um, over six hundred?”

  “Didn’t you want to go exploring, Esmerelda?” Boral was quick with his own interjection.


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