by Aden Lowe
She giggled a little, glad to hear he couldn't resist her any more than she could him. "I don't know. But I bet you're starving now. And there's warm cinnamon rolls and fresh coffee downstairs."
He chuckled. "You sure know how to get me moving." He slid out of the bed and pulled his old sweats on.
Kate would have been content to just lie there and watch him, but he pulled on a t-shirt, too. She sighed. Might as well get up, then. She dressed quickly in yoga pants and an oversized sweater, and pulled on heavy socks.
Jakob made it down to the kitchen first, and had a cup of fresh coffee waiting for her. "When are you going to tell me what you want for Christmas? Sorta running out of time on it."
The mug served as the perfect way to hide her smile. "I don't need anything. I have the ranch, the boys, the horses, and you. What more could I need?"
He laughed. "Don't even get me started. There has to be something special you'd like to have."
Of course there was, but she could hardly ask for an engagement ring, could she? She shook her head. "I don't know, maybe a million dollars?"
Jakob rolled his eyes. "You're a lot of help, you know that? Guess you'll just have to settle for what I got you."
How had he managed to find a gift for her when she hadn't been able to get away from him long enough to look for him one? Maybe she could find something he'd like amid her father's and grandfather's old things.
They ate quickly and dressed in insulated coveralls before heading to the barn to check on the horses. Without an indoor arena, Kate had to give her horses a break from training for bad weather, and she really didn't mind. She usually kept the schedule light for winter anyway. The animals needed downtime as much as, or more than, she did.
Jakob's truck had to be shoveled free before they could go anywhere. Luckily, he'd mounted the plow blade to the front before the storm hit, so they didn't need to do much. He cleared the lane from house to barn, taking his time as though Kate's impatience to get there and see to the horses amused him. He was right, of course. Clearing it before tires packed the snow made more sense and easier work, but she still felt like urging him to just drive.
The stock pastured near the barn usually raced up to the fence when they heard the truck, eager for treats and scratches. Disappointment brought her mood down a little when they didn't bother. Until she climbed out of the truck and heard the whinnies. The horses might choose to stay in their nice warm sheds rather than wade through the blizzard, but they still greeted her.
The barn buzzed with activity as the hands finished feeding the stock and loaded hay to take to the horses in the paddocks. Plenty of hay had gone out for the remote stock the day before so they were okay for a few days.
Ray, her long-time foreman, approached with a grin. "Morning Miss Kate, Jakob. Dixie looks like she's going to drop that foal this morning."
A thrill shot through Kate. Her mare, Dixie Rush, carried the last foal Chaser sired. Her last chance at a second Chaser son. Either way, as long as the baby came out healthy, it didn't matter.
"Everything look okay so far?" Jakob squeezed her hand. He knew how much the prospect of this birth excited her.
"So far, so good. Moved her to the foaling stall about an hour ago, got her tail wrapped and cleaned her. She's ready to go."
Kate turned to Jakob with a smile. "I'm going to check on her." She practically bounced down the aisle of the barn in her eagerness. At the door of the extra-large stall they used for the mares to give birth, she stopped to calm herself, then slipped inside.
The mare paused in pawing at the bedding and turned to give her a sour look, not happy with the interruption. Dixie was a veteran momma, and she liked to do things herself.
"Hey, Dixie, how's it going?" She talked, letting her voice calm the mare. Her hand ran down the silky neck, slightly dampened with sweat. Dixie lowered her head and grunted as a long contraction hardened her belly. Kate got a quick glimpse of tiny hooves before they disappeared back inside the mare when the contraction eased.
She wanted to shout with joy. It looked like everything was going along perfectly. With a last pat of Dixie's neck, she let herself out of the stall and left the mare to her work. She gave Ray a quick update, and started making her rounds to all the other stalls.
The blood bay who had been the bane of her existence for months put his head over the door and watched, waiting for his treat. She could finally move on to more advanced training with him, now that she had his trust.
The rest of the morning passed quickly in a flurry of chores, and regular checks on Dixie's progress. Just before noon, she found the mare calmly licking a tiny foal lying on the ground in the stall.
Kate waited, heart pounding, as the little creature made several attempts before managing to stand on unsteady legs. Jakob joined her, squeezing her hand again in silent agreement with her excitement. Within a few minutes, the filly took her first steps and found her mother's teat.
Satisfied that the little girl nursed greedily, Kate turned away from the stall. "I should get back to the house and get the paperwork done on this one, I guess." She'd much rather just stand and watch the new baby, but her presence would just upset the momma. No need to make her feel threatened.
Jakob wrapped her into his arms. "I'm a little jealous of Dixie."
Kate raised a brow at him. "You're jealous of a horse that just gave birth? Have you seen how big that foal is?"
His laughter rang out. "She gave you a perfect Christmas gift. Nothing I can get you will compare."
Her arms went around his neck to pull him down. "No, what you gave me this morning was the perfect gift." She nibbled along his neck. It was true. Dixie's baby was special, of course, but without him to share the joy, it would be a bittersweet gift.
Jakob waited for Kate to disappear into the office off the kitchen like she did most afternoons to handle the paperwork related to the running of the ranch. As soon as the door closed behind her, he tugged his coat back on and slipped out the door to his truck.
The lockbox under the seat held a treasure and he needed to get it in the house without her being aware. Normally, he kept only a loaded .40cal handgun in there, just in case of emergency, but two days ago, on a rare trip to town, he picked up Kate's Christmas gift. He couldn't run the risk of her seeing the bag, so he tucked it into the lockbox. And now he needed to get it inside, and wrapped, before she came out of the office.
He should have about an hour before she finished up. He paused just inside the kitchen door to listen and make sure she was still in the office. The lack of electricity meant no computer, so that limited the amount of work she could do for the day. Hopefully she would be in there long enough.
His heart threatened to burst free of his ribs, but he managed to walk casually on through the kitchen, and down the hall to the stairs. The gift-wrapping supplies Kate brought home the other day sat in the smaller of the three bedrooms, alongside the packages she'd already wrapped for the hands and her friends.
The room held a hodge-podge of worn out furniture, an assortment of craft supplies and a small rolling garment rack. Kate kept the striking shirts and coordinating jeans she wore for competitions there. Jakob couldn't wait to see her wearing them, in her element, performing with the horses she put so much work into.
A stack of empty boxes sat in the corner, some stuffed inside one another, all balanced precariously, ready to fall out into the middle of the room. Careful not to knock them over, Jakob chose three. After a last look at the gift, he tucked the box inside another, cushioned with plenty of tissue paper, then sealed the box.
It took a little more time than he thought, but eventually, the small gift was sealed inside three boxes nested together, and wrapped to the best of his ability. Satisfied, he carried it downstairs and slipped it under the tree in the living room. It wasn't easy to act casual as he made his way back to the kitchen, but he thought he managed okay.
Since it was alrea
dy late afternoon, he fixed them a simple dinner they could eat whenever they were ready. She still hadn't come out of the office, so he busied himself with the jigsaw puzzle on the low counter intended to serve as a desk. He and Kate spent a lot of hours there, side by side, working on puzzles or other joint projects. He treasured those quiet moments spent with her, with no need for conversation or anything else. Just together.
That time, just soaking of up the peace of her, seemed to help with the nightmares left over from his time in the Army. Just a few short months ago, he never thought there'd be a time when the past didn't reach out to grab him occasionally. He knew it wasn't just working on puzzles with her that helped, of course. Time and distance, and a new focus, no doubt did a lot. But the times with Kate where there was nothing else, no concerns or pressures, just the two of them, seemed to be the key.
After a while, Kate came out of the office and wrapped her arms around his shoulders from behind. "What're you doing?"
He grinned. "Very important work here, searching for this one tiny part of a tree that looks exactly like all the other nine-hundred and ninety-nine parts of trees." He pulled her around to sit in his lap. "Paperwork done?"
"Some. I got all the filly's details entered in the stock book, at least, and closed out Chaser's breeding history since she's the last. I'll have to wait for the power to get her registered, though." Her lips slid up his neck and teased along his jaw. "What are we doing the rest of the day?"
"Mmm, I've got some ideas." He slipped one hand under her shirt and cupped her breast. "How about a picnic in the living room? No need to cook, and a bottle of wine, music, and a soft blanket."
A smile lit her whole face with delight. "That's a great idea!"
"You get the blanket and music? I'll get the food and wine?" He couldn't wait for her reaction to the package under the tree. So far, she hadn't been in the living room to notice it. He still wasn't sure when to let her open it. The right moment would come along.
"Race you!" She darted off to the stairs, taking advantage of his surprise for a head start.
Good thing he already had everything ready in anticipation. He grabbed the wine, glasses, and the plate he'd put together earlier with cold chicken, cheese, crackers and a couple other things. He fully intended to win. And claim his prize.
Kate rushed down the stairs as he reached the living room and he hurried to place his burden on the coffee table. The polished wood floor made her slide to a stop and she spread the blanket in front of the woodstove.
"I win." His announcement drew a slightly sour look from her.
"Only because you didn't have to go up and down the stairs." She turned on the Metallica CD she'd won from him in their first bet. "Besides, you cheated. No way you got the food ready that fast." She turned back to him with a grin. "I like the way you were already thinking."
Jakob pretended to pout, playing along. "Come here. I need to claim my prize."
She grinned and approached, hands on her hips. "Yeah? And what prize is that?"
He reached for her, pulling her close. Fuck! She was perfect. Her soft curves molded to his hard angles, like two parts of a puzzle. Instantly hard, he let his hands drift down to the hem of her sweater and lift it. "My prize is this fucking sweet body of yours." He drew the shirt over her head.
The sight of her breasts in the black lace bra he'd chosen for her made his mouth go dry. He could never get enough of them. Already, his palms ached for the feel of her. And those parted lips brought delightful things to mind. He bent to taste, letting kisses trail along her jaw.
"I like the sound of this prize. But don't think you're getting off easy just because you won." She turned to capture his mouth with hers, teasing at his lower lip with her teeth.
"Oh yeah? What does that mean?"
She smiled into the kiss. "You'll find out. Now get these clothes off."
Damn, she'd changed so much from the shy girl he'd met. A thrill shot through him at the knowledge that he put that confidence in her. She should never doubt her beauty and appeal, but she had. And he'd devoted months to proving it to her. If she would allow him, he'd spend the rest of his life doing the same.
He peeled both their clothes off, not an easy task with her mouth distracting him. He had to pause a moment when she found his nipple and tugged with her teeth. When they were finally naked, he lowered his head to kiss her again, putting every ounce of the passion and love he felt into it.
Every time he made love to his Kate felt like something incredibly important, but this time was even more so. He had to make sure all the things he felt but couldn't say made it from his heart to hers through each caress, every kiss. Words were too inadequate to show her the depth of his need for her.
Kate made that little whimper sound of hers that always got to him, and didn't resist when he picked her up, still kissing her, and moved them to the blanket she'd spread on the floor before the wood stove. The fire flickered through the tempered glass front of the stove, casting an eerie glow over the room and making shadows leap and dance around them. Apparently, while they played, the sun had set and darkness crept in.
The moment her feet touched the blanket, Jakob tugged her down to sit by him on the floor, and resumed his possession of that lovely mouth. She lay back, tugging at his shoulders in an attempt to move him over her.
He resisted. This time, he fully intended to take his time with loving her. So instead, he settled to her side a little. She moaned her objection, but allowed him to kiss his way down the side of her neck. He paused for a minute, watching her. Her lips, swollen from his kiss, parted for her tongue to sweep across her lip.
The firelight danced over her skin and he took a moment to admire the way her skin flushed in the rosy glow. The little hollow above her collarbone always begged his attention, and this time was no different. He laved the tender skin with his tongue, relishing the taste of her. But soon, his own need and her whimpers drove him onward.
The smooth curve of her breasts beckoned him and he worked his way down. When he finally sucked her nipple into his mouth, she arched into him with a cry, begging for more. He gave it, gladly, and let his hand smooth down her belly to cup her. Fuck, keeping to the plan would not be easy. His endless fascination with loving her body acted as a huge distraction.
He let one finger dip, gently parting her and smoothing her moisture over the sensitive the flesh. Her thighs fell open and her hips arched. A strangled sound left her throat as she sought to pull his finger inside, but he drew back, and released her nipple, too.
The rest of his life rested on the next few minutes. He gave up a silent prayer. "Whoa, baby. Easy there. Time for a little break." Damn, his dick might just kill him for this idea, but there was no going back now. Eager, but trembling, he sat up and reached for the light package he'd slipped under the tree. "Time to open your gift."
It took a moment for his remarks to penetrate the haze of her passion. "What? Now?"
"Yes, now." His heart seriously wanted to pound right through his ribs. What if she didn't like it? Or worse, thought him stupid for even thinking it? He knew she loved him, but they hadn't discussed how either of them felt about marriage.
"But I don't have yours ready. The storm interfered with my plans." Apprehension filled her voice.
Unable to help himself, Jakob leaned in and kissed her. "If you like this, that's the only gift I'll ever need." He helped her sit up and put the box in her hands.
The impulse to bite his lip nearly overcame him as anxiety hit harder. If he didn't get his mind off it, he would likely fall to pieces right then and there, so he went for the nearest foolproof distraction—his woman's body. As she started unwrapping the package far too slowly for him, he let his fingers slide up her thigh to tease her.
Finally, she had the box open, and she looked up at him with mild confusion. "Is this a joke gift?" She lifted the second box out of the first.
"Far from it, baby. Keep going."
Seeming a little more co
nfident, she opened that box, only to find a third. "Jakob?"
He gave her a nod of encouragement. "Keep going. Almost there."
More careful, maybe a bit suspicious, she opened the next box. For an instant she just sat there in silence, staring. When she looked up, tears gathered in her eyes.
He slid in closer and cupped one hand behind her head. "Kate, I know we haven't talked about it, and I don't even really know… Anyway. Kate, will you marry me?"
The tears rolled over and panic surged in his chest. Oh, fuck, what if she said no?
"No." The single word was so faint, he wasn't sure he heard her right.
"Kate?" Emotion made his voice thick and rough. The lump in his throat threatened to cut off his air.
She looked up at him and the misery in her eyes choked him. "I can't, Jakob. I thought I could. There's nothing I want more." Her voice broke. "You'll be a wonderful father one day. I can't give you that. I can't tie you to me knowing that."
Sick fear gathered in his belly. No. He refused to accept that answer. "Kate, you know how I feel about that. If we decide we want kids, we'll adopt. There are too many babies out there who just need a chance. I can't get hung up on the biology of it. A child is a child and they're all precious, no matter whose cells make them." How could he make her understand? He tipped her chin up, forcing her to meet his gaze. "Kate, I love you. I can live without a lot of things. I can't live without you. Life without you was a dark place. I can't go back there. Ever."
A spark of hope flared in her eyes. "Are you sure this is what you want?"
The same hope took hold in his chest. "I've never been more sure of anything in my life. I want forever with you. Nothing else matters." He drew her into his lap, along with the ring box, and gently took it from her. His fingers shook as he lifted the delicate-looking gold from its velvet bed. "Say you'll marry me, Kate." The firelight reflected in the facets of the small diamond as he slipped the ring on her finger. "Please."
She nodded, turning to bury her face in his shoulder. "Yes."