Silver and Bold

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Silver and Bold Page 3

by Amber Burns

  Yes, there... a bit more, she thought.

  Her clit was too hard and excited to stand another moment without being touched. She knew she was blushing as she let all those naughty thoughts and desired storm in her mind. His fingers never made to their destination, though. He pulled her dress up to her waist, revealing her ass to the cool night air. Enya could feel goose-flesh cover the soft globes of her behind. It was in no way going to cool the fire blazing between her legs, though.

  He filled each hand of his with the flesh of her ass, digging his long fingers into her soft body, inhaled her scent deeply. Enya shuddered, nearly ready to burst even without her street artist yet touching her where she wanted him desperately to be.

  His fingers released her ass to find her soaked panties. Enya smiled as his fingers slipped between the fabric and her thigh. She couldn’t stand another moment of the lacy garmet blocking his way into her body. She expected him to push the small piece of lace down to her knees, or further. However, he simply ripped them from her body.

  “Aww,” a surprised moan escaped her throat and earned a deep sucking on the side of her throat.

  Enya knew she’d have a hickey next morning, and the thought of taking home a mark of his passion left her panting. L. grabbed her ass again and this time, Enya let go of all control of her body as he picked her up, lifted her so that her now-revealed pussy was in line with his hard cock; though he was still trapped inside his pants. Enya swore she could feel the heat from his throbbing member through the denim she desperately wished no longer existed.

  He pulled her closer to him and carried a few steps away from the wall she was leaning at, supporting her body completely. Enya wrapped her arms around his neck and legs around his waist. She was surprised at his strength as well as the amount of trust she had put in a complete stranger.

  He placed kisses - light as butterflies on her throat and jawline again. His lips were rough and his stubble left her itching for it’s touch to return, which was the spark needed to set the fire inside her ablaze. Enya’s heart almost jumped out of her chest when his one hand moved to unzip his pants, leaving only one strong arm to support her weight. She clung to his body, tightening her grip, holding on for dear life. Her breathing was ragged with need, fear, excitement - too many emotions storming inside her.

  A moment later, the street artist’s fully erect member was freed. He pressed himself up, rubbing against her clit, covering himself in her juices and maddening her with that long-expected stimulation. She wanted to ask for more, but soon her mouth was filled with his tongue again. Enya moaned into him as his cock, lubricated in her desire, entered her body. In one push, he buried all of his girth inside her, stretching her pussy to its limits.

  L. looked right into her eyes as he started thrusting into her. With some thrusts he was pushing into her, rocking and gyrating his hips. Other times, he was moving her ass up and down his shaft, as if she was light as a feather and he could use her body to fuck his cock. Enya felt so exposed when their eyes locked. She could see all of her, while his own eyes were still hidden behind the bright yellow goggles. She wanted to look away, hide, bury her head in the hollow of his shoulder.

  “Look at me”, he spoke.

  Enya found that his voice did crazy things to her. She didn’t know how to resist that commanding tone and the silky, low voice that sent waves of vibration into her. Neither of them broke eye contact as he slowly worked both of them toward the peak of pleasure. He kept on shifting her weight from one arm to another while making sure the other hand explored all the needy parts of her body. Enya’s clit finally received attention and her nipples felt so raw that Enya knew they were going be sore for days; reminding her of this momentary craziness.

  By the time Enya felt her orgasm threatening to explode inside her, she was unable to form any coherent words beyond loud moans. He crushed her against the wall and starting thrusting deeper and faster into her. His own breathing was growing too uneven, movements hectic and hurried, heartbeat maddeningly fast and loud. She could feel the hot cock pounding her body swell with the need of release. Her own sex quivered with anticipation.

  Enya’s heart almost stopped when her whole body went numb for a moment; right before the massive wave of her orgasm blazed inside her and washed through her whole body. She screamed as soon as she was able to release a sound. For long moments, she could not breathe, and her legs and arms felt numb. He held her in his strong arms, never stopping thrusting into her; never giving her a moment to catch her breath of recover from her orgasm. Her body was still shaking from the aftershocks of her released when he groaned and joined her in bliss.

  As their bodies enjoyed the peace they found in each others’ arms, he pressed his forehead against hers and looked at her through the yellow glasses. His breathing puffed on her lips as he murmured words that her mind could not comprehend. Enya was still on another planet. In one moment she would allow herself to come back to her reality. In one moment, she would pull her dress down her thighs hiding her torn panties. In one moment, she would be ready to leave him and never see him again. Until then, she was going to cherish this last moment of craziness she had allowed herself to feel.

  “Will I see you again?” he asked as he lowered her body and made sure she could stand on her legs.

  Enya still felt quite wobbly, so she leaned against the graffiti wall. As much as she wanted to say yes, she closed her eyes and shook her head no.

  “If you ever change your mind, I usually come to this rooftop on Friday nights,” he brushed his lips against hers but did not kiss her. “Happy birthday,” were the last words he spoke as Enya forced herself to start walking away from him.

  He was leaning against the graffiti wall when she turned to look at him one last time. She smiled and thought he had not pulled the hem of his mask down, she knew he smiled back at her.

  End of a dream, Enya, she teased herself. Welcome back to your single, lonely life.


  “Hello, beautiful tree.”

  “Hi, little dress shop, I might come to see you later today.”

  “Hey there, my favorite bush with weird, purple flowers! You look nice today.”

  “Hi, my favorite store - my biggest achievement in my thirty-one years,” Enya greeted her little specialized, healthy bakery as she opened the door.

  The little copper bells hanging on the doorframe rang cheerfully to announce that the boss had shown up. Like a puffy little puppy, Karo, Enya’s assistant, jumped out from behind the counter to give her a bone-crushing hug. With her silver-white curly shoulder long hair, she did look a cute puppy or a dandelion; always so bright and cheerful.

  “Happy thirty-one years and one day, boss! You look great today!” She peppered kisses on Enya’s face.

  Enya could only hope that Karo was not planning to give her thirty-one plus one kisses. Still, she laughed at her own failed attempts of freeing herself from the arms of her over-enthusiastic assistant.

  “Hello to you too, Karoline. I missed you, girl. I hoped that you’d show up at the horrific torturous gathering also known as my birthday party.”

  Although Enya did not want a party in the first place, having Karo there would’ve made it less unbearable. But then, maybe it hadn’t been that bad. If Enya hadn’t left the party she wouldn’t have run into her street artist, or kissed him, or followed him to the roof, or…

  Enya shook her head, bringing herself out of her fantasy and back into reality.

  “Sorry about that, Enya,” Karoline said with a frown. “I wanted to come to your rescue, but Andy’s parents surprised us with a visit. Couldn’t leave them alone, they were in the city for one day only.”

  “It’s ok, darling, we’ll have our own celebration here at lunch,” Enya winked at her.

  Enya stretched, readying herself to work with an unusual smile upon her lips. It was her favorite time of day. The shop was not open yet and the two of them had nearly two hours to prepare and experiment in the kitchen. In
those experiments lay the success of “Yum & Fun”. They never used fixed recipes. Enya’s whole idea behind creating their healthy sweet treats was giving freedom to their imagination and always making special custom treats for their customers. They would often choose a random color or flower as their theme for the day and start creating magic around it.

  “Any ideas what sweets we’re making today?” Karoline asked.

  “How about a starry night full of magic?” Enya’s words escaped her mouth before she could stop herself.

  Am I really still thinking about last night?

  “Oh, my goodness,” Karo prodded, “You are hiding something! Since when is a magic night your favorite cookie theme?”

  “Since last night,” Enya confessed. “And there is nothing strange about that.”

  “And why are you wearing a scarf?” Karo asked as she pulled at the garment hiding Enya’s neck. “It’s way too hot to be wearing a scarf.”

  “Fashion! Now, shut up and bring some dates, cacao powder and almonds. Let’s get started.”

  Karo narrowed her eyes at Enya, drawing a guilty smile from her employer.

  “Sure boss,” Karoline quickly collected her messy bangs into a high ponytail and wrapped a white bandana around her head. “And I’ll pretend I cannot see that strange sparkle in your eyes, the beaming smile, happy satisfied face, and good mood. I get it!”

  She smoothed her apron and disappeared through the narrow door leading to the kitchen. Enya thought to linger in the main hall for a little bit longer before joining Karo in the kitchen. She could use some time to make sure everything was in their proper places, to water the plants they kept by the window, to arrange the glasses. Anything to keep her occupied for a few moments in a hope that by the time she entered the kitchen, Karo would be so engaged in the magical process of creating sweets that would forget to ask one million questions about Enya’s very secret and very private evening.

  The doorbell ringing brought Enya out of the trance she had fallen back into while tidying the front of her shop. She hoped it signaled early customers who would keep her busy for a little bit longer. However the doorway was not filled by customers but by her three very best and very traitorous friends. Each held a bouquet of colorful field flowers and an uncharacteristically guilty looks on their face.

  “Early breakfast?” Enya cocked a brow as she opened the door and let them in.

  Jenn, either the bravest or the guiltiest among them this morning, was the first to enter. She extended the oversized bouquet to Enya.

  “We figured you’d be still mad at us... But you can’t be mad on flowers, can you?” Jennifer spoke.

  Enya sighed and shook her head. She was already thinking about how she could use the pops of color to decorate the shop. Some could be also decorations for her desserts. Enya loved flowers of all kinds. Enya also realized that, despite her feelings earlier yesterday evening, she was no longer mad at her best friends either. If it hadn’t been for the disaster of a party they had thrown she never would of encountered her mysterious street artist.

  “Forgiven,” Enya said, as she invited all of them in. “I’ll even be gracious enough to offer some coffee and dessert before you all have to return to work.”

  Jenn rushed to her favorite seat by the small table at the window. That was the best spot to follow everything that was happening around the shop and at the same time enjoy the sunlight and view to the busy morning street.

  “Forgiven? So quickly?” Emily lightly touched Enya’s forehead as if checking for a fever. “Usually you’d remind us about it for days until all of us are high on guilt.”

  “Still can do that if you need me to!” Enya hissed.

  Emily kissed her friend’s cheek and found her usual place next to Jenn.

  “Truth be told, we hadn’t planned to hijack your party. I was getting ready to leave the for the bar when Brandon came home and insisted on coming along,” Emily explained. “C’mon, you’ve known each other since high school. Of course, he wanted to go.”

  “Simon did the same when I was leaving,” Jenn continued. She was now looking through the menu. Jennifer was a hardcore sweet tooth; just looking at the pictures of the delicious desserts made her feel happy. “I guess he had talked to Bran and Nate about it.”

  “So all three of us had a date for your party but you did not,” Lilly was now drumming with her fingers on the table giving away she was nervous telling the story.

  Enya bit her lip feeling slightly guilty her friends thought she could be so scary. She never intended too. She knew she could be a bit bossy at times, but that was part of what made her a good entrepreneur.

  “So, Simon and Bran called some friends that they thought you might want to see,” Emily continued. Enya tried to remember whether or not she had seen any friends there. Most of the people looked quite unfamiliar to her. “Well, then they decided to call all the single guys they thought you might like and before we knew it, your cozy birthday gathering exclusively for only best friends had grown into a party of over thirty invitees”.

  “Alright, alright,” Enya interrupted them. “All forgiven and forgotten, really. Just one question left, who came up with the great idea to invite Jake?”

  All three of her friends exchanged concerned looks. Jenn hid behind the menu as if the little booklet was a protective shield. Lilly’s drumming grew alarmingly loud and Emily was tearing petals from a poor flower that happened to be in the vase on the table.

  With perfect timing, likely due to the eavesdropping, Karoline walked out of the kitchen carrying a big tray of various desserts and big mugs of freshly brewed coffee. Enya’s nostrils flared as the heavenly scent filled her. She took the tray from Karo, but withheld it’s bounty from her friends.

  “So, Jake was the subject, if you need a reminder,” Enya said, her arms crossed over her chest.

  “That’s the thing,” Jennifer’s voice came from behind the menu. It wasn’t but a whisper. “We’re trying to figure that out since last night. Nobody has any idea.”

  “Someone intended to ruin your party, Enya… But it wasn’t one of us,” Lilly answered, finally stopping her drumming.

  Enya took a sip of her coffee. So good, she closed her eyes and let herself enjoy the flavors.

  “Whatever, he’s not worth so much of our time,” Enya smiled. “How about we just forget him and the disaster of a party we had?”

  Lilly cocked her brow and Jenn finally peeked at her from behind the menu.

  “I tell you,” Jenn mused. “She’s too quick to forgive us, no matter what. There must be something going on here.”

  The three of them turned to Karo.

  “You,” Jenn pointed at the little dandelion-headed assistant and smiled as Karoline flinched. “Did she tell you anything?”

  Karoline shook her head. “I had the same suspicions, but she wouldn’t tell me anything.”

  Lilly whistled. “Someone is keeping secrets from us.”

  To add more oil to the fire, Karo subtly pointed at the scarf that was hiding Enya’s neck. Enya’s cheeks reddened and she grew cornered. She hated keeping secrets from her friends, but somehow her encounter felt so distant and ethereal now that she was only half-sure that it had actually happened. The silence between the five women was broken when the doorbell once again rang.

  “I’ll get it,” Karo jumped from her seat.

  Even thought she was head over heels in love with her boyfriend, Karo still had a thing for the cute postman whose name Enya couldn’t remember. All she knew was that it was something hot and very Spanish. Enya expected Karo to flirt with the poor man for at least five minutes before releasing him from her captivity, but Karo quickly returned with an elegant envelope cradled between her fingers.

  All of the women’s eyes were locked on the envelope, four of the five secretly hoping that the contents would somehow out the secrets Enya was keeping.

  “Hurry up and read it, please, Karo,” Jenn urged.

  Lilly had resum
ed the drumming on the table, her nervousness returning. Karoline silently handed the envelope to Enya. Her heart skipped when she saw the silver stamp on the upper left corner.

  “Silversson Industries,” Enya whispered and the words left tingly sensations on her tongue as if they were ice cubes. Enya swallowed the lump in her throat.

  “Are they really kicking us out?” Karo asked meekly.

  “We’ll find out later,” Enya shrugged.

  She took the unopened envelope, folded it and placed it in the back pocket of her jeans. Enya was going to sit on it and enjoy her coffee and her friends’ company. She had been expecting to head from Silversson Industries sooner or later after the news broke of their expansion plans into the neighborhood where her shop sat. However for how, they could wait. Nothing, not even the biggest corporation in the city, was going to ruin her great mood. She’d think about how to fend off the ravenous big business sharks tomorrow.


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