Silver and Bold

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Silver and Bold Page 27

by Amber Burns

  “Annabelle,” he said, the name rolling sweetly off his tongue, “I like that name.”

  The pair spent their evening in the booth. Redd found himself absorbed in the conversation as the pair learned more about each other. She told him that she was a high school chemistry teacher. He thought that was great; he had even thought about going down a similar road back when he was in school but his family couldn’t afford the costs of college so he had gotten a minimum wage job as he learned how to box. Once he became good at it, he was put into a position where he was able to do real fights, and it just snowballed from there until he was able to pay for all of his expenses with his earnings from the fights.

  He told her about all this and his work as a boxing instructor. Annabelle thought it was interesting, but was taken a bit aback at the prospect of getting slugged in the face for a living. A lot of women, he’d found, were hesitant about dating someone with a career like that. It didn’t pay too well and there was always the risk that he would get hurt, which seemed to scare potential girlfriends away.

  “That must be why you have that black eye,” she said, reaching towards his face to brush her soft fingers along his cheekbone, not quite touching the bruised area. Still, he winced almost invisibly, but wanted to lean in to her hand, to have her caress his face.

  “Yeah,” he said before going on to talk about the student that hit him so hard, gushing about how proud he was.

  Annabelle found it was sweet the way he was so invested in his students, especially since they were the same age as the kids she taught Chemistry to. But, still, she had a little trouble wrapping that sweetness around the violence of boxing. Although, it is important to learn how to defend oneself, she thought imploringly.

  After a couple hours of talking about all this and much more, she looked at her watch and said that she had to go.

  “It’s getting late… and I do have school in the morning,” she offered as an excuse.

  “Oh… right. Of course,” Redd said, trying to hide his disappointment of their pending separation.

  He walked her out of the bar. At the threshold, they both stopped. He leaned against the wall. She was close to him, and he brushed his hand on hers.

  “I’d like to take you on a date,” he said smoothly before they parted ways.

  “Oh yeah?” she said hesitantly, “Well, that would be nice.” She reached for his hand, passing it off like she was accidentally brushing her hand along his, until their hands were gently clasping each other’s.

  “Alright,” he said glowing. He couldn’t believe that she didn’t reject him flat out, which was reflected in his wide grin.

  “Let me give you my phone number,” she said, smiling.

  That night, Redd walked out of that bar happier than he had been in a long time. The colors in the world seemed brighter, every red was the color of her lips. Every green was the color of her legs, even every gray held the promise of that lovely view he’d stealthily sneaked of her cleavage once or twice. He genuinely liked Annabelle and thought that she was something really special- and not to mention incredibly sexy.

  He had thought about asking her to come over to his place that night as any man would, but he didn’t want to be overeager or end up having this be a one-night stand. He wanted to do it right, to build an actual relationship with Anaabelle. I didn’t want to have their relationship start out like that for the sake of impatience. He was determined to have a long and deep, loving relationship with the woman he had just met at the bar and Redd promised himself to make sure of it.

  By the time he reached his front door, Redd was already making plans in his head to take her out to a nice dinner and maybe a movie. However, he wasn’t too big of a fan of going to a movie on first dates. Even so, he thought he would ask her at least, leave it open as an option. The gears in his head were spinning: thinking about a variety of different date ideas, different restaurants or activities. He pondered over what she might or might not like. It was his basic policy to always treat women well, but he wanted to really step it up for his new love.


  Redd waiting two days before calling her. He had wanted to call earlier than that, but didn’t want to seem too eager or pushy. Ever the strategist, a skill he was known for in the ring, Redd wanted everything to go smoothly and perfectly.

  “Hello?” Annabelle said as she picked up the phone.

  “Hi, it’s Redd from the other night,” he said before waiting to see how she would respond.

  “Why, hello! How are you?” Her sweet voice perked up once she realized who it was. He could almost hear her smiling as she greeted him.

  “I’m doing quite well. And yourself?”

  “I’m doing fine, myself.”

  “That’s good, that’s great,” he stammered. “So… I was wondering if you were free Saturday night.”

  “Mm, how about Friday?” she rebutted.

  “Yes!” Redd shouted silently to herself. “I get to see her one day earlier!”

  His smiling wide enough to feel pressure in his cheeks, making his still slightly bruised eye wince slightly. However the smile faded when Redd realized he had spent a few moments too long celebrating internally and leaving the line silent!

  “That sounds great! I was thinking we could go out to dinner. How about I pick you up around six?”

  “That sounds lovely,” she said before passing along her address and an excited goodbye.

  When Friday came around, Redd got dressed in his best shirt and tie, with a nice blazer which covered his many tattoos. He drove over to her house and when she opened the door and found her wearing the most beautiful red dress he had ever seen. Redd was so smitten he nearly missed the wide smile decorating her lips.

  “Hi,” she said, drawling out the word as she tilted her head, admiring his cleaned-up look.

  “Hi. I got these for you,” he said while giving her a small bouquet of flowers that he had picked up on the way.

  “Oh! That is so sweet of you, thank you!”

  Annabelle took the delicate flowers from his hand. A jolt rushed through Redd’s body when their fingers brushed together. The strong and confident ex-boxer felt like a teenager. He wished for the momentary touch to last a lifetime.

  “Come in, I want to put them in some water.”

  Redd found Annabelle’s apartment was quite charming. She had painted each of the walls different colors: from warm orange to deep purple and bright teal. Her world seemed to be alive with color and vibrance.

  “I love what you’ve done with the place. The walls look great,” he said, looking at the varied colors and every other detail he could lay his eyes on.

  “Thanks,” she said, smiling proudly as she put the flowers in a small vase. “I’ve always wanted walls like this. I think it brings a lot of warmth to the room.” She set the vase down, looking around at her work before adding, “Plus, I just think it’s charming and beautiful, with all the different colors.”

  “I agree. It reminds me of… you know, Greece or something,” Redd said, trying to pretend he knew what he was talking about.

  She smiled warmly. Once she put the flowers safely into a vase so they wouldn’t wither, they left the apartment and went on their date. It was at a fancy Italian restaurant that Redd had made reservations for several days earlier. She ordered a pasta primavera, and he ordered chicken parmesan. They both picked at their food, finding that they were much more engaged in their conversation than in eating. In between shared smiles and laughter, Redd and Annabelle sipped on their white wine. It wasn’t champagne, but it still had a slightly bubbly feeling to it, which lifted their moods.

  “So what would you like to do now? We could go to a movie or something,” Redd said as they left the restaurant. She scrunched up her face a little.

  “No… let’s do something else. I hate going to movies on a first date; it takes away a chance to get to know each other,” she said.

  He was relieved as he wanted a chance to talk more.
/>   “I totally agree,” he said laughing, “I guess I just suggested it because that’s the traditional date thing that people do.”

  She smiled, “I know what you mean. How about we go back to that bar instead?”

  “That sounds great,” Redd said.

  He was relieved at her suggestion and his eyebrows raised in pleasant surprise. That was a place where he felt most comfortable and like he could be himself. He liked that she didn’t want to do the traditional date thing or something fancy, but rather do something a little more his style and low key.

  They made their way to the bar and had more than a couple of drinks as they chatted and joked around. He liked how funny she was, how much they could joke around together. She sipped on Dirty Shirleys as he drank whiskey sours.

  They sat in a booth, but when he entered the booth, she sat down next to him instead of across. They sat close to each other and were just getting closer as time passed and their drink count increased slowly. Soon, he had his arm around her. She enjoyed being close to him and leaned her head against his shoulder. The purposeful touch from his new southern belle sent Redd reeling like a hard hook to the jaw.

  “You know I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue,” she said, flirtatiously looking up at him, the whites of her enormous eyes glowing in the dim of the booth. The alcohol was affecting them both.

  “No way, show me,” he said, grinning.

  She fished out a cherry from her drink. Putting the plump fruit between her teeth, she popped the stem off and wrapped her red lips around the cherry before chewing and swallowing it. She stuck her pink tongue out, placing the cherry stem onto it before rolling it back into her mouth.

  Looking him in the eye the whole time, she moved her jaw, sliding her tongue around inside of her mouth as she moved the cherry stem around. She shifted her hips on the stool, perhaps for effect, and looked around as if to aim her tongue better. Less than a minute later, she reached between her bright red lips and pulled out a perfectly knotted cherry stem.

  “Bravo, bravo,” he said as he did a slow clap, grinning widely.

  She mimed a sitting curtsy before they moved on to joking more about other things. He thought that it was hot that she could do that with her tongue and he wondered quite vividly what else she could do with it. As the night wore on Redd realized the moment of their parting was quickly approaching. He wanted to invite her over, but resisted the urge, straining to take everything slowly with such a wonderful woman. He knew that she only deserved the best, and he wasn’t going to screw this one up and turn Annabelle into a one night stand.

  Neither of them wanted to leave, and last call came sooner than they had anticipated. Redd ordered Anna another drink, but declined one for himself, as he didn’t want to drink right before driving her home. When he sat back down, they snuggled right up to each other in the booth, not paying attention to anyone else in the bar. Their faces were close together. They weren’t talking about anything in particular, just joking around and teasing each other. But both of their hearts were beating fast as their faces crept closer to each other.

  “You know, I really like you,” Redd said, putting his hand on hers.

  She blushed and couldn’t help but look down.

  “I like you too,” Anna replied.

  They lingered on their words, their lips inevitably approaching one another’s. They closed their eyes and leaned in to each other so that their lips met. Her lips were soft, plump, and moist. He explored them with his own. She tasted like cherries, grenadine and alcohol. They both felt the world dissolve around them and they were the only two people in the world.

  After a few lingering moments, they pulled away and laughed, gently bumping foreheads. They remained there for a moment, foreheads and noses touching, looking in to each other’s eyes, before kissing again. He ran his fingers through her soft hair. He longed to run them along her body, to touch her breasts and trace her curves, but he resisted the urge.

  Two o’clock arrived and the bar was closing. The bartender shooed the fawning couple out into the street along with the drunks who would be back the moment it re-opened. Redd and Annabelle walked outside, lingering and straining to maintain contact.

  “Come on. How about let’s drive you on home?” said Redd, putting his arms around her luscious, plentiful waist.

  Their hips touching, he leaned in for another kiss. She smiled and put her arm around him as well. Once their lips parted he took one arm away so that they could walk to the car, arms wrapped around each other’s waists. He opened the door for her, his arm still around her, not wanting to separate for a moment earlier than they had to. Surprised with his kindness and chivalry, she graciously thanked him as she slid in to the passenger’s seat, waiting for him to enter the car. When he did so, she leaned over and kissed him, pulling his face towards her as she reached down to touch his chest and slide her hand along his side, feeling his breathtakingly firm muscles. Kissing back, he put his arm around her waist. They were pulling each other as close as they could with the limitations of being in a car.

  She was feeling horny, and his desire to touch her soft body was also growing. Since they were now in the privacy of his car, he took a chance and moved his hand up from her waist and cupped her large breast in his hand as they continued kissing. Loosened up from the alcohol, she took pleasure in it and leaned into his touch. She moaned softly, and he could feel his cock get harder with each moan. He began passionately feeling her breasts and she seemed to be enjoying it as he played with her hard nipple between his fingers.

  He reached his hand down, placing it on her thigh and running his hand up and down the smooth skin; feeling the thickness and softness of it. He slowly moved up her inner thigh, gauging her reaction with each millimeter he encroached. She moaned, wanting more. She could feel herself getting wet from his touch, how close his fingers were to her pussy. She didn’t normally do this kind of thing, but her feeling for Redd and the alcohol loosened her inhibitions. Anna was horny and ready to fuck the former boxer.

  Redd’s fingers were close to their prize and wanted to feel her wetness upon them. He couldn’t help but fantasize about how soft and ready for him it would be. He finally brushed his fingers along her panty covered lips, eliciting a moan from his love. Annabelle jumped, feeling a shocking tingle shoot through her body as Redd caressed her cunt. Hesitantly, half-expecting for her to stop him, he slowly reached his finger closer and closer to her opening.

  Anna couldn’t take any more teasing. She took his hand and pushed it down to her wanting hole. Slipping his finger underneath her panties, he felt how wet she was. He slowly rubbed her aching entrance area in a circle before slowly slipping his finger inside of her. She gasped as he did so, overcome with pleasure. He smiled at her response before slipping his middle finger in there as well. Anna moaned loader and pushed her lips against his. She felt naughty doing this in a car, especially with a man like Redd, but she liked it so much and she didn’t want to stop. He began gently pumping his fingers in and out of her pussy, swirling his fingers around inside of her and feeling every inch of her that he could.

  They continued kissing as he explored her insides. With each spout of pleasure, her body tensed slightly. Redd delighted in the effect he was having on her and worked on teasing out each jolt from her body. After a few minutes, she began moaning loudly, perhaps too loudly for still being in public, breathing heavily. She grabbed his skin, digging her fingernails into it as she moaned deeply. With that labored moan, Redd could feel her pussy getting tighter around his finger. He could feel her cumming as he pressed three fingeres deep inside of her. Anna pressed her body down against Redd’s invading fingers so he fucked her with his hand harder until her body relaxed and she let out a deep sigh.

  “That was great,” she said, leaning back, taking a deep breath.

  Redd smiled widely, glad to have been given the chance to please his love.

  “You wanna get out of here?” he said simply, almost as if nothing
had happened.

  She giggled, biting her lip as she was so prone to. He groaned internally each time he noticed her do it.

  “Sure,” she said, leaning over to kiss him.

  Still turned on from the hot scene that had just transpired, he turned the ignition and began driving home. He tried his best to concentrate on driving and resist pulling over and fucking Annabelle like there was no tomorrow. However Anna made that task difficult as she rested her hand on his thigh, only inches from Redd’s throbbing member.

  As Redd tried to keep the car on the road and his cock in his pants, Annabelle spent the drive thinking about why a man like Redd would like her. It was rare that she met a man that was keener to give her pleasure than the other way around. Especially such a tough and strong man as Redd. She thought that he must really like her, but she really wasn’t sure. In the back of her mind she still held on to the notion that he must be using her. That he only wanted her to fuck before leaving her forever.


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